Oring Hunter

Page 33

Chapter 0063 The Final Rivalry

When the ghostly whisper resounded in Yechen's mind, the abyss seeker had already rushed to less than 50 meters away from Yechen.

On the surface of its huge head, densely packed like honeycomb eyes, staring at the boy's immature face.

The hundreds of gazes cast on Yechen constantly exude the color of fanaticism and gluttony, and are constantly filled with a violent and dangerous atmosphere.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen immediately felt a sense of luck and fear.

Obviously, although the current Abyss Seeker has indeed suffered heavy injuries and is in a weakened state, the remaining aura is still so terrifying and so gloomy.

Just feeling the strong cold air coming from his back, Yechen could comprehend simply by intuition:

Even now that I have experienced the second nightmare and become "the one who smells it", its strength is still only enough to compete with the offspring of the other party. As for the mother body of the abyss seeker, for Ye Chen, Always an extremely dangerous existence.

If it were Ye Chen in his heyday, with the current Yechen as his opponent, there might still be hope of victory.

But if Yechen, who has been fighting bloody night, panting, covered in bruises and unable to use even the black cloak with gold patterns, is pulled out to fight this monster, the situation will undoubtedly be one-sided!

If it were an ordinary Lengtouqing, he might have rushed forward recklessly to fight the Abyss Seeker with the idea of ​​"cutting the grass and roots", and was then pretended to be a pig and eaten a tiger by the other party. Under the entanglement of the thick tentacles and sharp arms, , ended up dead without a whole body...

However, fortunately, Yechen's character is far different from ordinary people.

At the most critical moment, the cautiousness in his bones finally wiped away the arrogance, worry, and hatred in his heart... allowing Yechen to see through the tricks of the abyss seeker in time, thus avoiding the above-mentioned tragic accident ending.

And after Yechen took the right steps and headed in the right direction, the abyss tracker could only tear off the disguise in the end, and tried his best to force Yechen to stay.

I saw the tentacles under it swaying wildly, releasing invisible power, making the abyss seeker float in the air, and then twisting and swimming like a deep sea creature, chasing after Yechen.

Although the speed at which it floats in the air is far inferior to the previous species such as centipedes, birds, and bone whales, it is still a head faster than the current Yechen, which is covered in bruises and bruises, and keeps approaching Yechen.


"Don't go..."

"Accept... us!"

"Accept...the abyss!"

As the distance between the pitch-black giant beast and Ye Chen narrowed, the whisper from the abyss kept echoing in Ye Chen's head, constantly attacking his mind and will, and constantly ordering his legs to stop. pace.


Yechen bit the corner of his mouth, biting blood from his lower lip. His mind stubbornly resisted the spiritual attack of the abyss seeker. At the same time, he swung his injured limbs vigorously, and desperately walked towards the ten thousand steps leading to the top of Sun Moon Mountain. Run... towards the barrier of Riyue Mountain condensed by the power of the mysterious spirit at the entrance of the steps, run desperately...

Just like that, the boy ran forward with wounds and blood, and the monster chased after him with its teeth and claws.

Time passed slowly second by second. When the young man dragged his painful body and endured a blurred mind, he rushed to the position five meters in front of the ten thousand steps. The huge shadow of the abyss seeker happened to cover the young man's body. shape.

In the next second, two slender ghost hands with countless sharp fangs grabbed Yechen's body.


At this critical moment, Yechen confirmed the enemy's position in time by listening to the rushing breath behind him, and immediately flew forward and rolled, barely avoiding the grapple of the abyss seeker.

Then, when Ye Chen got up quickly, a new round of attacks from the Abyss Seekers had already struck.

The ten tentacles swinging out from the lower body suddenly rolled towards every corner of Yechen's body, trying to wrap him alive.

But at the same moment, the silver revolver held tightly by Ye Chen was also aimed at the huge head of the Abyss Seeker, the head full of eyeballs, and the head wrapped around the core.

Before the tentacles were about to engulf him, the blood-oozing fingertips of the boy had already pulled the trigger vigorously.


The loud gunshots pierced through the silent sand plain and rushed straight to the towering mountain tops.

The "Blood Bullet" with silky curves and delicate texture, the "Blood Bullet" strengthened by the second nightmare, the last "Blood Bullet" left in the revolver magazine, at this moment, it finally came out in response.

At a distance of less than one meter, it broke away from the silver barrel of the revolver, crossed the obstruction of the arm of the abyss seeker, and accurately hit the huge head of the enemy, and immediately bloomed in the center of it. There were bright red blood flowers.


