Oring Hunter

Page 53

Seeing this scene, Yechen's eyes lit up.

That is the light that a person in desperate situation emits when he sees a chance to survive.

Within this barrier...could it be the territory of Olympian hunters?

Thinking like this, he quickly mustered up the little strength left in his body, staggered to his feet from the flowerbed, and drove his bones until they let out a groaning scream.

The distance between Yechen and the mist at this time is only a short 100 meters.

However, just when the young man felt hope rekindled, the figure in the heavy armor behind him trampled a few yellow flowers on the edge of the flower field to pieces, ruthlessly crushing these beautiful and weak creatures.

"Oh, I was careless for a while, I didn't expect that I accidentally sent you flying here."

Josk twitched the corners of his dry and gray mouth, but then he couldn't help sneering, showing a leisurely and contented smile to the blood-stained boy.

"As you can see, the front is the Olympian hunter's territory."

"However, child, you will never have the chance to step into it."

"The reason, I think you should be very clear."

After saying that, the chosen holy light knight held the radiant cross sword in one hand, trampled more fresh and bright flowers under his body into foam, and walked towards Yechen with his head held high.

At this moment, the distance between the hunter and the barrier, and the distance between the hunter and the knight, is only 100 meters.

However, the 100 meters of the former seem so far away, while the 100 meters of the latter seem so close.

The young man cast aside the energy barrier that was close in front of his eyes, and looked at the figure that was approaching in front of him. He didn't move for the first time, and he didn't choose to decisively flee to the Olympian hunter's territory.

Because Yechen understands that the reason why Josk chooses to move slowly towards him is because he has absolute confidence in his own speed, and because he wants to slowly torture Yechen's spirit.

After all, watching the god of death approaching him step by step with a knife is far more frightening and frightening than chopping his head off instantly with a sword, and Josk is obviously a ruthless veteran in torturing people.

And if Yechen dared to turn around and run away at the first moment, the instructor knight would be able to cross the mere [-] meters in an instant, and then cut off Yechen's open limbs with one sword at a time.

This time, Josk will never miss again.

And Yechen, knowing this very well, did not choose to retreat hastily.

Then, the boy decisively took out his dagger and revolver from the handkerchief.

His bleeding left hand deftly threw out the magazine of the revolver, and his bone-cracked right hand held the hilt of the sword and put the blade on the left wrist.

Ye Chen intends to cut his wrists.

Now, he couldn't care less about the consequences.

The boy intends to use the blood flying out of the blood vessels to fill up every cylinder of the revolver as much as possible. If he can make six rounds, it is naturally the best.

Then, he will pour all the "blood bullets" condensed during this life-and-death crisis on Josk's body.

This is the only strategy Yechen can think of to reverse the desperate situation and win a glimmer of life.

The best situation he could imagine was that Josk was hit head-on with the sixth round of "Blood Bullets" because of his arrogance, and fell into a brief dizziness.

In this way, Yechen could take the opportunity to run to the Olympian hunter's territory.

Although I don't know if I can really be rescued if I do that... But right now, Yechen can only rely on this last hope and regard it as his last straw.

However, at the moment when Josk continued to hold his head high and approached Yechen with a fearless face, at the moment when Yechen was about to raise his short sword and slash at his own pulse.

A male voice different from any of them sounded from the side without warning, and reached the ears of Yechen and Josk at the same time.

"Hey, what are you stepping on in the flower field? Did the flowers provoke you?"

Hearing this ridicule that was completely contrary to the current atmosphere of fighting and was extremely out of date, Yechen and Josk's expressions froze due to shock.

They jerk their heads toward the source of the sound.

On the other side of the flower field, two figures, a man and a woman, were standing unconsciously.

The male looks like he has just entered middle age, with messy gray hair, a beard, and a small braid at the back of his head. He is wearing a plain gray shirt and a pair of dark suspenders. The first impression of these four characters is that they are lazy and undisciplined.

The woman's face is pretty like a flower, she wears a head of maroon hair that is very neatly arranged, and she wears a close-fitting dark red dress and light black tights, exuding a mature charm all over her body. It presents a completely different temperament.

Yechen looked at the two people who appeared out of nowhere, his eyes froze, then drifted, and then looked at Josk in front.

