Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 31: Sugar Mommy Vibes.

Chapter 31: Sugar Mommy Vibes.

The villainess' room was strangely... peaceful and pretty.

Including the heroine who has just awoken from her slumber, and out of her cold. Holding her hand up to her head, she realizes her fever was no more.

There will be no further excuses as to why she'll be able to spend another night in Lady Evelyn Alarie's chambers.

Analissa Blanchet sighs, seeing that her fever is gone so fast. Perhaps it was for the better her mind has told, her heart however was screaming-

"Screw you cold! Achoo!"

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Alas even if the wake of dizziness was gone, it was unfortunate that she still had some mucus stuck in her nose. "Ugh and my throat still feels so itchy... I suppose that will take a while to heal."

She tells herself in a mutter looking at her hands. "When I get to my room, I'll have some spells learned so that her ladyship won't catch my cold."

Analissa has said in pure determination. She clearly has been playing the role of a damsel when she brought the words to herself of the villainess' savior!

"Oh? How thoughtful of you, Miss Blanchet. Learning such spells just so you won't harm our lady is lovely."


The blonde girl hasn't realized that all of her monologue has blocked the noises from outside.

"Oh! Hello Liara, I didn't notice you coming in."

It seems Liara has welcomed herself to come inside the master's bedroom not minding the girl's business with her muttering. After all she has seen her worst side already when she was being so entertaining while she was sick.

"I knocked three times and asked if I would be able to come in. Worried that you may have fallen sick again so I let myself in." (Liara) smiles sweetly looking over her patient slash guest.

"Do you still feel unwell? Any headaches or other symptoms?" she asks, reaching out for the blonde girl's forehead and checking her own with her other free hand.

Analissa softly smiles telling the maid with reassurance that she's well. "I'm alright now, so well enough I'm going to be coming to school today."

The heroine has barely seen any part of the magic curriculum of the game!

From the villainess' story, in the afternoon there was a bunch of homework that she's in need to do and pray tell there was a dueling class! She couldn't wait to go to school today!

After getting her uniform back to the commoner's dorm first of course.

"Oh school?" (Liara) blinks in surprise. It seems having a cold could even make you forget what time of the day it should be. "I regret to inform you Miss Blanchet, today is the weekend. You'll have to wait for two days before you go back to the academy."

The weekend?!

"It's the weekend?!"

Analissa on her bare feet ran to the nearest window there and saw into the distance, so many commoners from the commoner dormitory were coming out of the school in their casual clothes.

Nobility were most likely be out and about on their tea parties or balls or whatever- but-

"It's the weekend... But I wanted a school day... A magical school day... I can't believe I missed it... sniff." (Analissa) wipes off the snot running under her nose looking over so many people possibly planning out their day just doing some casual outing.

Liara was oddly concerned for the girl... and half of her concern was hoping she won't wipe that dreadful snot on milady's expensive dorm window.

"W-Well since you're well I believe your part time job would be waiting for you to reassure them that you're well?" (Liara) suggested, remembering that her sister was sent out to give a letter for Analissa's sake.

The blonde girl's mood did a complete turn with the talk of her part-time job at the restaurant just outside the school. "Oh right, my part time job? I only told milady about it though..."

"Yes but she has filled in on what may happen. Not to worry, milady has already sent a letter for your stead there as well." (Liara) felt so sure of herself, now she won't be looking like a sad cockroach wiping its snot on the window.

"She sent a letter to my job... for my sake?"

Analissa pondered, feeling something was amiss.

"Yes, I haven't seen Milady this considerate for well... ever since we left for the academy I suppose." (Liara) smiles as she tells Analissa of this but her mind slips off elsewhere.

The fact that she found Lady Evelyn's actions towards giving a letter for her excuse in absence didn't give her a weird feeling; she even found it sweet.


"I never gave Lady Evelyn my job address." (Analissa) mutters, trying to remember if there was even a moment of her telling the villainess of where she worked.

All that she remembered was her telling Lady Evelyn of how she volunteered to be the one taking care of their egg project in the morning because at night she needed to go to work.

That was all she said. So how come the villainess already knows where she works?

"Liara... How does Lady Evelyn know where I work? Do you know?" (Analissa) looks over with her blue eyes staring in a very scary way, mixed with curiosity but you could definitely tell with her stare she was not fooling around.


Shit, the maid thought, feeling her palms sweating and her lips quivering.

Liara stood there feeling like she definitely fucked up on this one.

"Well! You know- err!" (Liara) for once in her life she panicked.

She wasn't expecting that this same blonde girl she was taking care of before would be this smart when she's not in a weird drunk state when she has her cold! Dozens of excuses came through her mind but all of them would be rather unbelievable.

Only one option left.

"Oh! I'm not so sure either! Hoho!" (Liara) laughs nervously, shaking her hand to calm her nerves. "I cannot give the right answers- yes! Milady has all the answers you need, so- perhaps you talk to her instead."

