One Weird Succubus

Chapter 8: Little things~♥ and whispers

Little things~ and whispers

Sadly, there was only one thing they could do: wait and see

The Mana releasing exercise and the conversion one, were the most efficient things that Amelia could have Sophie do at the time, meaning that even with her concerns, she still needed to do those… that line of thought was still on her mind, until the second time Anastasia woke up that night

“Aww~” only by then, her hungover symptoms were gone, and after helping change Anastasia’s baby-clothes due to an unfortunate stain, the baby was left wearing a top that temporarily was pulled up to expose her cute belly as she slept, and the mom was taking pictures with her phone, those pictures were to joke about her ‘Fifteen kilos’ of weight

“Ah” and seeing her like that, gave Sophie an idea while she looked at the toys the baby had nearby, which made her pick a piglet plushie that was wearing the same kind of shirt as Anastasia. After pulling the toy’s shirt in the same way and placing the toy next to her in the crib, Theresa pouted, giggled, and took about twenty more pictures, before picking the plushie and asking Sophie to return it

At that moment, is that the succubus noticed the slightly articulated doll that was behind the other plushies. She was a redhead girl whose eyes were painted shut and had a small smile. Her milky porcelain body was sitting on a rocking chair, while holding a black tinted stick with a silver bell at the end with a hand, and had a squirrel under her other hand on her lap. Her clothes were highly detailed, with a bell-shaped skirt formed by many layers of crimson fabric one above the other, each of those had black lace at the edges while her short sleeve blouse was completely red and filled with flowery embroidery. A black bow was on the top of her head and finished her outfit, because she lacked feet, the porcelain had broken at the middle of her right shin, and the joint of the left ankle…

“Who is she…?” the doll was so different to the rest of the toys, that Sophie instinctively knew, that there was something odd involving her

“Hmm? Oh, she is the assistant…” Theresa stopped, looked at Sophie with curiosity for a moment and then shook her head “Not even that, huh…? Selene said that she spoke about the Twenty-Two?” at her nod she continued talking “There is a tradition where you have one of Change’s assistants, look over babies. This is to keep the Tower, and its disasters, at bay, the doll is made to look like the mom of the baby” she touched her hair “But my side of the family has been lucky so far, and we haven't needed a new one for a while”

“Your side…?” her question made Theresa shake her head

“Tomorrow…” she said with a yawn and got closer before touching the broken legs of the doll “This happened during the time of my great-grandmother’s birth, but thankfully nothing wrong happened to her” she hummed, looking a bit lost in thought

“So, I’m not to touch her” Sophie guessed, but that made Theresa snort

“How do you think I keep her clean?” she smiled at her, before she started to point out things to her “What you have to keep in mind when dealing with these is: never look directly under the bell. If you somehow hear the bell ringing, call everybody and make sure the baby is awake, because that’s how you are warned about the Tower, and…” she hesitated for a moment “Ah, ask for her permission before removing the stick if you ever need to do that”

Sophie nodded and looked at the doll for a moment more before placing the plushie where it was before

“Wait, what do you mean by somehow hearing the bell?” at her question Theresa made a bell shape with the fingers of a hand, and moved a finger from the other inside it. After yawning she spoke

“Because their bells have no… clapper? The metal thing that flaps inside them. So, it’s impossible for them to make noise, but there are legends that say the opposite-” another yawn interrupted her “Let’s talk tomo… in the morning, go to sleep” with that last correction, she fixed Anastasia’s shirt and both went to sleep

Of course, the succubus went to the Ark instead

“You said that gods don’t exist here”

“Correct, only the Primal Soul exist in this world. Still, that doesn’t meant that they don’t have some kind of faith towards a god, it just means that any energy produced by the faith of the people seems to be directed towards the Astral Layer” this gave Sophie an idea

“Can we use the Astral Layer to create a god? No, wait, I’m getting ahead of myself…” she rubbed her forehead for a moment while Amelia stared at her “Are gods strong? Can one of them stop the Shitheads if they appear?”

The interface touched her chin before blinking and speaking again

“The shortest answer to your questions is: no” she intertwined her fingers in front of her skirt “I cannot determinate how a battle between your enemies and a god would end: most gods have several limitations that stop them from intervening in mortal’s affairs directly, and/or are severely weakened while fighting mortals. On the other hand, while creating a god from the energy in the Astral Layer would be possible for our Creator, we don’t know enough of this world’s faiths, in order to create one that could be maintained by the humans: even if you train your magic to the point where you could create a thunder god without dying from coming in contact with the large amount of energy required, that god would starve quickly if there are no myths about thunder gods in this world”

“Oh…” that idea didn’t last long…

“And the Primal Soul might be in direct control of the local Astral Layer too, stopping your attempts before they even start at best, or, killing you outright at worst”

But, a new one was born from that comment

“How about I ask the Primal Soul to make one of those gods…? You spoke with it, right?” it was a long shot, but seeing Amelia touch her chin gave her hope

“You are incorrect. The Primal Soul tried to communicate with you once the Ark arrived to the surface, but I intercepted its message to make sure there wasn't a mental component attached to it. While she didn’t do this, I didn’t tried to maintain any kind of connection with the Primal Soul, mostly due to our Creator’s choice of making the Ark invisible to anything but mortals” Amelia blinked again “Still, you should be able to use a ritual to send a message to her”

“I’ll go to the forest tomorrow!” Sophie eagerly started to bounce from one foot to the other, but Amelia shook her head

“I can’t suggest that you try to communicate with it so soon. Even in a magic-less world, a Primal Soul is stronger than many mortal things, and attempts to communicate with her can hurt you if it has difficulties with controlling its strength”

Sophie pouted and crossed her arms while lifting her breasts with them, slightly straining the pajama shirt she wore

“Instead I suggest that you follow with the Elemental Attraction ritual if you have the time to do it, this should empower the circle after enough repetitions, and make it easier to contact her in the future” but her gesture didn’t even made Amelia’s eyes to wander

“Fine…” she was still pouting when she took the staff that Amelia gave her, and look at the complete drawing of the ritual circle on the white board, memorizing how the lines connected the inner circles to each other and the symbols around each circle “Anything else I should know?”

