Oring Hunter

Page 2

"There is where you really should live as a human being, so you'd better eat as soon as possible and rest early."

After Ye Chen listened, he stopped thinking about it, nodded his head, and turned to leave.

The nightmare in Lyle's words is not an uncomfortable dream encountered by ordinary human beings during sleep, but a summoning process for the holder of the power of the mysterious spirit.

In terms of the use of the power of the Ao Ling, the current Ye Chen is only a rookie. Only by experiencing the summoning of nightmares can he officially step into the world of this strange energy.

Therefore, "Nightmare" can also be regarded as a ritual of breakthrough and awakening of the power of the mysterious spirit.

Ye Chen simply finished eating and washing, and then went back to his room to prepare for the most important nightmare in his life.

Lyle was still sitting in the middle of the dilapidated hall of the church, looking at the statue in front of him without a head, without saying a word. After a long time, he sighed softly...

Ye Chen lay on the thick animal skin blanket and stared at the old wooden roof in the room for a long time before closing his eyes and waiting for the nightmare to come.

Next, the main goal of the boy is very clear.

Survive nightmares, awaken abilities, complete trials, and finally leave this permafrost before the abyss invades, go to the open new world outside, and enjoy a new life with his family.

Yechen originally thought that his tense thoughts might cause him sleepless nights, but to his surprise, as soon as he closed his eyelids, a strange tiredness washed over Yechen's mind aggressively, occupying him with an extremely strong attitude. his consciousness.


Cold, damp, and smelly.

In the haze, two feelings gradually climbed up Ye Chen's brain, causing his originally closed eyebrows to lock tightly.

So cold, so humid, so fishy.

After the eyelid opened the gap unconsciously, a bright red flashed into the sight, which made Ye Chen's spirit suddenly revive, and the whole person woke up from the drowsiness on the spot.


Ye Chen murmured in shock, and was the first to notice that he was sitting on a strange chair, and then opened his eyes to look at his feet, and found that they were immersed in a strange bright red liquid.

Based on the irritating smell coming into the nose, it can be deduced that this piece of liquid should be... blood.

Ye Chen swallowed his saliva, and glanced at the surrounding scenery with shaking eyes. At this moment, he was sitting in a spacious blood pool, and the edge of the blood pool was a hazy fog.

The pool of blood was very shallow, just below Ye Chen's heels. Even though Ye Chen raised his feet subconsciously, there was no ripple on its surface, which was extremely strange.

The blood pool shrouded in dense fog could not arouse any ripples.

Ye Chen sighed inwardly, and when he looked up again, he found some shadows floating faintly around the blood pool.

When he stared carefully, he found that it turned out to be a bunch of remnants of various weapons, including broken halberds, distorted maces, melting straight swords, and burning shotguns...

The wreckage of all types of weapons in Ye Chen's cognition seems to be there in this blood pool, all floating on the surface of the pool.

What does this scenario mean?

Ye Chen stood up slowly, first glanced at the wooden chair behind him, and found nothing unusual, then walked to the nearest floating rotten knife, and subconsciously reached out to touch it.

But just before he was about to complete this action, a sudden sound hit his eardrum.

wow... wow... wow...

This loud noise sounded without warning, and then along the fog around the blood pool, it rushed towards Yechen from all directions.

At this moment, ripples and waves suddenly appeared on the surface of the originally calm blood pool, and Ye Chen felt a strong sense of discomfort in his heart. His spirit seemed to be in constant pain and unpleasantness being pierced by sharp nails. He couldn't help covering his ears, trying to get rid of the siege of this strange sound wave.

what is this sound?

What came out?

What will happen to you next?

Just like an ordinary person in a dream, Yechen now doesn't remember that he just fell asleep, and doesn't know that he exists in an illusory dream. At this moment, his brain only received the warning of survival instinct, and began to think frantically about Crucial questions of survival.

The young man covered his ears tightly and closed his eyebrows. After a few moments, his face was already dripping with sweat.

When he first heard the loud noise, he thought it was a movement similar to the earth's shattering.

However, when Yechen tasted it repeatedly in pain, he suddenly heard the loud noise, following a certain law, rising and falling in an orderly manner, sometimes high and sometimes low, sometimes sharp and sometimes thick...

It's almost like someone is humming a ballad.

No, I don't have any clue... The weapon, at least the weapon is in your hand first... Anything is fine, hold it first and then talk!

Yechen, who was struggling under the bombardment of strange sound waves, forcibly stabilized his mind, and stretched out his hand to grab the rotten knife full of rust in front of him.

