Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 3: Ruined Temple?

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

(“Red zone? Wait... I’m going to die?”)

My brows furrowed narrowly in disbelief. This all happened in an instant, I had no time to react further in whatever ‘Creature’ attacked me.

In my view, the green colour of my HP bar has changed into red and it shows the percentage in red font as well. It says ‘28/100’.

Immediately, I stood up and ran like a wild rabbit to the direction of where the Astra Orb’s light points.

I know this is a virtual reality but the sequence of being chased by an unknown being is downright terrifying. I can feel my heartbeat pumping out of my chest, the tingling feeling of something behind me that follows.

“Haaaa.... Haaaaaa....”

My forehead is drenched with sweat and I am gasping for air mid-run as if I have been doing a long cardio session. The massive soreness in my legs screamed at me to stop and rest but I shouldn’t. I knew this was due to my SP decreasing, and almost out of it. I don’t know how long I need to be sprinting in that direction.

(“I guess this is it... there’s no other choice.”)

With a firm mind, I turned around and faced the one chasing me amidst this thick forest. Might as well, fight if I am going to die. Better yet, I will probably respawn in another place.

My eyes focus on any movements, as I extend my left hand and listen to the sound cues. Trying to locate the source...

*Rustle* *Rustle* *Snap* *Snap*


I aimed in the direction and began to shout.


The very same phenomenon occurs. Boulders, branches, and leaves in front of me were blown away by extremely powerful kinetic energy. Some even hit the tree barks leaving behind marks.

With that, the rustling comes to an end with bushes stripped of their leaves by the kinetic force emitted from my left hand after I cast that spell. Then it goes completely silent.




“[Force]!!!!” -Creature-

(“That voice! That’s my voice, but I’m not making it. Wait... It copied my spell?”)

My eyes went wide, realizing what was going to happen to me. I know how it affects my surroundings as I used the [Force] spell but to be at the other end of it? I can only brace myself by shielding my face and closing my eyes.


A wave of strong winds pushed me away and even lifted me from my feet.







With a final impact, those tumbling stopped, and opening my eyes, I was greeted with the same canopy of these tall trees.

(“Ugh... I feel like a punching bag”)

It didn’t hurt that much akin to when I stumbled into a wall or kitchen counter, My body didn’t have a lingering ache but I felt each impact. From my lying down position, I can see my feet are up in the air, leaning on a wall of dirt.

“I am... alive?”

In disbelief, I said it out loud.

Rolling to my side, I stood up and patted the dirt away as I noticed what I wore. Not my pyjamas back in the real world, rather I’m wearing a simple brown tunic & black breeches.

There are some lacerations on my skin and bruises but when I touched it. It doesn’t hurt at all, how very peculiar... it must be the visual effect of being injured. My HP bar indicates I have ‘3/100’ per cent left, I am so close to dying.

“Oh yeah! The creature?!!”

My head whipped so quickly looking above as I thought I had fallen into a ditch somewhere.

It is completely silent amidst the rustling of leaves due to gusts of winds. But then... I heard it once more.

*Rustle* *Rustle* *Snap* *Snap* *BAM*

With that last sound, I can see a membrane covering this place. It is making ripples where the creature hits as it spreads the impact everywhere.

(“A barrier?”)

It looks like those force fields in sci-fi movies, I continue to stare at the ripples. It appears whatever that ‘Creature’ is. It cannot enter this place no matter how hard it tries. I couldn’t hear any more of those sounds after some time had passed.

“It... has left?”

A semblance of hope bloomed in my heart as I finally let out a heavy sigh of relief. My legs turn to jelly and I slide down to the ground catching my breath that I unknowingly held.

“That was terrifying... Haaaa... Ha....”

I’m catching my breath and I feel how my breathing becomes steadier and the sensation of tiredness disappearing as time passes. Those things I suppose indicate my SP and MP being replenished over time but...

I looked all over my body, seeing how many lacerations & bruises littered all over from the tumble. It doesn’t leak blood nor have red colouration.

“My HP didn’t regenerate at all over time... unlike my SP & MP.”

Once I felt completely better in terms of MP and SP, I stood up and clenched & unclenched my fist. I am not tired anymore rather it feels like I have managed to get 8 hours of sleep and 1 week of vacation... hahaha... I guess, that is how the system indicates your SP & MP bar is full or whichever is both.

Moving onwards, following the light shown by Astral Orb. The greenery gets denser and denser.


I almost fell from the large tree root I stumbled upon while walking. I don’t know how long have I been walking but the sun still shines bright as if it’s the middle of the day.



That’s the only word I can find in my brain right now, seeing what’s before me.

A decrepit temple. I am 100% sure what I am looking at is an abandoned temple in the thick forest.

There is a singular straight pathway towards the structure but judging by how big the tree roots are and the thickness of the vines. It must have been ages since anyone discovered this place.

Multiple questions emerge in my mind. Once I gaze into the main structure which is the temple far in the distance.

(“How long has it been here? Why was it abandoned? Why is it built here?”)

In moments of curiosity, I carefully move forward. Avoiding the thick tree roots and pushing the vines away to make a path.

Checking on my hand, the Astral Orb still points its light toward the structure with greater intensity. My gaming sense knew this was the objective of the supposed ‘Trial’ imposed on me.

I have 3% HP left so if the boss fight comes, I would be screwed. They don’t even give me potions to heal or anything like that.

(“Truly brutal...”)


