Oring Hunter

Page 29

Even though the rear half of the centipede's body and tail suddenly struck him from behind, Yechen only moved his steps, while nimbly dodging the centipede's fangs, while slashing wildly with the centipede's front and rear.

Five knives per second, this is the ultimate cutting speed that Ye Chen can achieve at present, and on the basis of maintaining such a fierce attack speed, he also displayed his unique skill "swift knife step".

Such terrifying sword techniques have extremely strict requirements on physical strength, agility, coordination and precision.

If it were Yechen in the past, he could only barely practice it in daily practice, and it was almost difficult to use it in actual combat.

However, he is different now, having experienced the tempering of the second nightmare, Yechen's body and spirit are already able to control this high-consuming knife control technique, and the pitch-black centipede in front of him is the first time he has experienced it. The target of actual combat!

Swish Swish Swish Swish -!

Under Ye Chen's dazzling swift and fierce knife, the pitch-black centipede was almost powerless to fight back, and could only let it be slaughtered.

All of a sudden, the blood was bright, and the blade light exploded.

Then, the whole centipede was cut into dozens of lumps of minced meat by the young man.

However, in the end, Yechen could only find a tiny boulder object similar to the core of the abyss from the corpse of the centipede, which was only slightly larger than the core of the abyss when he beheaded the ape and Xiao Valu brothers, and it was different from the core of the abyss. The Seeker's ten-meter-high body was completely out of proportion.

Then, after Yechen raised his knife and chopped it into pieces, the dark tide on Shapo's side didn't stop moving, and still rushed towards him.

This abyss core does not belong to the body at all...

Ye Chen thought so, he had seen the ability of the abyss tracker to freely decompose and manipulate flesh and blood before, so it is very possible that this centipede is just a offspring of the other party's division and reproduction of flesh.

Yechen stared at the piece of abyssal matter under his feet that continued to cry because it was scorched by the power of the mysterious spirit, and then looked up at the dark tide remaining on the other side of the sand slope.

Since his confrontation with the centipede just now had a result in just a moment, the current dark tide has only covered less than half of the length of the sandy slope.

At the same time, Yechen also discovered that after the death of the giant centipede, the pitch-black tide obviously lost one-fifth of its volume, which means that the core of the mother body of the abyss seeker who manipulates the activities of these abyss materials is probably hidden in it .

Should it be taken a chance and dealt with directly here in one go?

Yechen looked at the group of abyss creatures that kept approaching him, and quickly thought about it, but after seeing the fearless and menacing momentum of the opponent, Yechen immediately changed his mind, turned around and turned to the distant Sun and Moon Mountains. Run fast.

Because, he also considered another possibility, that is, the black tide in front of him is just one of the many puppets of the Abyss Seeker.

After all, this desert is vast and boundless, and the abyss tracers may have spread flesh and blood minions in other areas to search for Yechen's footprints.

So if Yechen got entangled with this bunch of monsters in front of him, and was surrounded and suppressed by other reinforcements who rushed over in the end, then the gain outweighed the loss, and he fell into the trap.

Taking this into consideration, Ye Chen immediately chose to leave.

And that pitch-black tide, after seeing the target and running away at full speed without even thinking about it, followed closely behind, turning into four tall and long giant centipede-like creatures, which dived under the sand one by one, writhing The strong torso and limbs continue to compete with Yechen.

Chapter 0054 Breaking Dawn

On the flat sandy plain, a young man ran wildly towards the distant mountains with a knife, while four giant centipedes with dirty bodies and ferocious fangs swam fiercely in the sand, constantly shortening the distance between them and the young man.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

While keeping his breathing steady, Ye Chen vigilantly watched all the movements of the pursuers behind him.

When the centipede at the front came out of the sand and attacked his back like a crocodile, Yechen turned around immediately, stood firm, and swung the "Blood Blade" in the air in an arc , Slashing straight at the centipede's mouth with countless fangs.


