Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 12: Scarf- is good.

Chapter 12: Scarf- is good.

Analissa is happy to be partnered with the Villainess with their egg project that their teacher Mr. Lionheart gave. She currently left the egg in the care of the other girl while she was already on time for her work as a waitress at 'Whitlock Resto'.

"Hah... I hope no crowd forms around me when I try getting to work today."

She runs around the city block and immediately she's seen by a lot of men having hearts for eyes. "Miss! It's you again! You've come once more!"

"Oh it's her! She's back!"

"The same pretty lady from before?!"

"No way! Hey miss! Remember me?!"

Analissa grimaced and continued running as fast as she could into the restaurant and saw that the front door was locked with a sign that says 'Closed- Private Guest'. She tried prying it open, shaking the doorknob but there was no reaction.

"Oh no! It's closed today?!"

With a private guest nonetheless! Who could it be? And why wasn't she informed of this a moment of time ahead?!

She grumbles in disappointment looking around seeing that several men have already cornered her there. They smile very wildly introducing themselves, hoping that the girl would remember them.

"Hey there miss- fancy seeing you again it must be fate..."

"Shut up, give her some space, let the pretty girl breathe! And maybe I can ask for your name, milady?"

The ranting continued on, it feels like all Analissa could hear was dogs barking nonsense to her ears.

Oh how unfortunate! If she only had known it would be closed she wouldn't have come!

"Is there a problem here?" a familiar voice rang out.

There at the side of the store, stood a tall muscular woman with dark brown hair.

She crossed her arm and leaned in to these men that looked puny if you compared her to their sizes. She noticed the little blonde girl that she saved before, the really beautiful one that managed to round up the most customers they have had in ages.

"I see... they will never leave you alone." she says in disappointment looking at the guys behind her.

Analissa gasps happily at the figure that came to save her from this situation- "Farrah!" she yells out her name quickly getting behind her for safety.

Farrah realized- how adorable she hid.

She was like her old pet hamster... hamham.

Suddenly she felt angry, how dare they corner her like this?!

The men saw the giant in front of them and their knees shook in fear. Not again, they thought- Farrah crossed her arms and made sure the Heroine was safe behind her while she cracked her knuckles together intimidating the suitors.

"I politely ask you to leave the property if not it will be messy." She warns them all, Farrah the gentle giant that has been slightly attached to the Heroine walks forward.

The men felt fear immediately and dispersed going back to the things they were supposed to do.

"Ah right! I have to do this thing where I have to make this thing- another time then pretty lady!"

"Yeah I think I see my um... girlfriend now."

"I forgot I left the fire on the stove still!"

Many excuses were made and few stayed but Farrah threatened them to leave and eventually they did. Goodness me did someone say they're gong back to their girlfriend?!

"Move. Go and leave my waitress ALONE!" she yells at them and finally they budge away.

The blonde girl beside her sighed a breath of relief, smiling happily at Farrah holding her chest to steady her breathing.

"I'm so glad you're here... if you weren't I'm not sure if I could have the patience to not push them!" she tells Farrah looking up at her handsome scarred face. 

Farrah tried her best not smiling at the bubbly girl in front of her and apologized, "I'm sorry the restaurant- it was just so sudden that we have to close up shop."

Analissa looked at the restaurant and thought of the worst-!

What could happen that resulted in the whole shop closing?!

"Is everything alright?! Did something bad happen? Are your grandparents alright?!" she asks worriedly, pressing on her hand onto her arm. Farrah felt hot to the touch and wanted to let go immediately but when she brought up her grandparents she just...

Her heart even gets softer at the newcomer's care for others, Farrah nods in answer and quickly reassures the small girl what had actually happened. "The store has closed because- the crown prince is inside along with his private guards."

Analissa's blood rose to the top of her head.

The crown prince?! Excuse me?!

"What?!" she couldn't help but scream. Of all the people- it was that royal piece of shit that came!

She remembers the tight hold the prince did on her wrist to the point it turned red. 

If Lady Evelyn was not there to save her by the time he was asking her to escort Analissa back to her classroom it would've turned into dark purple.

Analissa knew with how he acted, it wasn't intentional because the game wrote the crown prince to be that way, possessive and obsessive but it scares her what these 2D characters- are capable of.

