Opposite Morals

Chapter 14

*Beep Beep Mother Fucker, Beep Beep Mother Fu-*


With a stretch, I turn off my alarm clock

“Beep beep…mother fucker?.....What type of alarm clock is this? Yesterday it played a slow song before blasting a Wilhelm's scream remix with a badass base drop. Not going to lie, I’m low key digging it”

As I get up I look out the window and bask in the slow rising sunlight

“Anyways, what a wonderful morning! I cooked for some of my family members for the first time, met some banger females, had two sexy encounters with two different ladies, even if one of them was my sister. I cleansed all the....anal filth....from existence, if only I could cleanse my mind too...Went on a terrifying date, learned that this world is like a paradise and all I need to do before school is learn exactly what a lover is and rub one out! Don’t want a boner all day after all. Who knows what could happen if one of these horny females saw that the dragon was awake....Especially the White Tiger....Shiver”

I stare down at my naked body, my dragon's awake and ready for battle

“Soon my brother, soon you shall release your white dragon's breath on the world. It has been too long….get it? It's been "2" days since I came and I said "too" long….why am I explaining my own joke to myself?”

I shake my head out of exacerbation and walk to my computer and put in the...dreaded...password. Once the computer fully loads I open the previous word document and pick up from last night

“Okay, the three big questions for today, what's a lover, permanent lover, and how does dating working”

I open a few FunTube tabs and get comfortable. After putting “How does dating work?” in the search bar, a ton of videos with men in bright colored clothing with some of the weirdest backgrounds I have ever seen loaded up. There were a few females however they had a lot of down votes on them

"Now that's smart, putting the up vote and down vote on the video's thumbnail....Why didn't my other world counter part do that?"

As I browse the videos a feel a headache forming

“At this point, I think questioning male athletics choices would cause me an aneurysm. Like, why would you have your background be an animated man shaking his ass back and forth!? Or this one, where you have a female licking a popsicle?....though that does look a little sexy…..Click”

After a few videos, I stretch my arms and look upwards

“Huh, that's actually really sweet and surprising, especially in this world full of horny honey fly traps”

I start writing down the newfound information

“Who knew that kissing each other had such a meaning…”

I go back to the video and re-watch it

“When a man wants to form a lover’s relationship, then he needs to be the one who initiates the first kiss. It is considered taboo if the woman initiates it first. Depending on the state, it could be grounds for attempted rape.…..well that fucking extreme!....It is perfectly acceptable if she lines it up, but the man needs to be the one to make that final push”

I sit back and compare it to my previous world

“Interesting, I bet this was one of the changes that happened 30 years ago. Maybe a way to protect men somehow? In a way I like it this way though, it makes it clear what the person wants. No wish-washy crap, no awkward conversions of asking “what exactly is our relationship? Why didn’t my original world have something like this? This could have solved so many problems”

I go back to the word document after a few more videos

“Who knew that the difference between a lover and a permanent lover could be so…simple. So if I understand this right, you become lovers when the man kisses the female and she recuperates. After that, it’s now the man's responsibility to take care of the female hormones. However they can’t have vaginal sex. If they do, then they become permanent lovers. At that point they are only 1 step way from marriage.”

After speaking this out loud, I summarize this by putting

(Lovers = Dating but no sex)

(Permanent lovers = Engaged plus sex)

After writing that, I remember what happened between Nora and I

“Would we be considered lovers then? I kissed her after all. I also now understand what she meant about becoming a criminal. In this world laws…even though I think it’s a little extreme, she technically almost raped me….even though I didn’t resist her advances…..My dragon did almost enter her cave of wonders….huh”

As I remember that sexy and awesome moment, my family jewels starts shining

“But I think I get why she came so hard after we kissed. It’s like a women's unattainable wet dream. In this world where men have a stick up their ass and look like walking clowns. Finding a hot and sexy man who did an aggressive...ish kiss like that is almost impossible. Especially with the low amount of them around”

It's like receiving your first blowjob. Ever since you heard of it, you strongly desired one but you know a lot of women don’t feel comfortable doing it. Then suddenly, a very attractive female not only shows interest in you, she pulls down your pants and puts your hard cock in her mouth. Right afterwards she looks up right in your eyes and slowly puts your dick deeper inside her mouth. Sucking it hard and giving you both physical and emotional pleasure. Afterwards she slowly takes it out and gently licks it while saying “Mmmmm, I love the taste of your massive dick” with eyes full of desire…..FUCK even I would cum right away if that happened!!

“But the crazy thing is that when you become a permanent lover there's no turning back. Because of the low male ratio, if word gets out then the government will heavily punish both sides and they get publicity shunned…What the fuck. Perhaps this is a way to protect the females? Some people are scumbags after all. If it was just the women who were shunned, then I can easily see some men being douchebags”

After sitting back I look out the window again

“So is it possible to do sexual things without being in a relationship? I bet a lot of girls and some guys would want friends with benefits relationship….”

