Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 35: A Weapon Fit for a Weak Heroine (III).

Chapter 35: A Weapon Fit for a Weak Heroine (III).

After showing the stage- well made by Farrah Whitlock. The girl made sure to keep the store closed for now, thankfully there were no people inside after seeing that the beautiful girl from before wasn't here.

"Okay... I'm agreeing on singing but you have to give me some time to practice if that's alright with you." (Analissa) straightens her posture walking into one of the tables taking a seat.

She's already begun thinking of songs that might be perfect for the occasion.

Not minding the insults her former chat box has told her, she's going to prove all of them wrong with how she'll sing in this restaurant.

"Mm... No worries, take your time. I-I'm sure you'll be great." (Farrah) smiles giving encouraging words as she tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

Honestly that looked kinda cute- the moe!

Farrah then looked over the kitchen to call on her grandmother to tell her that their hired part-timer was now alright from her cold. "G-Grandma! She's here now!"


Grandma Whitlock peeked her head out seeing the heroine, she wiped her hands in her apron and walked over. "Dear nice to see you again, I thought you'd never come back."

"S-Sorry... I got a cold unexpectedly but I assure you I won't be quitting anytime soon. I sort of need the money for um... my academy costs." (Analissa) tells her which was true, it wasn't only money for weapons but academy costs after all she's going to one where nobility are the main students meaning their education will be costly.

Projects, assignments, books and materials.

"No worries dear, I actually forgot to give you something!" (Grandma Whitlock) takes something out of her inventory. "Inventorium."



The heroine's ears perked up seeing a bag of coins by the old woman's hand.

"A couple of them noble boys visited and insisted for us to take this- when we didn't- of course, we refused at first but they ordered half the amount of this with food and then left everything as a tip. Here's your share of it, dearie." (Grandma Whitlock) offers the money and Analissa is tempted.

Should she follow her morals- that it's bad accepting money for no reason?

Or take it.


Oh she's going to be losing her dignity by singing in this restaurant and Analissa was sure that the same noble boys would be there attending.

The Japanese Streamer will now see this as a donation to her hard work for entertainment.

Singing in front of a lot of people isn't easy!

"T-Thank you, um... How much is in this bag actually?" (Analissa) innocently asks with a smile as Grandma Whitlock tells her the amount.

"About one hundred gold, this is certainly enough to buy you two carriage and a horse. We only took a little not to worry." (Grandma Whitlock) tells Analissa who suddenly became afraid of holding the bag full of coins, she has to think- this is technically still a game and she's earned this money.

Right... This is a donation, not blood money.

She shouldn't feel ashamed of earning it like this!

"T-Thank you but are you sure you're alright with taking so little? How about I give you half of it for erm... The restaurant might need it someday." (Analissa) smiles while taking the bag of gold coins but the old woman wouldn't let her give half. Shaking her head, she stops the Heroine by giving her half the amount of the gold.

"Best if you keep it as an investment for your education, my grandbaby Farrah is all I need." (Grandma Whitlock) reaches out to pull on Farrah's cheek even if she was only half her size. Farrah being the kind girl she was, leans down for her grandma.

Grandma Whitlock laughs softly pulling on Farrah's soft scarred cheeks.

"Oh you're so sweet, now Farrah darling give Miss Analissa here some lovely sweets you've made this morning. I know you've been impatient on wanting her to try your sweets."

The old woman winks at her little one before turning to Miss Analissa innocently.

Analissa tilts her head looking confused but she just thought that Farrah wanted a new taste tester for the orange tart she made that's why she was shy about it, after all don't some girls get shy when someone tries their homemade cookies or something?

Farrah with a little reddened face was not expecting for her grandma to wink and give subtle hints that she has indeed taken... some sort of liking to the heroine. "G-Grandma... it's a little embarrassing if you say it like that."

"Oh shush now, go and grab those sweets." She pushes Farrah into the kitchen and the giant girl walks clumsily scratching the back of her head.

"I-I'll be back Miss Analissa! W-With the sweets!" (Farrah) exclaims now hurrying into the kitchen.

Analissa chuckles because it intrigues her on how the best characters you don't usually see inside the game... seems to be the most interesting one out of them.

Farrah Whitlock was one of them.

"I can wait!" (Analissa) gives a slight wave that is oddly adorable to see with her smile. Farrah really didn't understand why she wanted to see more of it.

"Mm!" (Farrah) was now gone into the kitchen, taking her time to present the said dessert in a really cute way for Miss Analissa to aesthetically enjoy.

Grandma Whitlock sighs looking relieved, she has never seen her little one smiling like that nowadays. Only when she decided to bring home a stranger, then insisted on letting her work into the restaurant was she returning back to her old self.

"Welcome home, Miss Analissa."

"O-Oh thank you?"


Analissa was surprised to hear the word, after all she's not even working full time but the Whitlock family was already considering her as part of the business family.

It was nice...

Every braincell liked the Whitlock family and has agreed that they would do anything to protect this home, sacred safe home.

Speaking of home...

The Japanese streamer, her mind suddenly bolted of in the topic of family. There was no... information on the Heroine's family, the game left it blank other than some few dialogues about them.

"They were kind and giving."

"My parents would support me in all I can."

"If only they were here."

In the last dialogue, when she read it back in the game- she wasn't sure if she was talking about here as in "school" or here as in "still being alive".

The Heroine will have a small scene in a few months, after their exams will come in the semester break where they'll have two weeks of free time with their families or hometown if they want to visit.

