Otherworld Hero’s Daughter arrival in Modern Day Japan


Before I could see, my ears were assaulted by various loud sounds of a foreign nature. As the light seeping through my eyelids dim, I slowly reopen them to the sight of unfamiliar land; towering structures loom above with colourful signs and banners attached to them, people holding and speaking into thin coloured bricks, all wearing outfits I’ve never seen before. The amount of people and sounds around is enough to make my head spin, but I’m fine! I’m a well trained lady and I won’t falter and waste my opportunity to explore this land!


I look over at myself, checking what little equipment I brought with me to this foreign place.


“My outfit doesn't stand out too much right?” I mutter to myself, it's a maroon U Neck dress that reaches the ankles where the ‘neck’ of the dress rests under my bust on top of a beige long sleeved cotton undershirt. The outfit was made by one of my moms who got the design while she was digging through dad’s memories after I told her I want to go to where he originated from. Don’t ask me why she was digging around. I don't know either.


I take out my coin pouch and count my funds. “5 gold, 20 silver, 5 of those ‘500’ coins in dad’s drawer, 10 ‘100’s…”


I don’t know what’s the worth of these numbered coins but I heard they were used by dad before so I just nicked them from his drawer.


I keep my pouch and it’s time to go-




Adventure can wait, I’m hungry. Almost everywhere I look, there’s something selling food and I do want to try them all but I don’t think I have the money to buy an entire menu.


Standing around isn’t going to help my situation, nor will the two boys approaching me better it


“Hey there, you alone? Wanna join us and hang out for a bit?”


I’m capable of hearing their tongue in this foreign land but I don’t wanna talk to them, so I walk away.


“Hey, don’t be like that. It’ll be fun!”


Fun for you two, both of you smell of bad intentions.


“You want to head this way? That’s fine, I know a nice place around here that’s got good food.”


Food! But no, I won’t fall for your trickery! I’m picking up my pace!


“Woah, aren’t you excited?”


I am not, and you guys are annoyingly persistent! I want to run but I’m hungry, I’m not sure where to run, it’s crowded, and I don’t want to cause a scene! If this goes on it’ll look like I want to go along with them! Someone help me!


“Excuse me, could you two stop making a ruckus?”


A gentle sounding voice calls out from behind.


“Huh? We’re not making a ruckus, we’re just hanging out together, right?” The boy glances at the other, “Right?” then at me.


The person who called out to us looks at me questioningly, I quickly shake my head.


“It seems she isn’t in agreement. How about you get your stories straight before trying to coax a girl who is clearly not interested in you guys?”


The boys click their tongues and walk off, finally giving me peace of mind.


“Thank you very much for your help!”


“It’s nothing much, please excuse me. I need to bring back takeout for my colleagues.”


She raises up a clear bag containing several black containers, before lightly bowing to me and as she takes a step, my stomach growls.


“Ahaha, I’m sorry but could I trouble you again for some food?”


She puts her hand on her cheek as if pausing to think before grabbing my hand and leading me to where I assume her colleagues are. She doesn’t smell, at least.


We turn into an alley and stop at a door where she lets go of my hand and flings the door open.


“Oooh! Rikka's back!”

“I am so ready to try this special gyudon that sells out within an hour at noon!”


A man who looks older than the rest walks towards ‘Rikka’ and rests his hand on her shoulder.


“Thanks for the trouble of getting this, don’t worry about your morning shift, they got you covered.”


“Thanks Boss.”


Ooooh, her smile is cute! It’s quite a dazzle!


“So Rikka, who’s this girl you brought along?” The older man looks at me.


“Ah, I ran into her getting pestered by some boys and helped her out. I wanted to come back sooner but her stomach growled so loudly that I uh… took pity and brought her with me… I’m sorry.”


“Waaaah! There’s no need to be sorry Miss Rikka! If I’m a bother I can leave and find my own way to food!”


As I turn back to the door, my stomach growls again.


“Hau… I’m sorry…”


I turn back in embarrassment.


The old man sighs, “Rikka, take her out to the floor, I’ll get Shido to whip up something before he takes his break. This is on your tab.”


“I-I-I can pay! I think…”


“If you’re worried about it, don’t be.” The old man places his hand on my head, “You’re Rikka’s responsibility for now at least. Just leave it to her.”




I am escorted to a seat by Rikka and told to wait. My gaze shifts around, people are eating in silence and some point a rectangle at their food before eating. What a strange culture…


The decor looks quite different from the taverns and eating houses from home, there are many things I don’t recognise but it provides a cosy feeling.


“Here is your food. Please enjoy.”


Rikka has changed into a waitress outfit and puts my food in front of me. It looks delicious! I don’t have that rectangle the others do so…


“Ei!” I put my index finger and thumb into a L shape and put it in front of my food.


“What… are you doing?” Rikka asks me.


“I don’t have that rectangle thing other people have so I’m using my fingers instead! I should do this before eating, yes?”


“Rectangle… thing?” Rikka looks confused as she puts her hand in her pocket and takes something out. “Did you mean this?”


“Ah yeah! That’s it! What is it anyway?”


In response to my question, Rikka just looks more confused.


“It’s a smartphone… Do you not know what a smartphone is?”


“So that’s what it's called. Why are people putting it in front of their food before eating? Do I have to do it all the time?”


“They’re taking a photo of their food to post on social media, and no, you do not have to do it all the time.”


“Photo? Social media?”


Rikka looks at me, just reeling in confusion, did I ask something so uncalled for? She turns around and walks back to the back room. Ah well, time for grub!




“Rikka! What’s up? Why’re you looking so down?”


“Ichiji-senpai help me~!”


I can't hold back my tears anymore. That green haired girl I brought with me really threw me for a loop.


“What is it? Is it that girl you brought in that I keep hearing about?”


I nod.


“What seems to be the issue?”


“She asked me what’s a photo and social media. A photo and social media. I thought everyone knew what it was! She also called a smartphone a ‘rectangle thing’! How out of touch is she to not know such a thing!?”


“That is… quite the conundrum.”


The back door opens.


“Hey you two! What’s going on?”





“Huh? Why is Rikka crying? Don’t tell me you did this Ichiji-san!”


“No no no! We’re talking about a girl Rikka brought into the shop!”


Manami seems confused so I gesture her over to the staff-only door and open it a peep.


“Do you see that green haired girl eating there, Manami?”


“Yeah? What about her?”


“She asked me what a photo and social media is.”


“No way. She looks old enough to be using them on a daily basis!”


“I thought everyone knows what a photo and social media is!”


Ichiji-senpai coughs, “Rikka, the indigenous tribes around the world don’t know what they are either.”


“Does she look indigenous to you? Save for her green hair, she looks just like the rest of us!”


“No Rikka,” Manami cuts in, “you can’t assume that’s her natural hair colour, maybe she dyed it.”


“You have a point…”


We watch as the girl finishes her food before hopping off the chair and waltzing out the door.


“She didn't pay!”


“No Manami-chan. I’m paying for her.”




“Boss Sendou’s orders. Haa… guess I’ll go clean up her plate.”


Cleaning up the table, I notice what seems to be a gold coin placed next to her plate. Did she just tip me?


Back in the staff room, I showed it to Manami and Ichiji-senpai.


“A gold coin…”


“I don’t think people tip with gold coins.”


“It doesn’t look like any known foreign gold coin anyway.”


The coin is engraved with a pegasus head on one side and an eagle head on the other.


“Could it be ancient?”


“No way anyone carries around one of those these days.”


“This looks too new to be ancient anyway…”


“If you three have time to analyse a gold coin, you have time to work!”


Mr. Sendou’s voice booms across the room.


“””Y-Y-Yes sir!”””


“Chop chop, it’s almost dinnertime, we gotta move!”


As I worked the dinner service, I hoped that I didn’t have to run into that strange girl again.


After an exhausting dinner service, it was time to close up shop. Some left earlier but I always liked leaving together with Mr. Sendou, he would occasionally treat us to something after work as thanks before heading home. However, someone unexpected showed up as we left from the back door.


“Ah! It’s big sis Rikka, the old man, and others!”


The green haired girl gets up from the floor.


“Hm? What’re you doing here? Where’s your home?” Mr. Sendou asks.


“Home? It’s quite far from here and I don’t wanna go back.” She replies with a smile.


“Is there a reason why?” He continues, “I need to contact your parents, do you have their number?”


“Number?” She tilts her head, “why would they have or need a number? Besides, I think at this hour dad is probably busy with my moms and likely won’t be able to respond to anything until daylight.”


Is there some abuse going on in her household? Could that be why she doesn’t want to return home?


“I’m calling the police, don’t be alarmed little girl.”


As Mr. Sendou reaches to dial the police, the girl cries out.


“No no no! Don’t call the police! I’ve done nothing wrong! Dad tells me they only come for bad people who do bad things!”


“It’s just for your own safety, little girl, please calm down.”


“Safety? I can handle myself, I’m an adult!”


“An adult and you come walking around the city starving? How old are you?”


“I’m 14!”


Mr. Sendou hurriedly keys the police number but as he is about to dial, his thumb continues to hover over the button.


“What the? I can’t move my thumb!”


“Mr. Sendou, what are you doing? Hurry and make the call!” I press him.


“I’m trying, but something is stopping my thumb! You try to call, Rikka.”


I whip out my phone and soon, my thumb stops moving as well. Looking around me, my colleagues all have their phones out but are also unable to press the button. We try using our other hand but it’s also immobilised as well. I look at the green haired girl and she’s glowing a faint green with her hands outstretched.


“What have you done to us little girl?”


“I have used magic to restrain your movements.”


“Magic!? Is this some kind of parlour trick or something?”


“If it were, I don’t think she'd be glowing!”


I think we’re going to be in this stalemate for a while until I feel some wiggle room for motion.


“I can sort of move! Is it weakening?”


“I think so!”


Slowly, we regained control of movement as the glow dimmed until it was no longer visible. The girl is now sitting down panting.


“So do we still call the cops?” I ask Mr. Sendou.


“Hic… please no… I… sniff… I didn’t do anything wrong… I don’t wanna be thrown to jail!”


The green haired girl cries, leaving us all stunned until Mr. Sendou puts away his phone and kneels in front of her.


“Alright, alright, we won’t call the cops, but do you have money to at least stay the night somewhere before heading home?”


“Money? I think I have some…”


She takes out a small pouch and pours out its contents, 4 gold coins that we saw earlier, 20 similar silver coloured coins, and 50 yen.


“But… the people told me I can’t use my gold and silver coins… They said something about a pawn? shop? and that I could trade in my gold and silver coins for the numbered ones… but they told me that I need proof of my identity before I could do anything… so I came back here…”


Mr. Sendou sighs and walks back to us.


“I guess the only way is for someone to house her until we can either contact her family, as much as I don’t want to, given what she’s implied about them, or child protection services though I’m hesitant to see if they’ll take in an unidentifiable minor with no known background.”


After polling who should take her in and their reasons as to why and why not, it all eventually landed on me, by process of elimination.


Mr. Sendou puts his hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eye regretfully. “Rikka, I’m sorry you have to do this, but house her, if only temporarily, while we figure out more about her okay?”


I sigh, mentally I need to prepare myself for the headache to come but I am faced with no other choice. I walk over to the still sobbing girl and tap her on her shoulder.


“Big sister Rikka?”


“You’re staying with me, is that alright? Everyone else is unable to do it so…”


She shakes her head. “No, it’s fine. I know big sister Rikka is kind so you won’t do anything. I’ll come with you.”


I’m not that kind but alas, I part ways with Mr. Sendou and my coworkers here, and walk back home while holding onto her hand so she doesn’t get lost. Our trip was silent and a little unnerving but soon enough we reached my apartment.


“Please take off your shoes after you enter and say ‘I’m home.’”


“Oh, it’s just like at home then.”


I wasn’t sure if she knew but it's a good thing she does cause I wasn't willing to take the risk.


I guide her to the living room, “Please make yourself comfortable as I prepare the bath. Please don’t touch anything either.”


As I prepare the bath, I sigh and wonder what have I gotten myself into.




There are a lot of things in Big Sis Rikka’s place, I am quite curious about a lot of them but in respect to her hospitality and wishes, I will refrain from touching anything.


I'm feeling quite drained after using magic just now, it seems like I can’t last as long as if I were at home. So I guess magic is off limits huh, not that I used it that much anyway.


I look around at the furniture, it’s mostly pink and white with a sprinkle of red in places. It’s quite fun actually, some cute looking things scattered around and other weird things. There’s also a big black mirror on the wall!


It is then I hear a loud high pitch noise coming from somewhere and struggle to get into a fighting stance.


“The bath is ready… what are you doing?”


“Big sis Rikka! What was that noise!?”


“It’s just the bath preparation finishing, come on, I’ll wash you.”


I follow behind her and take off my clothes after her before joining her in a rather small bathroom.


Big sis Rikka points at a stool, “Come, sit here.”