One person and one beast passed by, and under the obstruction of Yechen's blade, the centipede not only rushed to nothing, half of the flesh and teeth of the big mouth were smoothly and neatly cut off by Yechen, and then fell embarrassingly on the sand beside it. on the ground.

After killing the enemy, Yechen immediately locked his eyes on the remaining three centipedes, and saw that they were not intimidated by the tragic situation of their companions, but decisively chose to split into three groups, rushing out from three tricky angles at the same time The ground launched a siege to Yechen.

Seeing that the opponent was going to win by numbers, Ye Chen immediately drew out his gun and shot.


The boy decisively raised his right hand, shot the remaining two "Blood Bullets", and performed the "Quick Spear Technique", accurately hitting the abyss monster directly in front and on the right, and then immediately grasped the "Blood Blade" with his left hand , and slashed towards the abyss giant beast attacking from the left.

With flexibility, Yechen successfully defeated the siege of the abyss.

The torsos of the two centipedes hit by the blood-made bullet burst on the spot, and they fell to the ground twisted, while the remaining centipede that rushed towards Yechen was disemboweled by his blood-stained long knife, turned over on the sand, and flowed out. A large piece of filthy flesh and organs.


Ye Chenwa neutralized the attack of the centipede swarm, quickly adjusted his breathing, then raised the "Blood Blade", walked towards the four wriggling and twitching giant beasts of the abyss one by one, and executed them one by one.

Swish swish--!

The young man raised the knife, and within a few rounds, he chopped the four giant centipedes into fuzzy pieces of meat.

Under the sanction of the power of the arcana, these abyssal creatures lost their breath in an instant, unable to move or regenerate, and were completely reduced to foul-smelling corpses.

The boy's eyes moved back and forth at the wreckage, and then retracted.

There is still no abyss core, it seems that my guess is correct...

Ye Chen weighed it in his heart, but he didn't feel too strange. After all, under the tempering of the second nightmare, although his strength has greatly increased, the victory in this battle is so easy that Ye Chen hardly feels much pressure. pressure.

Even if the abyss tracker was seriously injured by Grandpa Mu and his vitality was seriously injured, his skills should not be reduced to this level...

Yechen thought so, and then looked at the end of the desert that he could see now.

On the undulating horizon, Ye Chen has not yet seen any black shadow climbing out, but the bad feeling in his heart still drives his steps to move quickly.

The three "Blood Bullets" have been fired, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go!

With this thought in mind, Yechen immediately continued running in the vast desert, gradually shortening the distance between himself and the Sun Moon Mountains.

And his premonition soon came true.

After the boy ran continuously for tens of minutes, waves of pitch-black tides of various sizes spewed out from all directions of the desert one after another.

They caught up with Yechen one by one, and immediately, like the first wave of tide, merged into a centipede posture, launching waves of siege to Yechen one after another.

Fortunately, the abyss side couldn't attack in a unified manner due to the distance barrier, so there would always be ten minutes between each wave of offensives for Yechen to catch his breath and activate blood to produce blood bullets.

To sum up, Yechen fought a war of attrition with Abyss.

Yechen, who has practiced under Lyle since he was a child, and whose body has been strengthened by the second nightmare, only needs to worry about his physical fitness in just a few hours.

Along with the difference in the scale of the tide, the attacks Yechen encountered at different time points were also different. Sometimes it was four centipedes, sometimes it was two centipedes, and sometimes it was only one centipede.

The overall offensive of the abyss was considered easy for Yechen, but the most dangerous one during the period could only be when the opponent sent five abyss centipedes to intercept Yechen at the same time.

At the beginning of this vicious battle, Ye Chen shot all three "blood bullets" and knocked down the three abyss centipedes first, but the remaining two centipedes surrounded him with their slender torsos, staggered to cover each other, and kept heading towards Jesus. Chen launched all kinds of tricky attacks.

Fortunately, there are no blood-made bullets, so the boy can still rest assured to rely on the blood-stained blade in his hand.