The game cuts into after, not showing where the Heroine lives and her state of home.

She just came back like nothing happened at the academy.

"If that's the case... I'll be needing to prepare once semester break comes. I... don't know where I live." (Analissa) was talking to herself again, recollecting all the past information she has on the game.

She'll be needing to make some sort of chart of information for everything, but once she has found a proper hiding space in her room too.

Holding the Gold in her hands, she chants.

"Inventorium." putting it into her safe space inventory while waiting for Farrah to come in with her homemade dessert.

Step. Step. Step.

The sounds of someone walking over managed to snap her out of her thoughts, "Y-Your orange tart."

Farrah came back with a plate of delicious tart glazed with sugar and jam on the side.

"Oh my!"

The stunning visual, it looks like something out of a five star Michelin restaurant. It's a bright orange color, you can smell the sugar and imagine the taste of it just by looking!

Analissa wanted to stay in that place forever, if she only didn't have such a strong resolve to save the Villainess- she would've ran away, quit the academy and then considered working in this place forever and ever.

By good manners, she places her hand together and mutters. "Thank you for the food."

Taking the fork she certainly enjoyed it all and the kind giant was watching her eat all of her homemade dessert happily thinking of her hamster every time Miss Analissa Blanchet took a bite out of her food.

Once dessert was over, she prompted on going back to her original mission and that was to buy something, anything- an item with magical capabilities that would be able to help her in the game.

Then again the only place she's been to was the restaurant and the middle pathway of the city, also known as the high ground of shops for nobility so there was really nothing in their windows but clothes and jewelry.

Though, there were other fruit and vegetable vendors not too far away.

The whole game map was rather confusing.


Perhaps asking a local would be better.

"Farrah, do you know any shops that have any helpful items?" She asks the girl as she continues to eat. "Like... books on powerful spells or wands? I'm looking to strengthen my magic to pursue my studies and get a much higher grade to keep my place in the noble's section."

"Hmm..." (Farrah) hums thinking of the many shops there were and there were certainly a lot. Farrah worried, remembering how much of a man magnet the girl was, so... she takes a deep breath biting her lip before offering her services of escorting the blonde girl on her travels.

"T-There are a lot, if you need someone to escort you around we can go sometimes."

Analissa blinks in surprise, the heroine halo was working too well!

Thank you, Heroine Halo!

"Perfect!" (Analissa) tells her happily and Farrah's little bear ears popped out of her head already excited that they'll be having a little hang out plan near in the future.

"W-Will we go today?" (Farrah) asks, her ears twitching, getting too excited to go out and shop.

"Not today but- another time for now I actually have to go and find something on my own." (Analissa) finished the dessert leaving nothing on the plate, feeling energized she decided on helping around the restaurant! After all, her uniform is in the staff room!

"Oh... A-Alright, please do be safe and don't pay for the dessert... it's um on me." (Farrah) stands up taking her plate planning to clean it, Analissa follows the girl to the kitchen offering to clean it but once Farrah rejected her request and changed to her waitress maid uniform.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she takes a good look at herself and clears out her throat. It seems that slowly she is getting better, she's capable of working for a few hours.


She closes the closet where her clothes were placed, walking out of the staff room with the same tight fit waitress uniform so suddenly when Farrah saw it she almost let go of the plates she was washing in the sink.

"U-Um... Should I get my scarf?" (Farrah) asks, looking away knowing that well... the same problem as last time as occurred.

Analissa who has gotten used to it was not fazed anymore, instead she nods and walks over to the menu holding it in her hand giving the girl a lovely pure smile.

"Please, I would like to have a scarf over." she tells her and Farrah nods, stopping her work on washing the dishes and finding the same scarf as before.

Farrah wraps it around her shoulder, closes her eyes with a smile. "D-Don't push yourself and um... Do tell me if you're tired, Miss Analissa."

"Oh I will! Now if you don't mind- I'll be waiting to welcome them by the door, best be prepared Farrah I might bring in another crowd~" (Analissa) teases nudging the girl's sides seeing the slight horror on her face she couldn't help but give a soft laugh before giving a slight wave.

"You know I'm kidding right?"

Farrah nervously laughed before holding her chest, breathing a sigh of relief.

Flap... Flap... Flap...

"Tweet... Tweet?"

In the window outside the restaurant, nearing the end of the afternoon. Losimer the little bird had to stay out and watch the blonde girl as her master ordered.

Analissa, who has stationed herself near the door greets a few old women customers that complimented her waitress outfit.

"Welcome to Whitlock Restaurant, would you like to be escorted to a table?" (Analissa) asks them with her charming façade, with the help of the heroine halo it doubled and the old women were surprised to see an angel in this simple restaurant-

“Oh! I didn’t realize Merta had a new hire! Oh and isn't that her scarf? Farrah must've lent to you how sweet that girl is.”

“A pretty one too! Oh I have the most perfect grandson, you two should meet!”

“We’re actually her friends right out the block, I own that dress shop not too far and-”

But wait-

The inside has gotten better!

The three ladies were so satisfied with the new decor and new hire that they left a really good tip at that time.




+1 Heroine Halo!

"Tweet... Tweet..."

Losimer chirps sadly for he was saddened that he was going to stand there on guard for hours, just to see the blonde girl lady her master has taken interest in giving food while he starved out in the chilly wind?!

Master owes him a lot of food after this!


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Andres Gtz


If you'd like for more otome game: And see the advance story of our webtoon! Prologue is now available in my patreon! 

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