“You might need salt for the ritual in the future” after a confused sound, Amelia pointed at the inner circles that glowed for a moment “Salt is known for its purifying powers, and is capable of warding off beings under a certain amount of power. You don’t need it for now, because your short term objective is to fill the place with mana, that will naturally attract the elements to the inside of their specific circles, but after a point you might find useful to keep their elemental space pure, with the help of salt”

“Isn't that what the void element is supposed to do?” Sophie asked while undressing “Keep foreign and unnecessary things away?”

“By absorbing them, yes. What the salt will also do, is interact with the elements in the opposite direction. A ring of salt will keep the fire element from burning the forest, the water and air elements from washing things away, the earth element from growing into a mountain, and so on”

She nodded and added that to the pile of things she needed to remember, that memory construct would be very useful once she had it


Once they were eating an early breakfast, with Theresa’s being under a second plate due to Anastasia being hungry, Sophie decided to ask about what she meant by ‘Her side of the family’ her phone was downloading Tarmac at the time, and she had decided to text the girls after she came back from the forest, which she had already asked about

“Ah…” it was Antonia the one that said something while the mom yawned “Yeah, we should explain that before Polly arrives” Selene also seemed to agree with her “Theresa and your mom are second cousins, this means that two of their grandfathers were brothers and each had their own families” Sophie nodded “Now, Selene’s other grandfather cheated on his wife, and after a lot of things happened, her mom ended adopting baby Polly while taking care of child Selene and myself” she took a sip of her coffee “I also was adopted into the family, but that was because my parents died while I was a toddler” she pointed at her hair “Mom was from Barus, and unlike you, she entered the country from the far north getting caught by the border patrols barely after she got inside. Eventually she became a family friend, but I’m unrelated by blood to the rest of the family…? Come on…”

Sophie’s heart squeezed at the idea of a baby being left alone like that, her expression revealing how much the thought hurt her, and moved around the table to hug Antonia

“Great, another clingy one…” who groaned and pat her back until Selene arrived at her other side and joined the hug, at that point she started to groan louder and tried to shake both of them off

“How are you going to deal with a clingy child~?” making Theresa grin at her unsuccessful attempts

“That one will be my choice, not these ones…!”

Her outraged whispers made Selene laugh and she ended her hug and got Sophie to stop hers, which made her remember that she had something to ask, now that her head wasn't killing her

“Auntie, where did you go yesterday?” she couldn’t remember how Antonia looked after she came back home

“Doing stuff” she rolled her eyes at that moniker

“Sex…?” her question made the others laugh, and Selene also looked hopeful at the nurse

“No~” her smile widened “That would be ‘Doing a stud’” Sophie’s grimace at the idea, made the others laugh while Anastasia complained at the noise


One good thing that came from distracting the donor, was that Theresa fully gave her the purse to use as her own. At first she thought that she only would be using it to carry a pair of water bottles and a small towel for that day, or, snacks in the future, but now that she was going to the forest to try a ritual, she realized that she could keep her clothes inside it while doing it

‘All right, so, the plan is: go to the dead tree to take a branch out of it, go to Alexis’ magical place and draw the circle, use the circle to request a transfer of information from the Ark to my phone, before coming back for lunch’ her phone was safely inside her purple overall’s pockets, she had thought about using a sundress, but she remembered the difficulties that Alexis had while using one while in the forest, so she decided on that protection for her legs, together with a greenish top and her denim jacket, not that she needed it, but her family had been mentioning how fast it was getting colder

She also was wearing booty shorts that hugged her big, bouncy, ass under the overalls, but only because she was told that she needed to wear something under the them, otherwise she would have considered going completely bare under them…

[As long as you can use less than your total mana while drawing the circle, we can call today a success and would be a good step forward in your training. The data transfer itself can wait, deliberately channeling your mana through, and to, an object, will give us more important information for your future training exercises and is a more important thing to do] Sophie also hoped that it was also a way to figure out, how to have her not accidentally adding mana to the food she made with her exercises, but according to Amelia, that would be happening anyway, because the mana was likely to move to the closest objects, or, other living beings…

As she was walking, a source of envy pulled her attention, unlike some of the others she had felt that morning, this one was aimed away from her. For a moment she looked at Lisha or Logarithm staring at a group of kids playing on a small park that was a couple of houses away from the edge of the forest, but before she noticed her outfit, she already knew that the girl wasn't either of them… even if she was wearing the same plastic thing that her two sister had…

‘Envious of kids…?’ she was wearing a small gray dress that reached the middle of her thighs and under it a pair of black leggings hugged her toned legs perfectly, hinting at how strongly those thighs could squeeze her waist- ‘Awawa!’ Sophie had to shake her head to not stare or start drooling, she doubted that she would have anyway, her envy was…

“Hi” worrisome

“Ah?!” and she nearly jumped once she noticed Sophie next to her “Oh!” before blinking hard and look at her body from head to toe “Sophie! Eh, I mean… you…” at least her lust removed any trace of envy from her once she noticed her

“Yep~ I’m guessing there aren't many girls my height?” the girl giggled at her question, covering her smile a hand while her eyes smoldered with her lust “Ellie, right?”

