
Chapter 10 Sandalwood Scent

Like the other cases, these two cases did not record the patient's name and history, nor did they have a specific date, but some clues can still be deduced from some details.

According to the records in the case, the age of this adult man is 'not confused', that is, about forty years old, which is different from the previous cases. The previous cases have the specific age of the patient, but this one does not.' Not confused up and down' is a very general concept.

For Chinese medicine, the specific age of the patient has a great influence on the diagnosis, treatment and prescription. If the specific age of the patient could be known, Master would never use this vague statement. It can be seen that the Master could not determine the specific age of the other party at that time.

In addition, the case also recorded that the adult man's words were so urgent that blood spilled out of his mouth and nose. ’ This sentence means that as long as the person speaks too much, or if he speaks too fast, he will vomit blood, which shows that this adult man could speak at that time. Since he can speak, why can’t Master determine his specific age?

As for this person's symptoms, the master's record is, "Frequent coughing and vomiting of blood, shortness of breath, swollen face, numbness of hands and feet, and repeated tugging of long hair to prevent headaches." ’

Master is from the older generation, and the words used to record medical records and cases are relatively simple, but Wu Zhongyuan has followed Master for many years and has become familiar with his note-taking habit, and keenly found another clue from this passage. When he had an unbearable headache, he would pull his hair, and it was long hair. This was something he had overlooked before. After careful recall, the bones he saw in the coffin that day did indeed have long hair.

Regarding this person's disease, Master used the exclusion method. First, the common cough was ruled out, and then asthma and asthma were ruled out, because the person's condition did not worsen when he was lying down, and then the tuberculosis was ruled out. According to this People are not thin.

In the end, it was determined that this person had a disease of the lungs, which was also called lung cancer at this time.

The medicines used are raw astragalus, raw atractylodes, dried almond, aster, winter flower, earthworm, ephedra and raw licorice. After taking the medicine, it is observed that there is a slight improvement.

The next day I took it again, 'The wheezing was slightly flat, but the hemoptysis still persisted. "

Master used a total of three medicines. It can be seen that this person received three days of treatment after encountering Master. The case was recorded on the case of ‘every time at the time of time, and the illness slowed down. At the time of Shen Shiyin, the disease aggravated. ’ This also shows that during the treatment period, Master stayed with this person, otherwise it would be impossible to observe so carefully.

The final result of the treatment was not recorded by the master, but according to the fact that the three herbs and dosages of the three herbs have been increasing and decreasing, the master has not found an effective method of treatment in the end.

Then there is the record about the eight-month-old baby. If there is no accident, this eight-month-old baby should be him. As for the age of the baby, the master's record is 'about eight months of tooth age', which means that the master is Judging his age based on the teeth he had just erupted was not from the mouth of the grown man.

Since this adult man can speak, and he stayed with Master for three days, why didn't the two sides communicate? Could this grown man be a lunatic?

Thinking about it carefully, this possibility is not very big, because if it is a lunatic, Master would not have not marked the case.

His symptoms were similar to that of the adult man, except that the symptoms were not as severe. Master did not specify what was wrong with him, but only wrote down the name and dosage of the herbs used to calm the lungs and relieve cough.

Through this, it can be seen that Master was very puzzled back then, because he had the same symptoms as the adult man, and Master's diagnosis of the adult man was lung cancer.

But cancer is not contagious, which means that the master probably later also knew that his diagnosis of an adult man was not necessarily correct.

After carefully reading these two case records, Wu Zhongyuan became more and more puzzled. The clues extracted from the cases were very fragmented. First, he appeared with the man in the coffin.

Second, he was only eight months old at the time.

The third useful clue is that the man lived for three days after meeting the master, could talk, but did not communicate with the master.

Fourth, this man and he had the same disease at the time.

There is also the fact that this man was wearing clothes when he met Master, because there is a saying in his case, "There are two bloodstains on the front of his clothes, which should be left behind by two vomiting blood." ' Since there is a front of the garment, there is also a garment.

Since this man was wearing clothes at the time, why was he buried naked when he died? Could it be that Master was worried about an infectious disease and burned his clothes?

If you think about it, it's not right, because there is no difference between burning and burying, and burying people naked is disrespectful to the dead.