I shimmy over and when she turns a knob, water starts spewing from the thing she’s holding.




She sprays water all over me and soon begins washing my hair, it’s the first time someone has washed me outside of my brothers and sisters.


“Your hands feel so nice Big Sis Rikka.”


She responds by spraying my hair before she starts scrubbing my back.


“You could become employed as a maid Big Sis Rikka.”


“I’m glad you think that but I don’t want to. You can do the front yourself right?”


“No problem!” I give her a thumbs up and get up to  scrub my front as she sits down to wash her hair.


“Should I wash your back as well?”


“Do as you please.”


I get the suds rinsed off me and after washing her back, she finishes up the rest and we sit in the tub.


I heave a tired sigh. “Haa~ how relaxing.”


“It’s not as cramped as I thought.”


Now that I have a good look at her, Big Sis Rikka is actually quite beautiful in addition to her voice. Nice long black hair, an ample bosom similar to mine, a pretty face, and an average height if compared to moms.


“For a fourteen year old, you sure are… quite developed…” She coughs and shyly looks away.


“Well, my moms are all very well endowed so I have the potential to get even bigger hehe.”


“What the hell? They’re almost the same size as mine and you’re telling me they can go bigger?! How cumbersome it must be.”


After a while, we get out of the bath and dry off. Big Sis Rikka tells me to not reuse my clothes and she brought me one of hers. How kind!


We step out and go to the living room where Big Sis Rikka sits down by a small table and gestures for me to sit across. Once I settle down, she coughs and looks me eye to eye.


“Since you're going to be my roommate, if only temporary, I want to get to know you better, but first, let me introduce myself. My name is Takanashi Rikka, 18 years old, and am currently going to school to get what's called a ‘degree’ to be used for future employment. I work at Michelle, the small café establishment that you came to. What about you?”


“I am Alaya Dolkeif Sugimoto, 14 years old, daughter of the Hero that ended a five decades long war. I have come here in search of adventure and also… to run away… from home… but I come bearing magic of various uses!”


“I can’t believe a real life reverse isekai plot is happening in front of me…”


“Reverse isekai?”


I’Am confused.


“Never mind that, why did you run away from home? If you don’t mind sharing, of course.”


“The reason is very simple!” I smile, “my parents just cannot stop having sex!”




“It’s basically a nightly thing where my dad gathers my six moms and they just cannot stop. Sometimes they remember to put up sound barriers but it always ends up disappearing after an hour and sometimes they don’t even put one up at all! I have to hear them have sex every night for the past decade or so and it's gotten on my nerves! Sometimes they don’t even wait until night, they start doing it mid-afternoon and it’s just living with a bunch of depraved degenerates that you love but also wish they’d stop being so ungodly loud! I am sick and tired of hearing them go on about cock and pussy and whatnot! I also sorta… fear what my brothers might do as well… I get the feeling they’re thinking bad things and more often than not I see something trying to poke out their pants!”


There is a visible blush on Big Sis Rikka’s face but with this she should be able to understand my situation now right?


“Y-You did say six moms right?”


“Yeah! But my birth mom is Fierre Dolkeif Sugimoto. Though that’s useless information cause I wouldn’t dare go back there unless they decide to come here.”


“I-I see…”


Big Sis Rikka then whips out her rectangle block thing, that she calls a ‘smartphone’, and starts doing something with it. I’m curious but I don’t want to cause any more trouble for her.


“I just want to confirm that your hair is naturally green right? Also, can you do house chores?”


“Yes to both questions! I take quite some pride in my long green hair. I can clean and do laundry but I’m still learning how to cook!”


Big Sis Rikka looks hesitant for a moment before getting up, “I have classes in the morning tomorrow so I’m going to sleep, I’ll show you where the bedding is, come.”


I get up and follow her to what I think is her room, where there sits another black mirror and to its side is a white box with some complicated looking things inside. She opens a drawer and hands me a thick rolled up blanket of sorts.


“What’s this?”


“A futon, you can roll it out and sleep on it.”


She looks remorseful but seeing her bed being half covered in stuffed animals, I understand.


“No problem! Where do I spread this?”


“Here is fine.”


After rolling it out, I got in.


“Oh! It’s comfortable!”


“I’m turning off the lights now.”


“Okay! Good night Big Sis Rikka!”


“Good night. Alaya.”


The next morning, I wake up at the crack of dawn. I look up and over at Big sis Rikka still sleeping away and realise that this is the first night in recent where I slept in silence, which is honestly quite a relaxing feeling. I scooch over and gently shake Big Sis Rikka.


“Big Sis Rikka, wake up, it’s morning.”




She’s stirring but goes back to sleep again.


“Come on Big Sis, it’s morning already.” I shake her with a little more force.


“Hmm…? What time… yawn …is it?”


She reaches for her ‘smartphone’, it lights up her face, she then looks at me before tucking herself back in.


“Bis Sis! Don’t go back to sleep! Don’t you have classes!?”


“I won’t have any until four hours from now, please let me sleep!”


“Fiiine.” I relent and go tuck myself back under the ‘futon’, it’s actually the first time I’m going back to sleep after waking up early.


The next thing I hear is some weird buzzing noise along with sunlight filtering through some slits hitting my eyes.


I jolted up off the futon, “Ah! Big Sis has class!” I turn towards her bed’s direction and she’s already gone.


I exit the room and walk to where the bathroom is and open the door. There she stood, half naked and brushing her teeth.




“Aaaaaah! I’m sorry!”


I shut the door in a panic. I don’t know what’s with her reaction but we were having a bath together last night so there shouldn’t be a problem with seeing her in that state no?


The door behind me opens, “Don’t spook me like that!” Big Sis cries out still in her underwear.


“Hiiiieeee! I’m sorry! I just wanted to wake you and wondered where you’ve gone!”


She sighs and places her hand on my head. “I’m sorry, I’m not really angry, just a little shaken. I’m thankful for you trying to wake me up but…” she looks like she wants to say something else and stops at the end. “Try and not wake me up so early again.”




After washing myself up, I head out to the living room where Big Sis Rikka just finished eating toast.


“Oh right, Alaya, about those coins.”


“Hm? Oh these?” I take out my pouch, “what about them?”


“I could help you pawn them off after work, though I’m not sure how much it will help. You need money to adventure around here anyway and those coins won’t get you anywhere.”


“Thank you Big Sis Rikka!” I almost leapt at her for a hug but she stopped me with her hand.


“Just pass me the coins and…” She looks around her place, “since you’re not going to be doing anything, I guess you’ll just have to watch the house. Maybe watching TV will keep you entertained enough…”




Big Sis Rikka walks towards the couch and picks up a black stick with a flat top, on it there are many colours and numbers and some text on some nubs and she presses on the circular red one. The next thing I know, the black mirror lights up full colour and there are things and people moving in there.


“B-Big Sis Rikka! What did you do? Why did the black mirror light up and start showing people?!”


“This is a Television, or TV for short, I don’t know the specifics nor do I know how to explain how or why it works but you can get some information from watching it at least.”


I nod eagerly, I’m interested in this new thing and I want to find out more.


“If you want to change channels, you can press this button and it will cycle through forward and backwards.”


“Aren’t channels meant for boats?”


“Yes, but this is a different kind of channel.” Big Sis Rikka peeps at her smartphone and puts it away before walking towards the door. “This will keep you occupied for a bit if not the whole day.”


I raise my hand, “Big Sis! A question!”






“Nevermind, what is the question?”


“How will I sustain myself while you're gone?”


She walks into the kitchen and opens up a cupboard, she takes out a cup with some wording on it and puts it on the table.


“This is some instant ramen, unwrap it and open the lid halfway and pour in boiling water provided over here.” She points at a small long wide rectangle with some circles with words on top. There are some protrusions from the rectangle and she puts a cup on the lower protrusion inside a circle, then she presses on a circle with ‘Hot Water’ in it and water fills the cup. “Please press it once, it is set to dispense as much water as is needed for instant ramen.”


“Is the water heated up with fire magic?”


“No, it’s more simple than that but any more of this and I’ll be late for class.”


“Oh, okay!”


She picks up her bag and I follow her to the front door.


“Have a fun time!”


“Un, I will.” She nods and closes the door behind her.


Guess I’ll just watch the ‘TV’ I think she called it.




In my haste, I forgot to ask her how she is able to understand and communicate if she came from another world. But I’m guessing there's some magic at play? Like some auto translation that makes her able to read and watch things. Cause how else am I hearing perfect Japanese from her when she obviously looks too foreign for Earth.


My phone buzzes and it’s a message from Mr. Sendou.


How is the girl? Was she too much trouble?


No, not at all. In fact, she was like a baby in terms of modern day knowledge. I did get hold of her background though, it seems almost unreal. I’ll tell you the details later during my shift.


Okay, I’ll see you later. Keep yourself safe.


Never would I have thought I’d be babysitting a 14-year-old from another world. She claims to be an adult when she clearly is still a minor, well, I can't say too much since I’m only 4 years her senior but…


If she can keep herself occupied with the TV and not poke around too much out of curiosity that would be great. I’ve just left my house in the hands of a junior high girl with no money and boundless curiosity. I don’t know whether to laugh or sigh. There’s also no means of communication between us so that makes things a little complicated.


It’s only the start of the second week of July and summer vacation starts on the first day of August. Come on me, it’s not too far off now. Though I shouldn’t really say I’m babysitting her when I’m studying to become a teacher.


After class, I make my way to Michelle, where Mr. Sendou and some of my colleagues who met Alaya were waiting.


“Ah Rikka, perfect timing.”


“Good afternoon Mr. Sendou, everyone.”


“So? What have you gathered from her?”


“I don’t know how much I should reveal, but we didn’t really go too in depth so I’ll just start off with her name. It's Alaya, as for her background, she says she came from another world and that her dad is a war hero named Sugimoto.”


“What is this, a reverse isekai novel?” Shinji, our sous chef scoffs.


Ichiji-senpai puts his fingers on his chin. “If she did come from another world, that might explain why she could stop our movements using something like the force in Star Wars.”


“Did she tell you about her parents and why she’s come all the way over here with no desire to go home?”


“Mr. Sendou, her reasoning is… a bit embarrassing…”


“Embarrassing? How so?”


“Her reason for leaving home is because her parents can’t stop…”


“Go on.”


“H-h-h-having s-”




My face is heated and I’m red with embarrassment but I still try to force it.




Everyone is dumbfounded. Until Mr. Sendou breathes a sigh of relief.


“Well, as long as there isn’t any abuse in play. Still, to go at it so much that their child leaves home.” He laughs, “Oh to be young.”


I don’t think they need to know she has a total of 6 moms including her birth mother so I’ll omit that.


“Well, we got some information at least. Alright crew, back to work!”


After a tiring shift and bidding farewell to everyone, I made my way to a gold and silver bullion to try and sell the coins.


“The coins are rather peculiar, they look mediaeval but are in excellent condition. For these 5 grams of gold I can get you about ¥43,744.90 and the 20 grams of silver I can get you ¥2,103. Totalling ¥45.847.90.”


“Please do.”


I wanted to go to a pawnshop at first but after researching online, I found that a precious metals bullion is better.


I receive the money, thank them for their service and head back home.


“I have to buy dinner for her don’t I? Well, I’ll just stop by a convenience store konbini and buy something reheatable.”


Though, even with this money, it’s impossible for a 14-year-old without proper identification and lack of earthly common sense to journey around Japan, much less the world without an income.


With the convenience store konbini food in hand, I make my way home and open the door, as I do, I hear footsteps coming my way.


“Welcome home!”


Alaya smiles at me, huh, feels like home even though it already is.


“I’m back. Here’s your food.”


I dangle it in front of her and her eyes light up. But I don’t pass it to her cause I don’t think she knows how to use a microwave.


“Come, let me show you how to use another basic household appliance.”


I walk to the kitchen as she trails behind me, I then put the food in.


“Now you see, the packaging says you have to microwave for 8 minutes, so you input 8 on the keypad here.” I point at the 8 and gesture for her to press it.


“What’s next?”


“You press the start button and then wait.”


“Is it that simple?!”


I nod and she presses the button.


Her mannerisms are like a child which is to be expected given her new surroundings and exposure to new technology.


I walk away to prepare the bath for myself and wouldn’t you know the two finished at the same time.


In the bath, I had a bit of a shower thought, if Alaya is already near my height of 161cm (5’ 3”) at her age, would she get taller as the years go by? So both her chest and height have an opportunity to grow?


“That’s… actually scary…” I mutter.


We’re both the same right now but the thought of having to go and shop for larger bras with her in future makes me a bit…


Huh? The future? Did I just assume Alaya will be with me for longer than a year?


Being stuck with these thoughts, I didn’t notice her entering the bathroom until the door opened.


“Big Sis! I’m here to wash your back!”




Me being in the middle of washing my hair doesn’t help cause I can’t see.


“I’ll help you rinse off your hair okay?”


