Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 43: Walk Her Home (II).

Chapter 43: Walk Her Home (II).

The three went outside of the restaurant, one was happy that she'll be going back home and the other two behind were contemplating on entrusting the yellow chick to one another being territorial.

"Farrah, thank you again for the scarf, I didn't know it would get so chilly today." (Analissa) mentions her thanks to the buff woman who smiles softly at her in reply.

Losimer didn't like the buff woman, but since he gave the sweet blonde girl the scarf that he can nestle into, he appreciated her kind heart. "Tweet~ tweet."

Farrah took a deep breath out and thought if this girl would want more scarves in her life she wouldn't mind asking her grandmother to knit a few for the upcoming winter. "I-It's no problem my grandma can make more for you if you'd like. Make sure you get back to your dorm safely… I'll be waiting for you on your next shift."

With the mention of the next shift, the villainess crossed her arms and began to plan what she should do in the future.

"Hmph." (Lady Evelyn) didn't realize she was making a pouting face. She has forgotten for a moment that the blonde girl has to come back again to do her job as a waitress.

The two bid their last goodbye before Analissa held on carefully at her scarf minding Losimer as she walked making sure the little bird didn't fall off her neck.

"Lady Evelyn I'm sorry I've kept you waiting." (Analissa) laughs nervously, taking a loose strand of her hair and tucking it behind her ear. "I wasn't sort of expecting you to visit… cough." she covers her mouth with her hand before revealing another smile that follows.

The villainess stood still hearing the small girl cough like that.

"You're still coughing." she mutters out almost like a worried complaint from a parent.

"And I will be well, do not worry I can heal myself. I just have to learn a healing spell that can make my throat well." (Analissa) tried reassuring the protective girl with her pouting face that the heroine found adorable.

She knew that villainess had been watching her all this time, keeping her safe. "I'm sorry… for making you worry."


"Who said I was worried?" The villainess started walking and motioned for the heroine to follow to which Analissa obeyed.

They walked side by side as they talked.

Analissa realized this, recalling from their first meeting. The first time she gain consciousness in the academy, 'I guess I'm slowly walking by her side. A commoner should always be behind a noble as they walk- but Lady Evelyn seemed to have gotten past that and maybe… she's started to trust me?'

"I came here to- eat. Yes, I was hungry and my bird found this place telling me of its greatness." (Lady Evelyn) excused and the blonde girl didn’t believe it entirely, this is a commoner’s restaurant and while the food may be good she wouldn’t exactly view it as the villainess’ style of restaurant to be in.

However she didn’t want to let Lady Evelyn be called out so she went with the flow. Her mouth opened wide and eyes sparkled, taking in such a compliment. "Oh! So you enjoyed the food?"

"Terribly so."

"Hah… I'm so glad you like the food." The blonde girl places a hand on her chest, Lady Evelyn sees the blue dress she has brought for her not matching the red scarf she got from the chef at the restaurant she worked in.

"That scarf… if you want more I can buy you a few. One that would match the color of this blue dress that I bought for you." (Lady Evelyn) had the urge to point that out as if to say, 'That tall buff woman is not the only one who can give you scarves.'

"Tell me what design would you prefer?"

"E-Eh?" The heroine was startled with another sudden proposal, it wasn't the first time the villainess was offering her services to buy her things. She already got her a wonderful blue dress that’s probably worth more than months of her salary.

“"I don't think I'll need that many scarves. I just like using one or two- and Farrah's grandmother made this so I can't let it go to waste."

She wasn't used to other people buying her expensive things.

If anything it was the opposite, her stream money would be used to either her medication bills or getting her online friends the thing that they wanted. Whether it be a new exclusive game, food delivery, anime stands or a new pc part.

In return those people gave her back something they made on their own. Fan art, a song dedicated as thanks for her gifts, knitted plushies being sent from another country or just letters.

Everyone of her online friends knew that she already had everything she wanted- so they made a gift of their own.

And those gifts made the streamer’s day whether they were small or big, expensive or cheap.

A gift is a gift.

"I actually like homemade things, you can feel the person's feelings, hardwork and relief while making that gift or item. It gives more value, sentimental value." (Analissa) saw that scarf’s side having Farrah’s name. “I’ll take good care of every gift I receive.”