Relying on the defensive power of the golden-patterned black cloak, he forcibly withstood the several jerks of the two giant beasts, and then the back blade flashed, and the tip of the blade swirled, cutting off the enemy's torso blocking the way, forcefully breaking through the enemy's tight encirclement .

The two abyss centipedes saw Ye Chen escape from their palms, endured the severe pain, and chased him together, trying to throw him down, but they were caught off guard by Ye Chen's carbine.

I saw the "Blood Blade" galloping like a thunderbolt. In the blink of an eye, the two giant centipedes turned into pieces of corpses. Under Yechen's careful mending, they and their companions on the nearby ground fell to dead bodies. fate.

Yechen shook off the dirty blood on the tip of the knife, and after confirming that the abyssal matter on the knife had been completely purified by the power of the mysterious spirit, he was able to relax and continue to move towards the distant Sun and Moon Mountains.

Unknowingly, the crescent moon in the night sky leaned against the side of the Sun Moon Mountain Range, and the originally dark sky behind Yechen was torn apart step by step by the gradually rising light.

Soon, this barren sea of ​​sand will usher in the dawn.

Standing in the middle of the sand plain, Yechen held up the teacup with his palm full of scars, and sipped the herbal tea that had been frozen all night, while staring at the ever-brighter sky behind him with tired but firm eyes.

In the desert right below the source of brilliance, a wave of greenery is blooming. Yechen knows that this is a sign that the vast sandy sea will soon be replaced by the vast grassland.

"Is it finally dawn..."

The young man murmured softly, savoring the gradually warming air with the tip of his nose, his brows were also slightly relieved.

However, just when he was about to let out a long breath of relief, a figure from the abyss appeared again from the far side of the desert.

Yechen looked around, and saw a pool of pitch-black mud with no rules in shape, far larger than all previous abyss biota, slowly flowing out from the end of the desert, and then surging and undulating on the spot, separated by thousands of years. Meters away, facing Yechen.

Just by taking a look at him, the thick black energy emanating from the opponent's body made Yechen feel a strong nausea and discomfort in his heart, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching a few times .

At this moment, the danger signal and the survival instinct stimulated Yechen's brain, telling him the situation in front of him.

The main body of the Abyss Seeker appeared in person.

The intuition told Yechen so.

Immediately afterwards, a ghostly voice, driven by an invisible force, spanned thousands of meters and directly reached Yechen's ears.

"The abyss gazes at you forever..."

"You can never get out of the abyss..."


The strange voice passed by Yechen's ears, and the black mud containing the remnant core of the abyss slowly climbed to the far end of the desert in the face of the dazzling morning sun, leaving and disappearing in Yechen's vision ...

Chapter 0055 Rest

When the abyss seeker left, the greenery covering the desert in the distance also quickly extended towards Yechen.

Straws of fresh and emerald green grass are growing ferociously at a speed visible to the naked eye. They can't wait to pour into the vision of the young man, desperately expanding the territory of the grassland.

At the same time, under the rule of the sun, the sand under the boy's feet rapidly transformed into fertile soil, from loose to cohesive, from dry to wet, from barren to fertile...

Just as the scorching sun replaced the cold moon, the vast sea of ​​sand is finally replaced by the vast grassland. The hidden area of ​​sand and grass has ushered in a new round of daylight, and the green plants are once again full of vitality and radiance. .

Seeing that the enemy chose to retreat because of the rising sun, Yechen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. His body, which had been fighting all night, was completely relaxed at this time, and he sat down on the fresh lawn.

Immediately afterwards, there was an obvious vibration on the ground, but before Yechen could react, colorful mushroom bushes emerged from the soil in front of him, followed by Mu Nazhang who looked up and looked around. face worried head.

"Grandpa Mu!"

Seeing the face of an acquaintance, Ye Chen immediately called out.

"Oh, great, you're alive!"