And when he found Josk at the moment, staring at the man and woman, his complexion quickly turned livid, a new light of hope was finally born in the depths of Yechen's gloomy eyes.

"Are you... Olympian hunters?"

Josk stared at the couple for a long time, and finally asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, Mr. Knight."

The strange man chuckled at Josk, and stated the reality unabashedly, turning a blind eye to Josk's murderous look, as if he didn't take him seriously at all.

"We are Olympian hunters."

Chapter 0099

When the gray-haired man confessed his identity with a smile on his face, Josk suddenly fell silent, and the cross blade that was originally held horizontally in his hand was also involuntarily placed on the flower soil.

As for Yechen on the other side, he also removed the dagger on his wrist at this moment.

Now that the Olympian Hunter that the boy had been dreaming about for a long time had come now, he naturally didn't have to cut his wrists and fight for his life immediately, and wait and see what happened.

The brown-haired woman next to the gray-haired man crossed her arms and remained silent, while the gray-haired man saw that the old knight didn't respond for a while, then looked at Yechen's tattered clothes and countless bloody mouths, and looked at Yechen. The smile slowly faded.

Then, he spoke again calmly to the old knight.

"Mr. Knight, you are doing this inappropriately. It is reasonable to say that the person who came out of the maze should be handed over to the Holy Light Center for interrogation. How can he be executed privately?"

Josk heard the words, his eyes changed slightly, and he immediately refuted.

"Idiots who don't understand the situation just shut up. This kid killed four of my students, and he has already proved his danger and threat."

"According to Article 1 of the Holy Light Law, I can exercise the knight's independent judgment power on him."

"Now I'm doing things according to the laws and regulations, so you Olympians have nothing to do here, go away!"

Josk yelled harshly at the two of them.

He originally hated the group of Olympians because of the stimulation and trauma of his childhood, but now that the other party took the initiative to show up to prevent him from avenging his students, how could Josk not feel furious and angry.

However, after hearing these words, the brown-haired woman still stared silently at Josk's fierce face, while the gray-haired man subtly raised his eyebrows, and then shrugged his shoulders towards Josk.

"Mr. Knight, you don't need to talk nonsense. We met people from the Kingfisher Chamber of Commerce on the road just now, and they told us exactly what you and your students planned to do~"

"Hehe, you are really brave. If you dare to attack our business partners on the edge of our territory, it will cost more than 50 lives..."

"If the people in the Holy Light Headquarters find out about this, what will they think and how will they deal with you?"

Hearing the grey-haired man's answer, the old knight suddenly showed a shocked expression, and clenched his teeth.

damn it!

Those nasty flies!

I should have silenced them all the first time—!

The furious Josk frowned, rattled his gauntlets, and couldn't help stomping his feet vigorously, shaking the entire flower field and letting out a rustling wail.

"Hey, Mr. Knight, you are not too young, so don't take your anger out on flowers and plants, okay?"

The gray-haired man looked at Josk's impotent and furious appearance, and scratched the back of his head, looking very embarrassed.

Yechen continued to stand on the other side of the flower field, silently watching the development of the situation.

However, after shutting his mouth and getting angry for a moment, Josk suddenly took a deep breath, seemed to have regained his composure, and cast contemptuous glances at the two Olympian hunters, a man and a woman, and responded with a loud voice.

"Anyway, this kid killed all my students, and today I want him to pay in blood."

"After that, how to judge my behavior should also be decided by the top of the church, and it still has nothing to do with you guys."

"Or, do you want to stop me?"

Speaking of this, the corner of Josk's mouth immediately raised a proud arc.

"Although it doesn't matter to me if you want to do this, but this kid's current position is outside the realm of your hunters..."

"I think you should be clear that unless you obtain special permission from the Holy Light Center, the Arcane hunters cannot use the power of the Arcane in the Pure Land of Holy Light outside their own domain."

"Otherwise, the expensive tattoos on your body will report all your illegal acts to the Holy Light Headquarters... At that time, not only the two of you, but the entire Olympian Hunter Group will suffer, because such acts are tantamount to harming the Holy Light." To openly oppose God is an extremely serious crime of treason, and you should all be aware of the seriousness of this behavior, right?"

After hearing Josk's remarks, Yechen's expression changed drastically.

Because of such important rules, according to his teacher Lyle's cautious temperament, he should have told Yechen in the diary, but the other party did not do so, which caused Yechen to be completely confused at the moment. what happened?