Once I am near the vicinity of this run-down temple. I can see everything in more detail, it appeared to have been inspired by Greek temples. Made with white-coloured materials & there are gaps on each pillar allowing me to see what’s inside but vines continue to block my vision. Strangely, I didn’t see any moss growing on the surface of this temple. Only in the roots & vines surrounding it.

The temple itself is circular with no roof.

(“Did it crumble due to time?”)

I asked that question to myself while examining this.


With all the strength I can accumulate, I manage to shove away the thick vines revealing an entrance to the inside of the temple.

“Huff... Huff... I can do this.”

After giving myself courage, I decided to pass by the entrance. Into the inside of this temple.

My eyes need to adjust as it is dim due to the number of vines blanketing the gaps between the pillars that support this temple. Some have crumbled and been replaced by plants as a foundation.

I scouted around and the first thing I saw was the center of the temple. I thought the roof had crumbled down. But... It’s remarkably clean with sunlight piercing through giving some light to the interior.

“So it’s not a crumbled roof, rather it is an open ceiling.”

Mumbling, I touched the worn-down pillars. Smooth & cold to the touch instead of grainy. But also, I can see trails of dust on my finger.

While approaching the centre, I continued to look at my surroundings. It seems to me, nothing is eye-catching.

The only ones that catch my eye though are right in the center where the sunbeam hits.

There is something different, it looks like a pedestal where one can put something on it. A groove that suspiciously fits the orb, I am carrying is there, but knowing my tendencies I’ll avoid the main event first and check the others.

Looking downward towards the shaft of that pedestal though, it has multiple thick rings stacked against one another. There are symbols etched into it but it is covered by dust and much too heavy for me to move.

“Hmm... I guess there’s no other choice than to put this thing in.”

I lifted the Astral Orb and promptly put that into the groove. It fits nicely and then... I heard it loud and clear.

*CLICK* *Fwoooom*

A rumble came from within the pedestal as it trembled. Shaking off the layer of dust covering it and even breaking the outgrowth of vines.


It sounded like stone grating on other stones as I took a few steps back in case it exploded or anything.

(“The rings! They are moving on their own.”)

The rings adorning the shaft of the pedestal began to float to the top of it. Where the Astral Orb too levitates.

It turns & orbits gaining speed and getting faster and faster. So much so, that it blurs my vision. Warily, I decided to move back but then...

The entire area turns dark as if night-time descends nearly instantaneously. Causing the only light source to be that Astral Orb surrounded by the fast-spinning rings.

I knew in my sense, something about to come down. As I decided to get out of the temple, the entrance of vines that were supposed to be there vanished. As if it has grown again.

I raised my left hand to aim at the wall of vines as I began to say the ‘Keyword’. I’m planning to use fire to burn away these vines so I can get out!

“[Fire B-]”


Even before the casting visual effects began, I felt something on my chest and my back as I looked down at what happened to me.

There was a singular intense beam of light shooting from the orb toward where my heart was supposed to be.

As my vision abruptly darkened and now a full-blown big panel of text appeared in my view.


You have Died.


-Exiting O.w.O-

“This ceiling... my home.”

Yeah, the familiar ceiling and soft bed greeted me once my eyes adjusted from the total darkness.

Standing up slowly, I scratched my head and thought.

(“I died...well, that’s that.”)

Although, it is a bit annoying to die in my first run of the game. But that is part of playing a game after all.


“Ugh... let’s try again.”

I press the button once more and what greeted me isn’t a dense forest or darkness.

Rather it is the visor display, showing me. ‘You have died, Respawn in 23:57:23’

(“Ohhh... This game has a respawn timer.”)

Huh... 1 day eh? It gives higher stakes to dying then. Thankfully, I’m still new so this doesn’t give a lot of loss.

“Strange... even though I just died, I am... excited.”

(“Hahaha... It’s been a while since I played games after all ever since getting this job.”)

Chuckling at myself, I decided to turn off the lights in my room as it was already nighttime. After all, time goes quickly when you’re having fun.

I giggled while clutching at my blanket making myself a small cocoon to keep me warm in winter.



“I couldn’t sleep...”

My eyes are still wide open, not a hint of tiredness rather I’m starting to think about what I could’ve done correctly in that scenario.

Such as making obstacles using [Force] spell to delay ‘its’ movement. Or moving in such a way that disorients my ‘pursuer’.

I couldn’t help but think all of that as it is in my nature when I’m excited about a game.

Like... what kind of build I’m going to do? So far, I have [Elemental Bolt] and [Force]. Last time I checked, each has its cooldown and cast time.

The bolt spell has the shortest cooldown, cast time, and low MP cost based on the sensation I felt compared to the knockback spell so I was wondering if there’s any equipment to reduce further. I think I can make bolt barrage built type.

“Ahhhh... 1 day now feels so long.”

I whined while forcing myself to sleep after all, tomorrow was my weekend so it was such a waste of me dying in my first play-through. Finally, with a bit of rotating in my bed & negotiating, I fell asleep.



Player: Magie Magia, have completed the [Astral Orb (Unique)] Trial.


A Level 1 Mage Class: Fulfilled

Have [Astral Orb (Unique)] in Inventory: Fulfilled

Cast a spell against ‘Creature’: Fulfilled

Get hit by ‘Creature’: Fulfilled

Less than 10% HP when entering The Temple: Fulfilled

Executed by ‘The Light’: Fulfilled


Calculating Rewards...


Removing [Astral Orb (Unique)] from character selection...



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