
Chapter 34

Jiraiya could hardly believe it, but Episode V was turning out to be even better than the last one. It was more mature and took turns that weren't quite so cliché. The story had also seemed to grow darker and more introspective. Having to cut open a living thing and place a comrade inside it so that they had a chance to survive? Brutal and wild, while still seeming real enough to be something that could actually happen. That, followed by the heroes suffering the loss of a base and barely getting away by the skin of their teeth, led to something that felt more grounded in reality to many of the ninja watching.

Then, the play really threw him for a loop and introduced Yoda.

The small gremlin at first made him think that someone was making fun of Onoki. Small, petty, and sitting back not wanting to act. Seemed very much a reference to the second oldest living Kage. But then...

"Great warrior? Wars not make one great."

"Try not, do. Or do not. There is no try."

"Luminous beings are we. Not this crude matter."

This Yoda was not a shinobi. Not a samurai. He didn't even really seem to be a warrior monk. He was more like a priest. Though perhaps the repentant warrior monk carving images of Buddha to atone would be more appropriate. It was a bold move. An unexpected move. It made him wonder if he really did know where the story was going.

"What's in there?"

"Only what you take with you."

The scene played out and had Jiraiya on the edge of his seat. Something was building to be in there, but Yoda had stated there was nothing in there and that he wouldn't need a weapon. However, the music was tense and something was amplifying the sounds of the actor's breathing as he entered into the cave. When he saw Vader walk out, he understood immediately. Vader was on another planet. It was an illusion. It wasn't real, probably something to humble the main character and-

Vader was struck down, the helmet cracked off and exposed...



Jiraiya's mind whirled as he thought on it, glancing around at the crowd and seeing that, for the most part, no one seemed to give the moment much thought beyond a brief look of confusion. This was subtle, but a major statement. Was it because Luke brought his weapons? He brought violence and war in with him and that's what he saw in turn? His enemy and him becoming the same?

Like the cycle of hatred of the ninja world.

Jiraiya mentally gave himself a shake. He often saw metaphor for the cycle of hatred where there wasn't any. Just because it was a subject he felt strongly about, he had to occasionally remind himself that most people didn't see it that way.

Regardless, that scene meant something and he wasn't sure what was but it made him pay closer attention. Look for deeper meaning. To look underneath the underneath and let himself become absorbed in the play as it continued to hit the regular beats. Comrades in danger. Leaving the training early to save them. The lovable rogue possibly dying as the love interest gives a tearful confession. Really common beats to hit. Good ones, for sure. Sticking to common tropes can still produce a good quality story.

Then Luke shows up, he's going to show off his training, though still struggling against Vader. The two exchange blows, but then Luke barely escapes with his life.

Losing the hand was a bold choice. Real consequence for not listening to-

"He told me enough! He told me you killed him!"

"No. I am your father."

A gasp went through the audience.

Luke's face went through turmoil as he screamed denials while the crowd watched in surprise. Making the villain a family member wasn't unheard of, but it was usually a brother or cousin. A father though? There was something to that. Was the vision in the cave just about his father? Was there a deeper meaning here? A condemnation of the times of the great clan wars? A provocation against clan centered systems?

Jiraiya waited. Watching as his mind whirled and, with fanfare, the play ended. It ended with the heroes losing. Separated, injured, and dealt a mental blow.

The crowd all began to get up and leave. Chattering with one another excitedly about the play as the big brassy instruments played the main theme of the series. The various civilians and ninja talked excitedly as they left. Jiraiya though just sat. Sat and pondered.

"Didn't expect that." Kakashi stated to announce his presence. The Copy Ninja looking away from him as he stood in the aisle and leaned against the seats.

Jiraiya gave a hum of agreement; his mind whirling. "This isn't just about attracting customers. They are trying to send a message."

"Did you see the art outside?" Kakashi asked lightly as he gaze slid to his students, who appeared to be, once again, arguing while the very bemused red-headed Suna-nin stared on in bafflement. The red-head's sister just kept glancing worriedly at what Jiraiya was pretty sure was Suna's jinchuriki and son of the Yondamine Kazekage. Odd. He'd heard the kid was a homicidal sociopath.

"Art?" Jiraiya asked.

"They opened up stalls for displays of art and music. I'd suggest taking a look, but a lot of the art seems to have deeper meaning."

Yet more things to have a deeper meaning? If they were trying to say something, why would they muddle the waters by having such a large variety of things to look deeper into? It didn't make sense if the goal was to have a message communicated with the world.

Though it did make sense if the goal wasn't to communicate anything. If the goal was just to distract people and keep them chasing their tail in circles? One of the lesser used ways to combat information spread. Give so many leads that no one is sure what to follow. But why? Why is this little village trying so hard to do that? Why go through so much production value? They clearly cared about the art and that it was of good quality. What reason could someone have for caring about all that, but also have enough reason to keep Konoha distracted and off-balance?

