Oring Hunter

Page 40

Just as the boys and girls started to make noise, an elderly man in pure white heavy armor suddenly strode up behind them.

Every step he takes will make the armor make a thick and heavy sound, and there is a conspicuous big scar on his wrinkled old face, which makes this middle-aged man exude an aura. Battle-tested strength.

After seeing the appearance of the elderly man, the boys and girls stopped making noise in an instant, and bowed their heads to say hello to him.

"Hello, Instructor Josk!"

The elderly man named Josk nodded slightly, quickly observed everyone's state, then glanced at the dead giant bull, and finally made an evaluation.

"Well, being able to deal with this hexagonal bull in a non-injured state shows that your teamwork is good."

When the boys and girls heard the instructor's unabashed evaluation, their faces were full of joy, and Zhang En, who was carrying a sledgehammer, asked excitedly, "Does that mean that we have all passed the selection?"

"It's beautiful to think about."

Josk's cold response instantly shattered Zhang En's dream.

"The labyrinth creatures that infiltrated the Holy Light Pure Land this time are more than the one you have cleaned up right now."

"Although all the space holes derived from the maze have been sealed by me, there are still four hexagonal bulls wandering in the forest nearby, so next, it's time for you to prove your personal strength..."

"One person solves one head, and the guy who can't do it will be eliminated on the spot!"

"Okay, time waits for no one, don't just stand here, move!"

"May the holy light guide the way for you!"

Following Josk's roar, the four boys and girls immediately drew a four-pointed star in front of their chests with their right hands, symbolizing that they were under the protection of the holy light.

"May the Holy Light bless us!"

After everyone recited the prayer, they picked up their weapons and rushed to every corner of the sea of ​​trees, concentrating on searching for traces of the remaining labyrinth creatures.

Seeing how energetic these young people are, Josk couldn't help feeling the ancient theorem of the old, the weak and the young.

In the Pure Land of Holy Light, every day there are space pits derived from the interior of the Ao Ling Labyrinth. Sometimes there are only a few potholes, and sometimes there are as many as thousands of potholes.

Since the Knights of the Holy Light have been unable to analyze the reason for the appearance of space pits, they do not know how to completely stop this phenomenon, so they can only use the astrology stone in the center of the Holy Light to continuously monitor the location of new pits, and Through the space transmission technology of the Gate of Holy Light, knights are constantly sent to fill the potholes, and at the same time eradicate any threats that infiltrate into the Pure Land of Holy Light from the labyrinth potholes.

And a small part of the space pothole processing tasks with weak energy will be entrusted to the quasi-knight squad to complete under the leadership of the instructor, so that while eliminating the threat of the Holy Light Pure Land, it is also possible to test the young quasi-knights through actual combat. Having the qualifications to be promoted to a full-fledged knight can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Josk sat quietly in the sea of ​​trees, closed his eyes and concentrated, feeling the energy fluctuations in the air, and remotely sensing the movements of his students fighting with their prey.

After a while, Maqisha, Tucker, Kelly and Zhang En returned to Josk one after another, and showed him the severed horn that was stripped from the head of the six-legged mammoth bull and covered in blood. .

Josk scanned everyone's bodies again, and found that everyone was not injured, and finally nodded with satisfaction.

"Hmm... It seems that none of you have disappointed me. Today's trial has come to a successful conclusion."

Hearing the instructor's conclusion, the boys and girls threw away the broken horns in unison, expressing their excitement and pride.

"But don't take it lightly. There are still many new trials waiting for you. If you want to become a real Holy Light Knight, just keep calm and don't be impetuous!"

The instructor exhorted with a serious face. After everyone listened, they quickly restrained their joyful posture, stood up in a standard knight posture, and quietly waited for the instructor's next instruction.

Josk drew out the long cross sword, carved a four-pointed star circle on the soft soil, and immediately put the long cross sword on his chest, and began to chant mysterious spells in a low voice.

He was preparing to open a space-transportation-type Holy Light technique called "The Gate of Holy Light", and then sent himself and the students back to the Holy Light Headquarters.

However, just as Josk's cross sword began to emit pure white light, causing the air in front of him to gradually reveal the outline of a light gate, Josk's pendant worn around his neck, inlaid with a pure white spar, suddenly A black light began to flicker.

"This, this is—!?"

Seeing what happened to the instructor, the young quasi-knights couldn't help exclaiming together.

Because they knew that the pendant was called the Maze Sensing Pendant, which was specially customized by the Holy Light Headquarters for the knight, allowing the knight to detect whether there is a sensor in the maze within five kilometers.

But now the sensor suddenly lights up, and everyone present understands what that means.


Josk looked at the blackened pendant in his hand, and then silently lowered the crossed long sword on his chest, making the "Gate of Holy Light" that was finally formed in front of him suddenly become illusory and misty, and finally disappeared out of thin air.

