Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

27. war crimes

One week later and Tomoka is still unable to perform the shadow clone jutsu. Even though she had figured out the reason behind her failure she could not find a solution. No matter what she tried, her Yang chakra was completely inadequate to hold her vast amounts of Yin chakra. 


‘Kurama, I give up. You can laugh if you want but this is just a waste of time at this point.’ Tomoka was currently on her bed doing nothing at all. Tomorrow her punishment of one week without training would be over. 


[I would laugh but I have done so enough for the past week. Anyway, what are you planning to do now? I mean there must be a benefit of having so much Yin chakra] To tell the truth Kurama was feeling a bit bad for Tomoka not that he would admit it. 


‘For starters, even though having a week to relax and unwind is nice, I want to regain the lost time’ That’s right. Aside from her experimentation regarding the shadow clone jutsu, Tomoka didn’t train at all. 


For the last week Tomoka had spent her time with her parents or Nozomi in leisure activities. The thing is that she got so bored at one point she even played some games with some random kids in the nearby park. Though her favorite time was spent with Nozomi. The little Uchiha’s cute smile made her feel weird in an odd but good way. 


[So you are going to redouble your efforts in torturing yourself, got it] Kurama was still wondering how Tomoka could go through her own training. To make matters worse, Tomoka had planned an even more extreme training as of late. 


Aside from the usual training she did she was now planning to add weights. However, if that had been it Kurama wouldn’t be as worried and surprised. Her plan was to buy weights inscribed with fuinjutsu to further increase their weight. She had actually already bought them discreetly by asking an older kid to buy them for her. 


‘It’s training Kurama not torture. Anyway, now that you mentioned it, Yin chakra of course has its uses. For example genjutsu so I guess I should learn to use them. The problem is that neither of my parents know genjutsu so they will need to find someone else to teach me.’


[What about the Uchiha, they specialize in genjutsu, though I don’t like them, Nozomi is okay.]   


‘The uchiha use their sharingan for their genjutsu. As I don’t have that dojutsu there is no way for me to learn from them properly’ 


In the end Tomoka decided to go back to her other project while she waited for the day to be over. Since she wasn’t allowed to train she instead spent some of her time designing things for her use. As of now she had filled a notebook with many designs of different mechanisms and technologies she could use. 


Inside things like modern smoke bombs, granades, armors and weapons could be found. Unfortunately she didn’t possess the skill nor the materials required to make the more complex stuff like energy weaponry.


She might be able to build something like a pipe gun but she refused to do so for a few reasons. First and most important, why the fuck would she make a gun in this world! Even though it might be useful against weaker opponents, it would most likely be useless against the strong ones. Second, the damned thing might blow up in her hands. Third, she didn’t want something like a gun to corrupt this world.  


In the end she could still make other things. For example, there is no geneva convention in this world. As such, say hello to all the war crimes Tomoka would commit in the future. She would not use Biological weapons as they were out of her knowledge and they are way too hard to control in her opinion. Nuclear weapons were too destructive for her liking. That left her with her favorite form of banned weaponry. Chemical weapons.


Mustard gas, white phosphorus, chlorine and cyanide gas. How about some acids? She had a selection of acids to choose from like: sulfuric acid, chlorhydric acid and much more! Not enough for your liking? How about other illegal stuff like land mines? 


[You are not planning to actually use all of that scary stuff are you] 


‘Dear Kurama, all is fair in love and war. If someone, no matter who, dares hurt those I want to protect they should be ready to suffer unimaginable pain’ Tomoka’s grin widened to the point it looked demonic. A small glint of madness and insanity residing within her eyes.        

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