Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 25: The Taste of Orange (II).

Chapter 25: The Taste of Orange (II).

Entered a new character- Professor Fraeya Abeline. An elf teacher who was taking attendance while the tools of attendance floated at her side. She began calling out to her students, ever they were attentive for their Professor now is a highly respectable Elf.

"Lord Keith Chauver?"

"Here, professor."

"Lord Owen Makedon?"

"Here... Professor."

Several names of side characters were called, all of them were present saying 'here'.

No one would dare to come late to school. After all, attendance and being punctuality is a must amongst nobility. They would lose face if they even came in while the teacher was giving out their lessons already.

"Lord Einsel Loucrat?" (Professor Fraeya) called out to Lord Ein who still looked bored even if there was a new elf professor in the classroom. Usually that would interest him but for some reason it doesn't.

"Here, Professor Abeline." The boy lazily answered and the elf professor marked his name to be present before the paper in the clipboard would move itself to another set of names.

"Well then, Ladies it's your turn. We'll start from Lady Harriot Yates?" (Professor Faeya) turned to the ladies and a little shy girl with ginger locks of hair tied to her sides answered.

"H-Here..." The girl answered pretty weakly while looking up slightly at the Elf Professor, for some reason those pointy ears of hers looked really cute and she can't seem to take her eyes off of it.

"Can you speak up a bit more, Lady Harriot?" (Professor Fraeya) asks, not hearing the girl.

"Ah-! Here Professor!" (Lady Harriot) was a bit easily flushed when she would feel all the attention would come to her. Her face that has cute little freckles really stood out.

It seems that Lady Harriot has forgotten that she needed to add the professor part when you're exclaiming yourself as present in the presence of the classroom. It made her uneasy at the sudden humiliation she put herself in.

"Such a wopper... sniff.." (Lady Harriot) tells herself as accent was a bit thick, like a mix of Scottish and Irish when you would imagine her speaking.

The Elf Professor would then move on to Lady Serene who was expecting her name to be called out next. "Lady Serene Sinclair?"

"Hmph. Here, Professor." The red-haired girl puffs her chest proudly hearing her name.

The magic quill floated and marked her name with a check mark before moving onto the Villainess. "Lady Evelyn Alarie?" (Professor Fraeya)

"Here Professor." (Lady Evelyn) looks up at her in a curious manner as she answers her attendance.

She wasn't expecting for this to be such a perfect timing just when she needed an item that came from the Elven Kingdom. They would suddenly have an Elf Professor who might potentially have what she needed.

'Does... she has oranges I could take for Miss Blanchet?' (Lady Evelyn) thought to herself perhaps staring too much at the Professor that even she noticed the young future queen of the human kingdom gave her such a scary stare.

Professor Fraeya felt chills...

This little girl's sharp eyes were not to be underestimated. She feels like she was getting pierced by needles or a crow was aiming at her like a little helpless worm. It made her feel a bit uncomfortable... but the Villainess didn't know that.

"Ahem, next is Miss Analissa Blanchet?" (Professor Fraeya) called out to Analissa's name and no one answered. Everyone's attention was now on the empty seat beside Lady Evelyn.

The girls groaned visibly and looked rather pissed when the professor called onto Analissa's name.

But the boys however, begin the simps that they are coded to be in the game of the plot. They mourned inside their hearts that their crush was absent and were not to be seen, none of them knew what happened so they were mourning.

"Excuse me." (Lady Evelyn) stood up and took out the letter she made this morning. "Miss Blanchet is out with a cold. I made this excuse letter for her sake."

The Professor's ears perked up and took the letter as it floated in her direction.

"Miss Analissa Blanchet is out with a cold..." the professor mutters as she flicks her fingers a bit in motion, the tip of the letter unsealed itself and revealed its contents.

"I see... Is she recovering well?" (Professor Fraeya) stares down at the letter telling with great detail of the need of absence and rest.

She faces the Villainess awaiting her answer.

Lady Evelyn nods with no hesitation. "Yes, she is. My maids are taking care of her at the moment."