Then, he turned his head to face the young prospective knights, and made a serious announcement.

"It seems that our selection trial this time... has to be postponed."

Chapter 0077 Interception

"The situation has changed. Let's investigate the situation of the space pit first. If it is a level that you can handle, then it will be regarded as the next round of selection trials, and it will be completed in one go today! Do you have any objections?"

Josk followed the guidance of the pendant of maze perception, and ran towards the depths of the sea of ​​trees, while asking loudly to the four young quasi-knights who followed him.

"No, Instructor Josk!"

Tucker, Kelly, Maqisha, and Zhang En responded with one voice and excitedly.

They hunted the labyrinth creature hexapod bull that jumped out of the space hole in the sea of ​​trees today. Everyone was not injured, and they didn't even enjoy playing with the prey. On the contrary, they were looking forward to the situation changing and more challenges.

Moreover, if everyone can continue and pass a new round of selection trials, it means that the distance between these quasi-knights and the real holy light knights will be one step further.

For every child chosen by the Holy Light, becoming a Knight of the Holy Light is their ideal and the greatest glory in their lives.

Because of this, these quasi-knights are looking forward to the changes in the current situation and are eager to try.

Under the leadership of an instructor knight, the four quasi-knights quickly passed through the sea of ​​trees, and finally arrived at a hill in the forest.

At this moment, the black light on the maze perception pendant in Josk's hand has dissipated, replaced by a faintly flickering red dot.

Josk, who witnessed this scene, understood that this meant that the spatial fluctuations derived from the Olympian Labyrinth into the Holy Light Pure Land had disappeared, and some kind of maze-like creature had penetrated into this kingdom ruled by the Holy Light.

"The potholes in the maze are closed by themselves, which means we don't need to manually fill them in?" Kelly, who was holding a gun, couldn't help asking when she saw this.

"Yeah, it's a bit weird." Tucker, who was carrying a sword and shield, scratched the back of his head and agreed with a puzzled expression.

"Could it be a tunnel intentionally opened by the side of the abyss?" Maqisha shook the folding halberd at her waist, vigilantly suspicious.

After all, most of the space potholes that appear in the pure land from the maze are not filled with holy light, and will always exist in place. Potholes like this that will close themselves are very important for these young quasi-knights. Said very strange.

"This phenomenon may be unintentional in the labyrinth, or it may be intentional in the abyss. No matter what, we have to investigate and make a decision."

After the experienced instructor Josk finished explaining, he led the quasi-knights in the direction guided by the red dot and continued to explore the dense and complex sea of ​​trees.

Soon, everyone followed the guidance of the maze perception pendant and arrived at a cliff located at a high point in the sea of ​​trees with an excellent view.

They stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the vast world below, and saw the sea of ​​trees, mountains, and the wide avenue sandwiched between them.

Afterwards, at the end of the Kangzhuang Avenue, the Holy Light Knight Sect and a group saw a series of intermittent figures.

Josk took out the binoculars and found that it was a group of caravan carriages transporting goods, which were slowly disappearing on the other side of Kangzhuang Avenue.

At this moment, Zhang En carried a sledgehammer and left the team for a while, checked the ground near the cliff a little, then his eyes changed, and he crouched on the ground immediately, poking up the soil on the surface with his hands.

"Instructor Josk, there seems to be someone's shoe prints here!"

Following his reminder, the crowd immediately gathered around, and immediately found more obvious human traces in the surrounding sand.

While scanning the shoe prints, Josk brought the labyrinth sensor pendant closer to him for a try.

As he expected, the red dot on the surface of the pendant flickered immediately, which indicated that the shoe print exuded a strong labyrinth atmosphere, and its owner was the guy who entered the Holy Light Pure Land from the Ao Ling Labyrinth.

"It seems that the person who walked out of the maze hole this time...is a 'person'."

Josk stood up and informed the apprentices.

"The 'person' who came out of the Olympian Labyrinth? Hey, this is really a novelty!"

After hearing this, the faces of the young quasi-knights were full of shock, and then countless interests emerged.

What came out of the maze was not a monster, but a Homo sapiens like himself.

It was the first time for newcomers with inexperienced experience to encounter this kind of thing, so they were naturally eager to see it.

Of course, if possible, they even look forward to fighting each other.

"The depth and distribution of the footprints seem to be very rapid. It is obvious that his owner left them not long ago, and then connects the direction in which these footprints extend. This person may have seen something on the cliff, and then I hurried down the mountain..."

Josk calmly made an analysis, and then, everyone looked at the end of the wide avenue in the distance, at the carriage caravan that was about to disappear from everyone's sight.

"Go! They are very suspicious! We must stop them all!"

Following Josk's announcement, the young quasi-knights took another extremely fast pace.