Before I can say anything else, I start feeling the water run down my hair and hands.


“...You ate quite fast.”


“Yep! It was so delicious and I was so hungry that it disappeared in an instant!”


As she washes my back in silence, I ponder about the situation. A 14-year-old with almost the same proportions as me is staying with me because she doesn't have a home or rather, doesn’t want to return to her home because of noisy parents. This girl who could pass off as an 18-year-old, is only 14 and the best or worst part is…


She doesn’t know I’m a lesbian.


But no, it’s okay, I will not lay my hands on a minor even if there is an age gap of 4 years. No one will catch me slipping.


But there’s another problem of getting her a personal identification card. If her father is Japanese like her surname implies, she could be considered a Japanese citizen but since there is no way to prove if that is the case…


This is beginning to feel like a headache because without proper identification, I think a lot of services become unavailable to her.


I became so absorbed in thought that I didn’t realise Alaya was sitting right in front of my face.


“Wooooaaahh! Ouch!”


I slip off the chair.


“Are you alright Big Sis?!”


“It hurts but… I think I’m fine…”


“I didn’t expect you to be so deep in thought like that. I noticed you weren’t moving after I finished washing your back so I took the liberty of washing whatever I could of your front and rinsed it off!”


How negligent of me.


“Now it’s big sis’s turn to wash me!”


Well, at least she's distracted me from my previous train of thought. I think I’ll have to do more research into something that’s way out of my scope.


I quickly wash her off and we both head out after a quick soak in the tub.


I hand her the money I got from selling her coins, and she literally jumps for joy, you can almost see flowers popping off her head.


“Yay! Money! Now I can buy more things and go adventure!”


“Sorry to burst your bubble Alaya, but with that amount of money, you’d be lucky if you could go across Japan and last for even a week.”




“Japan is a pretty cheap country, but you can’t just go off and start hotel jumping, you’ll run out after 2, 3 if you’re lucky.”


She starts getting teary eyed, “So… no adventure?”


Shoot, I messed up, I took her dream and more or less said it couldn’t be done.


I walk over and hug her, “I’m sorry, I was being insensitive. But if you want, you can stay here and explore around locally. Maybe after I save up some money we can go explore around Japan then.”


“Sniffle… really?”


“Yes, really.”


“Yay! It’s a promise then! I love you Big Sis!” She hugs me back.


What have I gotten myself into?




Some days have passed and I’ve gotten somewhat comfortable with things now. I feel like I learned a lot! But I still have no idea what the white box is used for in Big Sis’s room, she calls it a desktop and tells me not to touch it, ever. Whenever she uses it I would try and peep at what she’s doing but after a while she starts locking me out of her room when she wants to use it. How secretive.


I’m also comfortable enough to go outside and get groceries, with big sis of course, so I managed to cook up some curry and jalapipot, for the second one I had to substitute ingredients since what moms used differs slightly from what is available here. Big Sis Rikka got really shocked at my curry! If it’s dad’s favourite dish, I’m sure it’s also Big Sis’s favourite too!


Hehe, Big Sis said she hasn’t had home cooking in a while because she doesn’t have time or know how to cook that well. Well, it can’t be helped. Cooking her breakfast, lunch, and dinner will surely be a good compensation for letting me stay here. But I just need to expand my repertoire cause back home, I was more focused on getting out of the house than learning how to cook. Jalapipot is simple as it’s just cut ingredients in beef stock with a big red chilli. Though I’m sure I heard Big Sis call it ‘nabe’ or something.


Another day of watching TV and simple magic practice. Some of the things on TV are very interesting, but sometimes there are shows where people are laughing but I don’t get why they’re  laughing. Sometimes there is a cooking show that appears and I take down notes on how to make what they’re making. I trust my memory but it's nice to write down a list of what to make and get.


Oh right, maybe I can steal, I mean, get that Shido guy from Big Sis’s workplace to teach me how to cook more things. But I can't leave the house on my own, Big Sis said she hasn’t made a spare key yet…


Hmm, could I use magic to make my way there and still leave the house locked? Think, how would moms travel around? Flying? No. Running? Door’s locked. The TV won’t give me any ideas…


Hmmmm, I look at the white box sitting in the bedroom.


Hmmmmm, I look away, I shouldn't touch it without permission.


Hmmmmmm, it has buttons to press and each button seems to be a letter in the alphabet.


Hmmmmmmm. Hmmmmmm. Hmmmmm.


I give up, I’m breaking the rules and I’m pressing the power button!


The desktop whirrs to life and the screen lights up, soon I am met with the picture of a cute looking girl and some other smaller things on the left.


Hmmm, I think she used to click on this multicoloured circle thing on the bottom here…


I click it and something pops up. In the centre of the screen there is a big word and below it is some grey words saying “Search Google or type a URL”, and below that are a bunch more other things.


Maybe I’ll do a search, but how? Do I press a button? I start with the letter “H” and some questions and some other things appear.


“How to apply for identification for foreigners without knowledge of background? What’s that? Something like applying for a guild card?”


Still, not my main objective.


I continue to carefully press buttons until I type out my question of “How do I use magic to get out of a locked room.” Surprisingly, the results show people have asked this kind of thing before. I thought people here couldn’t use magic?


But with all these things in front of me, how do I read more? I think Big Sis Rikka used this oval shaped thing to the right. Let’s give it a try.


I hover a tiny finger over one of the results and based on my memory of Big Sis using it, I tap the left side twice and another thing pops up, replacing what I was seeing before.


I think I can use this wheel thing?


“Ooh, it moves!”


I start reading what is written and stumble upon a peculiar word.




Could it be like what I used to get here?


“But I don’t wanna go back… what if I made a portal to her workplace?”


I want to search again but I don’t know how to get back to the screen I was at earlier. There’s a long gibberish at the top and above that there are other words that get cut off. Below the long gibberish there are other things as well, some miscellaneous things that aren’t of interest right now.


“Guess I’ll try the long gibberish?”


I move the tiny finger up and tap on the left side of the oval and the line of gibberish turns blue. I’m a little scared but I must press on. I press the “P” button and the line of gibberish disappears leaving behind the “P” I pressed.




Thus I searched for “portal” and a bunch of things came out but it seems like I found my answer to get out without the door.


I go to the living room and set aside a space to make a portal.


“I think I just have to visualise where I want to go right?”


I focus my magical energy to try and construct a portal to the back door of Michelle, I’ve been there a few times so I know how it looks. Soon the portal morphs and shifts into the back door of Michelle.


“Did I do it right?”


I twist the handle and push, I am greeted by the sight of the staff room and many shocked faces. But my portal experiment was a success!


“Yay! I did it!”


As I jump in celebration, the door closes behind me.


“What in the?”


“Oh hi Mr. Sendou!”




“What’s the matter?”


“Wh… Ah… Eh…”


Why did Mr. Sendou turn into a, what is it? A broken record?


He sighs.


“You know what, I don’t know anymore.” He shakes his head, “What brings you here Alaya?”


“Oh! Right, I almost forgot! Could you get that Shido guy to teach me how to cook?”


“Sorry, he’s a bit busy right now.” Mr. Sendou looks at his wristwatch. “Lunch is almost over so when he’s free I’ll talk to him for you.”


“Thanks much!”


I take a seat to wait and when Mr. Sendou leaves, the two in here with me start whispering.


“Did you see how she came in?”

“Yeah, that was wild, I caught a glimpse of furniture back there as well, could that be Takanashi’s house?”

“It’s my first glimpse of Takanashi’s place too, she never invites anyone over.”


I don't like the way they’re talking so I cut in.


“Hey, what’re you two talking about? Something about furniture and never seeing Big Sis Rikka’s house before?”


“Eh? You could hear us?”

“I thought we were soft enough.”


“I believe you were but my ears are sensitive enough to hear you, now tell me what you would do if Big Sis invited people over?”


“Sample her hospitality?”


“Hmph, this is why I don’t like boys, your intentions are almost always on display.”


My brothers are also not exempt from my ire.


“H-Hey! Don’t talk as if you know what we want to do.”



“It’s all on your faces and how you smell, I don’t like it.”


“Why you!”

“Stop! Stop!”


One of them almost leapt out of his seat before the other pulled him back.


“I hear there’s an Alaya looking for me?”


A man in a white coat and apron steps out from the kitchen.


“Ah! You must be Shido! Nice to meet you!”


I bow lightly at him, I learned this from Big Sis and TV!


“Ah, yeah. Nice to meet you too. Raise your head.”


I do as he says.


“I heard about you from Rikka, so what do you need me for?”


“I want you to teach me how to cook!”


“I assume for Rikka?”


Oh wow, he caught on immediately. I nod in response.


“Well,” he scratches his head, “I guess I can do it. But I’ll do it after my smoke break.”


“Smoke break?”


Mr. Shido walks to the back door to open it.


“Wait Shido! Don’t open it!”


The guy who got mad at me cries out.


“Huh? Why?” Mr. Shido asks as he turns the knob and opens the door to reveal the familiar alleyway.




“If you can’t explain why, I’m going for my smoke break now.” He scoffs before closing the door behind him.


Mr. Sendou comes back, “Hey, you two, get back to work.”


““Yes Boss.””


The two went back out, leaving only me and Mr. Sendou.


“How's your time here so far?”


“I’ve been enjoying it! Even though it’s not what I originally planned for, living with Big Sis Rikka has been quite fun and enlightening!”


“That’s good to know.”


“Big Sis Rikka even promised me that we’d go around the country after she's saved up enough money!”


“That’s… nice to hear.”


“Mhm! She does her best every day so I want to repay her by cooking for her!”


“I see…” Mr. Sendou nods, “I wish you all the best, Shido’s a bit of a strict teacher so don’t falter.”


“I’ll do my best!”


The back door opens, “If you say that, then let's get on with it.”


“Mr. Shido!”


He walks to a locker and searches through it.


“Here, a spare apron. Can’t cook without one.”




I don on the apron and follow behind into the kitchen where my training awaits.




Classes have ended and I hurry over to Michelle, from Mr. Sendou’s message, Alaya, appeared there out of nowhere without much explanation. I don’t know how she left the house but even if I lose a few things, I have to prioritise Alaya as she’s under my care. I soon reach the back door and swing it open.




“Big Sis Rikka! You’re here!”


There she stands, in an apron, wearing her big goofy smile, and a crockpot in her hands.


“Oh, you're here Rikka, good.”




“Oh man, Rikka, you came just in time. Alaya’s a surprisingly fast learner and she’s cooked dinner for us!”




Mr. Sendou approaches me.


“Rikka, take a deep breath, and exhale slowly. Calm down.”


I do as he instructs and only manage to calm a little.


“She’s eaten every failed attempt she made and even some of the leftovers, and she says she’s still hungry!” Shinji laughs.


I am just astonished at what’s going on. It’s a little much to take in.


“Don’t just stand there Big Sis! Come and eat, you must be starving!”


I walk over to the table where Shinji hands me a bowl of rice.


“She’s made some teriyaki chicken and some stir-fried spinach with pork bits. I wouldn’t exactly call her my protege but she’s good.”


I sample the food, and I don’t really have anything to say given she was under the guidance of a much more experienced chef.


“It’s good.”


“I’m glad to hear that big sis!”


What an earnest smile, I wonder what made her leave the house just to come here to learn more about cooking.


This is probably the first time since I was hired where everyone is eating together. Well, those that are here. Normally after work we’d splinter off home save a few who stay with Mr. Sendou to have dinner with his wife. I was one of those since I don’t really have anything to do when I go home. But now, I have someone under the same roof who greets me when I get home.


We had a merry time and everyone helped to clean the dishes before we split for home.


“Hmm hm hm~♪ Going home with big sis~♪ Happy days~♪”


She’s humming something nonsensical.


“Oh right, Alaya.”


“What’s up?”


“It’s almost summer vacation and I was thinking of going back home to Sendai and I was wondering if you would like to come with me?”


“Oh!? A new place!? I’ll go!”


She’s practically jumping for joy, how cute.


“We’ll leave next week on August 1st and we’ll stay at my parents’ place for most of summer vacation.”


“Hah! I’ll be meeting your parents!? I don’t have any fancy clothes to wear!”


I chuckle, “It’s not a formal visit, there’s no need to worry about it.”


“If you say so…”


“So, what did you do for summer in the past?” I ask, curious about how their summers go.


“Oh, Mom Davala can turn into a dragon and so she flies everyone to her home in the mountains where we play around in the heated baths while the adults do… adult things…” Alaya makes a face as if she ate a lemon raw, “But she also flies us to the sea where Mom Suiala can return to being a mermaid! She says it’s much more relaxing that way.”


What a… dynamic family. I don’t know much about their location details, but it makes our places here pale in comparison.


“Well, I just hope you get to enjoy summer here with just me and my family.”


“Of course I’ll enjoy it! It’s my first time outside of my usual and the best part is I’m spending it with you!”