The Professor became intrigued with the Villainess. A high ranking like herself using one of her servants to take care of a commoner.

"Pardon- your maids?" she asks in front of all the class who was suddenly shocked at the news.

The boys looked at her thinking what the hell is she doing at Lady Alarie's dorm? Quite envious because they planned on hoping to do that first! Just imagining Miss Blanchet in her little pajamas in their room... no way!

They wondered if Lady Evelyn had seen Miss Blanchet in her pajamas?!

The boys glared behind her back and the Villainess could feel it.

Lord Ein who didn't really care was just watching it all unfold. He wasn't expecting Miss goody two shoes to admit it so easily, after all the misunderstandings it could cause is troublesome to deal with.

"Due to personal reasons. I am responsible for her until she recovers from her cold." (Lady Evelyn) was running out of excuses.

She might have said that with a straight face but in reality she was having conflicted feelings lying towards the Professor.

Because-! She's not really responsible for her but she just felt guilty!

I mean, she can't just let Miss Blanchet be stuck on a comfort room stall after knowing. To even add the fact that the said girl was sick... she just couldn't.

"She's... my... partner in a project in one of our subjects. If she's unable to do her part, it would be unfair for me to do all the work." (Lady Evelyn) told the Professor who takes in her reasons to be all good ones.

Professor Fraeya was a strict teacher but she understands that humans rather gets sick easily and have weaker constitution than Elves. She takes the floating letter and quill, marking the request of excuse to be approved in her subject.

"Thank you for caring for your fellow student, Lady Evelyn Alarie. Make sure to not forget to have the other teachers recognize this letter of absence." (Professor Fraeya) hands over to her the letter back as it floated towards the Villainess.

"Thank you, Professor."

The Villainess sat back down respectfully and looked around the classroom.

Almost everyone was keeping an eye on her and she felt all of their heavy stares on her back.

Lady Evelyn was sure that they were all curious upon the matter of having Miss Analissa Blanchet in her room but frankly, she couldn't care less.

Professor Fraeya called out on all the remaining names and once that was sorted out her clipboard disappeared, possibly being stored on her inventory space before turning to the class. "Now that attendance is over, I will merely tell you about myself and you will need to introduce yourself in front of the class."

Everyone's mood became more dampened after hearing the professor's words. They didn't like going up front into class- sure some of them might but really almost all of them didn't like it.

Only extroverted students do!


"Not class introduction..."

"I have stage fright... I don't want to suddenly faint while I'm doing introductions..."

They all complained and the Professor tilts her head at these humans who can't even do a simple task. Professor Fraeya rolls her eyes and flips her finger to command the wind and guide one student in front to stand up. "We'll be starting from you, student. Now introduce yourself. Make it snappy, I'm grading your introductions so do your best."

Each of the students looked at her and thought what the hell?

What kind of teacher would grade a student from their introductions on a supposed orientation?!

The student who was called straightened their back and tried his best to start out. "I- am... Owen-"

"Stop stuttering. Fix your posture, you look like a hunchback." (Professor Fraeya)

"Y-Yes... Professor." He responds while swallowing the lump forming in his throat.

"Owen right? I better not see you having that posture when you're in my class. None of you better have that kind of posture when you're in my class." The Elf Professor warned about having a strict rule about posture and etiquette.

"..." It seems that no matter the world... students still hate doing introductions in front of the class.

The Elves were well known for the elegance, skills of bow, and the blessings of nature. The affinity they grow a connection with are the earth and wind. Their strict nature comes from their aristocratic lineage of Elf noble houses, especially tutors.

It was only mentioned through the game lore but Elves were so strict, a 'nice' professor for them is those who will only punish you by hitting with a stick if you didn't perform well. Some Elves professor have already abandon those times but still a lot of certain hardcore punishments are still being made.

From water dumping, humiliation, and harassment.

Everyone feared themselves of not performing well.

"Are we clear?" (Professor Fraeya) asks all the class if her order to have proper posture in her class were heard.

"Yes, Professor." Everyone yelled out in sync and the Professor moved on to the next student who was going to introduce themselves.