No. That sort of train of thought lead to the same thing. It posed a contradiction that could have someone just loop on themselves infinitely. He needed to take a step back. Look at the method.

Then, he had an idea.

"Kakashi. If I were to bring up a ninja that hides their intent by throwing a bunch of very interesting things in-front of your face that all send a message of contradicting each other, who would be the first person that would come to mind?"

The brat turned to stare at him with a half lidded stare. "You."

Jiraiya gave a nod. That was his usual method. Give the razzle with the left, the dazzle with the right, and they miss the toad hopping away from his back. Most ninjas don't put on such a blatant display of shouting "look at this" when they are trying to hide things. At least not on so many levels. They tended to give one obvious thing and any number of subtle ones. This entire fair was so many layers of gambits being right in your face that the average ninja couldn't pull it off.

"Right. My method. Putting a story on stage, an art form I'm known to appreciate." Jiraiya was putting pieces together. Things were connecting. "And who is someone that knows all this about me and has recently begun hatching a plan against me specifically?"

"Uh-" Kakashi drew out.

"Orochimaru!" Jiraiya announced as he stood to his feet and threw off the illusion over himself. Revealing his identity for the first time inside the fairgrounds. His sudden appearance made the few foreign ninja in the area jolt before making themselves scarce, except for the two Suna-nin with Kakashi's team.

He mentally patted himself on the back for still having reputation enough to scare the shit out of these two-bit ninjas before putting a thumb to his chest. "Don't you see Kakashi? My passions? Story, booze, and that new body? This has all been to target me!"

"They have booze?" Kakashi asked.

"Hey, Kakashi-sensei? Whose the weirdo?" Naruto yelled.

Jiraiya's eye twitched but he ignored the brat for now. He was making a point!

"We know she just got the resources to put something like this together easily! She made contact with you and the kid. The only people that might have a connection to me. She even called me out specifically!"

And wasn't that a bit of Kakashi's report that had gotten him thinking. The specific act of requesting to speak with Naruto's godfather was an interesting play. One of the best ways to get to him emotionally. This was leading up to wanting to speak with him. To confront him. Fight him. Or pass on information to him. He wasn't sure, but it could be assumed that he was meant to be a key piece in this and he wasn't going to be moving around in quiet dancing to Orochimaru's tune.

"I hate to admit it, but you might be right." Kakashi's shoulders slumped. "From that point of view, a lot of this would appear to be targeted at you."

Jiraiya's face split into a smile.

"Or, this is just another level of illusion and you're missing something deeper."

"Ah, but you agree with me that this has something to do with Orochimaru!" Jiraiya said while pointing an accusing finger.

"I'm questioning it now, if this is what I sounded like." Kakashi stated as he brought his book up to his face and began walking. "Come on my cute little gennin. We have training tomorrow morning. Bright and early."

Jiraiya dismissed them. He felt like he was on to something. If this was the angle, he would need to prepare. He needed to train against this new strategy.

He ran off to a secluded area and prepared to do something he hadn't done since he was a teenager.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu." Jiraiya announced as a copy of him puffed into existence and he felt the drain on his chakra. The technique was also a chakra hog.

The copy of him look up, met his gaze with steely eyes and-

"Do I have to?" It whined.

"It's more effective when the clone does it." Jiraiya said dismissively. Shadow clones returned memories to the user on popping, but it wasn't perfect. Some information was always lost. Little details didn't make it in. "Now, you know what he looks like. Get to it!"

He and the clone spent another moment glancing around to make sure no one could see them before getting down to work.

"Henge." The clone said morosely.

Jiraiya would be prepared for this challenge!


Gazeru was not a well known ANBU, even by ANBU standards. Some had taken to calling her "The other purple-haired swordswoman." Which was not great. She wasn't as good as Uzuki Yugao with the sword and the name always brought that little aspect up and it irked her every single time.

Though it was probably better than being known for her other major skill set.

"You need to focus on getting information about the reason for the-" The Third sucked on his pipe for a moment, considering his words, "-the malarkey going on outside the walls and if it is a prelude to an attack. Of equal importance is finding out who the leader of Sound is. We have reason to believe that it is Orochimaru, or the new identity, Orochitama."

It was all in the briefing she read before the meeting, but having the Hokage verbally tell you what was most important in the mission was vital, particularly in missions like this.

"Here is your target." Hiruzen stated as he held up a picture of man with immaculately groomed hair confident eyes.

"Any secondary targets found?" Gazeru asked as she stared at the picture, taking in everything she could.

"Few of their ninja have been allowed to leave the carnival grounds." Sarutobi answered.

Gazeru nodded. If they were found plucking a foreign ninja from their own camp outside the walls during the Chunnin exams, there would be some very unhappy villages. Wars had started for less. The other villages might not care about Sound, but they would care that Konoha didn't provide the expected hospitality for the event. It wasn't so easy to pull a ninja in and question them before someone got suspicious. Either it would mean that they did something themselves, or they didn't protect their guests well enough.