Sophie felt that she had said the right name, and Ellie’s surprised expression was a good indication that she was right… or rather, that her Formless abilities had helped her to correctly figure out how she wanted to be addressed

“I could be Flora” and yet Ellie pouted and looked away “Or~ Lisha trying to prank you” trying to sound casual after a moment, but Sophie could see how her eyes made sure the arrow on her wrist aimed at the blue sector of the ring

“You might be just as toned as Lisha, but just like Logarithm, you three feel different from each other” the wave of lust that came from Ellie nearly made Sophie shiver. She was certain that she could drag the girl to the forest and she would accept having sex right there and then…

“Ow…” of course, her wince and how she rubbed the sides of her head told her instantly that it was a bad idea… “W-well, not following her training routine isn't an option…” before Sophie could ask about what she meant, she smiled at her again “Anyway! What’s up?” making her blink…

And look up…

“Clouds…?” Sophie guessed that she had to meant that, all the power lines of Silvermist were underground, she had asked, but another spike of lust made her look back at the now blushing girl, who immediately hugged her

“S-sorry! I didn’t…” Ellie shivered with lust the moment Sophie returned the hug “T-that’s supposed to mean: how are you doing…?” the succubus was aware that Ellie wanted Sophie to rest her head on her lap for hours, while she showered her with attention, but…

As she was ending the hug, Sophie could feel something… someone…? Pushing Ellie’s lust away…

“I’m doing great lately~” it was weird, but she did her best to not react, and she just hoped that Amelia could explain things once she was in the forest “How about you?” at the very least she could talk more to give her time to learn things… “Taking care of a child?” and try to learn a few things herself

“Oh…?” Ellie looked confused for a moment as she looked back at the children on the other side of the street “Oh! No, no…” she giggled and waved the idea away “Like Lily, I want to be a writer, I was just walking around to have some ideas and… got distracted while seeing the kids playing, that’s all” she would have believed her if it wasn't for a small spike of envy coming back for a moment “Which reminds me, you didn’t knew what writing stories meant, because they told us about that by phone, and that you are supposed to have a phone now, right?” she pouted at her, helping her to change the topic

“Yes, and I was going to open it today after coming back from the forest” she pointed towards the trees behind Ellie, the girl didn’t moved to look at them, and for a moment, Sophie thought that she saw someone wearing a hoodie nearby, but with a glance she could tell that he wasn't Kelly “I didn’t wanted to wake anyone by accident, and yesterday I was… indisposed…”

Ellie smiled mischievously, her lust spiking again

“After getting drunk with coffee~?” her giggle made Sophie wish she could pin her against a wall and rip her clothes off…

“Antonia says that it could have been an allergy, actually” Antonia made sure to drill that answer in her head before letting her go out to her walk, she still gave her permission to test Alexis’ favorite brand, but after sleeping on her symptoms, she asked Sophie to promise that there would be someone able to drive a car nearby, if they ever tested that

“Wha-?!” Ellie barely stopped herself from screaming, and visibly winced at the information she got

And she hugged Sophie again, this time without any lust in her…

“Sorry… by message it didn’t seemed as serious as that…?” which felt like a downgrade for the succubus… still, she returned the hug, trying to not paid attention at the not so small amount of arousal that flowed to her panties, but suddenly grateful for the booty shorts she had

“Don't worry about it. We don’t know how serious it is…” she glanced at the surroundings, a few of the kids felt envy towards Ellie, some of the mothers too, but theirs had the same amount of lust aimed at her “Antonia mentioned some tests, but I really don’t want to do them…” the man she had noticed before had no Sins coming out of him… Ellie winced and ended the hug as she was thinking about it

“Still, I shouldn’t have joked about it” the black haired girl shivered as she rubbed the sides of her head “How about I buy you a juice or something?” now it seemed as if she was fighting that someone to push her own lust forwards…?

“Ah…” Sophie instantly regretted what she was about to say… “Maybe another day…?” in fact, she could almost feel her vulva complaining about it… “I really want to walk around the forest since Stars, and I have to be back home by lunch”

Ellie hummed, her face not betraying how frustrated her own lust became as she looked for something inside her dress’ pockets

“It’s a date then~ we can even look a movie at the mall. You have our number… right…?” she groaned and rubbed the colored ring on the thing on her arm “Ugh… Flora…”

“Something’s wrong?”

“We only have a shared phone and…” Ellie sighed “I think Flora has it…? back at home…” by then Sophie pulled out her phone and after unlocking it, she opened the messaging app. Someone had already made a few chats between the numbers she had and the ‘4S’ one was the one she showed at her “Yes~, you have it. Call or text me if you ever want to have a good time…” the girl blushed and bit her lips for a moment “T-there is not much to do in this place! S-so you might need a guide… or four…”

“I would love that~” some of Sophie’s own lust escaped in her voice, and she knew that it was official: she also wanted to have Ellie as a partner and moaning her name until unconsciousness, filling her with both her tail and a penis until she had their beautiful babies growing inside her- “Ah…” both of their eyes widened at either, her tone, or at the mental image

But with a laugh Ellie shook her head and pointed back at Sophie’s phone

“Before I forget, there is a page you need to be aware of…” she guided Sophie to enter the Net and between them pulled up a website that had many different kinds of videos. A specific group, ‘Tamara’s coven’ was her objective “Alexis’ love for magic makes her look at, and recommend, many of these videos, but this coven, according to her, seems to be the best ones, plus, unlike many others, they aren't obnoxious…” she hesitated “As long you don’t mind Tamara flirting with the other four girls…?” there was a picture showing four young attractive women, all dressed in black on top of the video list

