Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 27: Getting the oranges (I).

Chapter 27: Getting the oranges (I).

It was the next class for the day, after the elf professor Fraeya everyone was a bit tense after that introducing themselves to her, certainly it was draining.

Well everyone was rather drained except for our Lady Evelyn and Lord Ein who looked unfazed by the activity of introducing yourselves was nothing but a mere child's play of work.

Anyone should be able to at least introduce themselves under the presence of some other race other than humans.

To think that these other nobilities were nervous under the eye of an Elven diplomat, they froze.

"I heard elven teachers are strict... Now I'm all nervous just thinking about the next lesson we'll have."

"We really have bad luck when it comes to it- have you seen last year's class- they didn't have any of that last I heard."

"Probably it's because we have the future queen in our class as well as some other highly ranked nobles. They probably having an elf teach us would I don't know- make more better quality nobles in the making?"

Everyone's morale was down, the boys once more looked at the Heroine's chair and sighed tiringly missing their goddess so deeply. She wasn't in the class and after hearing from Lady Evelyn that she was sick, currently in her quarters they were conflicted.

"If Miss Blanchet were here, she would've made a wonderful introduction that would leave the teacher speechless I presume!" One boy started complimenting and soon the others followed.

"Don't presume-! She will surely leave not only the teacher but us speechless with her beautiful voice!"

"Oh Analissa Blanchet! Truly she's a goddess amongst us! If only she wasn't sick..."

They preached to their heart’s content.

The girls on the other hand continued to see Miss Analissa's figure to be threatening and would wish that she stayed sick for days- even weeks. They were happy to see that the little commoner was out of their sight.

"The commoner girl- hmph I knew she wouldn't be able to keep up with our curricula. She should've just stayed and enrolled into a commoner school instead." One girl laughed and pointed out that commoners wouldn't be able to keep up with nobles, I mean just look at her!

"Truly, look at her being sick already. Urgh... if she dare comes close to me and attempts to even try to talk-" The other girl crosses her arms looking rigged, imagining if the blonde small figure even tried conversing with her seemed like it was the end of the world.

"Hmph, if she was in my mere presence I wouldn't hesitate to call on my maids and usher her out into the classroom." The two girls laughed with another, thinking of her fragile figure she definitely looked easy to break. "We're not allowed to have maids inside our classroom but you are so right, Lady Agatha!"

Lady Evelyn could hear everyone and their blatant wishes towards the sickly girl that she has over her room.

She furrowed her eyebrows looking a bit mad. "Best to not speak ill of someone who's not here, especially to someone who's currently responsible for her wellbeing."

(Temporarily responsible for her wellbeing so to speak).

"Lady Evelyn- we were merely joking, you have to agree that commoners have such a weak constitution because they have such- well... horrible diets." The noble lady meant to point out how the commoners were used to eating such tasteless, bland, foods and they were probably nothing but root vegetables that's why they were considered weak and frail.

In the game on the furthest countryside of the kingdom were suffering from famine, any meat were savored and saved for the nobility.

"You have to admit keeping up with us will take a lot of convincing, she should think aside for herself and take on smaller responsibilities." The other girl beside her shrugs and smiles. "But oh-? I see you've already gotten so attached to the commoner girl. Could it be that you're already starting to become something-"

"Hey! Our Lady Analissa might be frail and weak but that just makes it better! She's a damsel to be rescued and her knights-" The boys pose in a saluting manner before turning to the noble ladies. "Her knights- will be protecting her all the way!"

Lady Evelyn thought of how much of a problematic girl she was... everyone's mood was really dependent whether Analissa was there or not.

It was giving her such a headache that she was turning out to be the number one topic for the classroom to talk about.

The beast-man professor came to take his place upon the classroom podium of elite students of nobility and everyone fell silent standing up in synch at the command of the teacher to greet.

"Everyone- good morning." He turned to the classroom and greeted the class.

"Goodmorning, professor."

Professor Lionheart looked at the classroom and noticed a student who was not there today it seems.

"Who appears to be missing?" He takes a list of names on his clipboard and was getting prepared to take note of attendance taking in a pen at the ready.

"Professor, sir." (Lady Evelyn) rose up from her seat taking in the same letter in her hand that she gave the elven professor before. "Miss Analissa Blanchet will not be attending today due to her cold, as her current partner project I have already taken care of what will be needed."

The beast-man professor takes in the letter and nods in understanding. Lady Evelyn was pleased to know that another teacher would be willing to understand the dire situation Miss Blanchet was in, the sick state of her was too much to handle.

She would like the old normal Miss Blanchet back where she wouldn't say such peculiar sentences like-!

To not leave her when she was in bed rest and to even proclaim that she was a villainess that she likes?

Good lord, may the heavens heal her soon.

