Open World Online (O.w.O)

V2 Chapter 91: Unique Questing

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-


(Siegfried Calenus)

-Hey, wyd?


- ^•^ Sieg! I'm just at home doing some chores.

-AH btw!!! Do u remember we need to report back to Cardinal for the unique quest?

(Siegfried Calenus)

-Yyyeaahhh, I was just about to ask to do that with you since I’m free atm.


-Yay! What a coincidence, let’s go! Meet up at Frontera Adventures Guild as usual?

(Siegfried Calenus)

-*Thumbs Up*


“Gaia, I’m going to go after this so do take care of our house. Ah, and Oreo too...”

I glanced at the shadow amidst the forest, a slithering figure emerging from it and then I heard the distinct rattling as Oreo appeared.

(“I’m getting good at spotting Oreo’s hiding places!”)

I said that with pride before calling the system so I could teleport away.



Arriving at the place, faint OST played in the background evoking a sense of nostalgia. As I walked towards the recognisable green tile building.

I decided to wait at the front gates and leaned my back against the fences. While waiting for Siegfried might as well observe other people and players alike.


An old grandma just dropped her groceries, poor her. The apples and oranges rolled away too far as my eyes glanced left and right for a quick second or two.

Before I can utter a keyword though...

Players and NPCs already swooped in helping the old lady with her dropped groceries even casting a {Spell} to fix her basket.

(“It is so wholesome... Huhuhu...”)

There are several NPC stalls laid on the street with several players haggling over the prices. It reminds me of Asian markets...

It’s been a while since I visited my home country, 10 years or so. Maybe it’s high time to have a nice holiday there for a week or two.

Musing that in my mind, unconsciously I smiled until a certain memory began to resurface as I shook my head to get rid of that thought.

(“Come to think of it, they haven’t asked money for this month. Though... I’m sure they’ll ask at the end of the month.”)

“*Inhale* Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...”

“What’s with the soul releasing sigh?” -Siegfried-


I jolted with the thought blown away, gone to dust as I saw the familiar freakishly tall lanky man with long shaggy hair that covered his eyes.

(“I don’t think it’s appropriate to spill out my lore all of a sudden so... Quick! Think!”)

“I busted my Zenis to get this so now I’m broke.”

I showed him the silver accessories I wore on my ring finger.

“Oh??? 1K set? You got that now?” -Siegfried-

He looks surprised then takes a moment or two to analyse the gear I’m wearing.

Still simple tunic and breeches like many other newbie players or recently PKed ones the only difference is that I’m decked out in jewellery.

“Yup, I grinded the other two. Then gave up and bought the last one. Huhuhu...”

After hearing this, his shoulder slumped as he said...

“I see.” -Siegfried-

Somehow his tone seems to be mellower and somewhat disappointed...

(“Oh... I just remembered that he asked if I wanted to grind I can ask him to help.”)

Damage control! Let’s change the topic... AH! I know.

“Well... I’m still not wearing anything for my torso, leggings, shoes, and gloves slot. And! They will be for Dungeon Raid, I was hoping to tackle it with you and Booba.”

I made an exaggerated gesture of showing him what I was wearing.

He perked up upon hearing the word ‘Raid’ and his signature mischievous grin & jagged teeth adorned his face.

 (“Fiuf... Crisis averted. Weeks of grinding with him made me accustomed to his personality.”)

“The Raid needed LV100 Post-Re players though so it’s still going to be a long time for us with the exponential XP requirement and all. Makes the more reason to grind and do this unique quest right?”

“True, Shall we?” -Siegfried-

He smirked knowingly using my catchphrase as I sighed...

“Yes, we shall. [World Teleportation]”


In an instant, the cobblestone path and scenery of the traditional medieval-age view of the city changed into a more Gothic representation.

I see myriads of Priests whether they’re NPCs or players even pilgrims walking around visiting key places in this city.

Wow... I just noticed it, this City’s OST is a soft choir singing in tune with faint pianos. Quite pleasing to hear, but! I have other things to do.

“Lets go!” -Siegfried-

He was already in the lead as a vanguard heading towards the biggest building in the centre of Saintear. It’s Basilica...

It is majestic even from afar as we navigate through the crowds of pilgrims, acolytes, priests, and citizens.

(“Huh... It seems there’s a mass today.”)

We as players call this a Local Event which makes sense and to be honest, it is quite enjoyable to participate. Especially there’s a festival...

I don’t think this is a festival since it looks more formal. Entering the basilica though, the atmosphere grew silent no one was talking.

(“Ugh... It makes me nervous. [Telepathy]”)

With intent, I aimed it at Siegfried and like a phone call I waited till he picked up as he did not too long after.

(“What??”) -Siegfried-

His bass voice echoed in my mind, such a strange sensation. It feels like a phone call but in your brain, as I reply...