“Why would I mind~?” and at Ellie’s worried tone she whispered with a smile and half-closed eyes, her tone had become husky, and made both of them flinch for different reasons “T-thanks! See you soon~” with both of them blushing somewhat after… that, Sophie gave her a hug that was returned eagerly

“See ya~” with a tone that also was slightly husky… before each of them walked away… looking over their shoulders just to see the other doing the same and waving once they noticed the other doing it…

Until Sophie was screaming nonsense in her mind while she walked between the trees

[It seems that she is receptive to the idea of having a baby with you]


[I think you were trying to make a mental connection with her, in order to best figure out how to have sex with her] she almost tripped on a rock after hearing that [It wouldn't have worked exactly like I said, but you might have been able to get some images from a connection like that]

‘W-what…? No, wait! What’s happening to me?! I feel extra horny!’ Selene had told her about being a little subtle about things…

[While masturbation is helping with some production of Lust Mana, your continuous exercises and training are still taxing your body. You need sex with a willing partner. I told you about this before, I apologize if I didn’t made this clearer, I was calculating that you would have more time before your body reached stage two]

“What…?” now she was completely lost…


Stage one meant that all her abilities were working at their maximum theoretical potential, this referred specifically to cell rejuvenation, fecundity, and health. Duration of this stage was unknown at the time, because she would need to expend some time without gathering any more Lust Mana after reaching her maximum, to have the base information on her consumption recorded. There was a, now confirmed, instinct pushing Sophie to remain in this stage, just like someone knew to eat to avoid hunger, or, that getting too close to fire could hurt

Stage two was theorized to disable only cell rejuvenation in order to maintain the other abilities for as long as possible, due to her young age and lack of any wounds, this wouldn't be noticeable at the time, but in a century, reaching this stage could make her look older after a few days, rather than remain looking as she currently was. Amelia calculated that currently she could remain in this stage for a month while still following her training, but her instinct would be increasingly pushing her towards having sex, to avoid going up to stage three

Stage three was entirely hypothetical and Amelia had no desire to change this: if Sophie were to have a baby gestating inside her at the time, then there was a chance that her body would let Sophie die, in order to ensure that her baby was born. In the opposite situation, Sophie could be rendered barren in order to keep her alive for some extra time. It was unknown if this would be permanent in the case she could earn Lust Mana after this happened, just as the reversal of any other possible biological side effects, caused by arriving at this stage, but some kind of permanent damage, and death, were almost certain if she couldn’t acquire the mana before, and during, this stage

[I was still in process of analyzing the data produced by your body, which is why I didn’t mentioned these stages before. I wanted to have a proper analysis when the time to explain your need for sex arrived]

‘How old can I be…?’ Sophie had been listening to the explanation as she walked towards the dead tree, the contrast between it and the other living trees around it was beautiful to her, so she had taken a few pictures, trying to ignore the… dread, that was growing inside her. The word century wasn't helping…

[You have the potential to reach a thousand years of age. Many other factors can increase or diminish this number, not just your need to have a constant sexual partner during this time]

Sophie sighed and rubbed her face, looking between the tree and the latest picture in her phone… part of her unwilling to break the beautiful scenery in front of her

“What do I do…?” she had a month, maybe even less, before her body started to suffer ‘Permanent damages…’ the idea made her shiver

[Considering what I have seen, Alexis is an easy candidate for you to have sex. You just need to give her some information about magic- Sophie?]

‘Don't call her easy…’ wrath had twisted her expression ‘Like she is some kind of… ugh…’ which she didn’t realized until a few seconds of silence passed… making her groan loudly, still sounding very angry ‘Sorry, I don’t know what was that… rage…’ this time at herself

[I’m the one that needs to apologize. I didn’t meant to imply something negative about her, do you wish to hear my thoughts about your potential partners? Or should I remain silent about it?]

One more sigh escaped her lips before she nodded at her white-bandaged hand, then she moved to one of the lower branches of the tree, one that wasn't too thick nor too thin, and pulled at it by the base

[Kelly seems to be interested in having sex with you, but this is only a guarantee if you give her a suitable body first. Or course, at this point you are unable to do this without burning knowledge of the Ark, but depending on the ritual’s output, you could be anywhere in between needing to have sex with her in the middle of the circle to do the Alteration. And between being able to Alter her body with just the gathered energy of a few weeks]

‘Unlikely-!’ the branch snapped off without much effort from her part, she didn’t stumbled much, even if she used a little more strength than required ‘The sex option I mean. When I was in Wasteland, I refused to look at the “Tips” some women gave me… being horny felt wrong in that body, but…’ she swung the branch a few times at the air, making a swooshing sound with it, before snapping off the smaller twigs that it had ‘Then again… I might have been able to ignore that feeling, if I knew that I would have this body afterwards…? Maybe…?’

Once she was done with that, she smiled at the dead tree and resumed walking towards the, soon to be, ritual place

[You are probably correct, I have no point of reference for something like this] Amelia gave her some instructions for the route before continuing [Lily is giving me difficulties to understand her, on one hand she seems very interested in Alexis and is displaying jealous signs towards the two of you, she also seems to find you attractive and was very stressed about your well being during yesterday’s allergic episode] that was just as confusing, as it was a good thing to hear… maybe?

‘Should I talk to Calypso…? Ask her about me trying for a relationship with both Alexis and Lily…? I mean… all five of them…?’