“Is that so?” (Lady Evelyn) remembers the little gift she made, a surprise she never expected. Made from cheap markers, with those little frail small hands. It was nothing special. It wasn’t an expensive gem- it wasn’t any luxury bag or item she was used to.

Yet her mind wanted that small little thank you letter to be stored where her precious children’s books were. She bit her lip before replying, “I understand your care for gifts.”

“I'm glad, I rarely receive them- I mean- from people I truly care about.” (Analissa) chuckled, almost forgetting that the real heroine gets gifts twenty-four/seven because of her admirers in the game- in her history in her village and in school. “How about you, Lady Evelyn? Do you receive gifts often?”

“...I do.” The villainess being part of nobility always receives gifts even if she didn’t ask or even want them.

“That seems to be very nice, I hope you treasure each one.”

The Villainess couldn't help but chuckle hearing her words, if only that was the case.

“No, I only need to treasure a few.”

Lady Evelyn would remember a faint memory, a young maid telling her happy birthday being so amazing for getting so many gifts.

Every year it was almost always like this.

“Wow, milady! Look at all of these gifts! Aren’t they amazing? They almost all piled up into a huge mountain.”

Many gifts wrapped in pretty colors, ribbons all from different shapes and sizes. “One is from the crown prince- your fiancé, a rare jewel you can only get deep in the mines. You must be happy getting all of this, isn’t it nice?” The maid hands her over a small box, upon opening it reveals a beautiful necklace with rare ruby gems.

The little villainess opened another box and saw the exact replica of the crown prince’s gift. The maid covers her mouth shocked, “Oh from his brother- I suppose they have similar tastes in gifts.”

Lady Evelyn at such a young age already knew what was the real reason.

The two royal brothers couldn’t care much about her and just decided to send in the same gifts thinking she wouldn’t care.

It left a bitter taste in her mouth but still she couldn't deny them in order to not be rude to the royal family, if word gets out that she threw them out it would make the rumors complicated and could even make their family relations strained.

“Put any valuable gifts in my drawer, I will need to send a letter of thanks to both of his highnesses later.” (Lady Evelyn) excuses herself, ignoring the other pile of gifts she has lost the mood to open.

"As you wish, milady."

The noble lady excused herself walking out of the living room, glancing one last time at the mountain of presents before closing the door.


"Hah…" she hurriedly went to her safe space, her private quarters. Lady Evelyn stares at the ground wondering if birthdays were even worth celebrating, why celebrate the days of her freedom being taken away?

Once she found her private quarters, closing the doors and seeing a strange thing being on top of her bed.

A flat gift rested by the sheets, covered in red wrapper and ribbons to decorate.

"Who left this in my bed?" She looks around trying to see if there was anyone else hiding inside the room. When she didn't find anyone she decided to open the gift first and see what was inside.

The sound of the wrapper being teared and a joyful gasp of a little girl could be heard.

"N-No way!"

A children's book she was trying to obtain appeared in her bed. The crow and the chick, the only one who has known her love for such things- could it be that her caretaker left this?!

If her mother and father have seen her collecting such 'useless' and 'childish' things again she'll be thrown back into the box as a punishment.


Immediately the young Evelyn would find a place for her to hide it, behind the shelves of her academic books before anyone else could see.

Until now it's one of the best presents she has ever gotten, because it was actually something she wanted.

The memory quickly went by as the villainess heard the blonde girl’s words of agreement.

"Understandable words, milady! May I take back my words and the proper way it should've been, 'Treasure each one- each gift that you actually care for.'" (Analissa) agrees, nodding her head. "I almost forgot that some people you don't like even give you gifts."

"It may be rude for me to say, but Miss Blanchet you're the type to see a person at first glance- you see them as good." (Lady Evelyn) tells the heroine who laughs softly hearing her words.

"How can I not? I always find good in each person." (Analissa) really didn't, but it was her way of testing the waters for each person she would come across.

She was aware that people are two-faced, and many are capable of betrayal but she didn't want to break the whole innocent heroine act for now.

Only when the time is right.

