Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 40: Performing for the Villainess (I).

Chapter 40: Performing for the Villainess (I).

While the villainess was trying to keep her presence low and as much as possible a secret, she couldn't help but stand and gawk at the sight of Miss Analissa Blanchet.

The heroine of the game was in such a wonderful maid uniform that was really showing all of her curves.


Something inside her felt like it was on fire, she held the side of her face and realized it was rather hot. Losimer, who was hiding inside of her cloak, tweeted and complained the same thing, wanting to get out of there but he made sure to not blow her master's cover.

"!!!" (Losimer) gave his master a nudge by pecking a bit of her skin, getting the villainess out of her trance.

"What was that for?" (Lady Evelyn) hisses, and moves her hand to where her little bird familiar nipped the part of that skin. She rubbed it over and turned her attention back towards the blonde girl who was now staring in their direction.

Analissa was smiling but deep inside she was panicking.

A lot.

First she saw Farrah happily cradling the box of crate full of vegetables they could use for their cooking but the moment she saw that hooded figure, her braincells was screaming, 'THE VILLAINESS IS HERE?!'

They all ran around in her head, bumping into each other while the horny one immediately grabbed her make up and started applying it to herself planning to make herself the most beautiful braincell there was in that brain.

'Do I look good? Do I look like I'm about to seduce that cute hooded introvert right there? Hey! You two! Stop lying on the floor and help me look cute!' (Horny Braincell) was trying to keep everything under control, surprising the normal braincell who was usually the calm one but-

How can she be calm at a time like this?

'The data and story plot doesn't match! Everything is going into shambles! The plot is being rewritten by our meddling!' (Logical Braincell) was holding a clipboard hand shaking in distress, remembering the several cutscenes and plots that would never lead to this route.

'Lady Evelyn isn't supposed to visit us at work! Or even be here! Her familiar might be the secret surveillance that's giving her information but- she's not supposed to be here herself!' she continued, while she was glad that some things were changing this could pose a threat to saving her- because if the plot changes the ending might too.

There could be other ways that Lady Evelyn might die, and the future could be unpredictable if things don't go on track.

'Everyone... Let's calm down and put our gamer headphones off. Her familiar called the villainess here for a reason, we didn't offend the bird or anything like that and I don't recall doing anything weird to him! This is confusing!' (Normal Braincell) tried calming the other two, while really the only braincell that needed calming down was the logical one because the horny braincell was happy and ecstatic to see the villainess visiting at work.

Farrah saw that Analissa's stare was piercing through the noble lady's figure.

"A-Ah... Right um... we have an important visitor today." She speaks up and the blonde girl breaks out from her trance, forcing herself to smile but soon it softens seeing Farrah's adorable attempt on asking her to set the table.

"S-She's... not well with people so... can you help her with the table near the stairs? I-It's the best seat in the house." (Farrah) struggles to talk, giving orders but she did her best and thankfully our Japanese streamer was a patient and understanding woman who listened to Farrah and her request to set up the table.

"I got you covered, Farrah. Why don't you take the vegetables in and make something special for our guest? I'm sure she'll love everything you'll make- I love it too." (Analissa) holds Farrah's arm, before giving her a soft smile that makes the giant lady's heart tremble so suddenly.

Words that could make a person fickle.

Her charm has always been so strong, the heroine is not fully aware of her power. It could make anyone's knees tremble and lips quiver.

Thankfully, Farrah being the innocent girl she was- only felt her heart beating so loudly when her hand touched her arm. The heat rising to the top of her head she bites her lip and replies shyly to the compliment about her cooking.

"M-Mm... Um... I'll make something for you as well... after your shift?" (Farrah) stares down at the blonde girl, her figure looking so small and adorable. Baby blue eyes that shine while the heroine tilts her head looking excited hearing about the food that's going to come her way later after work.

"Oh! I can't wait! Go on now! Don't let us keep you out of the kitchen, I'll lead our guest into the best table we have." (Analissa) winks before giving a slight wave, walking away from Farrah who caught her wink that made her a bit flustered and more than willing to cook for a hundred hungry soldiers.

Lady Evelyn watched the whole thing, hiding her figure inside the cloak. The villainess hides her face inside the hood not realizing the expression she was making was rather dreadful.

"Ahem! Hello there!" (Analissa) greets the villainess with a cheery attitude who suddenly holds her head up high, she observes the heroine's lovely maid uniform before swallowing the lump forming in her throat.

The blue dress that she picked before was certainly something but-

"A lovely evening, our cook has told me of your circumstances. Why don't you follow me and I'll show you to your table?" The blonde girl motions her hand to the side, asking Lady Evelyn to follow her to the table, leaning in the direction of the stairs.