Of course, it is also possible that Josk was putting on a pose to frighten the strange couple.

But to be on the safe side, Yechen still maintained the posture of holding the dagger and the revolver with both hands, while observing the conversation between the Arcane Hunter and the Holy Light Knight, while slowly leaning towards the energy barrier behind, moving to shorten the distance.

And the gray-haired man, after listening to Josk's rhetorical question, had no intention of rebutting, and simply spread his hands to show weakness.

"Yes, you are right. Without the permission from the Holy Light Headquarters, we are outside the hunter's territory, and we really have no right to interfere with your actions."

After finishing speaking, he turned his gaze to the bloodied young man at the other end of the flower field, and finally showed a wry smile full of apology.

"Sorry, boy, unless you can run into the enchantment of the hunter's domain, there is nothing we can do to help you."

The voice of the gray-haired man was very kind.

But to Yechen's ears, it was so harsh, so shocking and irritating.

Why didn't you mention this in the first place?Otherwise, wouldn't I be able to shorten the distance a little while you guys are talking—!

The corners of Yechen's eyes twitched and he cursed inwardly.

Although after Josk mentioned the law that "Olym hunters cannot use the power of Olympia outside the territory", he began to secretly move towards the energy barrier, but because the period was too short, Yechen Rubbing back and forth, he only stole a distance of less than ten meters.

At this moment, he is still 90 meters away from the Olympian hunter's territorial enchantment, which makes people feel extremely desperate!

The boy was sweating profusely, held his breath, and turned his head to look at the Holy Light Knight in heavy armor on the other side of the flower field.

After seeing Josk's ferocious, murderous face, and seeing Josk's posture of slowly bending over and sprinting at full speed, Yechen's short sword still had to be as fierce as he had planned. He stroked towards the veins on his wrist, and then severed it mercilessly.

In the next instant, bright red blood, like a dug spring, broke through the skin and spurted out.


Yechen bit his lower lip with his upper teeth, stared at his blood fountain with frowning eyes, and immediately put the magazine that was thrown out of the revolver in front of the blood jet.

Then, Josk's figure moved.

The old knight raised the crossed long sword above his head with both hands, and turned into a white shadow, flashing towards the young hunter with an extremely fierce murderous aura.

Chapter 0100

At this moment, everything in Yechen's eyes slowed down.

Blood splattered from the wrist incision, very slowly.

The knight in front of him who was killing him with a sword was very slow.

And the movements of his own hands are also very slow.

Concentrating on the front line of life and death, Yechen couldn't help but condense the power of the mysterious spirit between his pupils, and subconsciously strengthened his visual perception to the limit it can achieve so far.

With such a slow flow of time, Yechen's azure blue eyes were able to urge his hands to perform a series of extremely precise movements in an orderly manner.

He filled the first bullet chamber of the revolver with the blood he shot out from cutting his wrist, and after concentrating on shaping the blood water into the shape of a bullet, he fine-tuned the runner with his fingers and continued to fill the cylinder chamber of the second bullet with blood .

Just like that, the young man with a high concentration stood still on the spot, looking down at the revolver in his hand, his arms were moving steadily and quickly like a machine, waiting for the coming of the holy light ahead.

At a distance of [-] meters, under the burst of the power of the holy light, Josk with the sword leaned over and sprinted at full speed, and it only took less than five seconds to reach Yechen.

In the first second, Josk held the long cross sword in one hand and spanned a length of 18 meters, while Yechen condensed the first two "blood bullets".

In the second second, Josk changed his one-handed sword to two-handed sword, spanning a length of 23 meters, while Yechen prepared the third and fourth "blood bullets".

In the third second, Josk raised the crossed long sword above his head, spanning a length of 54 meters, and Yechen finally made the last two "blood bullets" in sequence.

Then, in the next second, the long cross sword held above Josk's head burst into dazzling highlights, turning into a lightsaber.

Then, Josk exerted force with his wrist, intending to chop it down towards Yechen in front of him.

However, Yechen's blood-stained fingertips pushed the revolver's magazine back to its original position just in time.

After that, the teenager moved his left hand to the hammer of the revolver and swiped it, and then pressed the fingertips of his right finger on the trigger vigorously to push it.

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