Liara decided to just leave it all in milady's hands when she gets back home of course!

"Oh! But milady has gone out! So it looks like we'll be alone for a bit! And before you would ask where she is- Apologies but I don't know either."

That... was really suspicious.

Our streamer has her logical brain cell tingling and has come up with many possibilities and theories on how she could have known but then again...

Not too long ago Lady Evelyn has already confronted her on the matter. That day when all the three of her maids forced her to go with them to talk with the ladyship, seeing Lady Evelyn is a wonderful nightgown!

And now she feels rather stupid!

"I never got to ask how she knew... that the crown prince visited me because I just obeyed and answered her questions. I never thought of asking mine- holy hell am I that dumb?!"

The main character was sort of a little oblivious but she's doing her best.

The villainess must've sent someone to spy on her that day!

That lovely nightgown that she wore was too distracting!

And well... They also had a moment together seeing Lady Evelyn's other sensitive side when it would come to her collection of books that she loved so dearly. Ahem... bonus scene seeing Lady Evelyn cry.

In any case the crown prince surely wouldn't tell because he went home and Lord Ein would've escorted the crown prince first leaving no time for him to visit the villainess.

So her maids could be also possible suspects of spying?

"Hmm..." (Analissa) rests a hand under her chin giving a long stair at the maid.

Liara tried her best on staying strong not wanting to reveal anything else to the blonde girl and laughed nervously. "Ahaha... I don't know anything. I swear on milady's name... Miss Blanchet your stare is rather piercing."

"Hmm..." The girl's head looked down, the tone of her hum turning sad. Liara won't really say anything due to her loyalty for the villainess.

Analissa understands why Lady Evelyn would have the need to do such a thing for she doesn't trust her and even though she knows the villainess still sees her as someone to compete with in the matter of her engagement. The crown prince is relentless with his proposals.

It'll be the villainess' secret for now, she won't confront her about it knowing that she sent someone to spy on her. Analissa will just wait on her to confess by herself and for now she'll just be visiting Farrah and see how she is doing.

Besides, she needs a good excuse to go out and do something productive, and that might be gathering items that could help her along the way on her journey. As long as it's not a weapon, the school's safety alarm wouldn't give a damn on what she brings.

"In that case I'll be taking your advice and I decided to go out today." (Analissa) looks around Lady Evelyn's room and then to her current clothing.

Lady Evelyn's nightgown wouldn't be a proper thing to wear when going outside, although all of her casual clothing is back in her commoner dormitory. "Let me just get my clothes first..."

Analissa might have no choice but to actually get her clothes in this super revealing nightgown but what choice does she have?! Her old nightgown wasn't any better! And she doesn't know what happened to her school uniform that she brought into the bathroom.

"Oh I've actually been ordered by milady to give you some clothes, it has just arrived so please don't be shy about wearing them. You could even say she picked them herself." (Liara) gives a little wink on the last part of the sentence getting a stack of folded expensive looking clothes- that she could never afford.

Holy- shit! Lady Evelyn has them sugar mommy vibes!

"I-I feel like I'm too dirty to wear them." (Analissa) phrases it, meaning she feels too poor to wear such expensive clothes. The image of herself wearing them and then a few moments later getting it dirty or ripping apart of the clothes popped through her mind-

"If I break them I'll have to pay for them..." there wasn't any price tag so she couldn't be sure of the price but knowing nobility and how loaded Lady Evelyn's family was? If she could ever convert these gold coins into yen, how many other games and gacha money could she use to get the characters she wants on earth?

She could commission someone to get a life sized Lady Evelyn pillow or a handmade Farrah muscle figurine.

The image of Lady Evelyn being surrounded by piles of gold/money was filling the void in horny brain cell's happy place. Her lovely smirk, moving her finger in a sign to come even closer to her only to be held by the chin sharply inhaling her breath.

"If you're a good girl and leave the crown prince alone, I can give you whatever you would want."

She imagines such a scene! Horny braincell damn you're horny!

Analissa could feel her soul reaching the heavens thinking about money and Lady Evelyn on it, goodness she's ready to meet buddha and find inner peace.

Liara hearing the girl's hilarious commentary on the dresses, she understands her point of view and why she would worry about the clothes. Thankfully, Lady Evelyn left her with orders that these clothing will be given to her for free and with no strings attached.

The only thing that's gotten attached that's for sure is Lady Evelyn's interest in the little blonde cockroach and Liara found that quite to be fascinating.

"Oh no as I've said milady is rarely this considerate she brought these clothes to give it to you with no price in mind." She breaks the news to the heroine.

After hearing Analissa's soul came rushing back into her physical body, her blue eyes shining hearing the news. "It's free?!"

Lady Evelyn as a sugar mommy could never leave the heroine's mind after this.

Thank you to my patreon!
Andres Gtz

If you'd like for more otome game: And see the advance story of our webtoon! Prologue is now available in my patreon! 

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