Losimer moves around on the side of her master's collarbone wanting to know what was happening.

Her master was currently a bit occupied.


For she was still stunned on how a maid outfit would be so much better than the blue dress she bought for her!

Her mind was racing of thoughts, the dozens of dresses that could be better than this maid uniform!

Her competitive side was showing, her ego has been stabbed by the sudden outfit change. The heart cannot accept such defeat from that 'cook'.

"Um- will you follow me, pretty please?"(Analissa) laughs nervously asking Lady Evelyn such a question. After all, the girl being a noble doesn't get ordered around by someone lower than her.

She wonders if the villainess came here to work because of another crown prince incident that's in need of reporting?

Lady Evelyn pauses.

'Pretty please.'

The words echoed into her mind until she finally decided it was time to find and sit at her designated table.

"Alright, lead the way." (Lady Evelyn) answered and Analissa felt thankful that it sounded like the noble lady seemed to be in a good mood.

The tone of her voice was normal, and logical braincell has also recorded no excuses of the crown prince from Lady Evelyn which means this was a good sign to hold.

"Right this way." (Analissa) holds a tray down by her side, and leads the way to the table by the corner underneath the second floor of the restaurant.

Lady Evelyn was immediately drawn to the spot, everything looked so neat and tidy.

Perhaps a bit dusty but that's nothing a wiping cloth can't fix.

Analissa slides her finger on the side of the table and frowns, it seems she has missed cleaning this one and hurriedly wiped it clean. "You're quite lucky, dear customer. This is the most relaxing place to read a book or even catch a gaze at our little performance platform in the front."

She points at the small platform prepared by Farrah, while she wipes the table and when she is done Analissa wipes the sweat on her forehead letting Lady Evelyn sit down.

Lady Evelyn Alarie, seeing the girl working hard, the respect she has for her doubled. It seems that she is earnestly working towards something she wants and it made her proud in a way.

"Let me get you a menu to start too. Inventorium." (Analissa) takes out a single menu, placing it on the now clean table slowly getting used to chanting magic. "Here you go- you can tell me when you're ready to order."

Analissa remembered that she needs to use that little performance platform one of these days for work and extra tips. She'll either be singing- even if it'll be rather horrible- she hasn't tried singing with the heroine's voice seriously.

Perhaps a few humming but not a full song.

Her old body was really tone deaf though, broke a couple ears out of that karaoke stream and got turned into some kind of meme her viewers would make fun of.

Lady Evelyn holds at the menu, she takes one look at it before getting back at the topic at hand.

"You... perform?" (Lady Evelyn) asks, her eyes shining bright purple full of curiosity at what the blonde girl would do for talent.

Singing? Dancing? Poems? Speeches? Storytelling?

Perhaps she might do all and still look so pretty.

"Ah! I think I need to, one of these days... for work. The performance platform was rather built so recently I haven't had time to prepare, but maybe someday I could." She answers honestly with a smile, while she feels worried that things might go wrong as she performs- the heroine halo is not to be underestimated.

For all she knows there could be a whole storm of male suitors hearing the heroine's melodic voice and suddenly start kneeling down on the ground asking for her hand in marriage.

"Someday..." (Lady Evelyn) scoffs, so she hasn't performed? If she could have this chance- to um... humiliate her in front of a crowd!


It's not like she wants to hear her sing or perform or anything like that!

"Hmm... why not perform today?" her rosy lips curved into a playful smile, Losimer was excited suddenly hearing his master's orders towards the commoner girl.

He holds up his wings looking so conflicted, "Tweet!"

"Shh, Losimer. Quiet." (Lady Evelyn) whispers down, while Analissa heard that little tweet she finally understood what was happening.

She seems to be hallucinating all kinds of things, she doesn't want to perform! Not in front of the villainess!


Her dumbass just asked, pardon?

Not believing Lady Evelyn's figure, perhaps... that's where the noble lady understood that the blonde girl needed a bit more convincing.

The Villainess decided to have her hood down, raising her finger to place it in the middle of her lips keeping the same teasing smile, a wonderful plan to humiliate her in front of the crowd- to see and hear her sing would be- everything.

Expensive earrings shone as the light reflected through its gems.

The villainess places her elbow into the table, placing her cheek on her hand.

"Miss Blanchet, I'm asking if you can... perform for me today."

The three braincells are now running around in a panic. The villainess is asking for a performance, how can she tell her that's she's a talentless donkey?!

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Andres Gtz


Asteria Urbanska

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