And the next moment, Yechen found that he had missed the grasp, because the pool of blood that the palm was supposed to face suddenly disappeared, replaced by the very familiar and simple wooden ceiling.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Yechen, who was sweating profusely, took a few breaths nervously, turned his head and looked around, and found that he had returned to the room where he had lived for 17 years. It turned out that everything he had just witnessed was just a dream... The nightmare he had been waiting for for a long time.


Yechen, who was still in shock, took a deep breath, looked at the sunlight pouring on his quilt, and subconsciously looked at the window of the room.

At the end of the outdoor snow field, a new sun is rising.

The night passed and the dawn came, which meant that Ye Chen's nightmare was temporarily over.


Chapter 0003 Blood Arcane

The night is over, the nightmare is over.

Ye Chen was stunned for a long time facing the rising sun, and finally after washing up, he went directly to the hall of the church, and his teacher Lyle was still sitting on the wooden chair in the front row of the hall, as if he hadn't left there all night Pass.

"Teacher, I have finished my nightmare."

Yechen stood beside Lyle and began to tell about the strange scene he saw in his dream last night. Contrary to Yechen's nervous expression, Lyle's expression was still as calm.

"Blood pools, dense fog, weapons, and sounds... Are these the ingredients of your nightmare?" After listening to Yechen's trembling voice, Lyle extracted the main points of Yechen very succinctly.

"Uh, yes..." Ye Chen nodded his head, suddenly remembered something, and asked Lyle again: "Teacher, you said before that once I have a nightmare, I will become obviously stronger, but I woke up this morning and found that the concentration of the power of the mysterious spirit flowing in my body is about the same as yesterday... There is no sign of a significant increase... Why is that?"

Hearing Ye Chen's question, Lyle was silent for a second, then suddenly stretched out his hand to Ye Chen and said something else: "Put a bullet in your revolver and hand it to me."

Although Yechen was very puzzled, he still obeyed the teacher's order, and skillfully loaded the ammunition into the inner wheel of the gun, and then handed it to Lyle carefully.

Who knows, as soon as Lyle took the revolver, he directly pressed down the hammer, raised the muzzle at Ye Chen's chest, and then pulled the trigger suddenly and shot.


Ye Chen, who was completely unprepared for Lyle, never expected such an outcome at all. He rolled back immediately and finally fell on the cold marble floor of the church.


Ye Chen lay on the ground, looked at the blurred lines on the floor in disbelief, and then stretched out his hand to cover his aching chest.

However, after a few seconds, he didn't feel any moistness similar to blood. Through groping with his fingertips, Yechen finally found that there was only a hole in his shirt on his chest, and the flesh inside was completely untouched by the revolver bullet. Give a run through.

"I was shot at such a close distance, but I was fine...how is this possible?"

Yechen sat up with a stagnant expression, touched his swollen chest, and picked up the bullet deformed by the impact from the nearby ground, his face full of disbelief.

Lyle, who was sitting in front of him, spoke again.

"The original nightmare is different from the future nightmare. It doesn't strengthen your arcane power obviously, but it will directly strengthen your body and reveal the nature of your ability. These two points are the most critical."

"So, now that ordinary ammunition is no longer fatal to your body, you have officially taken the first step."

"Although I can tell you this verbally, it will be more profound if you experience it yourself."

After Lyle finished speaking, he showed a rare smile, and there was no remorse for this extreme prank on his face.

After listening to the teacher's explanation, Ye Chen was speechless for a while, and curiously took out the long knife around his waist and cut the skin of his arm finely.

Then he found that although his skin is still soft and not as hard as bark, it is difficult for a long knife to cut blood marks on the surface of the skin. It can cut through the epidermis and cut out little drops of blood.

It was really difficult for Ye Chen to understand what principle his body was strengthening on, or what kind of mutation his body had undergone after that nightmare.

"I don't know the detailed principle, and no one knows it. You just need to understand that this is the law of the magic labyrinth. Those of us who sense the summoning of the labyrinth, once we touch its breath, the body will naturally become the law of the law. state of the guide."

Lyle turned to look at the broken statue in front of him, and responded in a flat tone.

"The Olympian Labyrinth...and its laws..."

Ye Chen repeated Lyle's words, and his thoughts flew instantly.

Since he was a child, Yechen was told by Lyle that the Ao Ling labyrinth is an all-encompassing, ring-shaped area of ​​the sun, the moon and the stars, dividing the world into two sides: the abyss and purgatory on the outside, and the pure land of holy light on the inside.

And the small world that I live in now, called the Eternal Winter Hidden Domain, is a hidden space in the Oring Labyrinth, equivalent to a small and hidden puddle, Yechen, Lyle, and Baishuang City outside the mountains. The residents are all living in this puddle.

All in all, this Eternal Winter Hidden Realm is narrow and unreliable, and one day, it will usher in the end of annihilation eroded by the abyss.