[Unknown] there was a moment of silence as she walked, the crunching sound made by the leafs under her boots was the only things that reached her ears [I shall use some of my process to think about this, for now try to increase rapport evenly with all of them]

Sophie nodded

[The quadruplets are an even bigger unknown, due to your limited contact so far. If possible, try to use that date invitation that Ellie gave you, to learn more about them, preferably with two, or, more of them together at the same time. The disturbance that your Formless ability detected is concerning, but the Ark lacks information that might help with hinting at what that could have been]

‘Something related to the Astral Layer…? That’s the only supernatural thing in this world, right…?’

[Correct, but I doubt that the answer could be that simple. I suggest that any of them are guided to touch the Ark, having one of them inside it could help with figuring out the meaning of what you detected, but only try this if they prove to be trustworthy enough]

‘I’m not that lucky, eh?’ she released a hollow chuckle, unsure about how Amelia measured something like that…

And in the corner of her eye she saw something moving, making her stop and look up to her left. There, on a branch, a small squirrel was looking at her… silent and now immobile…

“Hi~” she waved at it and with a loud squeak the creature jumped to another branch before running away from her “I’m that scary…?” since she didn’t saw anything else, she continued walking

[Let’s go back to Alexis now. With her you have an incredible advantage due to your magic, just promising to teach her a few minor spells should be enough to- Sophie, what did I say this time that angered you?]

‘Ah…’ it took her a moment to realize that she was angry… again ‘I don’t want to scam her… sex is important to me, yes, I know… I just don’t want to repay her with… dirt!’ that was the closest expression she could think, that matched her feelings… even if in hindsight, she realized that the Shitheads would give all their credits, just for the dirt she was walking on…

[I misspoke, allow me to correct myself: with her you have the advantage of knowing the basics of magic, by teaching her those basics, you are almost guaranteed to be able to form a sexual relationship with her, because I see that as a generous exchange for the knowledge. Improving your relationship afterwards, depends entirely on both of you]

That was a better sounding way of presenting the same idea… but it did made her feel better… a bit better…

‘Is that my easiest access to Lust Mana?’

[No, your easiest access to Lust Mana involves paying a local sex worker to have sex with you. Since you aren't interested in men, there is no way you would willingly accept any of their offers to have sex with you]

“Ugh!” she shivered… at both of those options… ‘Yeah… no… ugh… give me… three weeks? Before reminding me of that… of that last resort…’

She sighed again, but after that point she just had Amelia repeating the ritual’s instructions, and guiding her there


After she arrived at the place, it took her an hour to gather enough pebbles to sketch where every circle was going to be. In that time she also removed the weeds that would get in the way of the ritual, plus the few buried rocks that would stop her from drawing, there weren't many of them, and now that neither of them were focused on meeting new people…

[Taking into account the compacted dirt, either Alexis comes here very often, or, there is a larger group of people that know of this place] both of them noticed that, even if there was no evidence of people around (Like trash…), but it somewhat reminded Sophie of the dirt road right before reaching Silvermist, very little grew on it

‘Then… should I stop…?’ the idea of having to find a similar place in the forest was very annoying to her…

[Not yet, look around the trees for some kind of device that might be a disguised camera. While you were looking for pebbles I didn’t saw any, but let’s look again]

Sophie did that for the next few minutes while also looking at the cliff she had climbed before, neither of them saw anything, so, Amelia gave her the go ahead to get naked and start drawing the circle, which she started to do after washing her hands with some water from one of the bottles

[During the first few times you do this, there is going to be very little risk involving other people finding your drawings, rain and wind are very capable of erasing them at first. Only after the elements Manifest in this area, is that there could be a problem, but in that case we can just move them somewhere else. This wouldn't be possible if those elements become Established, so, if there is no other fitting place around, a spell to disguise this area will be necessary]

When that explanation was over, the last thing she needed to remove was the bandage on her right hand, that joined the rest of her clothes after she glanced worriedly around while naked… before walking with the branch towards the cliff face, where the void element was to be gathered. Pinching one of her nipples with her free hand, exhaling softly at the jolts of pleasure that she caused and enjoying the arousal that trickled out of her exited nether lips as she walked

Once she was leaning her back against the cliff, her hand left her breasts and briefly spread her outer lips, sighing contently as she coated her fingers with her fluids before briefly pushing a pair of fingers inside her, sadly, she needed to wait for a bit before doing the fun stuff and stopped to coat the tip of the branch with the liquid on her fingers

“Hear me~” after saying that, she placed the wet tip on the dirt and started pushing her mana to the branch, and willed it down to the ground, before walking and dragging the tip to draw the outer circle first

One feet stepping in front of the other in a constant cadence, deliberately swinging her hips from a side to the other, adding a bit of extra strength to her movements in order to increase the jiggling her body naturally had. Feeling attractive, alluring, desired. All while knowing that she was like honey, bait to gather what she wanted… but the chant that Amelia was telling her to say, was there to warn about her intentions, that there was no ill will in her actions. That she was there to help, but was unable to do it alone

With the main circle done, she was happy with the small amount of power she used and her thighs rubbed against each other, further spreading her arousal on her skin, making her smile with lust. Then she stepped inside, and started drawing the void circle around her, not saying anything yet, as she spun on a foot, but making sure to finish pushing the branch with the other one, to expose her aroused vulva to the surroundings

Sophie moved to the next area where a circle was to be, this one was almost too easy…

“Earth~ feel me~” she had piled rocks and some dirt there before she switched to her Lust Mana to spin while drawing that circle around the pile, Sophie made sure to push down a few times and move her toes into the dirt, before she moved to the next area “Fire~ warm me~” she drew that circle in the same way as the other two, the difference being that she used extra Lust Mana while doing it and stayed a moment longer inside it while lifting her arms and the branch towards the sun, enjoying the heat flowing from her breast to the ground

