
Chapter 37 Home Remedies

Wu Zhongyuan was very excited, but he didn't show it. He didn't even immediately ask about the translation result. He just tilted his head and looked at Wang Xinran.

"You don't want to know the result of the translation?" Wang Xinran was a little surprised.

Wu Zhongyuan still didn't answer, and still looked into Wang Xinran's eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" Wang Xinran was puzzled.

"The time has come to witness each other's sincerity." Wu Zhongyuan said.

Wu Zhongyuan said what he said without any reason. Wang Xinran was very confused, "What are you talking about?"

Wu Zhongyuan did not answer Wang Xinran's question, but said calmly, "Show me the translation."

"Follow me to the headquarters." Wang Xinran said.

Wang Xinran's intimidation was obvious, and Wu Zhongyuan turned around and left without any hesitation.

Wang Xinran hurriedly reached out and grabbed him, "Hey, where are you going?"

"If I don't go to the headquarters with you, won't I be able to see the content of the translation?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Wang Xinran glanced at Wu Zhongyuan, then reluctantly took out his mobile phone, pulled out the file and handed it to Wu Zhongyuan.

Wu Zhongyuan reached out to take it and lowered his head to look at it. Wang Xinran said at the side, "This is an extremely ancient writing. Writing experts concluded that this writing should be the predecessor of oracle bone inscriptions. After many comparisons, they finally translated the relevant content. "

The translation is not long because the original text does not have many words. After reading the translation, Wu Zhongyuan fell into deep thought.

Wang Xinran said from the side, "You were born in the period when the Yellow Emperor Yan Emperor and Chi You were in conflict. You are a mixed descendant of the Yellow Emperor clan and the Yan Emperor clan. At that time, the Chi You tribe attacked the Huang Di tribe and the situation was critical. The magicians in the tribe wanted to transfer you to A safe place, and something unexpected happened.”

After Wang Xinran finished speaking, Wu Zhongyuan tilted his head and looked at her.

Wang Xinran added, "Since you only provided part of the original text, the information obtained through translation is very limited."

Wu Zhongyuan did not answer, but kept staring at Wang Xinran's eyes.

"There is good news," Wang Xinran said, "The superior leaders have given instructions that if you agree to join us, we can provide you with a subsidy of 50,000 yuan, so you don't have to work so hard."

Wu Zhongyuan sent the document to his mobile phone, and then returned the mobile phone to Wang Xinran, "No, I want to rely on myself. You can go back first and wait until I am done with this period of time."

Wang Xinran still wanted to persuade, but Wu Zhongyuan had already turned around and left.

"I'm waiting for your news." Wang Xinran shouted.

Wu Zhongyuan nodded.

A nod is just a nod, which does not mean agreement. Wang Xinran, or more specifically the organization behind Wang Xinran, did not gain his trust. The reason is simple: they tried to deceive him.

The piece of paper he gave to Wang Xinran was not one of the eighteen pages written by Wu Zhui on his own initiative. It was the answer Wu Zhui gave to him when he asked about the birdman, and the translation Wang Xinran brought back was incorrect and misleading. Ming Ming was lying to him.

There are two possibilities why the other party deceived him. One is that they could not translate this kind of text, and the other is that they translated it but deliberately concealed it from him. Thinking about it carefully, the former is more likely, because if they really translated it , knowing that these contents were highly targeted, they did not dare to lie to him.

No matter what the other party’s motives are, as long as they lie to him, they are not worthy of trust. And what he said at the beginning, ‘The time has come to witness each other’s sincerity’,

This is also true, because he will know immediately whether the other party is lying to him.

Deception is deception. There is no distinction between goodwill and malice. Deception itself is despicable. Deception can never replace sincerity and trust.

Back at his residence, Wu Zhongyuan took out his mobile phone and cut out the original text in the document. He had read that piece of paper many times and could confirm that the original text in the document had not been altered.

He always kept Zhao Ying’s contact information. He sent the original text to Zhao Ying and added, ‘Try to translate it. ’

A few minutes later, Zhao Ying responded with a message, one word, ‘Okay. ’

His move is not revenge on Wang Xinran and others, but a choice of partners to cooperate with. Sometimes it doesn't matter whether they are good guys or bad guys. What is important is that they can cooperate, even if it is a short-term cooperation.

At three o'clock in the morning, there was a message on the phone. Wu Zhongyuan took the phone and found that the message was from Zhao Ying. It was a picture. There was a translation under the original text. Each text had a separate mark. Check to make sure the translation was correct. It might be But the question marks may not be marked correctly. If the question cannot be translated, it should be separated by a circle.

Due to the incomplete translation, it is not very smooth to read, 'People...Li Po...mother's...war...fly from afar...taken away...disappear together...heaven, earth, mountains and rivers...searching...crying... …we are joyful…awaiting…dragons…powerful. ’

In addition to these unmistakable ones, there are also some suspected ones that can be combined coherently to clarify the general content. "His name is Li Po. He is a member of your mother's tribe. He learned that there was going to be a war and flew from a far away place. He wanted to I took you away, but an accident happened and I disappeared with you. We searched everywhere but found nothing. Don’t be sad. We died in the right place. Our tribe is still waiting for the return of the powerful golden dragon."