At that time, it was the moment when Ye Chen left this place, walked out of the labyrinth, went to the Pure Land of Holy Light, and officially stepped into the human kingdom.

The moment that the teacher mentioned in the past should come soon...

Thinking of the sight of the abyss approaching that he witnessed on the boundary cliff yesterday, Ye Chen couldn't help thinking in his heart.

"Yechen, give me a few drops of your blood." While the boy was thinking, the teacher gave new instructions.

Ye Chen nodded, dipped the blood on the cut of his arm with the blade, and handed it to Lyle securely.

Lyle took the long knife and stared at the blood droplets on the surface of the knife. Ye Chen watched quietly, and then found that the teacher's pupils were constantly flickering with light, as if he wanted to pierce the blood and wanted to pierce himself. The blood components were thoroughly dialyzed.

After looking at it carefully for ten minutes, Lyle finally retracted his gaze and returned the long knife to Ye Chen.

"Well, the core of your arcane art is blood. Judging from the incomplete weapons in the nightmare, it may be a combination of the two before it can be officially cast."

Lyle rubbed between his brows, his expression a little tired, and he didn't know how many microscopic things he had detected in that small drop of blood.

"Arcane... what is it?"

Ye Chen tilted his head. In the past, he only knew that the power of the Aura could strengthen his physical abilities for a short time, but Lyle had never told him about the concept of Aura.

"Similar to the magic in fairy tales, it is an advanced usage of the power of the aura. Different people will have different nightmares, and different nightmares will give birth to different routes of using the power of the aura. The essence of each person's soul is different, so The medium and effect of the psychic arts that are excavated will be different, some people’s medium is hair, some people’s medium is skin, and your medium is blood, and the effect still needs to be tested to know.”

After listening to Lyle's explanation, Yechen stared at the blood on the blade thoughtfully. At this moment, a wonderful intuition flooded into his mind, causing his fingers to wipe the blood on the edge of the blade involuntarily.

But after Yechen's action, those tiny blood beads suddenly began to expand and deform, and instantly turned into extremely thin ribbons, which tightly fit the edge of the long knife.


Lyle, who was beside him, observed all this and did not speak. After Ye Chen checked the reddish blade several times, he immediately clenched the handle of the blade, aimed the "Blood Blade" at the abandoned bench in front of him, and chopped it off with force.


The old wooden bench was instantly split in two by the boy's straight slash.

Judging from the hand that was cut like paper and could not feel any obvious barrier, Ye Chen could almost be sure that his blood had the effect of strengthening the power of the weapon.

Safely speaking, at least it can strengthen the slashing effect of cold weapons such as swords, because Yechen has cut down these woods in the past, and no matter which slashing process it is, it is far less smooth than this time , so neat, so comfortable...

Chapter 0004 The First Trial

Ye Chen retracted the long knife, and another thought occurred in his heart. He then smeared the blood out of the bullet warhead, filled it into the revolver's magazine, and then aimed at the wooden bench on one side and fired.


After the gunshot, there was an additional hole on the bench, but the hole was smaller than that shot by ordinary bullets, as if the power had been reduced.

"Huh? What's going on..."

Seeing this situation, Ye Chen suddenly felt a little confused. It would be fine if the blood had no effect on the bullet. How could the damage be reduced instead?

Lyle, who was on the sidelines, understood the clues, and explained in a flat tone: "Ordinary bullets can't withstand the increase in your blood, and they distort their appearance during the acceleration process, so the shooting effect has deteriorated... But , you can try to fill the magazine with blood directly, maybe there will be other reactions.”

The boy followed the teacher's words without hesitation, and after exposing the revolver magazine to the air, he used the knife edge to squeeze more blood droplets on the skin, and tried to make it flow into one of the revolver's cylinders.

With the infiltration of fresh red blood water, the inside of the silver bullet nest really began to flicker with strange light, obviously producing some kind of violent reaction.

Under Ye Chen's astonished gaze, these bright red liquids began to condense rapidly, then expanded rapidly, and then rapidly deformed, and finally, as Ye Chen had predicted, condensed into a blood-colored bullet.

"Ha...that's amazing."

Ye Chen couldn't help sighing, and then involuntarily pressed the hammer with his fingers, raised the silver revolver, and in the next second, pulled the trigger towards another wooden bench beside him, and fired.


After the gunshot, sawdust flew.

This time, there was no longer just a small hole in the bench as before, but it was like being hit by a mini-cannonball, and it was directly blasted into countless pieces in front of Yechen, and the surrounding area where the pieces were scattered , there were traces of blood and water all over it. It seemed that the blood had blown the bench to pieces.

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