
Chapter 31 Decision

Wang Jize knew Wu Zhongyuan was joking, but he was still afraid, so he could only beg Wu Zhongyuan to go with him.

Wu Zhongyuan ate the apple and did not answer the conversation.

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan had made up his mind, Wang Jize was not in a position to beg again, but he felt uneasy, so he raised his right hand, held the talisman, and repeatedly practiced the tapping movements.

So many things happened in one day, Wu Zhongyuan desperately wanted to sort out the clues and sort out the clues, but there were too many clues and they were too messy, and he didn't know where to start for a while.

Now the general outline of the matter has been revealed. His father was probably the leader of a tribe in ancient times. In a battle, the wizard of the tribe may not be called a wizard but a mage or a priest. In short, he possesses magical spells. person, cast a spell to move him to a safe place.

It could be that the wizard who cast the spell was incompetent, or it could be that things happened in a hurry, and the wizard made a mistake while he was busy. What should have been a transfer of location, but instead a transfer of time, sent him and the birdman to the present day thousands of years later.

The specific location where the two appeared should be the current Huang County area. Birdman's situation was similar to Wu Zhui's. He could not adapt to the modern atmosphere and died. Before his death, he entrusted him to his master.

The birdman should have told the master his surname before he died, or it might have been his given name, because in ancient times, names were not distinguished. Wu was also likely to be the leader of their tribe, somewhat similar to a king. The leader of each generation may be named Wu.

What the truth is cannot be verified at present. This is not a key issue and can be put aside for the time being.

By connecting the two together, it can be found that Wu Zhui was probably not the only one who came to look for him. Wu Qianshan, the commander-in-chief during the Shunzhi period, also had a bear head tattoo on his body. He should also have the same mission as Wu Zhui, but he was sent away Another era.

History is the basis of archeology. Anyone who studies archaeological history well has the historical eras in Wu Zhongyuan’s mind. Roughly speaking, the time between Shunzhi and Shunzhi is about 360 years, whether it is 360 or 360 years. Five is a very mysterious number. Is it possible that after the tribe wizard found out that he had been lost, he hurriedly gathered people to look for him. However, the wizard himself could not determine where he had gone. He only knew a few things. The suspected location, to be precise, is the suspected time point. This suspected time point is probably the year 360 or 365.

The ancient period was about five thousand years ago. According to this calculation, the wizard sent at least a dozen tribesmen out to look for him. Wu Zhui and Wu Qianshan were among the warriors who came to look for him.

Due to the lack of physical evidence, this is not an analysis, it can only be regarded as a speculation, but this should be the most reasonable speculation. As for whether the truth is this, we need to translate the words left by Wu Zhui to finally determine.

When it was time to turn off the lights, Wang Jize turned off the lights.

Darkness can make people more focused. Wu Zhongyuan closed his eyes and continued to speculate.

Thinking about it carefully, there is something illogical about the speculation just now, that is, after he was lost, the wizard should not have started looking for him immediately. Eighteen years have passed since he appeared here, and eighteen years must have passed in the original world. In other words, Wu Zhui He set out from his "hometown" to look for him eighteen years after his disappearance.

There are two basis for this judgment. First, Wu Zhui was only excited after seeing him, without any doubts. This shows that when Wu Zhui set out, he already knew that what he was looking for was not a baby, but a 17 or 18-year-old boy. young man.

Secondly, it is also the result of a series of events. Since the wizard sent people out to look for him,

This means that the wizard knows the time point when he may exist. This time point is also the smallest unit of the wizard's spell transfer. The so-called minimum unit, to put it bluntly, is that when the wizard casts time and space transfer, he uses three hundred six or three hundred and sixty five as the unit. , his mana can only be based on this period of time, and cannot be transferred to other points in time.

This should be regarded as a flaw or shortcoming in the wizard's spellcasting, and this flaw and shortcoming also happens to be an important basis for the wizard to send people out. Each spell-casting unit sends one person over, although this approach also has a lot of risks. The element of luck is not as aimless as finding a needle in a haystack.

As for why his tribe started looking for him after eighteen years, the answer to this question should also be found in the writings left by Wu Zhui.

After sorting out the fragmentary clues one by one, the next thing that needs to be considered is the most important question, whether to stay here or try to go back.

Let’s not talk about whether we can go back. Just talk about whether we want to go back. This is the most important thing.

There was a reason why Wu Zhui didn't want to tell him the true situation of his parents before he was alive. His parents were no longer here, and he really lacked the motivation to go back. Ancient times were a completely unfamiliar world to him. Let's talk about material life first, what about Shandong cuisine and Sichuan cuisine? You don’t have to worry about pancakes and fruits, not even bread and steamed buns, because wheat is not a native crop in China. There was no such thing in ancient times, and even corn was imported. At that time, people’s staple food was millet and beans. Fortunately, There is also rice. Maybe I can have a bowl of rice occasionally.

Speaking of spiritual life, there was no electricity in ancient times, nothing related to electricity, and probably no books to read. The tribesmen were all illiterate people who had never gone to school, and maybe a few semi-literate people who could read. They had nothing in common. language. No, there was no common language. Once we go back, we have to learn the language all over again.

There is also a very important point that cannot be ignored. If you go back, you will definitely have to fight. You are a wizard who can transfer time and space, and you are a warrior who punches through steel. My hard Qigong is not enough, but Qian Xin Wan Ku went back and was punched to death as soon as he showed his head.

But now that we have modern weapons, it would be easier if we could bring a gun and thousands of rounds of ammunition back. But if you think about it carefully, this idea is nothing more than a dream. There is nothing in Birdman's coffin, and Wu Qianshan's coffin has nothing but that. Even a piece of jade didn’t contain anything from ancient times, and Wu Zhui came all the way without even a weapon. What does this mean? It means that you can’t bring too many things into the wormhole. At most, you can wear some clothes, so as not to be naked. Buttocks.

The more I think about it, the more terrible it feels, the more I think about it, the more modern it feels like, and the more I think about it, the less I want to leave.

But when I think about it more deeply, I can't help but leave. Now that his identity has been exposed, the officials and gangsters see him as a problem. He has abnormal chromosomes and he doesn't dare to marry and have children. But he can't let Wang Xinran fool him. This guy is talking about Superman. Son, what kind of bird is Superman? To put it bluntly, he is an alien, a monster that is different from others. He stays here with both open and covert attacks. He is very cautious and defenseless. He may be caught and dissected one day.

Wu Zhongyuan's mood at this time can only be described as depressed. It is not accurate to say depressed. It should be very, very depressed. If he stays, he will be a mountain of knives, and if he goes back, he will be a sea of ​​fire. No matter whether he stays or goes back, he will not have a good life. .

Impulsive decisions are always blind. He tried to calm down, re-examined, and carefully considered, and finally decided to try to go back. There were three reasons that prompted him to make this decision. First, this was not his place. In this world, since his people paid such a high price to find him, it means that they need him very much, and he cannot evade his responsibilities and obligations.

Secondly, it was a mistake for me to appear here. If you are a mistake, you must make up for it. You should go back to where you came from.

The last reason is not very noble, but it is a very real reason and a very human reason, that is, you cannot get married and have children if you stay here, but you can start a family and marry a wife when you go back...


.My WeChat public account fengyujiuqiu is the pinyin of my pen name. If you are interested, you can follow it.

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