Orc Hero Story: Discovery Chronicles

Chapter 64.3

Bash felt somewhat nervous. He wasn’t sure. He couldn’t believe the reality that he had confessed, and she had accepted.

“I’m a mate for the first time. My heart goes ‘thump, thump.’”

Only the woman’s words affirmed this fact. Of course, her words didn’t seem to indicate excitement. On the contrary, she appeared even colder than before. The woman stood up decisively, as if her scared expression from earlier had been a lie, and began walking through the cave at a brisk pace.

“But as a mate, I know what you’re going to do.”

Bash followed her. Her slender figure appeared before his eyes. She had long, glossy hair, slender shoulders, long and flexible legs, and a perky rear.

Her body might have seemed lacking compared to the women he had seen before, but her entire being exuded tremendous power. It had the strength of demons, a powerful race. The intimidation emanating from her was the greatest among the demons he had seen so far. The demon generals he had encountered in the past didn’t possess this kind of strength. The child born from this woman would undoubtedly inherit her traits and bring prosperity to the orcs.

“Bone taught me, and I know…”

The woman’s gazing face was beautiful. If such a woman were to be his wife, if he could lose his virginity with her, Bash might very well die on the spot. Moreover, had she just said it was her first time? She was exactly the kind of person Bash was looking for.

“Procreation, you know.”

The reason Bash didn’t jump on the woman and do exactly what she said, despite her directness, was that he still didn’t understand the situation. It wasn’t that he distrusted her. He was confused, which was unusual for Bash.

“Engaging in mating.”

However, the most masculine part of Bash was straightforward. It responded to her direct words with a gut-level answer. Yes, no matter how confused Bash was, he had been waiting for this moment.

“Can we have sexual relations?”


Permission came easily. She agreed. The condition set by the Orc King of “Not having sexual relations with other races without consent” had now been fulfilled.

Bash’s confusion quickly vanished. Because Bash was an orc. A proud orc. Even if he had his doubts, if he knew he could lay with a woman, that instinct would drive him.


Finally, Bash’s instincts had reached their limit. He pounced on the woman and embraced her body. The woman also placed her hands and tail around Bash’s back. The pleasant scent of the woman filled Bash’s nostrils. But for some reason, there was something dangerous in that pleasant scent that sent a chill down his spine.

“Hm?” As he was about to push her down, Bash realized something. The woman was growing larger. Just a moment ago, she was only the size of Bash’s chin, but now, for some reason, she seemed to be the same size as him.

“Calm down.”


When he tried to push her down, she didn’t even flinch. On the contrary, the woman was growing larger. Her beautiful face gradually became pointed from the nose. Her soft body was covered in scales. The sharp teeth that used to line her mouth became longer and sharper like blades.

“Egg, child, I can’t. Child, I can’t. I will do it before you do. Soft, cozy, warm place, good. We need a warm place to live. Find a place, establish, maintain.” The woman’s voice turned into the roar of a furious beast. The roar of the most powerful creature that all races would cower in fear if they heard it.

“Oh, wa-waaah…”

At the edge of Bash’s field of vision, he saw Zell retreating, her back against the cave wall.

Bash also looked up with a shiver. What he was hugging was the face of a giant reptile.

A dragon!


His sword wasn’t nearby. He had left it where the woman had been just a moment ago.

Shit… it’s a trap! At the same time, all the pieces connected in Bash’s mind.

He could smell the dragon’s blood, but it was coming from the woman in the cave. No wonder. She was a disguised dragon. Come to think of it, although he had been fighting the dragon, he would have noticed if there was a woman there. That was why they had come.

When she heard about the death of the other dragon and Bash’s epic saga, the woman’s demeanor didn’t change at all. Of course, she wouldn’t admire him for killing one of her own kind. She must have been struggling to suppress her anger.

Moreover, the woman had accepted his proposal too easily. There was no reason for her to accept. So why?

It was for this moment. They said dragons were cunning, but all of it was to kill Bash. The dragon disguised itself as a woman and waited for the moment when Bash let his guard down.

…Damn it! Bash’s body was tightly gripped by the dragon. The tip of its tail was wrapped around his legs, and he couldn’t move a muscle. He couldn’t escape. Although Bash was one of the most powerful orcs in the world, he was no match for a dragon. The dragon’s enormous fangs loomed in front of Bash’s eyes. If it came to this…! Bash prepared for death. He thought it had already cornered him. He hadn’t wanted to let his guard down. But even so, the dragon was several steps ahead of him. It had tricked him by taking the form of a woman.  …Is this my end? But he was in a cave. If Bash had seen through its disguise and killed it, he would have won. The dragon had also taken considerable risks. It had done everything it could to keep its true nature and anger hidden so its true identity wouldn’t be revealed.

Bash must have noticed. In other words, it was a close match. So he had no choice but to admit defeat.


The dragon’s tongue licked Bash’s face. Its rough tongue scraped against his cheek. But the fangs didn’t pierce him, and the flames didn’t scorch him. The fishy smell, though sweet, stimulated Bash’s nostrils.


Instead, the dragon rubbed the tip of its nose against Bash’s face, emitting a slightly sharper sound, not too different from a roar. Bash’s lips opened, and blood began to flow. If it hadn’t been Bash, the flesh of his face would have been torn off, and he might have died. But it was weak compared to claws, fangs, or its breath. Would it enjoy watching its opponents tremble in fear as it tortured them before they died?

“Egg coming soon. Until then, keep building nest.”

It was a growl that even a bug bear would probably lose its hide and flee from, but Bash faintly heard something resembling a voice. However, there wasn’t enough space for Bash to fully hear what it was saying.

The dragon released Bash. Its tail also let go, leaving him free. Bash immediately tried to put some distance between them. Finding a gap, he attempted to reach for his sword. But by then, the dragon was also about to turn on its heels.

“Honor, protect.”

The dragon dashed away. It was light for its enormous body, but with steps that oozed the strength and bravery of the most powerful creature on the continent. Duun, duun, enormous vibrations shook the cave…

The dragon dashed away.

Frizcop: People… get off the internet… I want to be alone…

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