(“Look at these people? I wonder what event they’re doing? Also, Can we still proceed with the quest?”)

He glanced at me before letting out a silent sigh...

(“Sorry, you know my habit of thinking too many things.”)

I mimicked a ‘peace’ gesture... as he let out a small smile.

(“To answer your question, I didn’t see the Cardinals so I think we can still meet up with them.”) -Siegfried-

He leaned to one of the standby acolytes and whispered something as they nodded before whispering back and then leaving their station.

(“What? What did they say?”)

(“Heh, they’re going to ask Cardinal of Light if it’s possible to meet up. Thank fuck the game remembers.”) -Siegfried-

With that, I let out a huge sigh of relief as the acolyte came back and with the faintest whisper asked us to follow them to the upper floors.

(“It feels very official isn’t it?”)

(“Haha...”) -Siegfried-

Not too long after, we arrived at a study chamber that evoked a Deja Vu feeling.

“Ah... I see you’ve grown stronger. Then I will assign the task to you.” -Cardinal of Light-

The one that just spoke, is an old man with build more of a warrior rather than a priest. He has scars all over his face and arms.

As he finished his words, our previous quest was completed and then...



[Quest: The Tyrant (Unique)]

Description: It seems The Cardinal of Light wanted to discover what happened with Lowlight.


“You see, we have sent several missionaries to Lowlight for relief after hearing the sudden rebellion. Unfortunately, none has returned.

His face scrunched unpleasant to reminisce as he continued...

“It seems... our God benediction seems to be blocked by mysterious power preventing us from scrying them.” -Cardinal of Light-

At his young age, I’m sure this old man was superbly handsome as his eyes narrowed and quickly softened vulnerable.

“So, I wanted to ask of you. Can you go to Lowlight and find out what happened my men?” -Cardinal of Light-

The cardinal’s eyesight darts between me and Siegfried as I curtly nod Siegfried confidently says...

“Got it.” -Siegfried-

With that, we promptly left the place while still connected through [Telepathy] I asked him.

(“Do you have any plans on how to start??”)

(“I know where...”) -Siegfried-

He seems sure so that’s good to know! And besides, he usually spends his free time-fighting in the underground Colosseum. He probably knows the ins and outs of that place.


Using the system to teleport, we arrived at the familiar gate towards Lowlight. Weathered by time, elements, and who knows what else. That gate stood strong and guarded by two Guard NPCs.

Upon approaching them, without even asking they pull up their hand in a gesture of asking for money. Siegfried straightened his posture and acted arrogantly as he dropped a few coins into their open hands.

After that, they scooted away allowing passage and I followed suit. Trying to act all imposing but I doubt it looks like that knowing how short I am compared to the guards.

Nevertheless, though, they let me in. I guess it’s more of a ‘give money’ kind of thing.

“Kehehehehe...” -Siegfried-

He snickered after I passed through.

“Hmph! I know, I know, I suck at it.”

(“It would be less shameful if I just cast a {Spell} that influences their minds or something...”)

But that’s a dangerous thing to do since it’s categorized as ‘Hostile’ so I will get a bounty...

“*ehem* so where to go now?”

“You know already!” -Siegfried-

He grins, excitement laced his voice as he lead me between housings, navigating through this maze until we arrived at a familiar iron gate with a tiny slit.


It slides away revealing a pair of intimidating eyes.

“Password?” -Gatekeeper-

“Fuck Off.” -Siegfried-

He said it in such a cheerful tone that contradicted the meaning of those words and I chuckled a bit.


(“Jeez... That door needs some oiling.”)

“Mag, just wait here. I’ll ask some NPCs here, they’re bound to know something.” -Siegfried-

“U-uhm, yeah sure...”

(“While he’s looking for info, I’m going to help by other means...”)

In my mind, I intently thought of a {Spell} and internally said...

(“[Detect Thoughts]”)

My eyes dart off to the NPCs that Siegfried engages with and focuses on wanting to know what they are thinking.

As soon as that thought and intention settles in my mind, the magic activates and I hear whispers...

(“Why is this guy talking about?”) -NPC 1-

(“Bah... I don’t care.”) -NPC 2-

(“Who?”) -NPC 3-

(“Weren’t they executed for heresy long ago?”) -NPC 4-


Hearing that thought, my eyes stare at the NPC to take a look at their features. A man in his 60’s or so...

My eyes narrowed alongside with intense want to know what he was thinking about.

Then... An image formed in my mind like remembering a still picture that’s slowly moving into a video. A memory of this NPC has been witnessed.

A scene where many people staring at a stage is akin to performing albeit a morbid one.

It’s an execution by hanging, the ‘culprits’ are wearing the traditional robe of Saintear although tattered and smeared with dirt as several guards all loudly declare their crimes. Spreading false ‘religion’...

