Oshi No Ko: Duet of Destinies


Ai took a breath, her fingers twisting nervously in her lap. "It's about the concert tomorrow. I need... I need someone to take Aqua and Ruby."

I blinked, surprised. "Your kids? But I thought..." I trailed off, unsure how to phrase it delicately.

"Miyako was supposed to watch them," Ai explained. "But she's come down with a nasty cold. She can barely get out of bed, let alone handle two energetic kids at a concert."

She looked up at me then. "I know it's a lot to ask, but... would you be willing to take them? Just for the concert?"

I sat back, my mind reeling. Take care of Ai's kids? At a massive idol concert?

"I..." I hesitated, "Did you tell your manager yet?"

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him," she whispered, a mischievous glint in her eye.

I frowned, uneasy. "But what if people start asking questions? Won't it look strange for some random guy to be with your kids?"

Ai threw her head back and laughed. "Aqua, Ruby, come out here for a second!" she called.

I glanced over to see two small faces peeking out from around the corner - a boy and a girl, both with striking blonde hair and curious eyes.

The girl had vibrant red eyes that seemed to sparkle with energy, while the boy's eyes were a deep, familiar blue, almost a mirror of my own.

As they stepped fully into the room, the realization hit me like a thunderbolt. The resemblance was uncanny. If I didn't know for certain, I'd say...

"No way..."

Ai clapped her hands in delight. "See? You look like you could be their dad! No one would question it for a second."

Ruby bounced on her toes, her red eyes shining. "Wow, Mama! He really does look like he could be our papa!"

Aqua, in contrast, regarded me with a solemn, appraising look that seemed far too wise for his young age. "Hmm. He has the right look. But can he be trusted with such an important job?"

I found myself straightening under Aqua's gaze, a strange desire to prove myself welling up in my chest. No way was I gonna be looked down on by some baby. "I'll make sure you both have the best time at the concert. I won't let you or your mama down."

Aqua held my gaze for a long moment, then nodded. "Okay. I guess you'll do."

I hesitated, a sudden wave of doubt crashing over me. Me, taking care of kids? What did I know about being a father figure? My own childhood was a blur of loneliness, of yearning for a love I couldn't even name.

But looking at Ai's hope, at Aqua and Ruby's bright innocence, something stirred in me.

Maybe I didn't have the best role models. But I had the fierce resolve to try. To be there for these kids, in whatever way I could.

I met Ai's gaze. "Alright, I'll do it. I'll make sure they have the best time at the concert."

"Well, I guess that settles it," she said, her voice warm. "Akira, meet your kids for the day."

"Alright, you two," I said, crouching down to their level. "Let's talk strategy. What's the plan for tomorrow?"

As the kids launched into an animated discussion of concert etiquette, I caught Ai's eye over their heads. She mouthed a silent "thank you," her eyes shining with gratitude and something else, something warm and tender that made my heart skip a beat.

The next day, I found myself standing outside Ai's apartment, a spare key in my hand and a knot of nerves in my stomach. The taxi idled on the street behind me, a countdown ticking in my head. It was time.

I unlocked the door, stepping into the now-familiar living space. "Aqua? Ruby? You guys ready to go?"

A thundering of little feet was my answer, Ruby bursting into the room in a whirlwind of excitement. "Is it time? Is it time for Mama's concert?"

"It sure is, kiddo. But we need to make sure we have everything before we go. Where's your brother?"

"Right here." Aqua's voice was calm as he emerged from his room, a small backpack slung over his shoulder. "I've got the essentials. Snacks, water, Ruby's Usamaru doll in case she gets scared."

"I won't get scared!" Ruby protested, but she clutched the pink stuffed rabbit to her chest nonetheless.

I nodded approvingly at Aqua. "Good thinking. Looks like we're all set then. Let's head out!"

As we piled into the taxi, Ruby's excitement was palpable. She bounced in her seat, chattering endlessly about her favorite B-Komachi songs and how she couldn't wait to see her mama shine on stage.

Aqua, in contrast, was quiet, his gaze fixed out the window as the city lights streamed by.