Ancient writing is very different from modern writing, not only in form, but also in expression methods. The modern "you are very good" may have been expressed as "very good you" in ancient times, so Wu Zhongyuan himself did not I am sure that my understanding must be correct, but one thing is for sure, that is, although the translation given by Zhao Ying may not be correct, it must be true. Also, Zhao Ying's side is stronger than Wang Xinran's side, at least The available resources and work efficiency exceed those of Wang Xinran and others.

After pondering for a long time, Wu Zhongyuan put down his phone and did not reply to Zhao Ying.

A few minutes later, Wu Zhongyuan picked up the phone again and sent a message to Wang Xinran. What he sent was the translation result of Zhao Ying and others.

Soon, Wang Xinran called.

Wu Zhongyuan answered the call but said nothing.

Wang Xinran asked doubtfully, "Who translated this?"

Wu Zhongyuan didn't speak, but he didn't hang up either.

"Which one is correct?" Wang Xinran asked eagerly.

Wu Zhongyuan still didn't speak.

"Speak?" Wang Xinran was very anxious.

"The piece of paper I gave you was a specific question I asked. Those who want to kidnap me are more sincere than you." Wu Zhongyuan said calmly.

"Just wait, I'll be there right away." Wang Xinran hung up the phone.

Less than ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Wu Zhongyuan stood up and opened the door. It was Wang Xinran who came.

Wu Zhongyuan was not surprised that Wang Xinran arrived so quickly, because he knew that Wang Xinran must be nearby.

Wang Xinran came in, "What's going on?"

"You lied to me," Wu Zhongyuan closed the door, turned back to the bed and sat down, "I remember telling you that it's not just Wu Qianshan and Wu Zhui who are in this situation like me, there is another person. I asked Wu Zhui about this Regarding the human condition, what Wu Zhui wrote on this piece of paper is the answer to this question."

Wang Xinran was surprised, "If I told you that I didn't know..."

Wu Zhongyuan interrupted Wang Xinran, "I believe you didn't mean to lie to me, but they also lied to you."

"What are they doing?!" Wang Xinran was very angry.

"Maybe I'm stupid in their eyes." Wu Zhongyuan said that the essence of deception is fooling, and fooling is based on thinking that the other party is stupid.

Wang Xinran cursed angrily. Of course she was not scolding Wu Zhongyuan, but the person who gave her wrong information. The other party's move directly framed her as unkind and unfair. Although Wu Zhongyuan said he believed her, in fact he no longer dared to trust her. .

"You must not act out of anger." Wang Xinran looked at Wu Zhongyuan.

"Don't worry, I won't run into a pack of wolves just because a tiger cheated me." Wu Zhongyuan said.

Wu Zhongyuan's words made Wang Xinran feel ashamed, "Don't worry, wait for me to confirm the situation and see which link went wrong."

"It was not wise for them to lie to me. Would you cooperate with a group of people who lied to you?" Wu Zhongyuan said.

"Don't tell me this, I'm going back right away. The round trip may take four or five days. You must pay attention to safety during this period." Wang Xinran finished speaking and left in a hurry.

Wu Zhongyuan was in a bad mood. People said that weasels only bite sick ducks. He didn't know what kind of Tai Sui he had committed, and why he was getting all kinds of bad luck.

I couldn't fall asleep tossing and turning, so I simply stopped sleeping. I took Master's book on medical practice and read it page by page. Western medicine must not be able to cure Lin Qingming's legs. Maybe some of the home remedies left by Master are useful.

There are many records about bone setting in books, but they are all simple fractures. There is no case of bone loss like Lin Qingming. However, although no similar cases have been found, an effective folk prescription suitable for fractures has been found. This prescription is very good. Simple, there are only two kinds of medicine, one is chicken bones and the other is earthworm.

These two medicines are not boiled in stew. The earthworms are crushed alive, mixed with wine, and applied externally. Chicken bones must be soaked in vinegar and eaten raw. The medicinal effect will be weakened when cooked.

According to the master, chickens are born with bone-setting elixirs. If a broken leg is broken, it can be repaired by itself in seven days. The bones of the hen are the most powerful, and the bones of the hen and pheasant are the most powerful.

He can catch pheasants and can set traps to trap them. Winter is a good time to catch them. Ground beetles are also found in the north, and can be found dug into the soil in the corners of old unoccupied houses.

Lin Qingming accepted this folk remedy. It was better to have hope than no hope.

After five or six days, Wang Xinran has not come back, and there has been no call.

After waiting for a few more days, Wu Zhongyuan tried to send a message to Wang Xinran, but Wang Xinran did not reply. When he called, it was reported that the phone was shut down.

Although he was confused, Wu Zhongyuan could do nothing else. The only thing he could do was wait.

As the New Year approaches, the shipping work is over, and Wu Zhongyuan can only do odd jobs. However, companies and factories have a holiday during the New Year, and soon he has no income.

While he was worried, there were also things that made him excited. The folk remedies left by his master turned out to be really effective. Lin Qingming knew qigong, Western medicine, folk remedies, and qigong. With a three-pronged approach, the edges of the broken bones on both sides actually grew about one centimeter each. If the callus on both sides can contact, he may be able to walk again...


.Leader Xiao # Feng’s birthday will be updated

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