Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 47: School Festival (II).

 Chapter 47: School Festival (II).

"A fool who will soon meet his doom."

Such words by his fiancé, Crown Prince Dereck couldn't help but snicker as the door closed on the student council's office. "Oh I wouldn't be so sure about that."

The crown prince eyes the scene over the window, seeing a little bird pecking the branch of the tree- his eyes lit in excitement before smiling widely.


Oh, Evelyn you're ever so naïve.

"We'll see who's first to meet their doom... I'll take care of it right when you're most down."


School day has arrived, Monday to be exact.

The new week of school time seemed to be refreshing, a student council member yawned, holding up a poster into the information board and pinned it for all the students to see. Every early student's eyes perked and began crowding the board.

"There we go. Do you want to get breakfast before heading into the student council office?"

"Yeah I could go for an omelet rice in the cafeteria."

The two left talking of what food to eat as the students from different years immediately walked towards the cork board in excitement reading the contents of the poster.

"Whoa! The school festival is next month?"

"Last year was pretty alright but there's not many good booths. Ugh, we would still need to plan our booth and there's so many things to do."

"This year the president is the crown prince so I'm sure this year will be amazing!"

The crowded students managed to gain the attention of Analissa Blanchet passing through the hallway, just woken up with a little sparrow bird on her head.

"Tweet! Tweet~!" (Losimer) chirps happily, being assigned to take care of the heroine now he's happy to be tagging along on her every day with consent.

"Hah... if it weren't for Lady Evelyn's gift of ginger tea I don't think I would've been able to sleep like that in peace." She yawns looking so tired.

After the talk with Liara she has found a little bit of peace within herself, fixing her long hair, holding a book looking around an empty hallway. "Weird... I wonder what that crowd is all about?"

"Tweet?" (Losimer) tilts his head looking curious over the crowding students, wondering if it's worth checking out to report to his master.

Analissa on the other hand, held her book tighter and feared the scene. A crowd of students means an event is coming to take place, to garner a system for her to take points for the love interests.

The only problem is she's been so busy hanging out with the villainess herself she hasn't bothered on gathering points with the other male leads.

The blonde girl noticed that the little bird looked eager to know what was going on so she asked, "Should we go check it out, Losimer?"

"Tweet!" (Losimer) tweets eagerly, saying 'yes please' in bird language. He shakes his feathers excitedly and peaked below to see the heroine's smiling face.

"Alright let's see what event is in store for us today." (Analissa) had a guy feeling that only after being introduced to two love interests of [The Crown Prince] and [The Knight], she's sure the next event will be the school festival.

The School Festival where two different statues of people shall celebrate the school's founding, the higher floor where the nobles will reside having refined entertainment held by the noble students of the school and the lower floor, where the commoners will have their own prepared events.

This event is where the love interest [The Butler] and the [Elf Prince] will now come into the fray.

She walked over into the corkboard and sighed tiredly, realizing her gut was right.

[The Academy Festival: The 71st founding celebration.]

"I knew it. The festival is soon." The blonde girl couldn't help but stare at the bright poster that was pinned to its wall. Her eyebrows frown, worried of how the plot has no plans in changing anytime soon even if she's disrupted many of the events that were supposed to happen in the introduction.

"This is slow. I'm still on chapter one in the novel plot in the game. It's usually easy to skip..." She complained, while she couldn't help but bite her thumb trying to focus. "But now I have to prepare."

Step... step... step...

She backed away slowly trying to avoid the crowd of people trying to get close to see the school festival poster but she felt someone's body bumping into hers.

Analissa gasped and quickly tried apologizing towards the stranger behind her, "...sorry-!"

"You're still on chapter one, may I know what novel you are reading nowadays now that I've finally seen you?"

"That voice-?!" (Analissa) Blanchet quickly turned around to see a bright blue hair and a faint smile of her ally looking like he hadn't slept in days. "Lord Ein!"

"Charmed, I see you've seen the news regarding the school festival but before that how have you been?" He leans down slowly inspecting his friend, where the last he saw of her was on that fateful day she saw another sign of Lady Evelyn Alarie.

The cold Duchess that didn't seem to care for anyone but herself and the duty placed by the crown.

"You were sick the last time I saw you, I'm glad that the Duchess has been making sure to keep your health checked." (Lord Ein) reaches out his hand slowly to pat the blonde girl's head after being so absent for so many days.


But stops after looking at his hand feeling something different. Lord Ein looked at Analissa's eyes becoming more clear.

"Apologies, but may I pat your head?" He asks gently, retracting his hand away from the blonde girl. The lord couldn't explain what he was feeling if it was boredom or-

"Not having you making the classroom chaotic and interesting made me somewhat miss your presence." (Lord Ein) answered that followed with a chuckle.

