
Chapter 12 The Ancients

"Ancient times?" Wu Zhongyuan asked himself blankly.

Dean Wang nodded slowly, "It should be, it was the legendary period of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. If you lived in that period, your chromosomal abnormality can be reasonably explained. Nu Wa has a snake body and a human head, and Chi You has two horns on the head. Your appearance shows that these legends may not be just legends. At that time, people with abnormal genes like you may be very common."

Before Wu Zhongyuan answered, President Wang added, "The atmospheric environment at that time was different from now, there is no such serious pollution as in modern times, we have been living in such an environment, we have gradually gotten used to it and developed antibodies, but If people from ancient times came here all of a sudden, there would be the kind of situation you're talking about, where the dirty air can cause lung infections, and the lack of oxygen in the air can make it difficult to breathe."

"Language in ancient times is not the same as it is now." Wu Zhongyuan said to himself. At this moment, he still did not fully believe the judgment of Dean Wang, but Dean Wang's judgment reasonably explained that the bird man was dying with his master. After three days of contact, they could not communicate verbally. In addition, the bird's beak also indirectly proved Dean Wang's guess. In ancient times, people with genetic abnormalities like him might not be uncommon.

President Wang did not know the Birdman Festival, nor did he know that Wu Zhongyuan's master left a record of treating the two of them, and said casually, "This is for sure, not to mention the ancient times thousands of years ago, it was just a few thousand years ago. In the Ming Dynasty a hundred years ago, the language was also different from today.”

Wu Zhongyuan didn't speak anymore. The incident happened suddenly. He needed time to calm down and organize his thoughts.

"If you have any questions, you can say it, and we will discuss it together." Dean Wang said.

Wu Zhongyuan thought for a while and asked, "Adult or child, who can tolerate polluted air better?"

"Of course it is an adult. The child's body is not fully developed and the tolerance is worse." Dean Wang said.

Wu Zhongyuan raised his hand and rubbed his face, "But why is my lord dead and I'm fine?"

Dean Wang pinched the patch again, "It should have saved your life. Sandalwood is a very precious traditional Chinese medicine. It enters the three meridians of the spleen, stomach, and lung, and can regulate qi and stop vomiting. If the whole swaddling cloth is made of this kind of fabric, The aroma will be stronger and the medicinal effect will be stronger.”

"I only know that this thing can repel mosquitoes." Wu Zhongyuan smiled bitterly. After laughing, he remembered something, "If what you said is correct, then the person who sent me here has already thought of it..."

Before Wu Zhongyuan could speak, Dean Wang waved his hand and interrupted him, "It shouldn't be like this. Sandalwood can not only regulate the qi and stop vomiting, but also calm the mind. The reason why the person who made this swaddling clothes joined the sandalwood is very likely. Just to make you sleep better."

Wu Zhongyuan's mind was very confused, he raised his hand to rub his face again, and after rubbing his face, he grabbed his head and accidentally touched the wound, baring his teeth secretly.

"President Wang, do you think this is reasonable?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"After eliminating all the unreasonable, the last remaining one must be the truth," Dean Wang said, "It may be difficult for you to accept such a reality for a while, but it is very likely to be the truth, whether you like it or not. Accept that the truth is the truth.”

Wu Zhongyuan did not answer.

Dean Wang added, "The reason why the pair of abnormal chromosomes in your body has been dormant is probably because of the difference in the air."

Wu Zhongyuan has been in a dazed state and his mind is very confused, but President Wang deduced the truth and was a little excited, "In my opinion, the reason why you are here,

It was not someone who sent you here on purpose, but a sudden accident. So far, science and technology have not developed to the point of artificially creating and controlling wormholes, and it was even more impossible thousands of years ago. "

"Also," Dean Wang pinched the patch again, "the productive forces in ancient times were very underdeveloped, and a swaddle made of this material was definitely not something that ordinary people could have. If nothing else, your parents should have had it at that time. high social status."

"President Wang, do you know that this is useful?" Wu Zhongyuan was very depressed, "Even if I really came from ancient times, I can't go back."

Dean Wang was stunned for a moment, then turned to say, "Even if you can't change it, you should seek the truth."

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head, "I can't go back anyway, so why are you still looking for it?"

Dean Wang didn't answer. He had been excited to discover the truth before, but he ignored Wu Zhongyuan's feelings and knew that he did not belong to this world, so he could only make Wu Zhongyuan see himself as an outlier different from others, one who had left his hometown A wanderer who will never return.

"Have you had dinner?" Dean Wang asked.

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head, then nodded again.

There is a food stall near the hospital. Dean Wang took Wu Zhongyuan to sit down there. In order to express his gratitude to Dean Wang, Wu Zhongyuan insisted on inviting Dean Wang to dinner.

During the meal, Dean Wang didn't say anything about this matter. He just chatted with Wu Zhongyuan and asked him what he planned to fill in and what plans he had for his future life.

Wu Zhongyuan either answered "I didn't think about it" or shook his head without saying a word. He originally had a plan for his life, to go to college, find a job, and then start a family, but now this plan is not working well, because of chromosomal abnormalities, I don't dare to find a wife, I can't fall in love and marry a wife, the world is instantly dark, and I have no motivation to fight.

After eating a meal, Wu Zhongyuan went back to the dormitory and fell asleep. He was in good spirits at happy events, and he felt drowsy and depressed. Even if he fell asleep, he didn't sleep well and woke up several times a night.

I started working the next day, wearing an armband and directing the vehicles that came to the doctor. This was a very easy job. The parking lot was full soon after I got to work. I put a sign at the entrance saying that the parking space is full, and then I ran to the front of the emergency building. , watching no foreign vehicles seize the ambulance parking space.

The ambulance has not been idle for a day. It ran out and drove back. Nine out of ten were car accidents, with broken arms and legs, blood dripping, and insufficient staff. Sometimes he would also help down. lift.

A hospital is a good place to save lives. The hospital is also a bad place, people always die.

You can often hear the heart-wrenching cry of the bereaved sufferers, and occasionally see terminally ill patients with their test reports ashes, as well as family members of patients who are desperate to raise medical expenses.

Gradually, Wu Zhongyuan's mood improved. He was unlucky, but there were many more unfortunate people than himself. Compared with those dying, at least he still had his own life.

I haven't seen President Wang in the past few days, and Lin Qingming has not returned from a business trip with the boss. The work is relatively easy, the food in the hospital canteen is good, and the life is quite pleasant.

The imaginary thing about being arrested by the relevant departments for research did not happen. It was as if people had forgotten about it, and life gradually returned to calm.

In the second half of the year, the results of the college entrance examination came out, and it was not bad. After passing the score line of the second book, I had to fill in the application.

When I called Lin Qingming, Lin Qingming didn't interfere, he just told him to choose a major he liked, so he didn't have to worry about tuition fees.

There are a lot of majors, and he can't decide which one to apply for. Except for being a soldier and a policeman, he has no interest in anything else. He hesitated again and again. He chose archaeology between history and archaeology. The reason for applying for this major is also very good. Simple, one is that this school is in the province, a little closer to Lin Qingming. The second is that he came from ancient times. Even if he can't go back, he can get close contact with and understand some ancient things.

After working for less than two months, the salary was settled at 5,000 yuan, which is not too small for a short-term worker.

Lin Qingming has been running around with the boss, but he failed to come back to see him off, and transferred him 10,000 yuan for tuition through his mobile phone.

In September, Wu Zhongyuan packed his luggage and boarded the train to the provincial capital with the admission notice...


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