"How could I forget?" (Analissa) scoffs for a second thinking that this was all still a game. She has to crack into her head that this is no longer a game but real life.

She has to play more carefully because there's no such thing as a [Save] button in this world.

She only has one life- no save slots- no possible friendship ending- she must end up with one of these love interests or else- because that's how the game is played. 

"Ahhh... what bad luck it is to be the heroine." she whispers to herself out of frustration, holding her head feeling a headache incoming.

Farrah has heard what Analissa muttered but she couldn't understand.

Analissa takes a deep breath smiling back at Farrah, "Did he say what he was here for?"

"He said he was here for you. He heard that you are now working... for us and so he rented the restaurant all on his own." (Farrah) explains and the Heroine herself felt like puking at the thought of him alone- actually renting the whole restaurant for himself!

Fucking rich people!

"What about the other customers?! I came here to be a waitress so I could work and serve others not- not a prince! What do I do... tsk this is so troublesome and I thought I could keep my promise to Lady Evelyn but-" she stops to look at Farrah who was tilting her head in a worry for the little blonde hair girl.

"Farrah and her grandparents might get in trouble if I don't show up... and they've already done much for me." (Analissa) was in her planning mode, resting her chin at her hands looking like a detective solving cases not wanting to drag other innocent people with her bad luck with men being obsessed with her.

Another thing! Since the Heroine never actually worked before in the original storyline-

Analissa didn't know if this was a good thing that she can change the routes but- is this some sort of secret event from the game if the Heroine does get a job?!

Farrah stares at Analissa thinking over things properly, muttering words at fast speed. 

"You do not... want to meet the crown prince?" (Farrah) asks the blonde girl who finally stopped her muttering looking at Farrah like she said something utterly hilarious and chuckled.

"Pffft!" (Analissa) waves her finger around motioning for no. "Not all of us are boy crazy besides I already see him at school. The crown prince might be powerful, handsome, and rich but- he's so not my type." she felt horrid to think of the crown in a romantic way.

Hmph! Farrah or Lady Evelyn would be a much better prince than him!

"I... see..." (Farrah) for some reason seemed happy with Analissa's answer.

"Besides! I-I don't like... erm... never mind. What I need to do now is protect you good people from him. I know what he wants and it's me." (Analissa) grimaced but decided that she won't do any harm to Farrah and her family.

She deeply apologized to Lady Evelyn in her heart and planned to tell her what happened. About the crown prince suddenly knowing that she now works at a small restaurant, when she's going to visit her dormitory after work. "Come on, Farrah! Let's not waste time!"

"This way... follow me." They both went inside at the back of the restaurant, the heroine Analissa will face the music of a lifetime.


The door opens off the back that was leading into the kitchen and it was Analissa's first time being there. "Pardon the intrusion..." she takes off her shoes looking left and right but then stops realizing she's not in Japan anymore... no need to take off her shoes.

"Please be careful with sharp knives and such." (Farrah) closes the door once both of them are inside.

The sink was clean, dishes and plates were organized so well that she admired the place. "Wow... so this is where you work all the time." she strolls inside looking at the brick stove at the side.

"I'm guessing this is where you bake as well." She turns to the old stove where it has signs of being well used. "I love your stove." (Analissa) couldn't help but recollect her time looking at these old bricked stoves only on the internet.

Who knew she would see one in real life?

"Fascinating..." She looks around some more but frowns when he sees the figure of the crown prince not too far away at the open door in the kitchen.

"Ugh..." she groaned a little as Farrah stood behind her looking at the crown prince as well.

Even in her time in the military- meeting someone from the royal family is a high honor one should take but... it seems the crown prince is here for other reasons. It was already clear to her the crown prince was here to woo Analissa.

"Is he not already engaged with the daughter of a Duchess?" (Farrah) mutters in question and Analissa feels her presence from behind and explains, "It seems... This is the bad luck that I'm talking about. Almost every man out there is cursed to be infatuated with me whether they are publicly announced to be engaged."

There was no more smile on her face, no sign of joy, and just pure fear.

Farrah knew of her capabilities at attracting people but to think- is it to this extent?

How amazing yet terrifying!

Analissa squints her eyes further and sees Lord Ein with him! Oh sweet an ally! Or... is he...?