After glancing at the time, I went back to the internet tab and researched. After spending about 15 minutes, I get my answer.

"So...the short answer is yes...but the longer answer is....not really. You can have friends with benefits. In fact, in this world it is VERY easy to have a relationship like that without both sides being shunned. However it's extremally rare because men usually don't sleep around. The major reason is because most men can barely keep up with one women's sex drive. So once you have someone, there's no motivation to get another one. There's a reason VERY few men only marry up to three women MAX"

As I keep researching, an article catches me eye. Titled (Family Sex). With an unknown desire, I clicked and read it


I quickly stand up and almost yelled while reading the article

“Based on our recent data, more and more families have admitted that the son or brother has helped their mothers and sisters with masturbating. It is slowly becoming the norm and there has been a push of making it socially acceptable. Recently some states have allowed siblings and close family members to marry….”

So, does that mean that what Sophia and I did was actually considered normal?!?

With shock overloading my brain I slowly sit back down

“Fuck this, my brain can’t cope with this shit so early in the morning. To the porn, away!”

With newfound excitement, I quickly hop on a porn site…but a few things….no a MASSIVE problem occurs

“Why….Are the women doing all the moving? All the poises are cowgirl or reverse cowgirl. Where's the other positions...wait...wait wait wait...WHY IS IT ANAL AGAIN?!?!?"

I quickly exit out of the video and pick another one. This one had a ton of dick close ups, as the camera moves upwards, I see the dick entered her.....WHAT THE FUCK?! AGAIN?!?

"What's with the people in this world's obsession with ANAL?!? Not only that, the few aren't are all “Watch me rape my brother” or “My daddy’s big dick cums inside me”...FUCK THIS SHIT”

With anger I click on a different porn side and look for females masturbating

“If I can’t watch normal sex, then I’ll take this instead!”

However before I could click on a link, I hear someone knock on my door

“Hey…Levi…you awake? Can…we talk?”

I look at the door then at my dragon

“Sorry my brother…guess you can’t show your might yet”

With a sigh I put on the nearest tights. I really need to buy some FUCKING pants. One’s with pockets too. I make a mental note and open the door

“Hey Sophia what can I…why is your face getting red?”

“Shirt…You forgot...To put on a shirt Levi...I...can see your chest”

I follow her eyesight downwards and look at my naked chest

“Oh…right…S-sorry about that. Come on in while I put something on”

I turn around and look through my closet for something to wear. It’s hard to be embarrassed about something when you grew up thinking nothing of it. While I’m doing this I hear Sophia come in after hesitating, the metal door closing behind her

“Again, I’m really sorry about that. What’s up?”

However instead of her replying, I get silence. Once I turn around, I see Sophia looking around. Her face is getting redder, her breathing increases and she starts to bring her hand into her pants. Why is she horny already?!?


After hearing her name, she quickly snaps out of it

“Sorry...I have never been in a male's room before...It's not just any man's room either...But my cute brothers…Sorry”

I watch her squirm back and forth, a strong sweat smell starts coming from her. As I watch her, I can’t help but remember what I just read

“Brother’s helping control their hormones…huh”

After mumbling that, Sophia body shook

“So…I wanted to ask….Can…You help me again today…With calming my...Hormones?”



Perhaps seeing my shocked face, she looks away and keeps talking

“You see…I….”

Her eyes keep swimming and I can see her starting to get very embarrassed. Does she need some support?

“It’s okay Sophia, please tell me. I will always support you. Like I said yesterday, I am a changed man”

She looks at my serious face for a few minutes before she continues to speak

“Okay…I'll just be blunt…I can’t stop thinking about yesterday morning...Whenever I try to masturbate...You keep coming into my head...No matter how much I relive myself...My hormones won't calm down...And the pills aren't helping...Can...you help me again?”

Wow, she dropped a bombshell on me...let me deconstruct her sentence to make sure I understood her right

“So…ever since I...Helped you yesterday morning, you can’t calm down and are constantly horny?”

As I speak, her faces get more and more red before looking sideways and nodding

“And…You want me to help?”

After hesitating, she nods again


I think about what I just read again before sighing to myself. I think it’s really weird and fucked up to have a blood related brother help their sister cum. But I need to stop grounding my viewpoint from my previous world. Like I promised dad yesterday, I will…no, I WANT to help my family in every possible way. I will do what I can to make them happy...It’s the least I can do…..And….If…If that means helping my family control their hormones…then…I...haaa....I can fight my repulses urges and do what I need to do...

With determination slowing forming in my eyes, I look straight at Sophia, right into her gorgeous blue eyes

“Of course Sophia. I don’t mind at all. It makes me really happy to know that I can be of assistance. Besides…It doesn't bother me”

Bother me as in, it doesn't really turn me on and that things won't get awkward between us

“REALLY?! You sure that you...Don’t mind?”

I have never…ever…seen a women look so happy to hear that a man would help them masturbate….As I watch her face gleaming with happiness and shock…I am once again reminded that this is truly a different world

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.