One With The Abyss

33: Slaughtering Humans… But fun.

Things had been going pretty well for me after leaving the dungeon.

After falling out of the sky and killing a couple humans I found a hot lady in the back of their carriage.

After freeing her and listening to her life story I decided that I'd like for her to become one of my allies in conquering the world. She was also incredibly beautiful, she was definitely a lucky find even if it was just a cliche.

It was strange to consider how much freedom I had right at that moment; the fact I could talk freely about stuff like this or even just do as I pleased like I was. If I had talked about girls like this in front of my parents they would have beat my ass extra hard; it was a little ridiculous considering they sent me to an all girls school. Honestly, what did they expect me to think when I was surrounded by women all day - dumbasses.

Anyway, I made use of my bestowal ceremony ability for the first time and it gave Relly the ability to use abyssal energy; she even became some kind of noble thing. An abyssal duke or whatever. It was fairly cool.

After that I used [Matter Manipulation] to create a car; specifically my dad's favourite car. He said it was a classic car, I think he called it a 'Bentley Blue Train 1930'; and while my dad was a massive pile of shit he had good taste in cars. I was lucky enough to get a look at it a few times, so with [Subatomic Knowledge] I was able to recreate a functioning car; although I did alter it so that it would only work with abyssal energy so no one could steal it.

After more or less figuring out how to drive the car I took Relly for a leisurely drive to the nearby human city. There were a couple bumps in the road, mainly a few groups of hoodlums trying to attack us; it was no problem since with my abilities getting past them was easy enough.

After arriving at the city I found parking fairly quickly, it even seemed like a perfect place to park as it was right next to a cool fountain; the only problem was that the statue built on top of it was pretty shoddy since it fell over and broke after I had parked the car.

"Got a couple bumps, but it'll still work... Probably." I said as I looked over the car, it had a few holes and smoke was coming out of the engine, but I'm sure it was fine.

"That was pretty fun." I smiled, "Anyway, onto the big stuff."

"Listen up, inhumans! I am Violet Nox, King of Ruin and bringer of disaster! I'm here to free you as the beginning of my inhuman empire that will soon bring down the tyrannical humans!

The city went silent before a large amount of noise broke out. Humans becoming outraged and fearful, the inhumans seemed to be mixed between joy and disbelief. After that I turned to Relly, humans in metal armour running up through the streets.

"Well then. Time to test your abilities." I grinned; I was honestly a little curious about [Abyssal Crystallisation], I had obviously copied it but wanted to see how Relly used it. Relly seemed a little nervous, so I gave her a little push towards the approaching humans.

"Ah! What the hell!" Relly stumbled forwards and hastily used her talent as the humans got closer and began yelling.

Black crystals began forming in the air around her before shooting forwards and piercing through the plate armour as though it was paper. The - now dead - human's body flew backwards and everyone involved seemed a little shocked.

"Woohoo! Way-to-go RellRell!" I cheered as she looked back at me with a strange smile. The humans behind me apparently didn't like me cheering though and decided to raise their annoying voices.

"You filthy demon bitch! How dare you!" They screamed annoyingly, I turned slightly to look at them with an annoyed grimace on my face, "What're you looking at, just wait until we take care of your friend; after that you'll both spend your life in chains."

"Cool dude, I'm a bit busy right now though if you don't mind." I said as I turned to look back at Relly.

With my [Clairvoyance] talent I was able to see the human's face going red in anger, before he ran forward with his sword in hand.

"You dare to disrespect your better, demon!? Die!" He screamed, I only sighed in disinterest as a spike extended from my back and pierced right through his chest.

All the human soldiers who had already surrounded Relly and I went silent at the sight of their ally being held up by my tentacle. 

Maybe I should lighten the mood I thought with a smile. I used [Thread Dominion] to take a hold of the human's limbs and deepened my voice slightly with my shapeshifting before making a couple jokes:

"Hey guys." I said, "Don't worry I'm not dead yet! I'm still pretty cool, watch me break it down, yo!"

Literally everyone looked in shock as the dead body began moving around crazily, breakdancing every which way. It was sick as fuck!

"You... You..." It seemed the other humans also agreed, "YOU BITCH!" Or maybe not.

All humans changed their targets from Relly to just me. It seems they were no fun. Well whatever.

I decided it would be best to check out what [Abyssal Crystallisation] could really do as Relly didn't have much chance to test it out. The abyssal energy around me began to become solid and I tried to shape it into the image of a sword; it went fairly well as my control over abyssal energy had improved and it came out pretty good. As I swung the weapon around I very easily cut through the soldiers attacking me, clearly showing that the crystals were quite powerful - at least compared to metal.

It should be noted that not a single human soldier I had fought had a talent, telling me these guys were likely fodder of some kind. I think they used skills during the fight since there were some magic attacks, but I never really cared to do much about it since they were too weak for me to bother dealing with them.

In less than 5 minutes the nearly 100 humans who came and attacked me were cut into pieces by my crystal sword thing. It was a pretty good talent, but with my soul weapon it was ultimately not all that useful.

"How did you use my talent?" Relly asked, carefully walking over to me so that she didn't step on any bodies.

"Hmm... Oh." I realised that it was quite strange for me to have the exact same talent as her, I may as well explain, "I have a talent that lets me copy talents."

That simple statement seemed to shock her beyond words as she just stared at me in silence. Well, whatever, nothing I could do about it now. As I looked out at the area I had dyed red I could see a crowd had gathered. Humans looked at me with fear and hatred while the inhumans seemed to think highly of me - a clear sense of respect emanating from my body. However, that changed as I heard another group of people coming towards me; the human's regained their hateful arrogance and the inhumans seemed slightly regretful.

