Origin Seeker

Chapter 312: Goddaughter

“It’s been two years!”

Melody stomped over to the doors of Dream’s house, banging on them with ferocity. 

“I mean, good god people! Not only have we built a damn village, but people have already had children out here! And by the way Dream, you’re the godfather of Yao and Oraios’ daughter!”


Suddenly, a lock on the door turned, causing Melody to jump. 

The door swung open, revealing Dream in the same suit he always wore. 

His eyes were wide in excitement. 

“Yao and Oraios had a daughter?”

“...Uh, yea, sort of. And they wanted you to be the godfather.”

“Huhu, well I humbly accept. I’m gonna go see them!”


Melody stopped him before pointing back to the house. 

“What have you… Why are you appearing now?”

“Well, Iris wouldn’t stop until she passed out, Alice couldn’t control herself and vanished at some point, Sophia entered a time loop, and Luna only let me go a few days ago when she found out she was pregnant.”

“What?! Pregnant! So you actually…”

“What, did you think we were cuddling for two years? Anyway, I’m gonna go see my goddaughter! Oh, and enter at your own risk.”

With that, Dream dipped down and launched himself in the air, bursting through the tree dome. 

Melody entered the house after watching him leave, wondering what he meant by his final words.

And the first thing she noticed was the aroma in the atmosphere. It was hot, erotic, making her flush as if hit with an aphrodisiac. 

Around the luxurious wooden house she could see holes in the walls, scorch marks, craters on the floor, half melted ice, and a few spatial tears that were slowly healing. 

It almost looked like a warzone, and all kinds of ideas were fluttering through her mind as she wandered. 


Suddenly, there was a startled shout. Melody’s head spun around, seeing Luna coming down a staircase in a robe. 

Luna frantically waved her arms embarrassedly. 

“L-let me air the place out.”

With her command, all the windows opened and a breeze swept through every corner of the place. 

The aroma was washed away, but Melody didn’t recover. Her face remained flushed, causing Luna to scratch her head. 

“Sorry! That’ll take a bit to wear off.”

“...What was it?”

“Um, you know, during… Anyway, what brings you here?”

Luna decided to shift the topic, prompting Melody to shake her head a bit and sober up as best she could. 

“Oh, I was just trying to get Dream out there. Yao and Oraios had a daughter that they made Dream the godfather of.”

“Oh! I’ll have to give my congratulations.”

Luna clapped with excitement. 

Melody nodded with a smile. 

“Yea, but I hear you’re pregnant too.”

“Oh, yes, I am. Dream says it won’t actually show in regards to my stomach or anything. It’ll also only take about a month to deliver. By now I only have two weeks left.”

“I see…”

Melody tried to be enthusiastic, but her mind was still clouded. Luna walked over to her with an apologetic face. 

“Hey, go get some rest until that stuff wears off. I would help you, but this reality limits me in just about every way.”

“You don’t seem to be affected though.”

“Well, it did come from me… Anyway, just head home for a while. In a few hours it should go away. Can you walk by yourself?”

“Yea, yea…”

Melody assured Luna while walking out of the house in a small daze. As she walked out, Luna closed the door and tapped the wall, making the whole place reconstruct itself as if time were reversing. 

Melody strolled back home. Because not many people lived in the tree dome, the street between all their houses was always empty besides a few animals that occasionally came through. 

It was only after several minutes that Melody made it to her doorstep. 

At that moment though, she spotted another figure in the corner of her eye. 

It was the Keeper. Perhaps affected by Dream and his new environment, he had lost the intricate armor and opted for a more modest suit. His eternally ashen face, similar to Yao’s, looked like that of a mature middle aged man. 

“Oh? Good day, Melody.”

He greeted her first, raising his hat like a gentleman and bowing ever so slightly. 

Melody observed him with a weird glint in her eye. 

“Hey, Keeper.”


Dream walked through a light forest. He could see the monolith in the distance, and around its base was the beginnings of a new town. 