I feel my face flush a little, such a marvellous smile accompanied by childlike wonder in every movement she makes. Such earnestness I feel is hard to come by nowadays.


We arrive home and to my surprise I find the door still locked.


“The door’s locked, how did you get out then?”


I look at her and she’s looking away scratching her cheek.


“Tell me.”


“If I tell you, will you promise to not get mad?”


“If it’s something I won’t get mad over then I won’t be mad.”


“I uhh… I made a portal after searching it on your desktop…”


I open the door and hurry to the bedroom, my desktop’s lights are on so it’s in sleep mode. I close the door to the room and wiggle the mouse, the search result is still on screen, I check the browser history to see if she’s clicked anywhere she isn’t supposed to. It’s safe.


I hear a knock on the door. “Hey, you didn’t have to go so fast you know? I didn’t do anything wrong right?”


I close her search tab and make sure a new tab is in place, I don’t need her to see my tabs of lesbian pornography. I then promptly turned off the desktop.


I open the door and there she stands, “So… are you mad?”


“No. I’ll get a spare key for you tomorrow so don’t you dare go out.”




“Please don’t try and use portal magic, if it were a less conspicuous place, you might be taken into custody.”


“Eh!? There’s magic police here!?”


“No, just regular police but I don’t want them seeing you and tracing it back to me.”


“Ohhh… okay…”


Just a moment ago she was so happy and now I’ve made her dejected.


I put my hand on her head. “Well, I still haven’t properly thanked you and stuff for the food and cooking for the staff… so… good job, it tasted great even with Shido’s help.”




What a goofy grin.


“I’ll continue to get better and cook many different dishes for you! I’ll get so good, you’d rather eat my cooking than anyone else’s!”


I laugh, “I look forward to that day. For now, let’s go bathe.”


“Aye aye!”


I’ll teach her how to use a computer at my parents place, it’s not safe here.


It’s August 1st and the start of summer vacation. We decided to try and catch the first train to Sendai but well, there's no guarantee of it happening.


“Are you ready yet Alaya?”


“Awawawa! My clothes! I mean, your clothes! Are they good enough?”


“I already told you to relax, you may be meeting my family for the first time but it’s not as if you’re marrying into my family.”


“But I wanna make a good first impression!”


“A good first impression is getting there in the first place. Now come on!”


I’m glad I found an apartment not too far from the station but it’s still a bit of a walk which I honestly don’t mind.


At the station, I teach her how to buy a ticket but more importantly, get her a Suica card. There may be a need if we want to travel around the Tokyo area or beyond and maybe make purchases.


“Ooooh! It’s the Shinkansen!”


“So you know of it.”


“It appears on TV every so often!”


“Remember to keep your volume down, I know you’re excited but please refrain from making too much noise.”


“I got it~, you worry more than my mom haha!”


Well, I can’t say she’s wrong, but foreigners making a fool of themselves while in Japan is not exactly the most uncommon thing.


We get on the train and I can see the sparkles in Alaya’s eyes. She’s looking and acting like a kid half her age which is sort of reminding me of when I was a child. As the train starts moving, her eyes sparkle even more, I swear she’s unconsciously glowing with magic.


“We’re so faaaaaaaast!”


Her reactions are just the cutest, I just have to snap a photo.




It seems she’s so absorbed she doesn't even hear the shutter.


In the almost 3 hour ride to Sendai, I’ve snapped a number of pictures and we even alighted for a bit to buy some breakfast before continuing on north.


Upon arriving in Sendai, I lead us to the East exit where we’re looking for my father’s white Suzuki Swift Sport.






I run up and hug him.


“I haven’t seen you in a while, how’s life in Tokyo?”


“It’s quite fulfilling! My part time job is nice and so far so good for university!”


“Ah, who’s this? A friend of yours?”


“Ah! Hello! M-My name is Alaya. Nice to m-meet you!”


“No need to be so shy, my wife and I welcome any of Rikka’s friends!”


“T-Thank you very much.”


We enter the car and I sit next to dad in the driver’s seat and Alaya sits in the back.


“W-woah, what is this?”


“This car? This is my prized Suzuki Swift Sport, the third generation. I bought it brand new back in 2017 and it has since served me well for the past 6 years.”




Looking at her face in the mirror, I can tell she barely understood any of what dad said.


“There's so many decorations all over the place. Is there something happening?”


“Oh, you didn’t know? We have a Tanabata festival happening next week! It’s a popular yearly festival and this year we’re running a stall!”


“Oooh! What kind?”


“You’ll find out next week!”


“Oh, I love surprises!”


It’s good to see dad and Alaya getting along well. Though dad and mom don’t know she’s 14 yet…


We soon arrive at my house, though it’s only just mom and dad here now.


We get out of the car and dad swings open the front door.


“Kanako! We’re home!”

“I’m home!”

“P-Pardon me~!”


Mom comes out of the living room. “Oh welcome home!”


She then lays eyes on Alaya, “Oh who’s this girl? A friend of Rikka’s?”


“H-Hello, my name is Alaya.”


“My, how polite.”


We follow mom into the living room where my brother and sister-in-law are watching TV.


“Oh hey, welcome back Rikka.”


“Hi there Rikka-chan!”


“Dan-nii, Ayame-nee.”


“Oh? Rikka’s brought a friend home for the first time since middle school!”


“H-Hello, my name is Alaya.”


“I’m Dan, and this is my wife Ayame.”


Alaya nods courteously.


Mom claps her hands, “Well, now that everyone is here, shall we have lunch?”


Everyone helps to set the table and once seated, everyone begins to eat. This is where the parents' questioning corner comes.


“Say, Alaya. How did you meet our Rikka here?” Mom begins the questioning.


“She helped me out when a pair of boys was bugging me! I’m still thankful to her for that.”


Nothing wrong there.


“Are you two in the same university or do you go to a different one? What course are you studying?”


“University? Oh, I don’t go to one, I’m learning how to cook from a chef!”


“I see… a cooking school perhaps?”


“Nope! Straight from a restaurant!”


I’m gauging mom’s reactions and she seems alright so far? Alaya and I agreed beforehand to try and not link me as much as possible and that she’s learning from a restaurant chef and not a medium sized establishment like Michelle.


“What do you do on a day to day basis?”


“As in when I’m not learning cooking?”


Mom nods.


Oh lord.


“I’m either watching TV, doing house chores, reviewing what I learned, and…”


She glances at me, I lightly shake my head.


“And that’s about it!”


I think mom approves?


“Kanako, I think that’s enough, this isn’t a marriage interview like with Ayame here.”


“Oh sorry, I got caught up with myself there… I hope you weren’t too bothered Alaya.”


“U-Um, I’m not. Don’t worry about me.”


Liar, you’re shaking.


“Sorry for putting you on the spot dearie.”


“N-No worries…”


I look down and notice Alaya pinching her skirt, I rest my hand on hers and she looks at me in surprise. But I’m embarrassed so I’m looking away.


As lunch wraps up, mom calls out to us, “Okay you children can go do your own things, your dad and I will clean up the dishes.”


“I-I can help!”


“No no Alaya, I’ve troubled you enough earlier. Go and enjoy the rest of your day with Rikka.”


Alaya looks a little dejected but relieved at that fact, and us four, me, my brother, Ayame, and Alaya left the living room.


“Alaya.” Ayame calls out as I close the door behind us.


“What is it? Oh?”


Ayame pulls Alaya into a hug.


“You’ve done quite well, I’ve been through that same questioning process. It was hard wasn’t it?”




Alaya’s hands move awkwardly, unsure as to whether to reciprocate the hug or not. I was here too back when my brother introduced Ayame to my parents. Though that was a few years back.


I feel a tap on my shoulder. It’s my brother.


“Let’s go catch up shall we?”


I follow my brother outside to the veranda but not before telling Ayame-nee to bring Alaya to my room.


“That girl… she your girlfriend?”


“What? No she’s not!”


“Well, in my eyes, some of what you were doing already counts as flirting.”


“What? Well, you were the same back then with Ayame-nee.”


Dan-nii laughs.


“If she’s not your girlfriend then what is she? Your roommate? She looks too exotic to be a native, especially her hair. That light green screams ‘I came from another world’ haha.”


Sometimes my brother’s intuition is too strong.


“No quip? No way she’s actually from another world.”


“She is actually… she came here all by her lonesome.”


“I used to read isekai light novels and you’re telling me a reverse isekai happens upon my sister? Talk about reality imitating fiction.”


“So? What about you and Ayame-nee?”


“She just missed her period so that’s probably a good sign that she’s pregnant, though we haven’t tested yet. But if she is, congratulations! You’re an aunt!”


“I pray for you two’s success.”






“Oh Ayame, what about Rikka’s friend?”


“She was freaking out a little after being shown in but I think she’s calmed down now. Muttering about it being ‘Big Sis Rikka’s room’.”


Dan-nii looks at me and scoffs, “I didn’t know my sister wanted to be a big sister.”


Oh crud.


“Not really that but…”


Damn he’s looking at me like he’s got new dirt on me.


“Let’s just continue this in my room.”


We move to my room where Alaya has made herself at home on my bed.


“Big sis Rikka! Ah!”


My brother’s shit eating grin is growing bigger.


“Waaah! I’m sorry big sis! I got too relaxed and called you like I do at home~!”


“There there.” I pat her head to comfort her.


“Well then, now that they heard, how about you introduce yourself?”


“Uhm, hello, I am Alaya Dolkeif Sugimoto, I am 14 years old and I’ve been living with big sis Rikka in Tokyo.”


“Sister~. I didn’t know you were so desperate for a girlfriend that you’d go for a 14 year old.”


“Shut up, I am anything but desperate! I came across her one day and things happened and now she’s living with me.”


“So were her answers to mom’s questioning falsified?”


“No, it was only half-truths.”


Dan-nii nods his head.


“Hmm? Big sis Rikka? Girlfriend?”


Oh right I never told Alaya I was a lesbian now did I?


“Oya, oya? Does she not know of your sexual orientation Rikka?”


“I just… never found the time to tell her…”


Alaya has a big question mark above her head right now.


“Well, you can tell her now. Unless you want me to do the honours dear sister.”


“No, it’s fine. I’ll tell her.”


I turn to Alaya.


“Alaya… I… I have something important to say.” I’m a bit uncomfortable about this, but if nothing else I want to be truthful.


“I like women, romantically and sexually. I never found time to tell you, and frankly, I’m afraid of how you will respond to my preferences.”


She looks at me with a blank expression on her face, I can’t look back so I close my eyes, and the next thing I know, I am enveloped by warmth.


“Thank you for telling me big sis. I’m glad you trust me enough to tell me something so dear to you that it constitutes your identity. I know we’ve only met 3 weeks ago, but I won’t judge you nor will I push you away. I will accept you wholeheartedly and I pray that you will continue to confide in me more in the future.”


I can’t hold back my tears and I hug her back, crying into her shoulder.


After a while, we let go of each other. I think I’ve cried all my tears for today.


“Have you cleared it all out? If yes, good! If not, I have a hunch that mom knows about your orientation and only chooses not to say it.”


“Wow, thanks. I have to come out twice in a day. Once to my roommate and another to my parents.”


Later after dinner, I gathered my courage once again and told my parents about my sexuality, needless to say, I cried again, harder this time. But throughout my coming out, Alaya was next to me, holding my hand all the while. I’m glad she’s there to support me even if she isn’t my girlfriend.


Later that night.


“I’m glad everything went well with your parents.”


“Yeah. I didn’t know I could cry so much.”


“Hahaha, you learn something new every day.”




“Thanks big sis, I’m glad you invited me here. It’s only the first day and I’m already having tons of fun.”


“Well, it’s a two month long break, there are more things to come.”


“Yeah, I’m looking forward to the festival coming soon. Because it’ll be my first festival with you.”


“Well, let’s just enjoy our time here.”


“Mhm! Goodnight then big sis.”


“Goodnight, Alaya.”


The next few days are spent lazing around and exploring the local area. I talked with Alaya at length about all the familiar things around and I think she’s just pretty happy to know more about me and Japan in general. She tried many different foods, saw what could be seen from walking around, and most importantly, got a yukata that matched her long light green hair. Soon enough it was time for the Tanabata festival.


“Woooow! Your yukata fits you to a T!”


“Thanks, though it’s the same as last year.”


“I don’t know anything about last year, so it looks great on you! Very cute!”


I laugh off her enthusiasm but can’t help blushing at her compliments. The door next to us opens and Ayame-nee steps out in a very exquisite black and white kimono.


“Wooooah! You look really beautiful Ayame-nee-san!”


Ayame-nee giggles, “Thanks Alaya, though I won’t be able to wear this again after a few months.”


“Ooooh right.” Alaya nods.


Ayame-nee recently took a pregnancy test and it came back positive so for a day my parents were elated.


“Shall we go? The men are waiting.” Ayame-nee pushes us.


We pass by the living room where my parents are.


“Oh my, you girls look gorgeous!” Mom glances over all of us.