Amelia had to remind her to move… but it felt appropriate, she had nothing to burn and only could offer her hot looks to the element

“Water~ mix with me~” the next circle was special, she had placed one of her two water bottles (The full one), outside of where the main one would be, and after finishing the smaller one, Sophie knelt and poured that bottle’s content on her boobs, gasping and giggling as she felt it flowing down her skin, mixing with her arousal and pooling on a small ‘Bowl’ she had dug there. She had almost used breast-milk instead, but Amelia told her that it was a better component for a baby related ritual, so she just used water “Wind~ whisper to me~” for the last elemental circle she knelt again, but this time she breathed, gasped, and moaned loudly against her hard nipples and boobs, that she made bounce with the branch

With those done, Sophie moved to the middle and drew another circle, this time from the outside. Before starting the longest part of the ritual, drawing the many lines that connected every inner circle to each other, and adding all the symbols that needed to be along those lines, and those that were supposed to be inside the circles… except for the void’s

Once everything else was done, she moved to the empty circle, buried the tip of the branch and stepped outside the main circle while still holding to the branch

“Void~” and doing her best to not step on any line or symbol, she walked around the element she hadn't mentioned yet “Guide~ judge~ and help~ us~” finishing her chant once she completed walking around it, and was outside of the whole thing once more

[Congratulations] she breathed in relief as she heard that, and carefully walked to her purse, to both, wash her hands again… [You should have enough mana to do the data transfer now] and to grab her phone for that last thing

With the branch and her phone she moved to the bottom of the drawing, between fire and water, walking along a mostly empty area that led to the center, to kneel on the circle she left for herself. On the ground, looking at the void circle, she had made a symbol surrounded by a hexagon, where she was to place small things she might need help with, in this case her phone, before she did that, Sophie unlocked it, opened Tarmac and opened the file called ‘New project (1)’ it had mostly empty at the time, with just a few lines of code that were added automatically, waiting for her to write more

“Hear me…” as she placed the phone on the symbol, she made sure to remain touching the screen to keep it on “Help us create…” her voice was somewhat somber as she made her request “Help us protect ourselves…” Sophie had Mana touching her phone while her Lust Mana was focusing on her vulva, specifically around her clit “As the only Succubus in this world, let me share how I feel-!”

It was instantaneous and intense, if a little empty at first…

“Ah~♥!” but it was the first time she used magic to make herself orgasm, Amelia had mentioned that she should be able to do that at some point. But, since it consumed more mana than what it gave her back, it was only useful for things like what she was doing at the time “AH~♥!!!” still, she had no idea why her ‘Empty’ orgasm had just suddenly pulled her into six different directions

Her arousal flowed freely out of her twitching lips, quickly staining the ground between her open, and shaking, legs. She didn’t remained stuck in the afterglow like it was usual for her, instead her focus was on the screen that she almost released, barely understanding the code that was being written on the program…

Sophie's breathing quickened as she noticed how the battery was being consumed at the same time. By the time Amelia told her the code had finished transferring, her phone had less than 5% remaining, and she had half charge left, when she had arrived and took some pictures of the clearing

Saving and compiling the program took a few minutes where her body was hunched forwards and over the screen, with her body still shaking and twitching by the weird orgasm she had

A sigh escaped her lips once their program compiled successfully with only 2% remaining, and while she was standing up on her shaky legs, it quickly dropped to zero, turning her phone off

She didn’t noticed the squirrel that had been staring the whole time she had been naked on the clearing…


“AH?!!!” but she did heard that whisper coming from a young sounding voice…

And abandoning her human disguise, she gathered her things while letting the branch by the stone seats, before running away. Far faster than any human could move while barefooted in the middle of a forest…


[Please stop] she only thought about doing that when Amelia told her to, skidding slightly before crouching down and looking with alarm at her surroundings, her tail coiling tightly behind her while her small wings were spread open and shaking. But the only thing that could be of any danger around her, was a slightly mossy tree near a knee-tall rock [You are getting close to Silvermist, you should disguise yourself now]

With a nod, she tried to calm down her breathing, but found some difficulties while doing that

‘What was that?!’ for obvious reasons

[It was a message delivered to you by the wind, as it was requested by the ritual] there was a moment of silence, that Sophie used to look at her undisguised body… of particular interest were her blue wings, that came from between her shoulder plates, had the same size as her hands… and almost looked like fingers that had a blue membrane between each of them, other than the small ‘Thumb’ on top… it took her an embarrassingly long time to remember the bats she had seen on the biology book, and realize her wings were like that… [But that wasn't the voice of the Primal Soul]

“Ah…?” what Amelia said was more important at the time and made her shiver ‘What do you mean…? It wasn't the wind talking…?’

[No, that message wasn't from the wind either, it came from the Astral Layer, and was delivered to you by the wind. I have processes observing the Astral Layer, but I lack the resources to pinpoint the exact location from where it came]

Sophie closed her eyes and took several deep breaths…

‘Not without burning knowledge, you mean?’


‘Then there is nothing we can do about it. So, don’t worry about it’ she smiled and started to breath to change her body while hiding the Ark first ‘If it becomes a problem, then we can solve it’ trying to be optimistic about things, to not get overwhelmed by-

[The bandage is backwards]

That mistake made her giggle by how easy to fix it was

‘All right, can you tell me why my orgasm felt so weird?’

[It happened because you shared your senses with the elements and the Primal Soul]

‘With her too?! I mean- it too-?! No, wait, both are good…’ she groaned took a few deep breaths more, and continued ‘Why…?’