After coming to this place, Dream stripped everyone of their power, even the Archons, not that they had it any longer. Only his wives were spared, but even then only some. 

Instead, everyone else had to redevelop their powers. Using the mana and runa in the atmosphere, they were forced to pave a new path of magic. 

Of course, some had it easier than others. Yao was an instant expert in the art of matter manipulation. He was also responsible for building the more intricate hardware within the town,  making everyone’s lives easier. 

His displays of magic were grand and complex. He also acted as the teacher for many of the others, leading the charge of a new system of magic. 

Dream was pleasantly surprised by their progress, seeing the nice town as he approached. 

And the first one to notice him was Riddick.

“Oh? You’ve finally emerged.”

His face was flat, causing Dream to smile as if in victory. 

“I have, old man. And don’t worry, I won’t be disappearing for years at a time anymore.”

“Not for a while anyway.”

A figure suddenly appeared with those words, taking a spot next to Dream.

It was Sophia. In a free sundress and with the most wonderfully perfect features, she seemed to brighten the place just standing there with her flowing brown hair. 

It was the first time anybody besides Dream and his wives were being allowed to see her. She always remained hidden, only for Dream to look at and admire. 

But in this new reality, she decided to take her place by his side and, more importantly, as her own person. While she was still intricately connected with Dream on every level, she finally had her own form, her own autonomy that could wholly function without him. Dream wouldn’t allow otherwise. 

Naturally, Riddick didn’t recognize her, though with a small packet of information from Sophia, he was reminded. 

“Oh, you’re…”

“Sophia, and a majority of the intelligence behind this guy’s thick skull.”

She twirled Dream’s hair with a small giggle. 

Riddick was more confused than otherwise, specifically pertaining to how Sophia had remained hidden as a secret wife of Dream’s for so long. But eventually, he just sighed. 

“Yes, nice to meet you Sophia. Now, boy, where are my daughters?”

“Back at the house. Though, I’m not sure if Iris has woken up by now. And where’s Alice?”

“Right here!”

Another girl popped into existence, making Riddick jump a bit. Dream nodded. 

“Oh, good. How are you feeling?”

“Pregnant, is how I’m feeling.”

“Good. I did my job well then. Oh, did you hear about Yao and Oraios?”

“Yeah! I heard Melody tell Luna.”

Alice jumped with an excited clap. However, Dream suddenly remembered something.

“Did we air out the house before she entered?”

“Uhh, I think Luna did. Either way, she’ll be fine.”


Dream rubbed his chin with narrowed eyes. 

Riddick walked past him. 

“I’m going to find my daughters.”

“Huh? Oh, yea, Luna has something to tell you.”

“You mean…”

“And Iris.”

“And me.”

Sophia poked with a smile, making Riddick sigh. 


“See ya, old man!”

Dream waved as Riddick walked off. He then continued through the town with Sophia and Alice.

Sophia leaned her head on him. 

“I’m surprised you figured out how to make Time pregnant.”

“Because this reality plays by my rules. Here, you’re not Time. You’re just my wife with some extra powers. Same with you.”

Leaning over, Dream gave Alice a smooch on the forehead. 

Just then, a little person came running in their direction. 

Alice gasped.

“Oh my gosh! You’re so cute!”

“I’m cute!”

The little girl echoed Alice’s words with a cheer. 

With short legs and chubby cheeks, the little girl looked to be around two years old, yet she could run around with ease. 

And she had many unique features. Her skin was the most outstanding, being a pinkish red. Her hair was also unlike humans, looking to be made of a crystalline material that was stiff yet flexible and reflected the light. This little one’s hair speciffically was a deep black, as if it contained the depth of space. 

Finally, her eyes were a deep gold color, flashing with brilliance. 

As Dream observed the little girl, she also observed him. The two stared at each other until she pointed at him. 


“Oh? How’d you know?”

“Your ring!”

She pointed at his right hand, the one that wore the ring of his Ascendency. 