It would be better to grab a ninja when they were returning home from the event. There was no obligation at that point.

"Why Tatewaki?" Gazeru asked.

"He has a history of slipping secrets to women. He also has a long history of not actually being able to hide his intentions. You'll be able to easily tell if he's trying to fool you or if he's hiding something." The Third answered and sat patiently as Gazeru looked over the mission once more to see if she had anything else that needed asking.

"I won't fail." Gazeru stated as she bowed her head. She knew enough. She wasn't one to brag about this particular skill, but she knew she was one of the best Konoha had for it. It was one of the lesser used paths for a kunoichi to take in the village and thus a lot of ninjas didn't expect Konoha of the practice.

After all, most Konoha kunoichi outright refused to be a honeypot.

Thus, Gazeru went out to perform her mission not in body armor, but in an evening gown. The dress was elegant but not elaborate. Her makeup noticeable, but not excessive. Her hair curled and styled, but with imperfections. The target was a narcissist and making her possibly look better than him could set him into a defensive mood. Her looks along with putting on a star struck personality that was free with compliments would probably make short work of the Sound Ninja.

She stepped outside and gave a nod to her team. The three ANBU quickly jumped to the rooves to shadow her and, most importantly, bail her out of the situation should she need it.

Gazeru took her time getting to the location, taking the long route and making sure that she didn't approach from the direction of any sort of government building. After a bit of walking, she entered the bar that her target, Tatewaki, had apparently gone into.

The man was by himself and flirting with the waitress that brought him his drink. Badly, going by the look on the woman's face.

Well, if nothing else, she could rescue the poor civilian.

"Excuse me. Is this seat taken?" She said with a slight hesitation in her words, but said it confidently.

Tatewaki looked at her up and down. Not the least bit disguising the way he ogled her curves and judged her like livestock at auction. His sharp features seeming to war between excitement and disappointment.

"Yes, I suppose you could sit with me. You are passingly beautiful and I have naught but myself for the night currently." The man said in a grandiose fashion more fit for a stage-play or the Daimyo's court than to a woman in a bar. "Tracked me down to laud me for my work on the music at the fair?"

He had something to do with music? Though she wasn't one to give up on an easy in like that.

"Yes!" She said as she sat down, a nervous smile gracing her face. "I heard that you were the brilliant mind that made that amazing music possible!"

The man gave a chuckle actually posed as if he were being painted. "But of course. I knew it was only a matter of time before my name began to spread. It was naught but notations on a page and disparate noise before my guiding hand brought it to the harmonic majesty that you witnessed."

So he directed it. Good to know.

"Wow!" She gushed. "I'm surprised that someone with your position of importance was allowed to come into town at such a time!"

Compliments that made him defensive were going to the bread and butter of this conversation. It kept him thinking positively of her, but also made him offer up information to justify he grandness. He couldn't leave the implication that he wasn't important enough to be necessary for the show to work that he could just let that-

"Yes. They noticed my immense contribution and realized that this brilliant mind needed a rest." The man said as he took a sip of his sake before a smirk crossed his lips, "And perhaps the company of a woman in my room."

"O-oh my!" She managed to cover her surprise with a tone of flattery. She hadn't quite expected him to be that forward.

"Yes, there are few things that inspire brilliance quite like the female form." The man continued as he seemed to gaze off into the middle distance.

"Wow. The inspiration for that music must really have been an amazing woman."

"Oh, she is." Tatewaki stated as he signaled for another drink from the waitress. The waitress came over and began to place the drink in front of Gazeru, but before she could, Tatewaki downed the rest of his current drink and took the new one from the waitress then very specifically did NOT pour any for Gazeru. "Her hair is like silk weaved from the night sky, and her bosom like- like big heaving- uh- mounds of perfection."

The inspiration had big tits and black hair. Noted.

"Well she sounds like quite the woman, especially if she gets so much admiration from a man like you." Gazeru stated shyly but with a hushed tone of awe.

"Mhm. She is." The man said with a smile, "You can scarcely compare, however being slightly above average still is something."

Her smile became brittle as her hand gripped the table in lieu of actually having something to do with her hands that didn't involve strangling the man.

He was giving no indication of buying a drink for her. Hadn't asked for her name or anything about her. Had insulted her at least three times now in a manner that said she shouldn't be insulted because he was just stating facts. He was the single most abrasive man she'd ever met and she had seduced serial killers and warlords. The worst part being that it didn't seem to be any sort of act or trying to get a rise out of her. He gave none of the signs of someone hiding their emotions or intentions. The only pauses he had in speech were clearly to think up of some flowery metaphor and he started speaking before he finished deciding how he was going to say it.

It was fine. She was a professional. She could deal with a difficult personality.

"Despite your subpar chest size, you do seem to have a decent posterior. When we retire to my chambers, make that the favored end to face me." Tatewaki stated before taking another sip of his sake.

Was war with Sound really that bad of a thing though?

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