“Enjoy yourself, stay safe, and don’t get lost now!” Dad calls out from behind.


“We will!” Ayame-nee responds back.


We step out the door to where Dan-nii is waiting for us.


“Hello ladies, welcome to your chauffeur service. We hope you have a pleasant ride with us.”


Brother’s jokes are a bit on the nose but I hear laughter to my sides so I guess it's received well?


Alaya and I sit at the back of the car while Ayame-nee naturally takes the front passenger next to my brother. It’s a short drive to the festivities and from there we split up.


“Enjoy your festival ‘date’ sister!”


“It’s not a date!” I quip back.


We promise to meet back at the carpark later and I take Alaya’s hand in mind.


“This is so you don’t get lost okay? Let’s go.”


“Yes!” She says with a big smile.


As we wander around, buying snacks and playing the games, I wonder where my parents’ stall is, they’re at home so who’s manning it?


“Oh! If it isn’t Rikka!”


“Jin-ojisan! You’re back from America?!”


“Hahaha! I figured it’d be nice to come home once in a while and then your father sprung this candy apple stall to me. So for today I’m manning and tomorrow it’ll be your folks. Who’s this cutie you got with ya?”


“Hello! I’m Alaya!”


“What an energetic one! Have a candy apple!”




I look at her as she happily receives the treat. “Do I have to pay for that Jin-ojisan?”


“No! No! It’ll be on your father’s tab!”


I shrug.


We leave my uncle to the stall and continue walking around until Alaya pops the question.


“What do you do during Tanabata?”


“We write wishes on small slips of paper called tanzaku and hang them on bamboo, we can write our wishes later after we look around more.”


“Okay! I can’t wait!”


Eventually it became a food stall sweep where Alaya would go and buy each different snack she could see and share them with me, and whatever I can’t eat she’ll eat in my place. Damn, maybe those instant noodles back then weren't enough for her the first time we met?


We soon reach the tanzaku tree, it’s littered with colourful strips of tanzaku, each their own individual wish. Alaya and I each take a slip and write out wishes down. I write “May this current happiness last for as long as it can and for Ayame-nee to have a safe pregnancy.” And hang it on the tree.


“What did you write for your wish big sis?”


“I won’t tell you, cause they say if you tell your wish it won’t come true.”


“Then I hope it comes true!”


Ever since I met this girl, my days have been quite enjoyable. For the first semester I was alone and slowly getting used to it, but now I don’t see how I can return to such a time. I grip her hand and pick up my pace. I want to go to the outlook behind the carpark to watch the fireworks.


“What’s the hurry big sis?!”


“We gotta get there before the fireworks start! It’s a great view!”


I would be lying if I said I wasn’t having the time of my life right now. It’s such a simple happiness that comes with spending time with someone you love.




We reach the outlook and it doesn’t have that big of a crowd yet though there’s still 10 minutes before the fireworks start. So I lay out a mat for us to sit on.


“You didn’t have to rush like that, you know? I almost dropped all the goodies!”


“I’m sorry but I just want to get a good seat.”


Alaya chuckles before she lays her head on my shoulder.


“Thanks for accommodating me and showing me such a fun time today. I’m glad I’m with you.”


I raise my hand to pat her head, “As long as you have an enjoyable time, that’s all there is to it no?”


I continue to pat her head for a while until the fireworks start where she straightens up to watch. I watch along beside her as the fireworks fly into the sky and explode into vibrant colours and shapes. But slowly I find myself turning to look at Alaya’s visage more and before long, she is all I’m looking at as the colours flash across her face. There’s a joy and tranquillity looking at her face and I don’t know why.


After a while, she notices me staring at her and she faces me and smiles. Before she leans closer and I feel something soft touch my lip.


My eyes open wide as I feel the world slowing down, my senses focus on my lips and her smell, I can barely hear the fireworks as I close my eyes and bask in this moment. Then it disappears, I open up my eyes to see Alaya’s same old smile but with a very visible blush. I’m sure I’m the same as my heartbeat rings in my ears. The fireworks fade and she stands up and stretches her arm out to me. I take her hand and we make our way down to the car park after keeping the mat.


On the way back home, no one said anything. The look in Ayame-nee and Dan-nii’s eyes indicate they know something happened between me and Alaya but choose not to say anything.


We pull up to our house and Alaya gets out first, Ayame-nee looks at Dan-nii before going after her.


With only us siblings in the car, Dan-nii speaks up.


“Something definitely happened between you two, Ayame and I could feel it and see it. Let me guess, the fireworks right? Cause that’s where Ayame and I kissed as well back when we were dating.”


I can’t say anything.


“There’s no need to say anything, your silence and how you’re squirming says it all. But you’re conflicted, no? After all, she is still considered a minor even if she doesn’t look like one. Not that the public would know.”


He turns around to look at me.


“Don’t worry your little head about it too much, we’re going to the beach in two weeks and after that, maybe you can take her to the aquarium to see the different sea life, I’m sure she’ll love it. Until then, take the time to sort out your feelings and how you want to approach your relationship with her. It’s no good to go in half-heartedly.”


That night was the first time we bathed separately since our first meeting.


In my room, I cannot sleep and I think neither could Alaya as she calls out to me.


“Big sis… are you awake?”




“I’m… sorry for taking advantage of the situation and… k-kissing you like that… but with that… I’ve laid my feelings bare and I only hope that… you take them into consideration… I can tell your apprehension and I just want to say that I can wait however long it takes for you… to respond… goodnight then.”


So she’s willing to wait huh?




The days after I kissed big sis are slightly awkward whenever we run into each other, I’m sure it’s obvious enough to where even her parents occasionally go “ufufu” when they see us being awkward around one another.


I have also heard from Dan-nii-san that we’ll be going to the beach and that it’s a bit of a drive away, so I guess I’ll have to prepare a swimsuit. I want a nice one so I can appeal more to big sis! Thus I am going to Ayame-nee-san for help. We got Dan-nii-san to drive us to the store where we spent some time selecting and trying on different swimsuits to our satisfaction.


In the end I settled on a cool navy blue one piece where the shoulders go around my neck with a wrap skirt. I hope big sis would like it.


Soon, it’s time for the beach trip, I will wear my one piece under my clothes and keep the wrap in my bag. Of course I am going to bring a set of underwear with me, if I take off my swimsuit I’ll be naked! Though I’m quite excited to see big sis’s swimsuit.


The car ride is actually quite long but I enjoy seeing all the sights whizz by and all the things I don’t see back in Tokyo. This is how I’m occupying myself while the somewhat awkward situation with big sis persists.


“It’s the beach! The sea!”


There are a lot of people here already, and it’s still morning. I guess people just want to capitalise on the atmosphere?


The smell of the ocean is different from back home but it’s still as blue and vast as far as the eye can see.


“I’m going to change!” I hear big sis call out.


“Ok! Take your time!” I reply in kind.


Away she zooms to the nearest bathroom. I went with sis Ayame and brother Dan to set up the mat and umbrella and in the background.


“Woohoo! It's surfing time!”


Big sis’s dad happily runs towards the ocean, surfboard in hand, I remember mom Suiala dragging dad into the water and also becoming his personal surfboard.


“What’s taking Rikka so long,” brother Dan looks around before letting out an “ah!” and getting up. I look in the direction he’s heading to and see big sis’s silhouette by two men. So I decided to give brother Dan’s legs a little boost with magic.


When the two came back, I can see why those two pests approached big sis now. Her swimsuit is a cute white coloured one piece with her sides and back cut out exposing bits of her skin. It’s actually quite tasteful.


“You look stunning big sis.”


“Ah, um, thanks Alaya…”


She’s blushing! How cute! I reach out to grab her hand where she flinches a bit.


“Let's go and enjoy the beach shall we?”




She finally smiles, invigorated by this, I run off with her toward the water where we had fun splashing each other and swimming in shallow waters.


After having our fun in the water, I spot two stalls in the distance.


“Hey! Let’s go there and have a break!”


“Sure, lead the way.”


We make our way to the stalls to see one selling okonomiyaki and the other selling shaved ice. Both headed by two girls that look younger than us. Though I get the feeling we're the same age.


“Get your okonomiyaki and shaved ice combo here! Enjoy tasty okonomiyaki and chill out with shaved ice afterwards!”


“One big okonomiyaki and two shaved ice please!” I call my order.


“Comin right up!”


We take our seats and soon our food is put in front of us.


“Looks delicious!”




We begin to dig in and the explosion of flavour that hits me is just delicious. I take a bite of okonomiyaki first and the shaved ice second. I’m not sure if I should be doing this but I’m a tough girl! I’ve been trained in magic for years!


“Ugh, my stomach feels a bit funny…”


“Ufufu, you shouldn't have eaten the Okonomiyaki and shaved ice at the same time. Your stomach won’t like it.”


“Aaaaah~ big sis~ help me~”


“Can’t you use magic to heal yourself?”


“I can~ but I don’t wanna~ comfort me~”


“Okay okay.”


I waddle up to and hug her, she then pats me on the head to comfort me.


“Ehehe.” I melt.


“You big baby.”


“I love it a lot when you pet me, I love the feeling of your fingers running through my hair.”


“O-oh you! Were you playing tricks with me?” She stops her hand.


“No! No. My stomach actually hurts a little! It’s just you’re very good at soothing me.”


She sighs. “What a cheeky girl.”




We make our way back to the umbrella where big sis’s dad has returned and where brother Dan is relaxing.


“Oh, you’re back! Are you ready to go home? Dad sure is.”


“Ah~ I feel young again.”


“C’mon pops, you say that every year.”


Big sis breaks into laughter, cute.


“But I haven’t played in the sand or been buried by it yet.” I raise my hand.


“We have until nightfall so it’s fine, take your time.”


I grab big sis’ hand and pull her back out to the beach.


“Come on! Let’s go!”




We took time digging and burying one another into the sand and by the time I dug out big sis, the sun was already slowly setting.


Returning to the umbrella, it seems big sis’ dad has fallen asleep.


“Finally ready to go back huh?” Brother Dan shakes his dad awake. “Wake up dad, we’re going home.”


“Uuuwah? yawn Finally, we can get some food.”


So we went for food. What? Did you expect some long winded descriptions?


While here in big sis’ home, I have been learning how to cook from her mom, who’s been quite helpful in telling me her favourite dishes and how to add that ‘homely’ feeling to my cooking. This is for the sake of cooking food for big sis every day!


One day in September while in the kitchen, brother Dan proposed an idea to me.


“How about bringing Rikka to the aquarium? If you want, you can set a time and we can stagger the time both of you reach. Give you some time to prepare for the date. Or you can go together from here and then enjoy your trip there and back.”


“You’re not gonna be bringing us?” I tilt my head.


“Well, you gotta get used to riding the train, up until she gathers the courage to finish her motorbike licence.”


He has a point, we only rode the train from Tokyo to Sendai and nowhere else. Though I’m sure she has more experience riding the train than I do.


“Okay! I’ll pick a date and ask her out!”


After looking at the calendar, I settled on the 21st of September. I don’t know why but that date feels right.


“Big sis! Let’s go to the aquarium!”


“What brought this all of a sudden?”


“Nothing much, I just heard there was a place with a lot of fish!”


She giggles, “Sure, let's go then. What’s the date?”


“The 21st of September! You better remember!”


“Alright then. Should we go together?”


“Um, well… Please do.”


She giggles. 


“You’re still new to the area in the end so it’d be safer to go together.”


Saying that, she resumes working on her assignments. I go for an evening jog in the meantime.


Soon the 21st rolls around and we have brother Dan drive us to the station.


“Have a good time you hear? When you’re on the way back give me or dad a call. We’ll come pick you girls up here.”


We give our thanks and ride the train from Sendai to Nakanosakae station. From there we take a shuttle bus from the station to the aquarium.


I can hardly contain my excitement as we step out of the bus.


“Wooooah! Aquarium!”




It seems without my knowledge, a few children have joined me in exclamation.


I look over at big sis and she’s just laughing at the situation. I smile gently at the sight and when we meet eyes, she smiles in kind.


I’m glad the awkwardness from Tanabata has subsided, it’d be weird if it didn’t for over a month. We sadly still don’t bathe together though.


I grab her hand and pull her along. “Let’s go!”


“Yes, let’s!” She laughs.


We leisurely walk around the dim aquarium, holding each other's hands and for me, enjoying not only her presence, but all the otherworldly sea life swimming around on display. The voiceovers talking about each animal, their characteristics, natural habitats, prey, and their predators make for a very impressive and in depth tour for knowing the ecology of the sea.


I feel like big sis looks at me more than the fish but that’s okay, I want her to think seriously about my feelings anyway.


We make our way to the food court and I order a very simple Ebi Shio Ramen for lunch. Big sis orders the salmon and maguro don.


“Alaya, my brother was the one who suggested we come here, yes?”


“Huh? How did you know?”