The head of the Abyss Seeker, which was wrapped around the core, exploded a cloud of blood mist on the spot, making its entire body stiff immediately, and the dozens of tentacles that stabbed at Yechen also became tense because of this. slow.


Yechen gasped for breath while walking forward in embarrassment, and finally stepped the toe of his shoe into the energy barrier of the [-] steps, and immediately fell down inside with relief.

The next moment, a dozen or so tentacles immediately set off several gusts of wind and slammed towards Yechen's back door like afterimages.

However, Yechen accidentally fell forward, but he was lucky enough to avoid the attack of these tentacles, and he completely entered the barrier of Sun Moon Master Mountain.


The boy's body was lying on the first few steps, with difficulty supporting his heavy eyelids, he looked out of the barrier.

I saw that terrifying giant beast, at this moment, still standing upright in place, not falling down.

Even though more than half of its head was shattered by Yechen's gun on the spot, the core of the abyss in the center of its interior only showed a crack, which was far from being shattered and disintegrated.

Seeing this scene, Yechen's eyes filled with disbelief.

He is sure that the "Blood Bullet" he just shot directly hit the opponent's core, but even so, the impact and explosion of the "Blood Bullet" close to the face cannot destroy the abyss core... …

The abyss tracker, even its greatest weakness, is far superior to all the abyss creatures that Yechen has encountered in the past.

The latter, just using the "Blood Blade" will easily shatter everything into powder, while the former, even if bombarded with "Blood Bullets" at zero distance, can still stand tall. The gap between the two sides is really too big.

Up to now, Yechen was once again thankful that he didn't take the initiative to attack the abyss tracker just now.

Otherwise, he may have the possibility of killing the opponent only by hitting the opponent's head with four consecutive "blood bullets", and this is obviously a condition that Ye Chen cannot meet now, because he is too tired, too painful……

During the three-hour continuous wheel battle tonight, Yechen produced more than 30 "blood bullets" in a row. Coupled with the continuous trauma suffered by his body during the period, he did not know how much blood he lost tonight. If it were an ordinary person, he would have lost too much blood and died violently in the wilderness.

So, the "Blood Bullet" just now is the last "Blood Bullet" that Yechen can condense tonight...

It didn't miss, which is really a blessing in misfortune.

Chapter 0064

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Ye Chen was out of breath, exhausted, struggling to keep his face, and slowly moved his bleeding limbs, struggling to support his body.

And the abyss tracker standing outside the barrier of Riyue Mountain, with half of his head shattered upright, with half a hundred remaining eyeballs open, stared at the young man inside the barrier, shaking after all. The mutilated body screamed to the sky.


It bared its fangs and claws and howled screamingly, cutting the surrounding sandstones one by one into fine pieces, exuding an unwilling and irritable aura all over its body.


Yechen stood up from the steps in embarrassment, silently watching the impotent and furious abyss tracker, silently watching its arms and tentacles savagely waving, and easily bombarding the surrounding boulders one by one into gravel.

The terrifying power displayed by the abyss monster made Yechen once again thankful that he hadn't acted recklessly just now.

Otherwise, once this force falls on his now scarred body, the result will obviously be unimaginable...

With this in mind, Ye Chen took a deep breath, then turned away with lingering fear, and walked towards the upper steps, step by step towards the end of his journey, the top of Riyue Mountain.

However, as soon as the abyss tracker saw Yechen leaving, his expression immediately became even crazier, and he rushed towards Yechen's back, and then slammed into the layer built by the natural mystic power. above the energy barrier.


As soon as the body of the abyssal creature collided with the barrier of the Sun Moon Master Mountain, it immediately caused a sound of burning flesh and blood.

When Ye Chen heard the movement, he looked back in surprise.

I saw the whole figure of the abyss tracker, who was tightly clinging to the barrier of Riyue Mountain at this time, desperately trying to force his way into the energy barrier, but his limbs and torso were in the natural abyss. Under the scorching of spiritual power, it keeps melting and collapsing...

And this scene only lasted for a few seconds.

Then, the arms of the Abyss Tracker's upper body and the dozen or so tentacles on his lower body were completely destroyed by the Riyue Mountain barrier, turning into countless black ash, and dissipating in the light of the mysterious power.

As for the body of the abyss tracker, only half of the head and half of the torso remained, which were ruthlessly bounced away by the barrier of Riyue Mountain, and finally collapsed powerlessly on the sandy ground below the mountain, motionless and breathless.

