Online game: Start by slaying a dragon and becoming a necromancer!

Chapter 81

Rocks exploded and dust flew.

Ten meters away from the pit created by the Undead Devourer's fist.

Gong Yu was horrified and gasped.



How could this giant zombie be so powerful? !

Where did it come from? ? ?

"If it weren't for... if it weren't for my timely reaction and the extreme distance of shrinking the ground into an inch, that punch would have smashed me into a meat paste!"

Too scary!

There was really no time to sigh.

What was coming was the Undead Devourer's pursuit again!

"Human woman, put down the knife, I'll spare your life!"

In a flash.

Facing the impact again.

The instinct of the swordsman and the inertia of more than ten years of martial arts forced Gong Yu to defend against the enemy head-on.

"Breath holding technique!"


The knife flashed!

The Undead Devourer's left arm was cut off and flew high into the sky.

"Big guy, go to hell!"

He stabbed with his backhand.

The Tang sword pierced through the Undead Devourer's chest.


A lot of blood gushed out.

Gong Yu was relieved and smiled happily: "It's over..."

Bang! ! !

Unfortunately, she was too happy too early!

Dead Devourer was seriously injured, but he could still attack with his remaining fist!


This time, he couldn't block with his sword.

Gong Yu was knocked out and fell heavily to the ground.

He felt dizzy and felt that the world was spinning.

Time and space were suspended.

"Are you going to...die?"

No, I can't die yet!

Yanran hasn't been rescued yet!

"Breath holding technique, open!"

He tried his best to breathe in, hold his breath and concentrate, and forcefully suppress the surging blood and qi.

He cleared his mind again and regained control of his body.

Gong Yu quickly turned over, holding on to her last breath, jumped with a knife, and fled the scene.

"Unfortunately, my sneak attack still failed."

"This human female has a very good physical quality, and her agility attribute must be extremely high! Moreover, she also has a powerful skill to teleport away, which can burst out combat power in a short period of time."

"The most important thing is that her knife is too sharp. If I confront her head-on, I will be killed instantly!"

Covering the wound on his chest, the Undead Devourer, with only one arm left, watched Gong Yu go away.

It didn't dare to chase.

There was no way to chase anymore.


Take a deep breath.

"Zi La Zi La..."

The severed arm grew again, and the muscles on the broken surface emerged, quickly filling a new arm.

"Uh cough cough cough!!!" He sat down on the spot while coughing up blood, and then accelerated the recovery of the chest injury.

The Undead Devourer called out: "Come, protect me!"

"Give me the communicator, I want to contact the master!"

Western Front.

Special correspondent Lin Xi received the call.

"Hello, this is Lin Xi."

"What? Even you are injured?!"

"Okay, I'll give him the phone!"

Handing the phone to Chen Mo, Lin Xi said seriously: "Dead Devourer, I'm here to report an emergency to you!"

"It is said that an extremely powerful awakener was encountered at the Sports College in the east!"

Chen Mo raised his eyebrows and took the phone: "Hello, this is Chen Mo."

After listening to the quick report of the Undead Devourer.

Chen Mo's eyes flickered, grasping two details, and asked.

"Are you sure it's a woman? Holding a long knife?"

Dead Devourer: "Reporting to the master, it's confirmed!"

"The opponent has skilled fighting skills and is extremely fast."

"If I hadn't attacked by surprise, I'm afraid I couldn't hurt her at all."

"The long knife in her hand is very terrifying. No one in our camp can stop it!"

"Okay, I know!" Chen Mo nodded and said, "You surround the Sports College first and find a way to find this woman! Since you can't handle it, don't rush to have another conflict.

As long as you can find her, leave the rest to me."

"Yes, master!" The Undead Devourer responded on the other end of the phone.


"Ding Dong" hung up the phone.

Before Chen Mo could speak, Song Yuhan couldn't wait to ask: "Brother Mo, are we going to the Sports College now? What happened there?!"

Chen Mo nodded and said: "Yes, let's go to the Sports College now!"

"As for what happened..."

"I can only say that an important person was found!"

"Very important!"

Quickly called the troops, took Venom and Phantom Cat Demon, and the rest of the troops stayed on the western front to continue the cleaning mission.

Chen Mo, Song Yuhan and Lin Xi, rode their horses at full speed.

All the way east, straight to the Sports College.

Da Da Da——

The horses' hooves galloped like thunder.

The atmosphere was solemn and tense.

Lin Xi couldn't help asking: "Who is the very important person?"

Chen Mo smacked his lips and said: "It's not certain yet." "But it's most likely her!" "A female swordsman named Gong Yu!" "But I didn't expect that she actually came from Binhai Sports College?" In the last life.

Binhai City formed a new force and a new order under the disaster.

There are wild beasts in the west.

There are old official legions in the north.

In the south, several colleges and universities in the university town formed an alliance and jointly divided.

As for the east, the population is the largest and the most chaotic.

Several scattered forces have been formed, some large and some small, some good and some bad.

Each faction has awakened people, with varying strengths.

Among all these forces and awakened people.

There are a few who are particularly famous.

Chen Tian, ​​the king of law who is good at using thunder and lightning, and Chen Tian, ​​who controls the rock The stone giant Ma Jian of the countryside, the thorny rose Ouyang Xue of the military...

And now Chen Mo is going to find - Tang Dao Gong Yu!

This woman is a legend!

It is said that she is a fighter and the evolution of traditional martial arts.

The most distinctive feature is her Tang Dao.

It is extremely sharp!

Chopping zombies and mutant beasts is just like chopping melons and vegetables, don't be too easy.

Moreover, no matter how violently it is used, the Tang Dao will not be stained with a drop of blood and will always be as clean as new.

The blade is so shiny that it can be used as a mirror to reflect the human figure.

The previous life.

This Tang Dao Gong Yu is very famous.

There are several reasons.

1. She is a ranger who does not form a group or a faction. She is very righteous and has saved many civilians and killed many tyrannical awakened rulers.

Because of this, she has great prestige and fame among ordinary civilians.

2. She does not get along with Ma Jian, the ruler of Binhai Sports College.

Tang Dao VS Rock Giant!

This is a wonderful confrontation that has been staged several times in the doomsday of the catastrophe, a confrontation between top awakened people!

There have been several times when these two super awakened people attacked and killed each other. , setting off a wave of heated discussions.

3. When fighting against the divine beast Golden Dragon that descended on Binhai City.

This Tang Dao Gong Yu made great efforts.

First, she jumped into the Huanglong River and fought head-on with the S-level Golden Dragon.

Later, she died and sacrificed her life to the sword.

It is said that.

When Gong Yu died of exhaustion, her Tang Dao fought on behalf of her master, pierced the dragon head of the Golden Dragon, and dealt the most fatal blow.

In the end, the person died, the sword was broken, and the Golden Dragon was strangled.

The divine-level evil that devoured millions of people and oppressed Binhai City for several years was finally lifted.

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