“Well, I told him the same thing back when he was dating Ayame-nee. So I guess he thought to do the same for you.”


“Even then, you’re having a lot of fun right?”


“So are you, we’re having quite a fun time together aren’t we?”


“There’s still more fun to be had! There’s the dolphin show later!”


Big sis giggles, “I look forward to it.”


To wrap up lunch we buy soft drinks and for dessert I get a chocolate vanilla ice cream mix while big sis gets ice cream served in a cute penguin cup.


We make our move to the stadium where the dolphin show is held and somehow manage front row seats. The show is a wonderful spectacle and we get splashed a few times but it is good fun. All the tricks and manoeuvres the dolphins do really remind me of mom Suiala. I mean, it can’t be helped, it’s sea life and she’s a mermaid.


We spend a little more time looking around but I suddenly get a weird urge to do something silly.


“Hey hey! Look at this!”


I let go of her hand to stand in front of her.


“Sakana~” I say as I clap my hands together, push it out in front of me and raise my leg.


She looked a little sad when I let go of her hand but after seeing what I’m doing, she breaks out in laughter.


“What is that?”


I grin in satisfaction.


We take the shuttle bus back to the station, the crowd is much more crowded than before, likely because it’s the rush hour back home. So we hold hands to not lose each other.


However, the expected flood of new commuters at the next station managed to split us.





We reach out to each other but the flood of people soon blocks our view of one another. I am wrought with fear. I heard some bad news about molestation on trains but I fear not for myself, but for Rikka. I can use magic to shock anyone who tries to touch me intentionally, but Rikka, she’s just a normal girl. I don't know if she's ever encountered such a situation before but I don’t want her to be violated, however, I can only hope and pray she doesn’t fall victim.


After a few minutes but what feels like hours of agony, I hear the train announce the next stop would be Sendai. The train comes to a stop and I push myself out of the train. I know I drifted right of where we initially boarded so I headed to my left, hoping to find her leaving the train as well.


After scanning each person that passes me by, I see her in my sights and so does she. Her face lights up as we run towards each other.



“Big sis Rikka!”


We hug each other, I don’t care if others are present, I'm just relieved that nothing bad seems to have happened to her.


“I was so scared.” She says through her tears.

“Me too… I feared for the worst actually.”


We go back to holding hands and she calls her father to pick us up while we wait at a nearby cafe.


As we sat in the cafe eating dessert again, our hands never let go of each other as if trying to cement ourselves to one another.


Her father arrives after a while and we get in.


“So, did you girls have fun?”


“We did, though it got a little scary at the end.”


“Hahaha, it happens I guess. You girls did well to brave the crowd.”


“Thanks dad.”


We talked about our experience at the aquarium, holding hands the whole way home.


When we got home, we took a bath together for the first time in a while. I miss the feeling of her fingers washing my hair and back. I also thoroughly wash her clean and we soak in the tub together in silence for a bit before getting out and retreating to her room where we sat on her bed together shoulder to shoulder.


“You know, when we got separated, I was suddenly overcome by the thought of losing you. You’re quite independent for your age which makes me forget that you're 14 sometimes but… it’s more than that, you’ve become someone very special to me, someone irreplaceable. I don’t think I could go back to living alone after meeting you.”


“Yeah. When we separated, I feared not for my safety, but yours. I can defend myself but you who know nothing of combat and should know nothing of combat, I began to imagine the worst case scenario and the time we spent away unsure of each other's whereabouts was excruciating. When I heard we were arriving in Sendai I knew I had to get out and find you as soon as possible.”


“And we found each other.”


Our hands are together the whole time but she shifts away and puts her hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eye. I nod and she moves in and kisses me. As soon as our lips touch, I feel tears streaming down my face and I close my eyes to bask in the moment, the moment of her accepting my feelings and knowing that we feel the same about each other.


We part ways to catch our breath and this time, I initiate. I use my body weight to push her down onto her bed where we continue to kiss letting out moans in between breaths. I begin tracing her thigh using my hand but before I could put it under her pyjamas, she stops me.


“H-Hold on.”


“Why? We’re lovers now aren’t we?”


“Y-Yes, but the age of consent is 16! And realistically we should only do it when you’re 18!”


“Where I’m from I’m already an adult.”


“That’s not the point! We’re on Earth, in Japan! We have to follow the law!”


“But I’m already consenting.”


“I-I just want us to be more prepared when it comes to these things…”


“Boo, killjoy. But I can still kiss you!”


I assault her with kisses until she stops resisting.


“I… haa… I thought… I thought you hated… the sounds of your parents… having sex?”


“That’s them, but you’re different, you’re my girlfriend now and your moans are music to my ears.”


“Oh you cheeky little.”


We play around some more and are soon under the covers looking at each other. Tired, but fulfilled.


“Thanks for today, I had an enjoyable time.” Big sis says stroking my cheek.


“Me too, it’s made better by you being there as well.”


We kiss one last time before falling asleep in each other's arms.




It’s time to come clean about Alaya to my parents. It’s actually quite scary seeing as they’ve believed her to be my age cause she doesn’t look her age at all. But I’m doing this because I want to be truthful about my new girlfriend to my parents.


Ehehe, girlfriend. What a nice thing to say.


So here we are at the dining table, just me, Alaya, and my parents. Dan-nii and Ayame-nee are on the other side of the door.


“So… we’ve actually told some half-truths during our first day here when mom started questioning Alaya… rather it’s not the complete truth.”


“Go on.”


“Our first meeting is 100% true, and she doesn’t go to university, but she doesn’t go to a cooking school. She’s actually learning how to cook from my colleague at my part time job.”


“Doesn’t seem to have any major inconsistency so far.” Dad nods.


“Right… Well, she doesn’t live alone, she’s actually living with me. She cooks me breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”


“So that’s why she was so interested in what your favourite foods are.” Mom puts her hand on her cheek.


“Well, she’s no longer my friend but just yesterday… she’s become my girlfriend.”


“Oh, congratulations. Finally actually, since there was a period of awkwardness between you two after Tanabata.” Dad starts clapping. But I’m sure the next point will stop them in their tracks.


“The last point is… a bit hard to admit and maaaaybe a bit hard to swallow…”


We look at one another and nod.


“Alaya is… actually 14 years old…”


Dad stops clapping. “I’m sorry what?”


“It’s true sir…” Alaya speaks up, “I’m actually 14 years old even though I look about as old as Rikka here.”


Dad leans back on the chair and rubs his eyes with his fingers. Mom is shaking her head. I don’t know if coming out like this is wrong but I don’t want to lie to my parents any more.


Alaya stands up. “I know my age may be suspect but our feelings for one another are truly genuine! I came to this world about 2 months ago and she has helped me throughout my time here. If not for her, I’d be starving by the roadside and homeless! So please…” she starts to cry, “don’t take her away from me…”


I reach out and hug her, I’m also about to cry until dad sighs.


“A four year age gap huh… not the worst thing and besides, you’re both still considered minors at least until Rikka turns 20 in 2 years. Anyhow, Rikka turns 19 on the 29th.”


“It’s not like we’ve never seen a 14 year old date an 18 year old. Hell, some of our peers who thought they knew better at 14 dated people older and most of them regret it.”


“Wait, Rikka’s birthday is on the 29th?!” Alaya looks down at me, but I can only shyly look away.


“I-I mean the original setup was for you to temporarily stay at my place so I didn’t think to tell you my birthday then. But now you’re my girlfriend so…”


“The 29th is next week! What should I do about a present?”


“I mean… I already got an early birthday present so…”


“Eh? Ah, um…”


“Anyway, enough of that. I think your mom and I agree,” dad looks at mom for a moment, “that your age range doesn’t matter that much to us given you two are already flirting right in front of us.”




“Take care of Alaya dearie.”


“I will mom!”


“Now… what to do for Rikka’s birthday?”


The door opens and Dan-nii walks in. “There are some events at the observatory! Let’s go there!”


“Oh! Nice idea son! We can also let Alaya have a gander at Akiu Great Falls!”


“Alaya hasn’t been to the zoo yet.” Ayame-nee chips in.


“Or stayed at an Onsen.” 


“Okay! For Rikka’s birthday, we’ll go to the zoo for a bit, then the observatory, before detouring to Akiu Great Falls and ending it off by staying at Akiu Onsen!”


Sounds like a packed schedule but it is what it is.


We spend the days coming to my birthday quite leisurely, dad and mom booked rooms at the onsen beforehand which ensures there is enough vacancy for the whole family. Meanwhile I’ve been finishing up whatever assignments left while flirting and kissing a lot with Alaya.


Come the 29th, we set out early to make sure we see all there is to see at the zoo before heading to the observatory to see more things there. At the zoo, we saw adorable red pandas, beautiful swans, kangaroos, camels, tanuki, polar bears, lions, lemurs, the Aleutian Canada goose, basically all that the zoo has to offer in terms of animals. Alaya had a lot of fun comparing the animals on Earth to the animals she saw in her world. Come to think of it, she never really said much about her world, all I know is that it’s technologically in the mediaeval era or one or two eras front or back. So quite primitive compared to modern day yet their world has magic, which Alaya has not told me much about either, especially her magic.


Anyway, to continue talking about my birthday trip, we went to the observatory afterwards and Alaya was absolutely fascinated by the existence of planets and moons and all that jazz. Though it is to be expected since the people of her world don't yet have the capability to reach space. Unless through some bullshit her father can reach space by simply jumping from a high enough altitude. I don’t know much about astrology so I don’t have any real comment to make other than “Planet and stars are pretty but my girlfriend is prettier.”


We then made our way to the Akiu Great Falls, where we took some photos and dipped our toes in the water. We can swim in the water as evidenced by the children but we didn’t bring our swimsuits along and besides, this place is more or less a detour for photos.


We then ended the day by checking into Akiu Onsen where we enjoyed a relaxing bath. At first Alaya was a bit shy to disrobe being a public place but she soon warmed up to the idea. The rest of the night was spent playing games, talking, and celebrating the rest of my birthday with a decent sized cake. That night, I spent more time flirting with Alaya than usual.


The next morning, we decide to go to a heart shaped pattern cliff that is believed to give blessings to couples to be lucky in marriage. Well, two pairs are married and one has been married for years longer. I don’t know if my parents still need luck.


After checking out, my parents drove us to Sendai station while my brother and sister-in-law split off and drove back to their own residence. We bid my parents goodbye and got on the train back to Tokyo.


“What a wonderful summer vacation, so much has happened in just two months. We went from reluctant housemates to girlfriends!”


I can’t help but laugh at how fast we’ve progressed since meeting each other for the first time.


“Oh right, speaking of birthdays, when’s yours Alaya?”


“I’ve seen the calendar and the days of the week and number of days in a year differ between our worlds. It’s too much of a headache to convert so let’s just put our first meeting as my birthday yeah?”


“9th July huh? Sounds like a good idea, nice date to remember.”


I’ll have to mark that date down on every calendar I own now.


I want to ask her about her world and about her magic but that will have to wait until we get back to my apartment.


“Woo! We’re back!”


Alaya flops onto the sofa.


“Well, it’s back to school for me.”


I sigh then see Alaya with her arms open wide.




I dive into her arms.


“It’s okay, I’ll cook three delicious meals a day!”


I nuzzle her chest for a moment before sitting up.


“Okay, I’m curious. I know your world has magic and all and the calendar is apparently different but how different is the deal? Also, what's your magic?”


“So… each day is about 30 hours, and we have 8 days a week instead of 7, then we have 5 weeks a month which we have 10 of.”


“Okay, that is actually a bit of a headache. Can’t use earth calculations for that I think.”


“As for my magic, well, I’m considered a bit of a prodigy when it comes to it.”


“Oh? That’s news. Though you did make a portal to Michelle and all.”


“Ahaha, I may be considered a prodigy but my magic isn’t specialised. Unlike my brothers and sisters, my magic is… let’s just say it can be anything I want it to be.”


“Jack of all trades, master of none.”


“Because of that, I’m an omnicaster but people prefer more specialised casting of earth, wind, water, and fire. The classic four so to say. But since coming here I realise there are more elements that the people back home have not given credit or names to so it has sort of broadened what I can do. I don’t really wanna talk about dad, he's a cheat on all levels to which me and my siblings have at least inherited something from it.”


Oh wow, a classic OP isekai protagonist, how novel.


“I’ve heard of your mermaid and dragon moms, but what about the other four?”


“So there’s mother Cassandra, a regular Human, mother Fel, a Feline War-Beast, mother Selania, an elf, and my mother Fierre, who is half demon, half angel.”


“So you’ve got some pretty racemixed blood flowing huh? For a surname like ‘Dolkeif’ I was thinking you’d be more human, especially when your ears are as rounded as the rest of us.”


“Well, mom told me grandpa’s name is actually Dolkeif and that they had no semblance of surnames in the realm. So for the sake of convenience, my mom took gramps’ name as a surname because humans are weird like that. Though it meant much more to mom as it honours his name before he went mad and required the assistance of a hero to be slain.”