"Hey," I said softly, nudging his shoulder. "You okay?"

He glanced at me, surprise flickering in his blue eyes. "Yeah. Just thinking."

"About what?"

He hesitated, then shrugged. "Ai works really hard for us. I just hope she knows how much we appreciate her."

"I'm sure she does," I assured him. "And she's lucky to have you looking out for her, too."

A small smile tugged at his lips. "Thanks, Akira."

The rest of the ride passed in a blur of Ruby's chatter and my own thoughts. As we neared the venue, the crowd became impossible to ignore. Throngs of people lined the streets, a sea of glowsticks and homemade signs proclaiming their love for B-Komachi.

So this was the power of idols here, the adoration they commanded. I couldn't imagine inspiring this kind of devotion. Not yet.

We pulled up to the entrance, a burly security guard taking our tickets. As we stepped out of the car, Ruby's hand slipped into mine, her eyes wide as she took in the bustling scene.

"Stay close," I murmured, keeping a firm grip on her hand.

We navigated the crowds, the excitement in the air electric and contagious. As we found our seats, I could feel my own heart starting to race.

"This is it," Ruby whispered. "Mama's going to be so amazing!"

As the first notes of the opening song blared through the speakers and Ai burst onto the stage, I felt a grin spread across my face.

Let the show begin.

The stage exploded in a kaleidoscope of colors, the beat pulsing through the auditorium like a living thing. I could feel it in my chest, in the soles of my feet, in the electric tingle down my spine.

And there, in the center of it all, was Ai. She was a vision, her costume shimmering under the lights, her movements fluid and precise as she danced across the stage.

I couldn't take my eyes off her. Every step, every note, was perfection. The way she commanded the stage, the way she poured her heart into every word... it was breathtaking.

Beside me, Ruby was bouncing on her toes, straining to see over the heads of the crowd. "I can't see!" she cried, frustration evident in her voice.

Without thinking, I crouched down. "Here, climb on my shoulders. You'll get a better view."

Her eyes widened. "Really?"

"Really. Up you go, kiddo."

With a delighted squeal, she clambered onto my shoulders, her small hands gripping my hair for balance. "Wow!" she breathed as I straightened up. "I can see everything!"

I glanced at Aqua, who was watching us with a look of longing. "What about you, bud? Want a lift?"

He hesitated, pride warring with desire on his face. But as Ai hit a particularly high note, drawing cheers from the crowd, he nodded. "Okay. Just for a little bit."

I hoisted him up, settling him on my hip. He was heavier than Ruby, but I barely felt the weight.

"Look at her go!" Ruby cheered, her voice ringing out over the roar of the crowd. "She's so pretty!"

"She's the best," Aqua agreed, his voice soft with awe.

I couldn't agree more. Watching Ai, I felt a swell of something in my chest. Admiration. Respect.

And if I'm honest... attraction. Seeing her like this, in her element, so confident and radiant... it stirred something in me. Something I wasn't quite ready to put a name to.

The song ended in a burst of fireworks, the stage plunging into darkness. Ruby's grip tightened on my hair, a small gasp escaping her. "It's okay," I soothed. "It's just part of the show."

As if on cue, a single spotlight illuminated Ai, her face glowing as she addressed the crowd.

"Thank you!" she called, her voice ringing out clear and strong. "Thank you all for coming tonight. This next song is very special to me. It's about the people who give us strength, who lift us up when we need it most."

Her eyes seemed to find mine in the crowd, a small, secret smile playing on her lips. "This is for you," she said softly.

As the first gentle notes of the ballad began to play, I felt a lump form in my throat. Ruby sniffled above me, and even Aqua seemed misty-eyed.

I closed my eyes, letting the music wash over me. Ruby's weight on my shoulders, Aqua's warmth at my side... it felt right. It felt like something I've been wanting all my life.

As the final notes of the song faded away, the auditorium erupted into thunderous applause. The roar of the crowd was deafening, a force that seemed to shake the very foundations of the building.

