
Chapter 23 Supernatural Phenomena

"This, this, the experts don't seem to have an explanation for this issue." Wu Zhongyuan said. He had to admit that Wang Xinran's perspective on the problem was indeed unique. Other questions were explained scientifically, except that villagers often saw a woman in front of her. The detail of crying on the grave was ignored.

"They can't explain it," Wang Xinran said with a smile. This guy has never smiled seriously before. Every time he smiles, he almost always smiles with an expression of contempt, and this time is no exception. "These people are actually the most hateful. "

"How do you say it?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Wang Xinran replied, "On the surface, this kind of program kills two birds with one stone. It not only satisfies the curiosity of the people, but also provides materialistic science education, pleases the superiors and entertains the people. In fact, this is all their wishful thinking. Similar programs can easily be self-defeating, and once the explanation is unreasonable, it will be counterproductive, as is the case with this program just now, painting a tiger will not turn out to be an anti-dog."

Wu Zhongyuan was a little surprised, not because of the program he just watched, but because Wang Xinran never talked much and rarely had such long speeches.

Wang Xinran did not stop there, but gave another example, "There was also the Yingkou dragon falling incident in three or four years. Several domestic media conducted investigative reports, and the final investigation result was that it was not a dragon's bone. It is the skeleton of a minke whale, and the mandible of the minke whale was inserted into the eye socket of the skull to make the minke whale's skeleton look more similar to the keel that was photographed back then. Then it was concluded that what fell in Yingkou that year was not a dragon. It is a statement made by a minke whale. In fact, anyone who is careful will find that in the photo taken that year, the dragon's eye sockets are empty and the dragon's horns are on the dragon's head."

The example Wang Xinran gave is not uncommon. Almost everyone who studies archeology has heard of it. After Wang Xinran finished speaking, Wu Zhongyuan asked, "You mean that the Yingkou dragon falling incident was true?"

Wang Xinran didn't hide it, and nodded happily, "It's true, but it's not a real dragon, but a dragon."

"How do you know this in detail?" Wu Zhongyuan asked doubtfully.

"Because I have seen the remains of the dragon. If you want to see it, I can show you this time." Wang Xinran said.

Wu Zhongyuan originally wanted to ask Wang Xinran why he told him this, but after hearing what Wang Xinran said, he stopped asking because Wang Xinran's motives were obvious. One was to arouse his curiosity so that he would not change his mind and behave well after the winter vacation. Follow her to the headquarters. The second is to reveal some information to him in advance, so as not to be surprised when he sees something unusual and strange after going to the headquarters.

It was time for group discussion. Looking around, he found that no classmates were paying attention to them. Wu Zhongyuan asked in a low voice, "Have you seen a live dragon?"

Wang Xinran shook his head, "No, I have only seen two skeletons. In addition to the one I just mentioned, there is another one that was discovered from the Songhua River in 2004."

Wu Zhongyuan thought for a while and asked in a low voice, "Is your department specialized in handling these matters?"

"That's right, but we are divided into several departments, each responsible for different matters." Wang Xinran yawned. Other girls covered their mouths when they yawned, but she didn't cover them and yawned wildly.

After Wang Xinran finished yawning, Wu Zhongyuan asked carefully, "Hey, do you think there are ghosts in this world?"

"No," Wang Xinran shook his head, "Ghosts are spiritualists. We don't believe this. However, after a person dies, some residual energy will remain in a special form for a period of time. This has been scientifically verified."

Wu Zhongyuan became very curious.

"Are there aliens in the world?"

"This really doesn't happen." Wang Xinran shook his head again.

"Then do you believe in wormholes and space-time tunnels?" Wu Zhongyuan asked again.

"I believe it, but this is just a conjecture of the general theory of relativity. Current science and technology cannot control time artificially," Wang Xinran said casually, "In fact, all supernatural phenomena can be explained by science, but today's science and technology It has not yet developed to the point where it can explain all paranormal phenomena.”

After Wang Xinran finished speaking, he vaguely noticed something, "Why do you ask this?"

"Nothing, just ask." Wu Zhongyuan said casually. Wang Xinran would know his true origin sooner or later, but right now he didn't want Wang Xinran to know this prematurely.

Wang Xinran was not satisfied with Wu Zhongyuan's answer, but when the bell rang, she didn't ask further questions, got up and went out to smoke.

Wu Zhongyuan also packed up his things and left the classroom, but he did not go to the dormitory. Instead, he went to the adjacent teaching building to find Cui Fang from the Art Department.

Cui Fang is Wan Shanhai's girlfriend. Wu Zhongyuan reported his name and then asked about the details of the night of the incident.

Cui Fang seemed unwilling to mention what happened that night, but in the end he still spoke hesitantly. The general story was similar to what Wan Shanhai said, except that Wan Shanhai lied a little bit, that is, he didn't pee casually, he peeed I knew right away that there was a graveyard ahead of me.

After Cui Fang finished speaking, Wu Zhongyuan asked, "Do you still remember the face of that old lady?"

After Wu Zhongyuan finished speaking, Cui Fang's expression changed drastically, "What do you want to do?"