(“That doesn’t make sense... Six Gods is the official religious setting of O.w.O so why it’s considered heresy here? Do the people here believe differing religions?”)

I can hear whispers... No, not whispers as it’s getting louder and louder turning into desperate shouts of these ‘Culprits’ before being executed.

“The Demons! The Demons! Open your eyes, realise the truth-“ -Missionary-

Their words fall silent after the executor takes action.

(“The demons? What do they mean? Have demonic beings infiltrated this city? If so, how do I sniff them out?”)

The gears of my mind starte-

“Mag!? Helloooo...????” -Siegfried-

“O-o-ohh... Sorry, I got distracted.”

He leans his head up front assessing me before leaning back and crossing his arms.

“What did you find?” -Siegfried-


He grins. Well, I dare say he probably knew...

“You did something yeah? I asked tons of ‘em but they didn’t spill any.” -Siegfried-

With a sigh, I leaned forward to whisper in his ear.

“The missionaries of Saintear were convicted as heretics and executed years ago. In their last words, they mentioned demons...”

I paused for a moment before continuing...

“....I think demons have infiltrated this city.”

Although his eyebrows are covered by his wild bangs, I can picture in my mind that this topic piqued his interest.

“Damn...? Lowlight is already bad enough-“ -Siegfried-

His trademark grin stopped as he went silent and held his hand In a gesture of silence.

Realizing this, I innately declared in my mind.


Feeling the connection, I asked him.

(“What was that?”)

It’s unnerving to see Siegfried's constant smug grin vanish like that so I’m a bit worried as he replied.

(“My senses are tingling, 4 nasties have been staring at us.”) -Siegfried-

By senses, he meant his ability to detect hostilities. Pretty handy for aggro management! Many players use {Skill} to get the ‘sense’ but he has {Trait} to do so.

Though I will never know what it felt like since I cannot get the {Skill} due to class restrictions...



Although hidden by his long shaggy hair to the outside eyes. I can see flesh growing from his shoulder turning into a finger like his very own pointing in a direction.

(“He’s been practising this ‘Flesh Sculpting’ {Traits} of his I see...”)

Still maintaining this phone-call-like connection, it is as if I put him on hold as I land my eyesight on several NPCs he pointed.

Varying in ages and genders, I quickly glanced at them but a familiar sight welcomed me. All of them are demons hiding in the shape of humans.

After all... I have been adventuring with Booba so I am acquainted with their unique camouflaging abilities.

Concentrating on their image, whispers begin to echo their thoughts into my ears.

(“Are they missionaries from Church? I thought we’ve taken care of them.”) -Demon NPC 1-

(“Right? We must make sure that our presence is sufficiently hidden. Our grand plan shouldn’t be uncovered at any cost.”) -Demon NPC 2-

My eyebrows widened in surprise...

(“Oh? They’re conversing... [Detect Thoughts] is handy!”)

(“Can we just kill them once they’re out?”) -Demon NPC 3-

(“Nonsense! Use your brains!!! They are travellers, they’ll just come back once you kill them. I say retreat to the royal palace.”) -Demon NPC 1-

(“Grrrr... I don’t like retreating.”) -Demon NPC 3-

(“Swallow that pride of yours... It is for our great cause.”) -Demon NPC 1-

Just like that, these NPCs acted like normal as they retreated into the background.

“Did you find anything?” -Siegfried-

His raspy bass voice close to my ear caught me by surprise as I jolted and quickly composed myself. Meanwhile, he gave a mischievous grin...

“Hmph! I did. They mentioned a great cause and retreated to the royal palace. It’s quite interesting to hear their telepathic conversations.”

Siegfried thought for a bit before speaking...

“I guess we’re going to do an undercover mission.” -Siegfried-

“Hehehehe, it’s like in one of those spy movies! So what’s the plan?”

We went to a corner in the underground colosseum away from people’s attention as they were occupied by the constant ongoing battle between players.

(“Okay now?”)

Establishing a telepathic connection to him, Siegfried replies...

(“It is best to do this at nighttime. Do you have any illusion magic equipped?”) -Siegfried-


Siegfried face-palm himself after asking that question realizing how funny that question was.

Nevertheless though...

(“Let me brush up on them, there are lots. Oh! Do you know where the royal palace is?”)

He crossed his arms and replied.

(“Yep, I know this place back and fro. Reminds me of my hometown hahaha.”) -Siegfried-

I see... His laughter doesn’t seem genuine though. I mean, a hometown similar to Lowlight that’s kind of harsh, right?

Instead, I gave him a pat on the back while gently smiling taking this as a joke.

(“I guess we’re going to spend time till nighttime, any plans?”)

Siegfried grins as he points his thumb at the battle arena answering my question.

(“Yep... Enjoy.”)

I chuckled as Siegfried dashed to the back area to enter.

(“Might as well make money by betting on him.”)

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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