I opened my eyes, blinking against the sudden brightness as the house lights came up. The stage was awash in a sea of flowers and gifts, thrown by adoring fans. And there, center stage, was Ai, her face flushed with joy and exertion as she took her final bow.

"She did it!" Ruby cheered from atop my shoulders, her voice hoarse from shouting. "She was amazing!"

"She really was," Aqua agreed, his usually stoic face split by a wide, proud grin. "The best ever."

I could only nod, my own voice stuck somewhere in my throat. Because they were right. Ai had been more than amazing. She had been transcendent.

Watching her up there, pouring her heart and soul into every note, every movement... it had changed something in me. I thought I understood the idol world, thought I knew what drove Ai to pursue this path.

But seeing it firsthand, feeling the energy and love of the crowd, witnessing the sheer joy and passion Ai brought to her performance... it was a revelation. This wasn't just a job for her. It was a calling, a way to bring light and happiness into the lives of others.

It was humbling. And it made me realize that my own musical journey, as much as it meant to me, was just beginning. I had so much to learn, so much growth ahead of me.

I also knew, with a certainty that settled deep in my bones, that I wanted Ai to be a part of that journey. Not just as a friend, but as a guiding light, an inspiration.

The crowd was starting to disperse, the hum of excited chatter filling the air. I jostled Ruby gently, bringing her down from my shoulders. "Alright, kiddos. Time to navigate this madness and get you home."

It was easier said than done. The lobby was a crush of bodies, everyone trying to exit at once. I kept a tight grip on Ruby's hand, my other arm wrapped securely around Aqua's shoulders as I steered us through the throng.

It was slow going, but eventually we made it outside, the cool night air a relief after the stuffy heat of the auditorium. Our taxi was waiting, the driver giving me a nod of recognition as I ushered the kids inside.

As we pulled away from the curb, Ruby let out a huge yawn, her head drooping against my shoulder. "That was the best night ever," she mumbled sleepily.

I chuckled, smoothing her hair back from her forehead. "She sure was, kiddo."

In the seat beside me, Aqua was quiet, his gaze fixed out the window. But there was a softness to his face, a contentment that I hadn't seen earlier.

Pulling up to the apartment complex, I gently picked up the kids, carrying them up the stairs and into the quiet sanctuary of their home.

As I tucked them into bed, Ruby's Usamaru doll clutched tight to her chest, Aqua's face peaceful in sleep, I felt a warmth bloom in my chest.

I stepped out into the hallway, the apartment door closing softly behind me. The night had been a mixture of emotions, of revelations and realizations that would take time to fully process.

But one thing was crystal clear. Those kids, Aqua and Ruby... they had captured a piece of my heart. And Ai...

My thoughts were interrupted by the buzzing of my phone. I pulled it out, seeing Ai's name on the screen. My pulse quickened as I answered.

"Akira?" Her voice was tired but happy. "How did it go? Are the kids okay?"

"They were perfect," I assured her, a smile spreading across my face. "They're tucked in bed, dreaming of their amazing mama."

She let out a soft laugh. "I can't thank you enough, Akira. Knowing they were with you... it meant everything to me."

"It was my pleasure," I said softly. "Truly."

There was a beat of silence, charged with something unspoken. Then Ai cleared her throat. "I should get going. The president's waiting for me. But Akira?"


"Thank you. For everything."

[Ai's POV]

I ended the call with Akira, my heart fluttering in my chest. I had taken a chance, trusting him with the most precious parts of my life. And he had come through in ways I never could have imagined.

The image of him with Aqua and Ruby, the joy and laughter on their faces... it was burned into my mind.

"You were magnificent tonight, Ai." President Ichigo's voice cut through my thoughts. "The crowd was completely under your spell."

I forced a smile, slipping back into my idol persona. "Thank you, President. I gave it my all, as always."

He nodded, satisfaction evident on his face. "And it showed. Keep this up, and we'll be at the Tokyo Dome in no time."

I murmured an agreement, but my mind was kilometers away. With a certain blue-eyed singer, who had unexpectedly become one of the most important people in my world.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.