Under the leadership of the instructor, the newcomers quickly crossed the woods and hills, and chased furiously in the direction where the carriage caravan disappeared...

The Holy Light Knight taught this chase, and chased the carriage for two days and two nights.

Although chasing horseshoes with human legs is a bit too unrealistic, they relied on the protection of the power of the Holy Light and seized the time for the other party to camp at night, and they were still constantly narrowing the distance between the two sides.

In the end, on the afternoon of the third day, the group finally bypassed the shortcut and stopped in advance at the place the caravan planned to pass by.

And the spiral mountain soaring into the sky in the distance is the summit of the hunters, and it is the general stronghold of the Olympian Hunters who are constantly at odds with and entangled with their Holy Light Knight Cult.

Josk glanced wordlessly at the Hunter's Peak in the distance, and then immediately gave orders to the quasi-knights.

"Stop the front and back of the caravan, and don't let anyone have a chance to escape!"

Tucker, Kelly, Shaqima, and Zhang En nodded together, and then went to the woods around the avenue, lurking in their respective positions, ready and ready to go.

A caravan carrying large and small bags soon appeared from the other end of Kangzhuang Avenue, heading towards the Holy Light Knight Cult.

Then, an elderly man wearing pure white heavy armor and with battle scars on his face stood upright in the middle of the avenue, blocking the caravan's way.

A bodyguard escorting the front of the car saw Josk blocking the way of the caravan with a fierce expression on his face, immediately raised his shotgun, aimed at him, and threatened him nervously: "Hey! Who are you? Could it be that you want to rob—! ?”

However, the other companion beside him, after seeing the white and dignified appearance of the old man, and the mighty and heavy armor, his face instantly turned pale as gray, and he immediately reached out and vigorously slapped the shotgun from the bodyguard's hand. "This is the Knight of the Holy Light! Do you still dare to point a gun at him, are you impatient to live—!?"

When the bodyguard heard this, he was terrified, and then looked at the old man's clothing with dull eyes, and found that it was really the solemn style taught by the Holy Light Knight.

In the Holy Light Pure Land, the pure white armor of the Holy Light Knight symbolizes the authority of the Holy Light. If anyone dares to pretend to be private, he will be wanted by the Holy Light Pure Land, and finally sentenced to death by hanging. The fate is extremely serious.

So, no fool in the world would hang around in such conspicuous armor.

Unless, he is the real Holy Light Knight himself.

Chapter 0078 Turtle in the urn

After the cargo carriage at the forefront of the caravan was stopped by Josk alone, the bodyguards and fellows escorting the team at the rear immediately approached the front of the car with guns in hand.

They originally thought it was the robbers who intercepted the goods, and they were ready to fight to the death with them, but in the end they discovered that the person blocking the way... turned out to be the most unprovoked existence in the Holy Light Pure Land—the Holy Light Knight.

At this moment, the expressions of everyone in the caravan changed to horror, doubt, and fear, which made their fingers that were gripping the gun body tremblingly loosen.

Immediately afterwards, the panic-stricken crowd started making noise like this.

"Holy Light Knight... why did it appear in such a place?"

"This area can be regarded as the territory of the Olympian hunters. Aren't the two forces always incompatible?"

"Could it be that someone in our caravan violated the law of the Holy Light? They forced them to go thousands of miles to arrest them?"

Faced with the whispers of the crowd, Josk cleared his throat impatiently, making the scene instantly silent.

At this moment, everyone shut their mouths tightly, quietly waiting for instructions from the mysterious Holy Light Knight.

"Call your supervisor."

Looking down at the crowd in front of him, Josk spoke in a cold voice with an orderly attitude.

The caravan people looked at each other in blank dismay, and immediately sent a buddy to quickly call the boss.

Tens of seconds later, Tang Bo, the caravan owner who was sweating profusely, ran to Josk, the Holy Light Knight, shaking his big belly and panting.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

"Holy, Holy Light Knight, hello!"

"I am the owner of this caravan, Tang Bo... Please, what is your business?"

Tang Bo nervously finished his self-introduction, then bent down and lowered his head to ask, completely ignoring the eyes of his subordinates present, his words and deeds were extremely respectful to Josk.

After all, he has been in the business field for so many years, and he knows in his heart how terrifying the existence of the Holy Light Knight Cult is. If he dares to fight against the other party, not only may he no longer have business, he may even lose his life.

"Give me a brief report on your identities and your motives for coming here." Josk crossed his arms and gave Tang Bo an order in a condescending manner.

"Good, good!"

Tang Bo bowed his head with a trembling voice, kneaded the hem of his clothes, sorted out his words a little, and then began to introduce the origins of his group with trepidation.

"We are the Kingfisher Chamber of Commerce from Ximan City. We negotiated a deal with the Olympian hunters to help them prepare the supplies they need to go to the Olympia Maze. That's why we appeared in this place..."

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