“Oh… that’s…”


“There’s no need to be sad Rikka, my mom said there was no helping it since it was out of anyone’s control, even grandma’s angel powers couldn’t help but only slow down the corruption.”


We spent two months together and only now are we getting into her lore. I have nothing to say. Alaya notices this and pulls me into a hug.


“You don’t have to be so sad, everything’s fine enough now.”


“True I guess, if it weren’t your parents wouldn’t be screwing all night every night.”


“Then I wouldn't have run away here and met you.”


“I can be grateful for that.”


“Okay! Time for a grocery run! I’ll buy back lunch as well!”


Her warmth leaves me and she grabs her shopping bag.


“I’ll be back soon! Don’t get lonely!”


Say says as she closes and locks the door.


I get up and go to my room, or rather, our room now, and lock the door. It’s not bad of me to want to have some private time to myself right?


I open up some lesbian pornography and begin to touch myself. As the actors move about and touch each other, I start to imagine that it’s Alaya touching me and feeling me all over my body. I know it’s still early and I stopped her back at my parents’ place, but I’m pent up. The only times I get to masturbate is when I reach home and Alaya is still cooking at Michelle.


“Mm… ah… I need… more…”


I insert my finger in and slowly follow the pace of the AV, going in and out rhythmically, massaging my breasts and occasionally pulling my nipples.


“Ah… ahn… Ala… ya…”


I increase the intensity as I come close and reach climax, it’s satisfactory but not enough.


“I’m going to have to clean this up. And wait two years.”




Some time after summer vacation, I’m sitting in the kitchen while my girlfriend is out serving customers. After we returned from Sendai, we told Mr. Sendou and the rest about our new relationship status and everyone was supportive and congratulated us. I’ve also been ‘hired’ by Mr. Sendou but all my wages go to Rikka as ‘bonuses’. There is a risk that I’m not sure why Mr. Sendou would take.


So regarding my ID, it’s actually insanely complicated and troublesome because it requires a lot of documents that I either do not have or have no access to. Firstly, dad is not here to acknowledge me as a Japanese national under their law and the time period to be recognised has already passed, secondly, I do not possess enough relevant information and documents about dad to file for nationalisation at court under the condition that dad is “dead”. The last option is to get married, to which I plan to do with Rikka but to get married, I would also require documents including identification which I am unable to acquire because I am illegally residing here in the eyes of the law. I think there have been exceptions but frankly, it is too much trouble and a hassle seeing as I do not possess a visa or an ID.


But as I see Rikka happily serving outside from the kitchen window, I feel a bit of relief.


“Man… I wanna marry her already.”


“Wait till you’re older kid.”




I rub the back of my head, “You didn’t have to hit me so hard Shido-sensei!”


“Get back to work then.”




On days where I don’t come to Michelle, I stay at home either doing chores, cooking, surfing the internet, or ‘applying’ magic. It’ll be a surprise tool for the future.


As we blissfully spend our days, two years quickly pass by and it is once again July 9th, my 16th birthday.


I wake up early and start making breakfast and also Rikka’s lunch. I start with the lunch prep so I can get it ready when she leaves for class. A few minutes after I hear the alarm sound in the room, I am hugged from behind.




“Haha, good morning sleepyhead. Go wash your face and come get breakfast.”




Her arms release and she trudges to the toilet. She’s still so cute in the mornings.


I use magic to set the table so by the time she comes out of the toilet refreshed, we can start eating.




“Mmmm, delicious breakfast with delicious miso soup every morning. I love you babe.”


“It’s what I do.”


“Also, happy birthday! You’re 16 now! You have joined the ranks of 1st year highschoolers!”


“You’re right I have.” I laugh as I move closer to her right next to her ear. “Does that mean we can continue from where we left off on your birthday two years ago now?” 


“Eep!” She jumps covering her ear blushing all the way, “you’re still on about that!?”


“Of course! I’m at the legal specified age of consent now and I’ve been consenting for the past two years. You just haven’t done anything.”


“W-We’ll see when I get back.”


“I’ll be waiting.” I say as seductively as I can as I walk to the kitchen to pack her lunch.


While she changes clothes, I bring back the dishes using magic and begin to wash them. When I hear her moving out, I pause on the dishes and bring her lunch at the door.


“I’m going now.”

“Have a good one.”


After she keeps her lunch, I send her off with a kiss, and away she goes. I move back into the kitchen and resume washing the dishes. As I wash, I wonder if I should reveal my surprise tool later or  on her birthday…


I look at the calendar after drying my hands. “Tomorrow’s a school day and…” I flip to September, “her birthday is on a Sunday and I think summer vacation ends the next day? Alright, her birthday surprise it is.”


While I finish up cleaning and getting ready to go to Michelle, I have some life updates; one, I have a phone now. Very useful for making calls, messaging, and looking up recipes and other things. Two, I’ve been trying to codify and implement some of my more commonly used magic into apps that I can activate with the press of a button and a bit of magic supply. Three, I have grown to 170cm (5’ 7”) and my bust has grown a cup.


I’m a bit sad that I’ve grown to where I’m no longer similar to her in size so I have to buy bigger clothes now.


“Happy birthday Alaya!”


“Thanks everyone!”


I no longer study under Shido-sensei but I still come here every so often as a patron to pick up Rikka when she leaves. Besides, they’re all my friends now.


“Congratulations on turning 16! Do I even want to know your plans for tonight?” Manami asks


“Do you wanna guess?”


“No way, I already know it involves flirting to some extent but I don’t know how much.”




“I want a girlfriend too! Damn lovebirds!”


“Shut up Kenji, if you keep at that you’ll never find one!”


We continue to exchange well wishes and eat the cake Shido-sensei made. We enjoy ourselves for a bit until Rikka arrives.


“There’s the girlfriend!”


“Yes, yes. I’m here to pick her up.”


“Rikka! Good work today.”


“You too.” Rikka looks around, “seems you had your share of cake already.”


“I’m okay to go for your cake too.”


Rikka raises the box in her hands, “Yeah, one whole cake for you and me. Now let's go home.”


“Bye guys!”


“Bye Alaya, bye Rikka, enjoy your night!”


At home, I have another few servings of cake and leave the rest to Rikka and maybe for tomorrow’s breakfast. As I kept the leftovers, Rikka went to the toilet for a spell and at some point she entered our room.


I knock on the door, “Rikka? What are you doing in there?”


“Umm, preparing your birthday present! Don’t come in yet!”


“I’ll wait until you give the OK right out here.”


As I lean on the door, my mind begins to wonder what kind of present she’s prepared for me. Then, her sweet voice calls from inside.


“I-I’m ready… now…”


“I’m coming in~!”


The moment I enter, my eyes are presented by the sight of a naked Rikka lying on the bed, whipped cream covering her nipples and crotch topped off with cherries.


“Oh what do we have here?”


“Y-Your birthday present… is me…”


“You don’t say, what a delicious looking gift.”


She’s squirming with embarrassment. I want her real badly that my clothes are all off in seconds.


I move to her side and kiss her on the lips before getting on the bed over her. I pick off the cherries on her nipples and put them in my mouth before going down to lick the whipped cream off her breasts.




While licking her nipple, I also manoeuvre the cherries in my mouth to circle around her nipples. Her moans are a beautiful thing to hear.




I give her right a good suck before I move to the left to lick off the cream and work on her nipple.


“Truly delicious. These perky adorable nipples.”


I alternate between both, licking and sucking on one while pinching the other.


“T-This is… embarrassing…”


“But you still did this for me my dear.”


I move up to kiss her while playing with her nipples.


“Ha… my groin… please…”


“Not yet, I still wanna kiss you more.”


“Mmph… ah…”


All I can hear are our sloppy kisses and her sweet moans. Once I feel satisfied, I turn around to work below.


“You naughty girl, your thighs are covered in cream and your juices. Ahhn.”


I part the stem and fruit of the cherry before parting her legs and licking the mix of cream and vaginal fluid off her inner thigh and once her inner thigh is done, the main course. I put my mouth on her clit and suck.


“Aaaaahhnn! My… my clit!”


I suck and flick her bean with my tongue, a strong feminine taste in my mouth. Then move forward a little to part her folds with my tongue. I suck while using my tongue to trace her shape and then I push my tongue further in.


“Ahn! Ngah! Oh!”


I lower my hips closer to her face. “Rikka, you’re making me feel a little lonely. Lick me too.”


Rikka uses her arms to press my pussy onto her face where she begins licking and eating me out.


“Ahn! Yes! Right there!”


I feel her tongue wiggling in me and I go back to do her pussy as well.


“Alayaaaa… I’m… cumming…”


“Me too, let’s finish together.”


We continue to lick each other at an increasing pace until…


“Cum cummming~!”



We’re breathing heavily, but it’s not enough. I move a bit to her side, my fingers waiting at her entrance.


“Eh? Wait! I just caaaame!”


I don’t let her finish as I plunge my fingers in and start moving.




As I attack her vagina, I lick and suck on her nipple as well.


“No! Ah! Stop! Nn! This is… ahn! Too… much!”


I feel her walls contracting around my fingers as they move in and out, up and down. As I press in at a spot, her lower half jumps.


“T-that’s my g-spot!”


Knowing it gives her pleasure, I continue working my fingers around that area and each time I press her juices cover my hand a bit more.


“Cumming, I’m cumming again! Cumming cumming cumming cummiiiiiiiiing~!”


Her hips thrust up and my hand is covered like never before. Her face is just ecstatic though I feel a little bad seeing her teary eyed.


“Time to move on to the last item on our list tonight.”


“Haa… haa… huh?”


I shift and position myself to where our pussies almost touch one another.


“Don’t tell me…”


“Are you ready? Leeeeeet’s goooo~!”




I thrust and start grinding and humping our pussies together, it’s a feeling unlike any other. Every time we press against each other I feel jolts 


“Ahn! A… Alaya~!”




I lean forward and kiss her while continuing to grind and hump her.


“I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I’m cumming I’m cumming I’m cumming!”


“Me too me too me too me too cumming cumming cumming cummiiiiiiiiing~!”


I begin to lose strength and slowly lie on top of Rikka.


“Haa… haa… I never… should’ve taught you… how to use… haa… the computer… haa… if I knew… this… would happen…”


“I would’ve… figured it out… eventually… myself…”


I find the strength to move my body off Rikka’s and we lie together on the bed gazing into each other's eyes.


“Happy birthday Alaya. I love you.”


Rikka leans in and we kiss.


“I’m going to have to repay you back tenfold on my birthday.”


“I think my surprise will guarantee that.”


“You little imp, are you sure you’re not a succubus?”


Rikka gets off the bed and tries to wobble towards the lightswitch, so I get off the bed and assist her.


“You’ve got some work to do tomorrow.”


She turns on the lights and we see the mess we’ve made, a giant wet spot on the bedsheet bare for just us to see.




We waddle over to the shower together and while  washing her down, I get turned on again. It is at this moment that I realise.


Ah, I really am his child huh?


No wonder my parents can keep on going. Their libido is too strong and their cooldowns are short as hell.


But for tonight, I’ll relent. After all, my surprise is still in stock.




It’s my birthday again and this year we celebrated with the whole family again. Last year, my niece, Shiori, was only barely a year old and now she’s two and already such a doll. She can’t really speak that well but she’ll get the hang of it eventually. Dan-nii and Ayame-nee looked worse for wear last year but it’s nice to see them not so dead tired now.


Shiori has also taken a weird liking to Alaya and Alaya doesn’t mind that much cause she says it reminded her of the batch of newborns that come from her parents biennially.


Dan-nii and Ayame-nee say they also want to try for a second so good luck to them I guess.


Once we get home, Alaya tells me she wants to prepare her present to which I oblige by waiting downstairs talking to my family and playing with my niece. After a while, I get a text from Alaya telling me “I’m ready.” So I excuse myself and I think I heard my dad say “Oh to be young.” In a bit of a proud voice.


My heart is pounding, what lies beyond my door is an unknown beast. I open the door nervously and step inside. In the dark room only lit up dimly by the moonlight, Alaya sits on the bed with the laciest lingerie I have ever seen and it arouses me. I hear the door close behind me and lock itself.


“Hello darling. Do you like the present?”


“H-How did you get this?”


“I asked for a favour from Ayame-nee.”


“I see…”


As if on autopilot, I start undressing myself to my underwear.


“What’s the surprise?”


“You’ll know in a bit Rikka, but first, let us do the standard.”


She walks towards me sultrily and puts her arms around my neck.


“My parents are going to hear you know?”


“Did you think I didn’t come prepared? I was the one who closed the door behind you, you know?”


I lean forward and start making out with her and I start groping her breasts as well, we slowly shuffle towards the bed where I push her down using the momentum.


As we continue to kiss, I slide my hand down to her crotch, the lingerie, having an intentional hole, leaves her pussy open for me to rub my hand over and around it.


