Opposite Morals

Chapter 27

Tap tap tap tap tap

My eyes are completely dull. No positive emotions, no happy feelings…nothing. The only thing that’s keeping me mentally sane right now is the pouring rain and the lingering sweetness from Nora’s kiss. It’s like the clouds understand my current torn feelings. The more depressed I get, the harder it pours outside

“And that’s why we will have to avoid an orgy from happening. Okay Levi?”

I hear my name being called out randomly. As I look forward, the teacher has a smirk on her lips as she looks back at me….What? What did I miss?

“I’m taking your silence as acceptance”

Her smirk grows deeper as she writes down (Real example - Levi dick) on the board

…What the fuck did she just write?!?...Muffled laughs echo around me as I quickly look over the classroom

“We need to confirm with Ms. Nora if she will allow this though. Alright Levi?”

The teacher's voice sounds out again as a subtle hush is spread around the room…It’s an…awkward feeling. Watching the other students faces change from a smile to a frown…knowing that I’m no longer “free” in there eyes...Well all but HER fucking stare, her white pearls are shinny with intense brightness as she looks at me...A massive smile on her face as she brings a hand down her chest and into her pants...

“Sorry…But I missed all of that”

“Tell me about it! You looked bored throughout the whole class period! If my science class is so boring, then why don’t you lend me a helping hand?”

I was not bored!! I paid no attention to know if it was boring or not! I have way too much crap on my mind right now!! But I can’t just say that to her. Not only would it not make any sense, I’m not sure how the people here will react! To think that not only was I gay, into anal, and other weird funky shit. I ALSO MADE FUCKING SEX TOYS!!...I think? I’m looking into all that crap pronto tonight! I also need to hit the bank soon. Apparently I should have a TON of money around…Just think of all the stuff I burned…all the money I wasted…FUCK!! I want to slap the SHIT out of my past self!! I’m positive these women would go CRAZY for my old and used…”TOYS”...Ewwww…Just thinking that creeps me the FUCK out!

“I’m not sure what I could do to help…But as long as it’s reasonable, then sure?”

But before that, I need to survive this unskippable interaction…Yeah…Sorry everyone, but when people ask me for help or I'm getting relied on, I find it almost impossible to refuse…It just feels good to be wanted and needed alright?!?! I do that in games too for goodness sake!

“Levi…It was a joke…I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to show your…man hood to everyone in class. Even if you're helping everyone learn what they look like and give them first hand experience...”

Her face gets bright red as she talks to me

“And I would rather not get on Ms. Nora’s bad side. She’s…terrifying when angry. Yes, I’m not afraid to say her anger scares me. You should have seen the principal's office a few days ago…”

…What the fuck??? What were we learning in science class today?!!? I really need to pay attention!! I missed a fun class it sounds like! UUUUUGGGGGHHHHH

“Though I’m grateful for the willingness”

With that, the final bell rings for the day. However no one moves. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why. The INTENSE stares from the whole class are freaking me out! Against my better judgment, I glance over…In front of my eyes are women who have bright red faces, breathing heavily as they go HAM on their private parts. Some of them are even whispering so FUCKING loud that I think the people in the hallways could hear em

“That’s right ice prince…Just lay right there…Let me do all the work”

“MMmmm…Shhhhh….Don’t fight this…Take it like a weak dick”

“Haaaaa…We….We can’t do this here! We are in the classroom…But I can’t refuse you when come onto me so strongly”

“You all can take his dick…I’m going for his asshole…Bet it tastes like a forbidden chocolate milkshake”

This….This is hell. Straight up hell. And what was that about my asshole?!? You're whispering your delusions too loudly!!! I don’t want to hear any of this!!! MY EARS!! LALALAALALAALAA!!!!

*Ding…Levi Gold come to the office please. Your family is here to pick you up…Ding”

The loudspeaker goes off, saving me from this hell hole. I bolt out of the room like my ass was on fire…or someone was trying to “test” somethings out on it

“Why is my family here? Maybe they don’t want me to walk home in the rain?”

With those thoughts swimming around in my mind and putting all those weird, terrifying delusions under the FUCKING bridge to be forgotten. I go to the office and open the door. In front of me is my mother and Sophia. They both have a VERY pissed off look as they stare at me…What the hell did I do??

“Hey…What’s up? You two are looking irresistible again today too”

I forced myself to say this…Almost tripping up my lines as their stare intensifies as I finish speaking

“Hey…Is that all you have to FUCKING say Levi!?!”

Sophia whispers out…With an intense force behind it

“So…My son, we need to talk. Get in the car”

My mother's voice was heard right after Sophia…Her eyes not even blinking once…With no reason to deny the order. I walk out with them and head to the car, sitting in the front seat as Sophia sits behind me, silently grabbing my right arm with force. Mother hops in the driver seat. Without talking or making another sound, she starts the car. This was the longest 10 minutes of my life. I don’t know what happened but right now they are pissed…Maybe because I was sexual with both of them and they found out? But from what I heard, that's normal…

When we got home, Sophia grabbed my arm again as I left the car. She walked me to the family room, forcing me to sit on the floor as they both sit on the couch

“So…Levi…Do you have anything to say to me?”

Mother looks down at me…I don’t really know how I feel about all this. I don't think I did anything wrong…And to be honest I’m not really worried or scared for that matter…The hell? I should be shivering in my socks…Probably because I was never in this position before and this is a novel experience? Getting talked down to like this at least. Now that I think about it, I haven't really gotten chewed out before have I? Not even in work has this happen...