[You pulled its attention when you called yourself the only succubus in this world]

Her mind became numb, that was the only part of the ritual that Amelia hadn't planned, because Sophie was the only one that should interact with the elements… and she made a mistake with her first interaction…

“Did she enjoyed it…? Er… ‘It enjoyed it’ sounds weird to me, sorry…” she finished changing her body by then…

[I cannot speak for it, but I do find them enjoyable]

But that revelation made her squeak and freeze for a while

[Sophie, there are changes happening inside the Astral Layer. New detectable structures are appearing] until that warning snapped her out of it, and made her dress in a hurry, barely remembering to use her remaining water to clean her feet before wearing her boots and running home


Ace was… confused, which wasn't something they were used to, so, they reread their information about the day

Subject S (Sophie) had gone to the forest, meeting briefly with one of the victims from the case P(Leanne)-9801-R (Individual Ellie). The recording indicates that this was the first time they talked, Sophie had shown some naivety to a certain idiom, which made Ellie become physically affectionate towards the possible Barusian, and they agreed to met on another time, which made Sophie show sexual desire directed at Ellie after the proposition was made, the individual didn’t seemed to react negatively to said interest…

Unusual, but only one of the individuals was recorded to be affected negatively towards sex by what had happened to them, this just shows Ellie wasn't the one. There was also the general notion that Sophie was attractive, even if Ace wasn't affected by her appearances

After that, Sophie entered the forest and the tracker and microphones of her phone showed her moving directly towards a specific tree, to remove a branch from it according to the sounds made, before moving to the place where a group of locals (Of which individual Lisha was part of at the time), found and guided her to Silvermist…

This, and the fact that she seemed to talk with herself at times while walking, were very suspicious things… not because this trait was considered negative, but because her breathing, and other noises she made, seemed to match those of a worrisome conversation. Once she arrived to the clearing the tracker and the microphone, just described her running around all over the place after taking pictures of the location, showing that she was alone… then the sounds of clothes being removed were heard by the phone, and no more movements were detect after a few seconds

Sadly, at this moment, a child that was playing hide and seek, had seen Ace’s location near a house next to the forest and, wisely, had warned his mother. The cover story that they were an electrician investigating that house worked, and the mother was distracted from their presence because Ace actually found electrical tampering on the outside of the house, which she was happy to learn about, because the owner of the house was a known ‘Cheapskate’ and according to her, every neighbor would be happy with the owner being incarcerated from this. After calling their contact in the electric company and sending them pictures of the tampering, Ace left and focused back on the subject…

Barely being able to hear her voice over the static that the microphone was detecting once they were alone… but none of their equipment was capable of deciphering what she was saying. Some arousal seemed to be present in some of the noises that were slightly clearer, but the static, and the possibility that the phone was covered by her clothes, rendered confirming this, impossible…

It was the same static that was recorded during the clash against the corrupt cop… at first they had just thought the barely noticeable sound was from how old the cameras in the interrogation room were…

But now that they compared the sounds in the recordings using three of the computers they had, they definitively could measure that the static sound, came from the girl… and it wasn't audible to humans, some of that static had been detected when she was talking with Ellie, but Ace hadn't physically heard anything while they were nearby…

Not that the phone, even with the mods Ace had applied to it, could be considered functional anymore…

The static had increased to almost painful levels after certain point, and the battery of the phone had died soon afterwards and… well, they had started to move to the area where the supposed Barusian was last when the signal was lost, just for a camera detect the girl running with a perfect form towards her home, when they weren't at the halfway mark to the clearing yet… for an unknown reason, her body language showed fear, so, they decided to return to be able to hear anything she said from any other devices in that house

Sophie had sounded a bit flustered once she entered the building, her found mother’s phone (Selene’s) was the only one that was intervened and transmitted her saying that her phone had ran out of charge, and that she came back early because she didn’t wanted to miss lunch. Just her tone was enough for them to know she was lying, but Selene seemed to accept the statement as truth, when Sophie started to charge the phone in the living room

Regretfully, since they were coming back at that point, the phone only sent a short status report. Indicating that the phone now had a new program that was created that day. And by the time Ace arrived to their computers, Sophie had already open it…

“Huh…” and turned herself invisible…

“Something wrong with your phone? You broke it already~?” the nurse talking with her (Antonia) seemed to take joy into teasing the subject

“It’s not broken Nia…” which made her groan often at the woman “I just found this Tarmac… forum? And I’m reading some of the hints in it”

Whatever this new program was, had hidden the girl from anything that could track her, and any further requests to locate her, legal or not, returned blank, were skipped, or broke the tracker by making them track themselves

“What…?” it was deviously good at hiding her from anything already in her phone, Ace couldn't track or hear from her phone anymore, and one of his computers was rebooting from their latest failure to connect to the phone


“Oh, I found that Anton is a male name while looking at nicknames, so I think it’s wrong that the only thing that made your name feminine, was the Ia, and I decided to call you that”

The laughter of another woman (Polly) nearly peaked the microphones, and made the baby in the house cry out of surprise. Sophie, quickly, and oddly professionally… started to hum and calm the baby, this was difficult to notice due to the annoyed discussion between the other two women about the use of this new nickname

Ace sighed and slid on their chair to a nearby laptop, opening the group chat that included subject S again. None of the other four people she meet had communicated directly with her yet, only by the group made by Calypso’s daughter

Without-the-th: This is a chat, you write on the keyboard below, and after you press senf we read the messages. Up to the right is the options menu, read those when you have time

Without-the-th: *Send

Without-the-th: The blue button

Sophie: Like this

Sophie: Hi everyone

Without-the-th: Finally! What took you so long? Do you still feel bad?