Analissa shakes her head nervously taking in what Lord Ein has requested, a pat on the head? Is everything alright with this man?

"Sorry I'm not fond of head pats, Lord Ein." She rejected the crown prince's knight respectfully, lowering her head to an aristocrat.

"However, thank you for asking for permission first. Did you miss me that much, dear friend?" (Analissa) asks not letting her guard down at Lord Ein even if they did consider an alliance it feels weird.

A new event and suddenly he's asking for a head pat? But at least he asked, unlike just forcefully giving it with no other warning.

"It is not only I who have missed you, Miss Analissa." (Lord Ein) turns around pointing at a few male classmates before grinning. "Let's not forget your fans."

Hearing his joke, the heroine could only raise one of her eyebrows and tried not to act uncomfortable. "How endearing, I thank you for all of your worries but you really didn't have to- all of you." she crosses her arms looking distant.

Lord Ein smiles softly, feeling somewhat pitiful to the classmates she's enchanted with her mysterious charms. "I know you're not interested in them but... I suppose Lady Evelyn Alarie wouldn't miss you per se. After all how can she miss you, when you're already laying in her chambers-"

"Shhh-!" (Analissa) jumped so suddenly to cover Lord Ein's mouth shushing him but due to such height difference and his speed to dodge it was all for naught.

Lord Ein saw her bright reddened face, enjoying the little reactions every time the Duchess was mentioned. "Tweet! Tweet!"

"...hmm?" (Lord Ein) felt something flying before he saw a little sparrow trying to pull out his hair with a weak force. His blue hair was being pulled, the lord's eyes the small sparrow bird that looked angry. "A new pet familiar of yours?"

"Oh-! Losimer come back here don't peck his hair!" (Analissa) jumped to catch the bird between her hands and laughed nervously looking around that they've gotten the attention of the students roaming around.

Hearing the name, Lord Ein became suddenly enthralled and curious. "Losimer- I believe I've heard a name like this before."

"Apologies, he's my new companion from um... Lady Alarie says it's for my safety and I agree." (Analissa) held the bird in one hand and used the other for patting, stroking his small soft feathers trying to calm the bird down who was chirping his angry tweets. 

"Tweet $W&#@!" (Losimer) cursed to his heart's content. Analissa couldn't understand what the little bird was saying but she was sure it wasn't anything kind.

"A feisty one, I do agree that a bit of protection would be proper after seeing you... nevermind" (Lord Ein) recalled about the incident with the commoner students that had an ill intent with her, not hesitating or even thinking about the consequences of keeping her inside the bathroom stall for so long.

He... felt horrible.

The boy smiled softly and offered a request. "With that said, Miss Analissa, may I walk with you back to class?" He asked, the blonde girl finding nothing uncomfortable or creepy coming towards his request her eyes widened in surprise.

Analissa points to herself while putting Losimer to stand upright on her shoulders instead of her head. "You're offering me to walk with you to class-? And not just ordering me to walk with you to class...?"

"Why would I order you to walk with me to class-? If you do not want to, it is wrong of me to force you." (Lord Ein) answered without much thought as he tilted his head looking confused. "Is there something wrong?"

"Yes-! No-! I mean-! I would absolutely walk to class with you." (Analissa) chuckled nervously and walked on ahead, waiting for Lord Ein who followed behind.

"This isn't the first time we've walked together, Miss Analissa. Why so nervous?" (Lord Ein) looks around and observes that many students have begun whispering things, possibly why the two of them are together.

He furrowed his eyebrow in annoyance to these observers, but still he tries not to ruin their walk together with how others would form useless theories that they could be the next forbidden couple on the block. "I think I understand now. A word of advice, don't take stranger's words to heart, they are not important and I hope this won't ruin your chances with the person you like."

"Huh? Yeah that... Thank you." (Analissa) answered halfheartedly, she was not worried about how the other students would view their relationship just by walking together but she needed to figure out how Lord Ein has been acting so different from his code in the came.

It's not only Lord Ein that has been changed.

The only ones affected are; The Villainess and The Knight.

Whatever she did could she use the same thing to convert the other love interest into decent human beings?

"That's it..." If she could garner the knowledge on how to change them, she could use this to eliminate the red flags surrounding herself and save the villainess from her death route!

And thanks to the school festival, she has two test subjects coming!

[The Butler] and [The Elf Prince]!

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Andres Gtz


Asteria Urbanska

Blake Roberts



If you'd like for more otome game: And see the advance story of our webtoon! Prologue is now available in my patreon! 

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