The dormitory was very quiet. Wu Zhongyuan worked hard to organize many clues in his mind, but the clues were not only fragmentary, but also very strange and suspicious. Master did not mention anything unusual about the man's appearance in the case, which was not common sense at all, because If Master knew that this person had a beak, it would be impossible to treat him as an ordinary person.

Moreover, although the master is a Taoist priest, he is not very courageous. If this person has a beak, he will definitely be frightened.

It's a pity that Master doesn't have the habit of keeping a diary. Now there are only cases instead of diaries. The clues are incomplete and fragmented, and it is difficult to connect them together.

It doesn't feel good to be kept in the dark. The more he can't figure out why, the more puzzled Wu Zhongyuan is, the more puzzled he is, the more eager he is to find out the truth.

Thinking is very tiring, and concentrated thinking is even more tiring. Soon Wu Zhongyuan was exhausted and groggy and wanted to sleep.

I always have to take off my clothes when I sleep. I sat up and unbuttoned my clothes in a daze. At this moment, a flash of inspiration came. Clothes, clothes. Although the medical record of Master did not specify what clothes he was wearing at that time, there was a sentence of 'swaddling clothes'. There is a strange fragrance, which should be the soothing sandalwood. ’

He didn't remember what his swaddle looked like, and he had never heard about it from his master, but one thing he remembered was that he and his brother's mosquito nets had purple patches on them. The patches were scented and could repel mosquitoes.

My brother's mosquito net was taken to the mine a few years ago by my senior brother. It is estimated that it was thrown away long ago. He has to go to school, and he can't always have a patched mosquito net, so the mosquito net he used before is still at home.

The patch on the mosquito net was part of his swaddling, which is also an important clue.

Thinking of this, he was overjoyed, but the overjoy quickly turned into annoyance, because he suddenly remembered that his home had been demolished. It had been seven or eight days, and the ruins may have been pulled away.

Thinking of this, where can I still sleep, and I can't wait for dawn, I put on my shoes and ran downstairs.

At this time, it was late at night, and he didn't go out the door. He jumped over the wall from the west, performed light work, and ran wildly to the south.

After running for a few miles, I suddenly remembered something. Oops, there are surveillance cameras everywhere. If you run so fast, if you are caught by surveillance cameras, I am afraid it will be difficult to explain.

He has money now, but he is reluctant to use it. He still climbs the car at the intersection, and he is worried all the way. It is not until he reaches the bottom of the mountain and sees the pile of ruins that he is relieved.

If you practice kung fu, you have to practice qi. People who practice qi can see things clearly at night, and they don't need lighting. They rummage through the ruins. Fortunately, the mosquito net is still there, and the two patches are also there. Tear it off and sniff it. , is sandalwood scent, but the scent is not so strong after a long time.

On the way back, I came back by bus. I brought three packs of apricots. After getting on the bus, I gave the driver a pack. I fainted in the car that day, and they were sent to the hospital.

When he arrived at the county seat, he called Lin Qingming again and wanted to give him apricots to eat, but Lin Qingming was not in the county, so he accompanied the boss on a business trip to the capital.

He put down the phone and went to the factory where Huang Ping worked to find Huang Ping and gave her a pack of apricots.

Lin Qingming was away, so he had an extra bag. After thinking about it, he went to the hospital to find President Wang. Last time, they confiscated the medical expenses and sent a car to take him back. I have to thank them.

Dean Wang did not expect that Wu Zhongyuan would take the initiative to look for him. It was a surprise to see him. He politely sent away the guest he was receiving and welcomed him in enthusiastically.

Sometimes, what people value is just an attitude. President Wang has never seen any gifts, but he is very happy to see Wu Zhongyuan bringing apricots. This shows that this young man is a polite person and a person who repays his gratitude. .

Before Wu Zhongyuan could speak, Dean Wang took the initiative to talk about the blood issue. There was no progress in blood testing. In order to avoid affecting Wu Zhongyuan's life, Dean Wang did not conduct more detailed tests from home, but entrusted a classmate abroad. A few blood samples were managed to be taken abroad, and they have been tested in foreign countries, and there has been no response so far.

However, with regard to the tattoos on Wu Zhongyuan's body, there has been progress. The dragon head tattoo on Wu Zhongyuan's body is very different from the dragon shape commonly seen in modern times, and there is nothing similar to it. However, a scholar friend known by President Wang has seen similar dragon shapes. pattern.

Dean Wang took out his mobile phone, opened the photo album, and handed it to Wu Zhongyuan, "Look at it for yourself, scroll back, there are several."