Sophie: I feel fine. Don’t worry

4-on-one: LOG, Ellie saw her this morning, she was fine

Sophie: Where is the curved thingy

I-headache-work: What thingy?

Without-the-th: What thingy?

Big-Xis: Hi Sophie!

Big-Xis: Are you really all right?

Big-Xis: Thingy?

Sophie: Found it!!!!!!!! Why is this? Hidden?????????

4-on-one: LOG, never mind, Ellie meant her looks

--Sophie has changed their name to S0-PH13--

Lilith had already explained the reason for that name to Kelly, via text. So, Ace wasn't surprised by how the girls reacted to that change

S0-PH13: Because I want a name like the one you all have!

S0-PH13: Which one do I use?

Still, they found the reason slightly childish…

4-on-one: LIS, it’s fine like that. Don’t mind them. You can always use something that is real tho!

--S0-PH13 has changed their name to Big-T&A--

4-on-one: LOL!!!

Big-T&A: Like that?

Without-the-th: SOPHIE!!! CHANGE THAT!!!

Big-T&A: But it’s true!

4-on-one: LID, where did you learn that?!!! LOL!!!

Without-the-th: SOPHIE!!!! CHANGE THAT!!!

--Big-T&A has changed their name to Ughhhh--

Ughhhh: I learned it from the net

4-on-one: LIS, she is right, you know? You need to send proof of those claims!

Luckily Ace, wouldn't need to delete naked pictures from the net. LOG and Lilith had taken control of the conversation, and had done their best to make sure Sophie didn’t committed a mistake

--Ughhhh has changed their name to Baby-on-legs--

Not that it was needed, the girl had sent a picture of Anastasia, wearing only a shirt and her diaper, laid on top of her leggings covered thighs, while sitting on a couch, the baby was staring at the phone with a frown on her face

Big-Xis: Cute!

Big-Xis: Cute

Big-Xis: Cute!!!

Baby-on-legs: Can’t do it anyway, we are waiting for the water to heat up to wash Anastasia

I-headache-work: She is really cute… and tiny. Is her height average?

4-on-one: LOG, ugh. My sisters say that Sophie got legs

Baby-on-legs: She is the first baby I held, I don’t know. And Theresa is napping

4-on-one: LOG, I wroth that under duress…

--Baby-on-legs has changed their name to Sophie-got-legs--

Without-the-th: Sophie! NO!!!

4-on-one: LOG, lol

--Sophie-got-legs has changed their name to Sophie-YES!!!--

As an answer, both Kelly and Alexis, in that order, sent the same drawing of a woman blushing with steam coming out of her ears, almost at the same time… and the rest of the conversation was more of the same, with a few attempts from Alexis and Lilith to bring order to it, until the time to wash the baby came, where the chat stopped after getting the promise to continue when Anastasia was asleep…

But according to what S was saying and being recorded from Antonia’s phone, the baby wasn't hungry yet, so they let her mother sleep some more- a notification on another laptop made them slide to it

“Ugh…” Ace groaned, phoneFONphone had the same troubles on their end. Their contact inside the company that made the app they were using, wasn't able to read the contents of Subject S’ chat… they could see the messages on the others accounts, but it was as if hers was empty…

-Do not attempt to fix this. We cannot let them know that something is wrong. Do not report this-

They had to make sure things remained the same, who knew what could happen if this Sophie, felt threatened…

“Ugh…” they stopped, rubbed their face, and chuckled “What’s this…? I’m getting scared…?” they chuckled some more, and once they got the confirmation to their latest message, Ace stood up and dragged the rolling chair to the computer that was active again. Opening a specific program, and dialing her number from memory…


Who is it…?” Polly sounded just as confused as the Unknown did by the call…

“‘Unknown number…’?” she accepted the call after a few seconds, starting a printer that was connected to the computer “Hello-?” and the automated message that started playing…

“Did you know that you life can change at any point?” they hated the fake concern in the voice of that paid actor, but it was a necessary evil in their job… “Nothing is guaranteed. Everything can change in the blink of an eye! This is why in Butterfly Security-”

“Butterfly Security…?” she asked, making the two women groan

“Hang up!” the call was finished a moment after Antonia whisper-shout “Where did those fuckers got your number?!” she sounded disgusted by the message, rightfully so…

The two women started to explain to the confused Unknown, about the predatory actions of that side-company of Red Butterfly, but Ace didn’t had time for a lesson in common sense… no matter how much they agreed with the women

“What…?” the computer was once again… stuck on an endless loop. According to what was being printed by the machine… it was code… “Tarmac…?” the syntax in a few lines made this obvious, but it was just a repeating part of a code. Nothing in the looping lines indicated how she had disabled the tracker

With a sigh they unplugged the machine after the reset button failed to do anything. This made the printer screech loudly, but there was no other way of ending the loop…

Ace tried to focus back on the talking women… barely noticing that the baby was making happy noises in the background…

What are you…?” they wondered if ‘Sophie’ was going to have an accident of some kind…

But something in the back of their mind, stopped them from sending that order… just as a message was received on one of the chats they were observing

Sophie-YES!!!: Alexis, can we talk tomorroe?

Sophie-YES!!!: Tomorrow

“The curious one gets bitten…” they whispered an old adage out loud “Now… how sharp are your fangs…?” and decided to take a risk


This chapter was a pain to write at the time… anyway:

Thanks to AstraAllie and reece punch for becoming Patrons! It really helps, even if one of them was a temporary one. Thank you

Be safe! And I hope things go well for you!

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