"I hope your classmate will be well then, do tell your project partner that she will be marked excused and not absent in my class so this won't affect her much." (Professor Lionheart) takes his pen and signs his signature above the letter, noticing that another teacher has already signed this, he recognized the mark of an old friend.

"And I see your new Elven teacher will be teaching you this time." He chuckles a little seeing the student's frozen stature, it seems that the elven woman has already placed her mark amongst the students her style of teaching is deemed too strict. "As future leaders of your family or kingdom, clearly she's one of the best. You'll certainly learn a lot from her."

Professor Lionheart gave a little smile before taking in a chalk in his hands, requiring an assignment that would be required for their magic class in familiars.

"Now- for your beast keeping class... you're required to make a journal that will take records upon your egg if there are any abrupt changes on its shell- and then you'll turn that journal into a research paper with your partner." (Professor Lionheart) takes a chalk placing it between his paws and begins writing on the board on what they will be needing to do.

"It will be submitted to me a week after your egg has hatched, it will be the season for egg hatching for your critters so make sure that they stay warm for the month. There will be cases that your egg will have late incubation days fret not, for it's just delayed."


Etiquette Class.

Duel Magic Class.

And Diplomacy.

All those three classes were done for the day, it was all small lessons and introduction to the subject that everything felt so fast.

Every nobleman and noble lady were packing their things and that included Lady Evelyn who was supposed to meet their elven teacher to show her around the market where she'll be able to buy what she needed.


She thought about it and realized it would be her first time coming to the common place without being accompanied by any guards or carriage.

"Evelyn, aren't you going to your dorms too? Let's go together." (Lady Serene) already has her bag by her shoulder yawning, tired for her classes and takes her little egg gently putting it inside a basket full of soft expensive pillows.

She happily takes the basket in her other hand walking to her friend whom she hasn't walked with in a while. "Come on, then."

Lady Evelyn looks at Lady Serene and shakes her head looking guilty at her friend. It seems that she's going to leave her again once more to complete a task. "I'm meeting with Professor Fraeya to get something, Apologies Serene but you go ahead without me."

"Eh?! Evelyn! Come on it's just going home and you're ditching me again?!" she stomps her feet angrily in her heart she was already blaming the blonde girl for this!

"Next time, we'll walk together. I promise." she reassures the girl with fiery red hair before leaving.

Someone else was watching everything unfold and snickered. "What a shocking turn of events, Lady Alarie leaving you? Is there trouble in paradise?" (Lord Ein) walks over toward his fiancé before teasing her a little.

"Shut your mouth. There is nothing wrong- she's just busy and I understand that because she's the future queen, I'm sure she has better things to do." is what she told herself but there was a slight hesitation in her heart, surely her friend must be doing something more important than hanging out with her. “And besides, she promised to walk together with me next time, Evelyn doesn’t break her promises.”

Lady Evelyn proceeded towards the teacher's lounge and saw the professor with the pointy ears having so many papers floating around her.

Three knocks towards the door was enough to get her attention, there wasn't any other teacher left because it seems that they were still either in class or they left for home.

"Professor Fraeya-"

"Lady Alarie you came."

Professor Fraeya's figure when she was putting her things away was like dancing as she ordered the wind to move the papers she was holding before to be placed inside a small file cabinet.

"You were serious about getting the fruit?" (Professor Fraeya) asks with a faint smile before turning into her serious face.

"If you were that serious I could always get it myself or have a servant fetch it for you." Honestly, she wasn't expecting that the future queen would be so committed to getting oranges but here we are.

Lady Evelyn holds her forehead in pain, right- she could have asked a servant to do this but she went ahead, told her that she would tag along and she's a person who doesn't like going against her word. "It's alright, I have already asked you to come along with me, professor."

"I haven't asked Father or Mother for permission to do this... best to change into commoner attire and change my look a bit. For the future queen going into town without a guard is a problem."

It would assume for people to make the most random yet horrible rumors. An example of this is usually when a nobleman or noble lady would visit the common place if they would have a mistress or a commoner lover in a secret relationship finding pleasure.

She's seen too many nobles fall into that trap; it would only worsen the link between her and the royal family.

Though where would she get any commoner clothing?

Professor Fraeya walks over to her noticing the problem indeed, that uniform of hers would make her stand out a bit. "That uniform of yours is indeed a problem..."

The green ensemble with the school's crest would be screaming rich school and possibly someone from nobility.


The elven professor takes out some cloaks, she gives one to the noble girl while she takes the other for herself.

"In exchange for our little trip to the market.” she wraps it around her body, completely hiding her teacher’s uniform. “How about explaining to me more why you want the fruit so badly for Miss Blanchet anyways?"

Thank you to my patreon!
Andres Gtz

And to our new member!

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