"Goodmorning, my name is Einsel Loucrat. The protector of the crown prince and future Duke of Remalia. I swore an oath to devote myself to the royal family, and I will die for the royal family. " (Lord Ein) recites his introduction a little lazily.

He really wanted to add how he liked BDSM into that introduction but he couldn't help himself to do it.

The professor noticed his lazy answer and warned him.

"Fix your tone, Lord Loucrat. Your loyalty to the crown is admirable for a human, let's hope your words are the same for your actions in the future."


"Hmph, I will go by the future title of Marchioness but in the academy I will go by the title of Lady Serene Sinclair. I am the queen's lady in waiting so you better remember that- and the Evelyn will be-"

"I asked you to introduce yourself, Lady Sinclair. Not your whole relationship with the future queen of your kingdom."

"But this should be well known-"

"Not impressed."

Lady Serene huffs crossing her arms. She can't believe how utterly ridiculous this Elf professor was-

"Your introduction is not yet finished. Tell us more about yourself, make sure that this time it's about yourself."

Lady Serene had to think... and perhaps the professor was right. She has been making her introduction about others.

What does she like again?

"Oh-! I like taking care of animals..." she stops for a moment looking at the professor worriedly- that perhaps it's not an activity not fit for a noble lady. "Is that alright?"

Professor Fraeya nodded at her answer and urged her to continue more. It made the Villainess' lackey a bit happy and continued.



"Let's hope you're a decent student who can do simple introductions." (Professor Fraeya) looks seriously at the Villainess who nods in her direction.

"Good morning, Professor." She does a little elegant curtsy earning a satisfying mod from the professor. A refreshing scene, all the students who have introduced themselves forgot to either do a curtsy or a bow.

"My name is Evelyn Alarie, the future queen of Remalia who will devote herself to the kingdom and to the future king of my kingdom." (Lady Evelyn) sits down to her seat after her short introduction.

Professor Fraeya looked at her worriedly, everyone said at least one hobby or two. Something they like doing or people they are related to...

She could help but ask the girl to double check, "You're... Done?"

"Yes, professor." (Lady Evelyn) smiles warmly out of politeness but honestly- It was almost a little scary.

"You didn't exactly tell us anything about yourself. Lady Evelyn Alarie."

"I believe that is all you need to know." She answers seriously, looking like she has nothing more to share as her eyes look empty as she turns to the professor.

"I would like for the class to move on with their introduction, professor." (Lady Evelyn) smiles politely at the Elf professor who seemed to have grasped what kind of person the future queen will be.

Or should I say.

Rather than a queen, she was more like a pawn trying to be a queen.

"I see... I suppose... We'll move on."


After a while seeing more students stuttering or proudly introducing themselves their hour of class was over so she decided to leave. "Very well then now that all of you are done. I'll give everyone a passing mark for their introduction. What's your next class after me?"

"Our next class is beast keeping, professor." One student raised his hands and answered the Professor who decided to pack her things and go.

"Well then my time is done so wait for your next professor."

She followed through the door and walked. Everyone inside the classroom decided to disperse for a bit to talk to each other but Evelyn Alarie unexpectedly stands up from her seat and catches up with Professor Fraeya.

"Professor, wait a moment."

"What is it Lady Alarie? Are you here to complain about the grades I gave you with your short introduction? Frankly... I don't think you-"

"No. That is not why I called out to you, Professor. I would like to ask a question if you wouldn't mind answering." The villainess looks at her green eyes hidden under the professor's reading glasses.

"Well then, as a Professor I would be inclined to answer if it would be related to your interest in education." (Professor Fraeya) lifts her glasses and waits for the girl's question.

"Do you know where I can get oranges?" (Lady Evelyn) asks straightforwardly that it took the other party by surprise.


'What? Is she asking me about... oranges?' (Professor Fraeya) looked at her weirdly.

The Elf Professor was certainly not expecting that one. The scary student that she didn't dare underestimate the danger of her glares in her class was now asking her about... where to get a fruit?

What... a peculiar question.

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Andres Gtz

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