"It seems you've had some fun demon." An older gentleman called out to me as the crowd split to let him pass.

"Ye, it was okay." I said, gently kicking one of the corpses at my feet, "They were a bit weak though."

Unlike the humans behind him the older man remained calm, staring straight at me without and ounce of fear; using [Clairvoyance] I could see why:

[Balzar Trelloff]

[Count of the Arcadian Empire and lord of Trelloff City]

[Talent: <Radiant Sword>]

I was happy to see he had a talent, but it didn't stop there as the knights he had seemed to bring with him also had talents:

[Talent: <Sword Master>]

[Talent: <Volcanic Fist>]

[Talent: <Water Mage>]


"Haha! I see! Mister Trelloff has brought his elite squad to deal with me!" I laughed, Trelloff flinched at the sound of his name; likely confused as to how I knew it - seemingly lacking confidence as why wouldn't I know his name when I was in his city, not that I did.

"I have, but it will hardly be a fight." He said, shaking his head as he turned to one of his soldiers, "Hand me the holy light."

At the sound of the word the human civilians began cheering, calling for my death at their lord's hands. They were not showing me the hospitality I really wanted and it broke my little, abyssal heart; but I pressed on.

"Oh no!" I called out in an overly dramatic voice; Trelloff ignored me and threw the glowing orb into the sky. I was confused for a moment before it remained up there, floating as it used wind magic to keep on flying up there. The inhumans in the crowd cowered in as in some cases the holy light burnt their skin.

(A/N: burnt as in sunburn, not actual burning).

Trelloff looked at me in disdain as he moved towards me.

"You seem to be resisting pretty well, but it won't last." He mocked, light shining in his hand that then formed a large glowing sword - it was clearly powerful as I could feel the heat of it even from the distance I was. It was cool so I tried to replicate it.

Light magic gathered in my hand, the intensity increasing ever so gradually until I too had something close to a sword; it was a little flimsy looking since light magic had never been my strongest element, but the humans seemed to have misunderstood:

"Ha! Look! She can hardly use her magic!" They all jeered and mocked as the lord approached - this could be fun.

I decided to play along with the human's misunderstanding and as the lord finally reached me my legs were trembling as if I could barely hold myself up; the light sword I had created flickering as if I was just barely holding on.

"If you surrender now I will take you as my personal slave; I will even reduce your punishment for killing so many humans, devil." The lord mocked, the humans laughed and some seemed displeased saying I should be put to death or punished severely for my actions - the inhumans looked away in disappointment.

"N-Never!" I said, pulling away and forcing myself to fall to the ground as if I was incredibly weakened. The humans laughed.

I caught sight of Relly who looked both worried and confused, even an idiot would be able to see she was in no way affected by the holy light and she likely couldn't figure out why I was.

I pulled myself up weakly before flashing a grin and winking at Relly, she looked slightly less confused, but still not understanding. 

The lord had walked over to me and now stood above my trembling body.

"So be it." And on that not his sword swung down and severed my head from my body, "Let this be a warning to all demons! This is what happens to those who defy the strongest race!"

The humans laughed and jeered, some even whipping their own inhumans. I could hardly contain my laughter as the lord turned away from me and looked over to Relly; tears were falling from her eyes as they were locked onto what she believed was my corpse.

"And now for you..." He said, a grin on his face, "... Actually... Aren't you Rellania?"

Relly looked shocked he knew her name.

"I was wondering when you would arrive after I made a deal with that filthy oni, but I suppose this elf got in the way. Well, it matters not now; you have arrived and your talent will be put to good use."

His voice was extremely confident, a confidence that disappeared as I let out a little cough. He went silent and spun around in an instant, focusing on my head; mumbling about blue flames, but I didn't let up. It was only as he began to turn away from me - believing that I was truly dead - that I let him know I wasn't.

"Well that was a little fun." I laughed, the humans becoming silent in an instant; all watching in horror as my body rose from the floor. It scrambled around for a bit as I guided it towards my severed head. I could have grown a new head or a new body of course, but this way made the joke funnier in my opinion.

As my hands gripped onto my skull I placed it onto my neck, spinning it around as though I was screwing it back on all while the humans recoiled in fear.

"A... A dullahan?!" The lord shouted out, trying to rationalise what had happened, of course I didn't let that happen.

"Nope! Anyway, let's deal with that thing." As I said 'thing' the holy light disappeared from where it was floating and reappeared in my hand, once again shocking Telloff who had no idea what was happening.

"Why... Why isn't it hurting you?" He muttered.

"Easy. I'm not an inhuman." I said, my voice becoming much more menacing, "I'm something much worse..."

As I spoke I punctuated my words by shattering the orb in my hand, letting the light shut off in an instant and shards of glass fall to the ground.

"M-M-MONSTER!" The lord screamed falling backwards. I raised avarice, shifting it into a writhing mass of black goo that resembled an executioner's axe and spoke to Balzar Trelloff one last time:


That was the last thing he heard before his head was split in two.

The entire city went silent in that moment as everyone was looking at me in complete shock - different kinds of shock in different groups, but shock nonetheless. That silent shock was broken after what felt like an eternity as an older woman among the humans let out a shrill shriek; following that, all hell broke loose with the humans running from me as fast as they could, though the inhumans seemed to be enjoying it as they cheered at the sight.

"Better get to it then." I laughed, before beginning the slaughter.

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