And its abyss core, exposed in the air, now has several new cracks emerging, quietly following the body and collapsed in the sand, and can no longer make the previous ups and downs and beating like a heart. action.


Seeing these scenes, Ye Chen couldn't help but think of turning back again, making up for it, cutting the weeds and roots.

However, the boy's face only hesitated for a moment, and then he turned back resolutely, followed the steps of his master, and continued to walk towards the end of the ten thousand steps, towards the teleportation altar on the top of Sun Moon Mountain.

After all, God knows if this scheming abyss tracker is still playing dead and deceitful now?

Anyway, Yechen will not take that risk again.

He wants to inherit the will left by Lyle and Heiqi, and live on with all his strength. For this reason, reaching the altar on the mountain as soon as possible is Yechen's top priority now.

Thus, the young man left the monster lying dead at the bottom of the mountain, step by step, step by step, climbed up to the end of the steps with difficulty, climbing...

But not long after, Yechen felt his blood slacken and his body hurt so badly that he had to stop by the side of the road for a short rest.

Through the use of "Space Access", Yechen took out the painkiller left by Lyle from the inner space of the handkerchief, and the new version of red blood flower tea that Mu specially made for him.

By sending the two into his mouth in a relaxed and orderly manner, Yechen was able to recover his body and mind slightly, and immediately continued his mountain climbing journey.

After 10 minutes, Yechen, who relied on the power of the mysterious spirit to firmly support and accelerate the physical activity, with a haggard face, finally reached the thousandth step.

Because the abyss trackers were completely blocked by the Riyue Mountain barrier, Yechen actually didn't need to rush so anxiously.

So, next thing he stuffed an extra painkiller into his mouth, slowly sipped a few mouthfuls of red blood scented tea, rested for a long time to recover his strength, and then faced the cold and indifferent moonlight, he crossed the steps again, Continue walking towards the top of the mountain.

Although it took quite a while to rest, the exhaustion of the body and mind cannot be shaken off for a while. Therefore, after that, Yechen was resting and panting while enduring exhaustion, and gradually drew closer to him. The distance between myself and the peak of Riyue Mountain...

Two thousand, three thousand.

Four thousand, five thousand.

Six thousand, seven thousand.

Eight thousand, nine thousand.

About three hours later, the tired-looking teenager finally crossed the [-]th step with trembling legs.

With the cold night wind blowing on his blood-stained cheeks, a flat and vast mountain top, and the old altar built by countless ancient stone bricks in the center of the mountain top were finally reflected in Yechen's retina.

Yechen paused for a moment, then staggered towards the altar.

"Huh... finally we can leave."

As he walked, he let out a long breath of relief, and couldn't help talking to himself.

However, since the teleportation altar is close at hand, Ye Chen is not in a hurry to hurry.

After all, there are countless wounds all over his body now. Although the bleeding has stopped, it still makes Ye Chen feel unbearable pain. It is obviously extremely unwise to rush into a new world with this attitude.

Therefore, Yechen's best choice now is naturally to just sit by the altar, obediently welcome the arrival of dawn, and then wait for the awakened Mu to come here, and then perform some efficient healing for himself.

Well... let's do it.

He thought so, took out his pocket watch, and checked the time.

The hour hand of the pocket watch was only one grid away from the six o'clock scale, which obviously meant that in 10 minutes, Yechen would be able to welcome the dawn of a new day in the Shacao Hidden Area.

After confirming the time, the young man couldn't help but raise his lips slightly when he thought of seeing the old man again at the end. After all, he has attached great importance to friendship since he was born.

However, when Yechen walked ten meters away from the teleportation altar, his pair of azure blue eyes filled with anticipation and hope froze abruptly.

The reason was that he saw a mound protruding from the ground without warning on the wasteland one meter away.

Yechen's first reaction was that Mu had woken up early and was about to emerge from the soil.

But when he looked up at the sky, he found that the crescent moon was still struggling on the edge of the sky ahead, while the rising sun was still hiding under the horizon behind.

The night has not passed yet.

Day has not come yet.

Then, it couldn't be Mu who came.


At this moment, Ye Chen gasped, his whole body was cold, his hands and feet were trembling.

Then, he forcibly mobilized his body and mind, which was almost exhausted to the limit, and ran to the side at full speed to evacuate.

However, the raised mound exploded one step faster than Yechen.

In the next second, a bloody black head covered with countless slender tentacles shot out from the broken ground, and hit the young sideways with lightning speed. The tentacles slammed him down to the ground.

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