“It’s the ring of the family, but I am not family. But Mommy said I would be part family!”

“Haha, yes, you will be part family.”

Dream chuckled before squatting down in front of the girl.

“What’s your name?”


“Well Asarya, take me to your parents, and I will officially make you my goddaughter.”


She smiled and grabbed his hand, pulling him along through the town. 

Along the way, Dream saw many familiar faces which he waved to while being pulled along by the excited little Asarya.

Finally, they arrived at a large manor, one of the biggest structures in the town. 

Dream could see Oraios in the front garden, tending to all manner of exotic plants as wild animals lingered around her. 

The gardener lifted her head at his arrival. 

“Ah, Dream! I see you’ve met my daughter.”

“I have. She’s a beautiful child, Oraios. You have my congratulations.”

“Thank you, Dream. And…”

Oraios looked at Sophia and Alice beside him with a cheeky smile. 

“I suppose I’ll give my own early congrats as well. You’ve sure been hard at work these past couple years.”

“Hehe, indeed I have. Making true on a long overdue promise. I’m only sorry I couldn’t do so earlier.”

“Well, not that the universe was doing you any favors.”

She chuckled while patting her daughters hair. 

“I’m also glad that you’ve allowed me to experience this. It’s not nearly the scale that it was when I was Life, but with my ego as it is now, it’s so much more personal. Beloved children that I can truly love with a bias. There’s no better feeling. For that, I thank you.”

Oraios gave her heartfelt appreciation, her glistening eyes looking into Dream’s.

He nodded. 

“Of course, Oraios. You deserve this. Now, what should I do about this cheeky little child?”

Dream bent down and pinched Asarya’s cheek, causing her to wiggle around. 

Then, he narrowed his eyes while looking at her. 

“I must give you a token of the Ascendency. Should I give you a flower?”


“Or a necklace?”

“Oh, that one!”

“Or maybe a ring like mine?”

“Yes, yes!”

Asarya got more and more excited, brimming with anxiousness at what Dream’ would decide to give her. It seemed she placed great significance on the token of the family. 

Yet even with her excitement, she stood stifly like a soldier being inspected, waiting for the decree. 

Finally, Dream smiled. 

“You know, I’ve got just the thing. Close your eyes.”


She smiled and sealed her eyes shut. 

Then, Dream reached with his hand, placing two fingers on her forehead, and began tracing. 

An intricate design was engraved across her skin. From the center outward a flowing series of markings and lines intertwined, forming a tattoo that resembled a crown, or tiara. 

It flashed a brilliant white as its core activated, sending a pulse of light through her black crystalline hair. 

“Alright, open.”

Dream spoke, and when she opened her eyes, he handed her a shard of glass that acted as a mirror. 

Seeing the crown of light on her forehead, Asarya jumped in joy. 

“Wow! It’s pretty!”

“Of course! A crown of the mind befitting the Goddaughter of the Dreamer Ascendency. Now, you’re going to have a dream tonight as the crown settles in your mind. Be sure to tell me how it goes tomorrow. Promise?”

“Promise! And thank you!”

“Hehe, you’re so cute.”

Dream couldn’t help but ruffle the girl’s hair as she gave an awkward salute. 

Oraios then picked up her daughter. 

“Ready to show your father?”


“Alright. Dream, tonight you should come dine with us. Asarya will find you, isn’t that right?”


Oraios offered with a motherly hug as Asarya wiggled in her embrace.

Dream grinned.

“Of course. I’ll be awaiting Miss Asarya’s arrival.”

“Mm. Now, let’s go show your father your new crown.”

With that Oraios retreated into her home.

Alice couldn’t help but watch the scene with longing. 

She pulled Dream’s sleeve. 

“Hey, we’re going to get that soon, right?”

“We are.”

“...A family. Our family. After so many years.”

She leaned on his chest, her eyes fluttering with images of what was soon to be. 

“I know it’ll be the happiest day of my life.”

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