“Levi…If you talk now, we will lessen your punishment”

Sophia throws me an olive branch…I think…Yeah I have no idea what this is about. I mean Nora is now my lover but…

“Fine, don’t talk…Why didn’t you tell us that you got a lover?!?! Do you know how important that is for the family?!? WE NEED TO KNOW THAT!!”

Oh…That's what I did wrong?! I don’t see how that's a problem though?? When I looked it up a few days ago online, there was nothing about letting the family know…

“Yeah…Right now Ms. Nora and I are pretending to be lovers? I’m sorry, I didn’t know I needed to tell you both that”

Remember dads rule Levi, just blame yourself and say sorry…Huh…Now that I’m in this position and looking up at Sophia and mothers angry face…I can’t help but think that this rule makes me look like a complete bitch…I mean what the FUCK. My romantic life is not their FUCKING problem or issue!…Is it? Wait…Really…Is it their problem?? I mean if I think about it…Women are sex craves animals…Men are rarer and are dying out at a rapid rate…Fuck I actually have no idea…If I had a daughter and she had a boyfriend…Yeah…how dare he touch my baby girl…

“Yeah we....What did you say…Pretending?”

Now that I think about it…Why did I hide it from them? We are pretending to be lovers to save her and Samantha’s behind….But we are open to the idea of taking this seriously and our actions show that we will partake in the benefits of being lovers…Kissing is wonderful and something I can only do with her right now…

“Yeah…Let me explain the situation”

I decided to fully explain what's going on. I just omitted the part where I HAD to lie to the police…In my story, I told the “truth” of what happened. In other words, they heard the story I told the cops…The only difference was that before this, we just had a normal teacher - student. I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time and with my “memory loss”, I forgot to tell her no before it was to late

“So that's what's going on…”

“Your staying in a relationship to help them out”

They finally stop looking at me and start talking to each other

“See Sophia? I told you that there was something more to this”

“Yeah, but you never know! He’s weak to…Never mined”

“What was that dear?”

Sophia…You know my weakness too?!?! FUCK!!! Who doesn't know my FUCKING weakness at this point!?! Is it that obvious!? 

“Hey...Ummm…Even though we are pretending, we are open to the idea of changing this to something more serious...If things turn that way”

To avoid more useless bullshit drama, lets make it clear with them…As I spoke that out, they look at me like their out for blood



They…took that announcement well. Not like they just screamed at me, pulled out two baseball bat from under the couch, and had the look like they were about to murder someone…SHIT SHIT SHIT…Think fucker think…This…will end…badly…Fuck it

“Please put away the weapons and let me talk!! I was interested in kissing and doing other romantic stuff. Nora and I agreed that we will do “lover” like things till the heat dies down and to make my recent actions…make more sense”

“What…Are you talking about?”

Mother's SLIGHTLY calmer voices escapes from her mouth

“As you both CLEARLY know, my actions…have been “off” this week”

They both nod their heads unconsciously and get bright red as I continue talking

“My actions have been off since day one of waking up in the hospital. Like allowing females to masturbate in the same room and I. That, along with my other odd actions, Nora and I thought afterword's that another bonus for us to becoming lover’s could help explain my sudden…Kindness. As you know mother, we are hiding the fact that some of my memory is scrambled right now from the other students”

They both look like they are calming down as I finish my new lie…Though now that I said it…That does make a lot of SENSE!! Holy shit! I can use Nora as my escape goat! I'm sure she won't mind...Hell, she's feeling grateful to me and knowing that I am getting something out of this too could only be a positive. This would change our relationship from a parasitism relationship, to a symbiosis one instead! FUCK YEAH! Now to land the final blow on em

“Since I…woken up, I realized how much you all cared about me, even though I was a complete asshole to everyone…That made me want to change and became a better person to help make your lives easier…Happier...Mother, I know I have a bank account and that I was helping you pay the bills…Stop looking surprised, Sophia knew all along…Why did you lie to me?”

She looks away from me

“...Because it’s the female's job to provide for the family…And it's shameful to rely on my own son!”

“Mother…I’m sorry…I’ll get a jo-”

“No! You already gave up college to look after the family in my place, you're not getting a job on top of it! I would rather work two jobs then!”

…Wait…Sophia gave up college to take care of all of us??...Wait…Sophia was responsible for waking us up for school…She makes homemade food for us to have during lunch, even if its...terrible…She even made breakfast today….plus with her…Motherly, kindness charm that I’m in love with….OOOOH….If I think of this as one of those anime or books, Mother is the parent who works weird, long hours and can’t spend time with the family…useless with cooking and taking care of themselves…while Sophia is playing as the “caregiver”...Taking care of the whole family while neglecting herself and her own happiness…Just what the FUCK is this?!?! A shitty B rated movie with a cliché, boring plot?!? Dad murdered, other lovers nowhere in sight or have been talked about in general, a mysterious background that being kept a secret, all children living under one roof…Fuck this shit. All that's missing is a secret sibling, backroom shady deals, and one of dad’s lovers being SUPER FUCKING RICH but is also an asshole whole is hiding something OR loathes all of us for some fucking reason...Like existing

"So...Now that most of this is cleared up, once again I'm sorry for not telling you two about Nora and I. We are staying as lovers to protect each other. Even though we may became lovers for real, she is a good person and I have no regrets or remorse for being with her right now. But on a more cheerful note, can one of you please drive me around for a bit? I want to hit the grocery store, the bank, and the phone store"

I quickly ask this before they could start bickering with each other again...Wait...Why do I think that? They haven't bickered since I woken up...Have they?? I mean, they did have an intense argument over who was cooler yesterday while we watched that superhero show...But that was it...Weird...

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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