“Mmph… nn…”


I tire of the lace covering her nipple so I slide my free hand under the lace to play, doing so I push up the ‘bra’ holding her bountiful breasts and I move from her lips to her nipple.


“Ahn… my nipples…”


When I feel her wet enough, I gently push my fingers in.




I steadily go in and out of her pussy and move to the nipple I was playing with my hand to kiss. My free hand now with nothing to do, I put it in Alaya's mouth where she sucks and coats it in her saliva, I then put it in my pussy as well.


I alternate between each nipple while steadily increasing the pace of my fingering as Alaya’s moans and pants echo around the room.


“Nn! I’m… oo! Cumming!”


I feel her walls tighten around my finger and as they do, I bite on her nipple.




She convulses as her juices spray all over my bed and hand.


“Do you feel like surprising me now?”


“I guess… now’s as good… of a time… as any…”


She reaches down to my crotch and does something. I feel magic and then a sudden growing feeling.


I look down and there at full mast is a full package penis and testicles.


“Surpriiise! I spent a lot of time fine tuning this!”




“Your pussy’s still here see?” She cups my new testicles and thrusts her fingers into my pussy. It’s sort of comforting but my new penis twitching feels weird.


“Rikka…” Alaya pulls me down and whispers into my ear.


“Take my virginity.”


My penis twitches more than before and I feel something oozing out.


“Haha! You look more than ready to go!” She whispers into my ear again.


“Now fuck me.”


I thrust inside her and she screams, her insides feel so warm I could cum, but I try my best to hold and start thrusting in and out. It’s a completely different feeling from using my fingers, in fact, I feel a lot more feedback just because the penis is already so sensitive.


Her breasts rock lewdly with each thrust I make and so I lean over and suck on the one I didn’t bite.


“Ahn! Ahii! Oo!”


I can’t stop, it feels too good. I am pounding into her with all my might and the penis fits so snug inside. She must’ve made this with sex in mind, what a dirty little girl. But she’s my dirty little girl.


All my reasoning must’ve flown out the window back on July 9th when I presented myself to her. She just turned 16 and I wanted to wait until she turned 18, but I couldn’t hold it anymore and seduced her. Apparently she couldn’t hold it in anymore too.


All of this while I’m on the cusp of ejaculating into her for the very first time.


“Alaya! I’m gonna cum!”


“Ahn! Yesh! Cum! Cum in me! Gib me your sheed!”




As I thrust deep into her, the load that I held back exploded and I felt my penis twitch as it dumped as much as it could into Alaya. I slowly pull out to see my penis still covered in cum and it slowly overflowing out of Alaya’s pussy.


“Haa… haa…”


“That… was tiring…”


Alaya sits herself up and looks at my twitchy member. “Ah, what a waste. I’m digging in~! Ah~!”


“Alaya what!”


Before I can react, she’s already put the entire penis in her mouth. I can feel her sucking and her tongue wrapping around and soon she starts to bob her head up and down. Is this how men feel when they receive a blowjob?


Alaya finishes and my penis is back on full mast. “Tada! All clean and ready to go again!”


“Alaya… you are one incredibly erotic girl…”


“What can I say? It’s in my genes.”


She then gets on the floor and sandwiches my member between her breasts. This is… the fabled paizuri that men dream of.


She moves her breasts up and down, her body hear and movement stimulating it even more and then she engulfs the glans with her mouth and her tongue just starts to coil around. I don’t know whether to envy men or to hate them for having access to such a thing. Though I do know of rubbing nipples against another's pussy.


“Alaya, I’m cumming again!”


As I ejaculate into her mouth, she backs away and it lands on her cute face. It’s simply erotic.


“I’ve designed it to go for as long as we want, so don’t hold back,” she shifts on top of the bed and presents her butt towards me, “come my darling.”


So I begin thrusting again and again and again, with nothing on my mind except the thought of impregnating her with my magical seed that she giveth unto me. I ejaculated into her again soon after and just when I thought it would be over.


“Time to give myself one as well!”


She grows a penis and testicles on herself, her form is actually quite artistic in a way with having two sets of genitalia.


“Have you heard of the dickgirl on dickgirl tag Rikka?” She asks as she pushes me down, “I got the inspiration for this from the futanari tag, so let’s enjoy it while we can.”


She inserts her penis into my pussy, I feel the pain as it tears through but soon it rests snugly inside.


She takes my hand and puts it on her cheek, “I’m going to move now Rikka.”


I nod and she starts moving, it feels pleasant despite the unnatural anatomy. Soon, she starts thrusting harder and faster, making the way my cock and breasts bounce more and more vulgar.


“Ahn! Ahh! Alaya! Nn! Kiss me!”


She leans down and our lips meet, my cock now sandwiched between our bellies providing more stimulation.


“I’m going to cum Rikka!”


“Cum! Cum!”




As she ejaculates into me, my penis also ejaculates in between us, and when she moves away, I see the lewd strand of ejaculate connecting us together.


“Since it’s your birthday, I’ll let you have the last laugh. Now come, let us join together for the last time tonight.”


I’m on top again, when I put my penis in, Alaya’s legs wrap around my waist. From there, I begin to thrust, slowly at first because my hips are weak, but soon I find a stable groove.


After finding my groove, I find myself slowly getting faster and harder. Each thrust I make, my ears echo with the moans of my lover.


I’m getting close, I feel it. I’m sure Alaya feels it too as she pulls me close to talk into my ear again.


“Cum in me. Impregnate me. Make me yours.”


As soon as she finishes her sentence, I cum, I feel my testicles squeeze out every drop it contains while Alaya wraps her arms and legs tightly around me. We share a kiss as I feel our penises fade away, leaving behind only the white ejaculate that serves as evidence of our futanari debauchery.


“Let’s have a short break before we shower.”




The sheets will definitely need to be washed but I’ll settle that tomorrow. I peep at the clock, it’s 11:30 pm. My parents go to sleep consistently at 11, I don’t know about my brother though. So as a precaution I get Alaya to mask our footsteps as we try to make our way to the bathroom as stealthily as we can.


“That was scary…”


“Hahaha, that was fun. Though there wasn’t anyone nearby. It was fun watching you try and be sneaky.”


“What!? No one!?”


“I had an echolocation magic set so I could make us invisible if it got a response! Thankfully, there was no one as everyone else was in their room!”


“You’ve seriously been getting cheekier and cheekier haven’t you?”




We flirted around the idea of having sex again in the shower but we decided to put it off until we were back in Tokyo.


Thus ends a very erotic and eventful 20th birthday.




Two years later, Alaya finally turns 18, and we managed to find a lawyer that is assisting us in marrying an illegal resident to a Japanese national which provides her a residency status that could be used to apply for her personal ID and other important documents. The contributing factor for this marriage is the fact that Japanese law has made a slow effort to recognise same-sex marriage. Though our rights are not yet on the same level as heterosexual marriages, it is a small stepping stone for the future.


Alaya’s status as a resident from another world is kept as a state secret and with respect to her wishes, the government has not looked into finding a way to her original world as even she is unaware of the gate’s properties.


Throughout the four years, not once has Alaya attempted to contact her family nor have they reached out to her. It seems that they are either too busy having sex and raising children, or that they recognise the autonomy of their child after being classified as an adult at 14 years of age.


Here we stand, in front of an altar with friends and family watching us. I don a traditional white shiromuku while Alaya dons a classic wedding dress with all the frills and a simple petticoat underneath.


The minister speaks.


Bride, Takanashi Rikka, you this woman marry and become her partner.

Will you in peaceful times, during sickness, this person love, this person respect, this person comfort, this person help, until death, do you promise to fulfil?


“Yes, I promise.”


Bride, Alaya Dolkeif Sugimoto, you this woman marry and become her partner.

Will you in peaceful times, during sickness, this person love, this person respect, this person comfort, this person help, until death, do you promise to fulfil?


“Yes, I promise.”


With the vows said and done, we seal the deal with a kiss.


As we cut the cake and let the celebrations proceed, Mr. Sendou comes up to say some words.


“When at first Rikka brought Alaya through the back door of Michelle, I thought she was a new hire until she revealed that she was just hungry. I got our chef Shido to cook her something and put it on Rikka’s tab because she brought her in and was responsible for her.”


A few of us laugh as we remember that time.


“Hours later as we were closing up shop, she appeared before us again, now without money and with her otherworld gold coins. After a democratic discussion and vote, it was decided that Rikka would take her in if only temporarily until we found a way to contact her parents or relevant authorities. Well… look at her now, a happy bride living with her new wife and not imprisoned in a government facility awaiting deportation to a location inaccessible.” Mr. Sendou chuckles before continuing, “The next encounter was when she appeared out of nowhere from our back door and requested to be taught how to cook. I sent Shido again for the job and now she cooks meals every day for her wife for the past four years. I’m sure she’s very grateful.”


“Yes! Thank you Shido-sensei! Thank you Mr. Sendou!”


“Since then, Alaya has popped up in our store every time Rikka has a shift so they could walk home together. Some of our regulars even call her ‘The Hachikou of Michelle’! Cept her ‘owner’ always comes for her. Anyways, I’m grateful to Rikka who has been under my employ for the past four years and Alaya, for becoming a trusted friend of the establishment. Congratulations again on your marriage!”


Next on the mic, my parents.


“We just want to congratulate my daughter again for her marriage and uh… to talk about her bride for a moment cause I’m sure you don’t want to hear Rikka’s life story.” Dad chuckles as mom slaps him on the back. “We were informed that Rikka would be bringing a friend over during summer vacation of 23’. At first glance, we thought she was about the same age as our daughter. So throughout that period, we treated her as we would treat a young lady. I remember that Tanabata where upon their return, the atmosphere between the two was so awkward you could slice it with a knife. Though things returned to normal after a trip to the beach and then, an aquarium trip was planned! Lord knows our shock and surprise when the next morning we were told they have officially become girlfriends! Then they spent the next few days flirting everywhere they could.”


Alaya and I broke out laughing but we are clearly embarrassed by this being exposed.


“I brought them back to Sendai Station on the last day of summer vacation and the next time I saw them, they were closer than before! And they kept getting closer! We were also very blessed to be granted a chance to see our granddaughter and now our grandson joined just last year. As a parent, I am incredibly proud of my two children and I wish them the best. Cheers for the newlyweds!”




After mingling around some more, we left the venue early for home. After returning the dresses and their respective rentals, we immediately went home and jumped one another.


“Let’s have some baby making sex Alaya.”


“You know me so well.”


Alaya manifests our penises, we use this magic depending on our mood for the night and tonight.


“Let’s impregnate each other really well.”


We don’t even reach our room when I start pounding Alaya’s pussy with the intent of procreation. I start fucking her right on the floor of our living room.


“Ahn! Yes! Fuck me! Nnnohhh! Knock me up!”


I thrust like an animal in heat. Kissing her feverishly as the only sounds reaching my ears are her moans, our sloppy kissing, and the sound of our skin hitting one another.


“I’m cumming!”


I blow my load and her pussy squeezes me trying to get out every last drop of cum. I am put standing straight on the floor with her magic and I plop her down on the sofa where I begin thrusting again. The added lubricant makes going in and out of her seductive pussy so easy I just keep going. The sofa is being kept in place by her magic while I wildly thrust into her chambers and blow another load.


It is time to switch, now she presses me onto the dining table and penetrates my sopping cunt. I turn and lean back to kiss her as she goes. Whatever cum that didn’t leave my body is now slowly splattered onto the table.




I feel her load inside me and I roll over on the table to face her where she picks me up and presses my back against the window, and fucks me again. We’re utterly consumed by lust at this point. She blows another load into me, and we move to our bedroom where I did cowgirl for her since I was already in position. Moving, rubbing, grinding, squeezing, all done in an effort to get as much cum as our holes can hold. She blows another load into me and now the roles reverse, she’s now riding me and her technique is more refined than mine which isn’t really something to be proud of. She’s such a lewd girl.


We then transitioned to doggy on the bed and after swapping positions, we slowly started to move around the house. Wherever we went there would be no separation of our genitals to where we became each other's onahole cum dumpster with how much we were jizzing all over the place. The trails of overflowed cum litter the floor and the whole house reeked of lust and sexual fluids. But we don’t stop. Even when we entered the bathroom in an attempt to wash ourselves, we just stayed connected and fucked like there’s no tomorrow.


After what seemed like forever, Alaya finally blows her last load, pulsing violently before fading away. We collapse onto the floor, no person should have or could have had this much sex, and live. But I get the feeling we should be fine.


We close our eyes and hand in hand drift off to dreamland, leaving the trouble of cleaning up to tomorrow.


“Oh god the house reeks.”


“Well, this is our comeuppance for having so much sex yesterday.”


“True, but even with your magic, it doesn't feel like it’ll end.”


“Now now! We’re responsible adults now aren’t we? Let's give our best!”




On towards the future as a happy inter-world couple with maybe half a dozen or so kids? Not a bad idea.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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