When Mu heard the voice, he turned his head abruptly, seeing that Yechen still had the strength to greet him, he immediately smiled, and excitedly shook the colorful mushrooms on top of his head.

Driven by the power of the mysterious spirit, Mu floated out of the soil piled with green grass, and quickly landed in front of Yechen.

"How is it? Is there any serious injury?" He put his blooming hands on Yechen's shoulders and asked nervously.

"Fortunately, it's just a few bruises on the body, it's not a problem." Facing the old man's eager care, the young man showed a moving smile and responded with a wry smile. "Compared to this, Grandpa Mu, time waits for no one, let's talk about it on the way."

"Oh, yes! Look at me so confused! Let's set off now!" Suddenly awakened, Mu immediately raised the old wooden crutch in his hand high in the air, releasing a circle of emerald green light.

Afterwards, several vines grew out of Muna's arms covered with flowers.

Under the irradiance of the green light of the crutch, the vines immediately separated from the main body, multiplied in piles on the ground at a terrifying speed, and finally transformed into the monstrous green wave that Ye Chen was familiar with, the giant plant that was so large that it made people speechless. blanket.


It was the first time to observe the complete process of the vines growing, and it was really difficult for Yechen to express his shock in words.

The young man followed the old man to jump onto the green waves, and the two had just set off towards the Sun and Moon Mountains. The young man couldn't restrain his curiosity, so he asked Mu straight to the point, wanting to know what his natal arcane technique was like. ability.

"Oh, you're curious about my arcane skills? Hehe, it's actually not a big deal... My ability is just to make various plants grow on the body surface that can be manipulated and used."

Mu Le replied with a chuckle, and then flicked his palm away. In an instant, a tender seedling appeared in front of Yechen's eyes, and then automatically shrunk and disappeared.

"Although it is not a powerful ability, it is different with this crutch in my hand. This labyrinth relic can make my plants separate from the body and multiply and grow exponentially, so I can drive such a large-scale vine cluster , has enough strength to make that abyssal monster dare not approach rashly."

After Mu finished speaking, he proudly shook the crooked wooden crutch in his hand to Yechen. Judging from his remarks, it was indeed a baby that complemented and perfectly matched with his natal arcana.

"So that's how it is..." Yechen lowered his head and pondered, it seems that the relics of the maze will be a decisive factor for the combat power of the nightmare sensor.

"Don't talk about this yet, come on, let me see your injury now." Mu reminded aloud.

The boy nodded his head, raised his black hood with gold patterns, and showed the bruises on his arms, thighs and back to the old man.

"Hmm... Although there are many injuries, fortunately none of them are serious. After applying my medicine, it will heal within half a day."

Mu gave Yechen a quick diagnosis and analysis, then took out a pack of ointment from the old wood chips, and stretched out his hand to apply evenly on Yechen's wounds one by one.

As soon as the ointment touched the body, Yechen felt a refreshing and refreshing feeling. According to Mu, this is the secret recipe that he used the juice of the flower buds in his hand to blend with the natal arcana.

Although this sounds weird, the effect was immediate, making Yechen's body pain disappear quickly, so he didn't have any opinions, but thanked Mu gratefully.

After the treatment, Yechen told Mu in detail what happened on the first night in the Shacao Hidden Area, and told Mu about his strategy, actions and the enemy's situation.

Among them, what Yechen cares most about is the form of the Abyss Seeker.

During the day, it was no more than ten meters long, and was forced to be torn apart by Mu, and its vitality was severely injured. As a result, when night came, its volume soared like a flood, so that it could continuously separate waves of abyssal biomes, thus Chasing and killing Yechen all night...

"The monster should have been eating continuously during the day to multiply and split into so many offspring. It seems that it has worked hard to catch you." After listening to Yechen's description, Mu stroked his white beard, explained.

"Eating? But Grandpa Mu, didn't you say before that there are very few animals in this desert area..." Ye Chen was puzzled for a moment, and then patted his head in a sudden realization. "Could it be that it ate grass?"

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