Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.29 – Demands

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Maple walked back toward the inn alone. Emma was in her pocket, asleep. She almost woke her, but it was fine if she needed to rest more. The afterglow of having a bunch of sex was still with her, but she dragged her feet against the cobblestone. She was alone and everything still felt so foreign.

Few Humans were in the crowd, and everyone wore clothing that varied from rustic to outright medieval. The buildings were primarily wood or stone, with none of whatever was plastered on the outside back home. The sound of clopping hooves was common, and on some streets the clanging of anvils being struck drowned out everything else.

Even the smells were a constant reminder of how far from home she was; rather than car exhaust or smog, Syber’s base stench was stale urine in the areas where people used and emptied chamber pots.

Horses in the city were required to wear waste collection bags, thankfully, and added little to the smell themselves.

Layered on top was roasting meat or acrid smoke from smithies, depending on what was near.

One area safe from most of these smells was the trail by the river; nature smelled like nature, in this world or the last. That’s where Maple detoured to, and found a nice bench to sit on. She leaned back and stared at the sky. Did that look different, too?

It gave her a kind of vertigo if she thought about it too much. Even now, it hardly felt real. She kind of hated this place and its people. Emma was great, of course, but even Sasha and Rachel had issues.

SuQ Dairy was a brothel, in part. She’d already decided not to let that fact stop her from going again—it just would have been nice to know ahead of time. Sasha didn’t understand her at all if she’d thought it wasn’t even worth mentioning.

Rachel was fine, mostly. She felt cold, or distant, but maybe that was just how she was. Maple felt lonelier for it, but at least she kept sexual matters private.

Bailey was...also fine? She hadn’t formed a full opinion yet. Sex on the first date—and being caught—was a little weird, but she’d been the initiator. It was her own fault, and the fault of her classes making her too horny to think.

But she didn’t regret it in the end, and was still planning to go on another date with him in the future. Part of her wondered if he’d be down for a threesome sometime. Group sex had grown on her, even if only because it was more fun to include her girlfriend than not.

Charlotte had been—overly sexual. She was nice, and it’d been fun, but it seemed even weirder thinking back on it. No wonder Rachel was distant. And then recently with Emma—maybe they owed Rachel some kind of gift to apologize.

Speaking of Emma, while she loved the little slimeball, their first meeting hadn’t been perfect either. She’d adapted, though, and that was in the past. They had a genuine connection despite her being mute.

Everyone here was weirdly sexual, or they judged her for being weirdly sexual. Half of the employers she’d tried wanted to exploit her. Maple’s nostrils flared as she let out an angry sigh.

“I hate it.”

Selling milk was fine on its own, but she’d need to deal with the hormones. Next time might have to wait until after Shari completes the potion she commissioned. If she completes it.

Otherwise, she’d have to bring Emma along again or try to get off on her own. The latter was still difficult for all her [Lesser Enhanced Pleasure] helped. Over the past several weeks, she’d reached new heights of pleasure that her hand just couldn’t compare to; solo play was an exercise in futility.

There were the Incubi to consider. Maztaran was a gorgeous man, and anyone else there was probably just as alluring. She didn’t doubt she would enjoy it. She just wasn’t sure if she was ready to cross that line and have sex with a complete rando.

Embracing her classes and learning to live with them was one thing. Letting them control her was another. She would finish deciding whether she wanted to have sex with an Incubus beforehand.

When she could sell milk again in two days, it’d be the weekend. Tour day. Maybe she should go. It wasn’t that big of a deal if she only went to put a face to the milk she sold. Especially if she got more money for it.

Would they drink it in front of her? Comment on the taste? She blushed, embarrassment replaced a quarter of her frustration.

A shadow interrupted her thoughts. Maple opened her eyes and saw a familiar woman with long fluffy ears glaring at her.

"Aw, not you again."

"Hmph, rude. You still owe me for what you did. I have the bill right here, actually—"

Karla dug through her pockets, trying to find it. Maple sighed and sat up. She'd felt bad about kicking the undead rat into her, but it was a little much to expect payment. The shirt could just be washed, and any 'emotional trauma' was hardly her fault, but that of the rat's.

"I'm sorry but, it was an accident. How much could a shirt possibly cost? Why are you making such a big deal about it?"

One of her ears twitched.

"I'm not 'making a big deal about it.' Accident or not, I simply want the damages I'm owed. You ruined my brand new shirt. I had to burn it, it was so distressing to look at. I've had nightmares about drowning in maggots because of you. Here. Need I remind you I'm not afraid of litigation, Human Maple? We can settle this matter between ourselves or let the law decide—and then I'll be demanding full recompense."

Maple took the creased 'bill' from her. Neatly written were two columns with the description on one side and cost on the other. The first item was the shirt for a whopping 15 silver. Below that was a cleaning fee and then emotional distress for a total of one gold, 5 silver.

A ridiculous sum. It was most of what she had left. How could one shirt cost as much as her entire wardrobe?

"I can't pay this. And why is there even a cleaning fee if you supposedly burned it?"

"That's the fee for me. I was drenched. Do you understand?"


That made more sense, but still, an entire silver? Soap wasn't that expensive.

"And yes, before you ask, that was the actual price of the shirt. I have the receipt from the commission to prove it. I'm being more than reasonable. I would also still accept the employment of that Soap Slime as payment instead. A contract for six months, say, and she'd be paid quite well."

"I can't make her work for you. That's between you and her—and I don't think she likes you, so why don't you just leave her alone."

Maple sighed angrily and tried to compose herself. Ripping the bill up then and there was quite tempting.

"Look, I'm really sorry the rat landed on you. It was really gross and I would hate it if it were me. But it was coming right at me, what else was I supposed to do? It's not my fault you happened to be in its path. And that's more than my entire wardrobe is worth. I can't afford that. I'm trying to find a job, but no one will hire me because of—really dumb reasons. What if I worked for you instead?"

"You? Do you even have any cleaning Skills? I fear I'd lose money even if you worked for free. No. Those are my terms. If you need a payment plan, we can do that. With interest. Decide within a week or I'll be filing a lawsuit against you. You know where to find me. Good day."

Karla turned on her heel, leaving Maple to sulk. The paper crumpled in her hand.

I'm back kinda. I meant to be back on Monday but I've lost a lot of steam. I'm dropping to 1 chapter a week for a little bit. This one is also shorter, but 1300 words is better than no words right? Hopefully.

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