"You find good in all… That could be your greatest weakness leading you deep into trouble… but it could also be your strength." (Lady Evelyn) stares at those lovely baby blue eyes, full of honesty and soul. She couldn't see a single lie from any words she said, the villainess believed that she was truthful.

The bustling crowd was being rowdy, a group of the heroine's admirers could be seen not too far away.

"!!!" (Analissa) noticed them and cursed in her mind. It was one of the noblemen that came around the street often, once proposing for her hand in marriage they were coming right in the direction they were walking!

"Oh no not again." The girl felt her face was missing something, she patted her cheek.

She left her hat at the restaurant that would've helped her get by but she let her guard down because she forgot that Farrah wasn't going to accompany her anymore- but the villainess instead!

Not that the hat helped, however she needed to think fast.

"Pardon, what do you mean 'Oh no, not again?'. Is everything alright?" (Lady Evelyn) saw her companion's distraught face and kept her guard up for any danger.

She intends to keep her promise on keeping her safe.

The heroine tries finding a hiding place they can get into before the noblemen could corner and trap them alone. "C-Come with me and hide for now!"

"Miss Blanchet, hold on!"

Without even a warning she held her hand and started dragging her into the middle of a dim lighted alleyway.

She turns her back to the wall before peaking, resting her hand to the brick, having Lady Evelyn in the middle of her body pinning her in the wall.

"Hah… hah… let's wait for them to pass because I can't handle them on my own." The blonde girl leans her head slightly to see the view, checking if the noblemen and his servants have left yet.

In all of her life Lady Evelyn Alarie has never been in this situation before.


If anything she was the one usually trapping and intimidating people. With their bodies almost touching together so close- heat radiating from the both the villainess couldn’t help but gulp.

"Y-You…" she tried muttering out, noticing the heroine’s short stature she could clearly see those bright blue eyes and her long pretty lashes she can’t help but to be envious of.

Analissa heard her calling and looked up, their faces meeting.



It took her a few seconds before she realized what was happening, she had the noble girl in a wall slam by accident! “I didn’t mean to do this, your ladyship I just- cough!”

Cheeks red in color, uneven breathing, and their hearts pounding really loudly. Both girls feared that the other could hear the loud banging drum in their chest.

The heroine didn’t dare breathe.

“Y-You just what, Miss Blanchet?” (Lady Evelyn) wanted to hear her reasoning despite the weird position they were in.

Losimer was in the scarf hiding himself feeling forgotten.

“...” He felt that watching his master become so vulnerable and flustered was illegal. Is this kind of friendship special between the two?

Analissa didn’t know how to answer the villainess, should she make another set of excuses to keep her in the dark or be honest- just this once?

“I’m running away from… people I don’t like.” (Analissa) confessed and that made Lady Evelyn widen her eyes in shock, worry and anger all at the same time.


“Where are they? Do you know who they are? Those were the people who cornered you and the buff restaurant owner not too long ago right?”

Anyone who would dare hurt the blonde hair girl would need to have a proper talking. She has seen a few men try to corner her before with the restaurant owner Farrah.

Analissa shakes her head seeing the purple haired girl looking angry, “N-No, I don’t know them but- it's just- they have no choice but to follow.”

‘Follow the code that’s been made by the game, they are also victims.’

Clenching her hands, balling it into a fist, the villainess was not pleased hearing her defend those ruffians.

“Miss Blanchet, they always have a choice. There always is a choice to not follow you because that’s just wrong-” (Lady Evelyn) realizes her words and mentally slapped herself. “I have to… apologize to you as well.”

She has been ordering Losimer to follow her in the academy, dorms, and the city. It was clear that she was similar to those men that were relentless in getting her attention.

Her heart hurt, she knew she wasn’t going to sleep in peace tonight not unless she also confessed.

“Losimer is my contract familiar, who I granted the order to track you down because- I thought you were going to meet with my fiancé in the past.” (Lady Evelyn) looks down in shame, admitting everything.

Analissa kept a straight face already knowing that fact.

“Now that I see- you’re genuinely not interested in him I can rest my mind. You won’t get yourself into trouble, my name won’t be stained and our reputation will be safe.” (Lady Evelyn) was tired as she replied laughing coldly.