Wu Zhongyuan took the phone and looked at each one carefully. The photo was a bronze ware that he couldn't name, and a dragon was cast on it. It was a complete dragon. Looking at the dragon head, it was similar to his own tattoo, but it wasn't. exactly the same.

"This is a sacrificial copper bottle from the Shang Dynasty." Dean Wang said.

Wu Zhongyuan returned the phone to Dean Wang, "It's somewhat similar, but the dragon's beard and the dragon's horns are different, and the eyes are also different. The dragon above has bigger eyes than mine."

"You're right," Dean Wang nodded, "I have also compared carefully, there are indeed differences, but overall they are very similar. In order not to affect your normal life, I also don't know the scope of the insider. Further expansion, so it is impossible to verify on a large scale at present, and it is impossible to determine which of the two patterns is older in a short time."

"Thank you, President Wang." Wu Zhongyuan said.

Dean Wang waved his hand, "Have you finished the test, how was the test?"

"It's okay," Wu Zhongyuan said.

Dean Wang knew some of Wu Zhongyuan's situation, and took the initiative to say, "If there is no other arrangement, why don't you come to the hospital to work for a few days, and get in touch with the society in advance."

"Thank you, President Wang." Wu Zhongyuan got up and thanked him.

Dean Wang raised his hand and motioned him to sit down, "What kind of work do you like?"

"As long as you don't go to the morgue to vigil, everything else is fine," Wu Zhongyuan said.

"Hahaha," Dean Wang said with a smile, "the hospital's morgues are all locked, and there is no need to keep a vigil at all. Well, let's arrange for you to direct the parking."

All Wu Zhongyuan could do was to thank him again.

Dean Wang picked up the phone on the table and dialed the extension number, "Is there a place to live?"

"I still live in the school." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"The school is too far from here, move here, and I'll arrange a place for you." Speaking of this, the phone was connected, Dean Wang briefly said a few words to the other party, hung up the phone and rushed to Wu Zhongyuan Said, "Go to the eighth floor to find Section Chief Gao, and he will make arrangements for you."

Wu Zhongyuan thanked him and got up, hesitated for a while, and walked out.

"Is there anything else?" Dean Wang asked.

Wu Zhongyuan stopped and turned around, "President Wang, I have something here, can you find someone to test it for me?"

"What?" Dean Wang asked.

Wu Zhongyuan walked back to the table and took out a patch, "This."

Dean Wang took the patch and looked at it carefully, "The fabric hospital can't test it, what is this and where did it come from?"

"This is what I put on the little quilt I had when I was a child." Wu Zhongyuan said.

Upon hearing this, Dean Wang hurriedly stood up, "Let's walk around, I'll take you to a place for testing."

"It's okay, you are busy with your work, I am not in a hurry." Wu Zhongyuan was a little embarrassed.

"You're not in a hurry, I'm in a hurry. I haven't slept well in the past few days." Dean Wang opened the door and went out.

Passing through the eighth floor, Dean Wang went to explain a few words to Section Chief Gao in person, then took Wu Zhongyuan downstairs, got into the car, and said to the driver, "Go to the Institute of Botany."

After the car started, Wu Zhongyuan said again, "President Wang, I have another question for you."

"You said." Dean Wang was still looking at the patch.

"There is a disease that causes coughing and vomiting blood, shortness of breath, swelling of the face, and paralysis of hands and feet. What kind of disease is this?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"According to your description, this should be an acute disease of the respiratory system." Dean Wang replied casually.

"When it hurts, I can't help pulling my hair." Wu Zhongyuan added.

Dean Wang frowned slightly, thinking hard, but did not answer.

Seeing that his supplements failed to provide Dean Wang with a further basis for judgment, Wu Zhongyuan added, "The symptoms of this disease can be relieved at 90 in the morning and 90 in the evening, and at three or four in the afternoon and three or four in the morning. The o'clock will increase."

"Insufficient access to oxygen," Dean Wang immediately made an accurate judgment, "This disease is directly related to the change in air pressure within a day, and it is also related to the altitude. When people here directly appear on Mount Everest, they will appear That's what you said."

"Apart from the altitude relationship, is there any other possibility?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Dean Wang thought for a while and said, "Yes, if a person suddenly appears in a place with very poor air quality from a place with good air quality, he will also have similar symptoms..."

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