"I know some people who might be able to help him." Wu Zhongyuan lied.

Perhaps out of concern for Wan Shanhai, or perhaps out of guilt for leaving Wan Shanhai behind in fear and running away that night, Cui Fang reluctantly drew the old lady's head despite not wanting to recall the details of that night.

Cui Fang studied art and her sketches were very expressive. The old lady asked her to draw them very realistically. She was in her 70s or 80s, thin, and had a bun on her head.

After class, Wu Zhongyuan invited Wang Jize to go to the back mountain with him. Wang Jize was afraid and did not dare to go.

After dinner, Wu Zhongyuan went anyway, but he didn't go alone, but with Wang Xinran. He didn't invite Wang Xinran. Wang Xinran was worried about him walking around alone, so he took the initiative to follow him.

Wu Zhongyuan did not tell Wang Xinran what he was doing in the back mountain, but Wang Xinran guessed that Wan Shanhai was a classmate of the two, and his story had long been spread.

When they arrived at the back mountain, according to Cui Fang's description, the two found the grave. The grave was surrounded by a pine forest. There were paper towels and other sundries scattered in the forest that made Wu Zhongyuan blush. It seemed that Cui Fang was not telling the whole truth. I might have done something else here that night.

The tomb is not big, and there are traces of human cleaning around it, indicating that the tomb is not very old. There is no tombstone in front of the tomb. According to funeral customs, tombstones are usually erected after two old people are buried together. There is no explanation of the tombstone. The old lady died first, but the old man is still alive.

"You want to know who the owner of the tomb is?" Wang Xinran asked.

"Do you have any idea?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"You can ask the headquarters to check." Wang Xinran took out his mobile phone and took pictures of the surrounding scenery. "There is only one grave here. You can compare it with previous satellite maps. After determining the burial time, you can check the specific time of death."

"I also have a portrait here." Wu Zhongyuan took out the head portrait drawn by Cui Fang.

Wang Xinran took the portrait and took a picture, "It will be much easier if you have a portrait."

"How long will it take?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"Soon." Wang Xinran returned the portrait to Wu Zhongyuan.

It was indeed very fast. As soon as the two of them reached the foot of the mountain, the news came back. Wang Xinran showed his cell phone to Wu Zhongyuan, "It should be this person."

This is an ID document with a photo and date of birth, followed by the time of death. The photo is 90% similar to the portrait Cui Fang drew. The only difference is that the photo was taken with a smile, while Cui Fang drew it. The portrait looks very eerie.

The old lady was seventy-three when she died, less than three years ago.

The reason why Wu Zhongyuan investigated this matter was to confirm whether there were any supernatural phenomena. Now he has the answer. There are really ghosts in this world. No, there are no ghosts. To be precise, they are the remnants that continue to exist in special forms after death. energy.

Wang Xinran had no interest in Wu Zhongyuan's investigation. For her, the only meaning of this matter was to show Wu Zhongyuan the amazing work efficiency of the headquarters, so it was inevitable to feel proud.

When he returned to the dormitory, Wang Jize was not there again. He remembered that Wan Shanhai was standing in front of his bed with a ghost on his back not long ago. Wu Zhongyuan could not help but feel frightened. He pulled out his suitcase from under the bed and found the book of ghost drawings left by his master.

He had read this book before and knew that it contained spells and methods for exorcising evil spirits and catching ghosts. There is a saying that it is called cramming before the battle, and now he is definitely cramming before the battle.

Generally speaking, only Taoist priests who are serious about drawing talismans can draw talismans. However, the talismans recorded in this book do not have strict requirements on the identity of the person who draws the talismans. As long as you master the essentials and drawing and writing methods, you can draw the talisman. The dye for drawing the talisman is also There are several types, according to the strength, they are ink, cinnabar and gold paint. In addition, human blood can also be used to draw talismans, but not women's. If you use Yin, you can draw a man's blood, preferably a boy's blood, which is more powerful than gold paint.

The content in the book was very complicated and could not be read in a short period of time. Wu Zhongyuan could only search in a targeted manner. Wan Shanhai's situation was similar to that of the ghost in the book, so he used these spells.

The spells in the book are not words, but some strange shapes and zigzag strokes.

To learn how to draw talismans, he first needed to prepare a brush, yellow paper, and ink, but he had nothing on hand.

I was hesitating whether to buy it or not when my cell phone rang and it was a landline number.

After answering, Lin Qingming's voice came from the other end of the phone, very urgently, "Come to Dihao Nightclub and help me."

"Brother, where is the Dihao Nightclub?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

There was no answer from the other party and the call was hung up.

Wu Zhongyuan hurriedly dialed Lin Qingming's mobile phone, which was not in the service area.

Lin Qingming's voice was very urgent just now, and it was obvious that something had happened. Wu Zhongyuan hurriedly put on his clothes and ran out of the school.

It was past eight o'clock in the evening, and there were many taxis outside. I stopped one and said, "Master, do you know where the Dihao Nightclub is?"

"I know." The other party replied.

Wu Zhongyuan opened the door and got in the car, "Drive quickly, the faster the better..."

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