Right now he's serving the crown prince meaning- ugh yeah she can't ask Lord Ein for them to leave early. "How long... has the crown prince been waiting anyways?" (Analissa) asks Farrah who was still stunned at the realization- the people he can charm are with no limit.

"A-Ah..." she snapped a bit after she felt Analissa's body shifting closer to her front. "H-He's been here for half an hour already." (Farrah) replies, stepping back a bit afraid that she'll crush the small girl.

"H-Half an hour?! He went there the moment class was over?!"

Was the rumors that strong of her getting a job?

Analissa couldn't help but raise her thumb and bite it hard leaving red marks over her white skin. 

How... annoying, Analissa thought.

"I'll just serve him properly until he leaves!" She asks Farrah where the uniform of the restaurant was and the muscular woman pointed at another space where the bathroom was located. Quickly, she changed, fixing herself in the mirror and collar of her blouse.

She wore a knee length skirt and a little white ribbon at the top of her head.

"It's... rather... nice?"

The clothes definitely amped up her physical appeal, she enjoyed the uniform... and she felt really cute in it. 

"I'm done, Farrah! Can I have the menu again? I haven't quite memorized them all yet." (Analissa) shouts while heading out of the bathroom and back into the kitchen.

Farrah heard Analissa's request, took the menu list and was about to hand it out to her. "Here..." she mutters before noticing Analissa in her new revealing uniform.

"Oh! Thank you-" (Analissa) says gratefully, reaching out for the menu that was in the other girl's hands.


The menu on the other girl's hands slipped and fell to the ground being stunned looking at the Heroine. "F-Farrah um? You dropped the-" (Analissa) leans down to pick up the menu that Farrah dropped.

"!!!" (Farrah) became alert afterwards when the blonde girl kneeled down and tried to reach the menu she dropped, noticing two pairs of mountains glistening under the ceiling light.

"I didn't peg you to be the clumsy type." (Analissa) giggles at the thought of this gentle bear holding a jar of honey before slipping and letting go of it in tears. How adorably clumsy! She really wouldn't mind seeing more of her clumsy side!

She hums around a little tune whole taking the menu book off the ground not noticing Farrah's panicking face.

"You... you... hold still..." (Farrah) frantically looks around for something that she could wrap around Analissa's shoulders and her revealing cleavage. "!!!"

Until finally she sees her grandmother's old scarf that pairs well with the uniform. With haste she takes it off and faces Analissa with a determined face. "Hold still..."

The giant girl looked down at the small girl who was rather confused at that moment but it seemed that she was in no danger with whatever Farrah was intending so she didn't make a fuss.

She eyes the pretty scarf and after looking down at her chest, she finally understood what Farrah was doing. Her face flushed for one moment not noticing the open gap between there and of how naïve she was thinking purely!

Farrah then wraps the scarf around the revealing areas with a huge sigh of relief but then remembers she didn't ask for consent to put it on her. "I... I thought... you might be cold. Scarf... is good. You look good in uniform..."

She reaches out to scratch the back of her neck nervously fearing that the other girl might be mad at what she did. However, it was the opposite, really Analissa was touched by what Farrah did for her especially after knowing how bad her luck is with men.

She holds the scarf gently feeling its silk. "Farrah?" she called out to the nervous giant and smiled.

"You're really kind."


"..." Farrah clenched her fists tightly not knowing how to feel.

It was the first time in years when another person complimented her as such. 

How come... she... can't stop herself from... smiling?

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Someone knocked on the wall of the kitchen and it was Lord Ein! The one who was supposed to be in charge of guarding the prince. "Analissa, I see that you're finally here. Crown Prince Dereck has been waiting for a while to be with your presence."

"Ah Lord Ein! I forgot the crown prince for a second." she laughs dryly looking at her friend who was standing at the entrance towards the serving area of the restaurant. "I'll return after I finish serving the crown prince. Wait for me okay?"

Farrah looks at Analissa's suspicious companion and with a little bit of distrust.

"Okay..." but she wasn't willing to pick a fight with any child of some higher ups that could get her in serious trouble. 

For now she hoped... Analissa really won't get in trouble with the royalty of this kingdom.

Thank you to my patreon!

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