“I believe you know, my apologies for ever doubting you. It is hard to trust in this time of age. I wanted to come clean, in order to gain your trust and faith.” (Lady Evelyn) had her chest feeling tight, observing Miss Blanchet who was considering a reply.

“Mm… thank you for telling me.” It was her only answer partnered with a sweet smile.

“I understand if you would like to never talk to me again or-” The noble woman was already thinking of the worst but then she was stopped by a sudden laugh.

“You can keep tracking me, your ladyship.”


“Don’t think you’ll be the only one sending random gifts from now on, thank you for the spare uniform. It really saved me from trouble back then.” (Analissa) chuckled, still not leaving her hand by the wall. It was more like she didn’t want to ever stop being in this wall slam position, kabedon!

It reminded her of the first day of school, the time she was slowly adjusting into her new found body and absorbing information on the world.

Who knew it would become the opposite as times passed.

The villainess blinked at her answer, she almost had to pinch herself if she was not dreaming. What she did was obviously against her privacy, why is she not mad?

“You’re not mad, Miss Blanchet?” she asks, looking confused, baffled and shocked.

“How could I be mad at you? All you did was help me- you were kind, even if your reason at first was for something silly- but I understand.” (Analissa) felt sore and so she stopped having the kabedon, sadly. “Humph.”

The villainess’ ear tip were colored red, warm to the touch, deeply embarrassed hearing her compliment and roast at the same time.

“Ugh… silly. How could it be silly- my reputation was on the line- I thought you were one of those seducing women that just wanted power…” (Lady Evelyn) covered her eyes in shame, sighing heavily for being wrong but so glad that she was.

Analissa kept her respectful distance and patted Losimer’s head.

“Hopefully our next walk is not this eventful. You can keep visiting me Losimer, I need some company in my dorm anyways it's a bit lonely.” she tells the small bird who tweets happily.

A few minutes passed and it was safe to come out, they walked side by side together again, bodies a little awkward from the experience.

“Cough.” (Analissa) covers her mouth with her hand, groaning and complaining why this cough hasn’t gone away after so long.

“You’re still not well.”

“I am… just a cough. You and Liara are the same, she even fussed about getting me hot water and ginger in my dorm room. I can do it myself, your ladyship I’m not a little girl.” the blonde girl couldn’t help but roll her eyes feeling babied.

It was not the best feeling in the world, sometimes it was good- but she feels useless when that happens.

“L-Lady Evelyn?”

“...” Her ladyship has gone silent as they walked, eyes a little watery.


“D-Don’t make those sad puppy eyes, please.” The heroine had to hold down her chest keeping the little organ from flying away, leaping to turn that frown upside down.

“But you won’t take the ginger and hot water we’ll be providing you… what if your cough gets worse…” that small voice of villainess seemed like pleading and further took on the damage.

[The Villainess used puppy eyes! +10 damage]!

“Cough… Is your master serious about this?” (Analissa) looks down on Losimer residing on the scarf who shrugs and that only made the situation dire. “Kuh…”

Being the older one out of them- (mentally) she had no choice but to swallow her pride and accept a gift from someone younger than her. 

“Fine- it’s just hot water and ginger. Be careful of placing it in my dorm room, your ladyship." She was reminded of the bullies that tore her uniform apart, there was always a small chance of traps being laid out for her to welcome.

“...!” (Lady Evelyn) smiled so widely it surprised the blonde girl. Who knew she could smile from just letting her give some hot water and ginger.


“Thank you, your ladyship. I promise one day- to return the favor.”

Analissa Blanchet, the former streamer, is still set on becoming her savior.

That night the villainess escorted the heroine safely to her dorm room, bidding goodbye and goodnight. Losimer flew into his master’s head earning a chuckle from the heroine who was the first one to retire.

“Goodnight, your ladyship.”

“Goodnight and you- have a good rest.”

Closing the doors and windows, everything was at peace.

“Hmm… he won’t be happy to hear about this.”

Not knowing that someone was lurking around the shadows.

The hooded figure takes a paper writing everything he had seen before having a messenger bird deliver it to the crown prince.

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Andres Gtz


Asteria Urbanska

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