Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 5: Stupid Bird!

Chapter 5: Stupid Bird!

There was only a small light from a magic stone illuminating in the small dorm room. Our Heroine, Analissa, holds out her hand in front of a book while she sat down in the middle of her bed with her eyes closed full of concentration.

Now, it's a good thing that even on the first day she got her source of weapons and an instructor on how to fight.

Analissa just needs to focus and channel that magic energy that's built up inside of her.

"Inventorium...." she casts the spell out with a barely light glow.

She tries to place the book in her inventory, it floats for a bit- Analissa gasps in excitement thinking that the spell worked but she lost focus.


The book came down on the bed sheets and a frustrated girl holds her hair in annoyance. "I don't get magic in here. Back on the otome game we just had to push buttons not actually study or anything like that-"

Analissa takes the book a little mad and tries reading the contents of it.

"These are potions? Oh cool... They have some weird potions in here but I don't think that will help my current situation."

Analissa closes the book and sighs feeling tired. She stopped practicing how to do magic properly and looked at the other things the Heroine owned that's been messed around by her unknown bullies.

Her school uniform has some new torn cuts but nothing some little sewing can fix. If the Heroine even has any of those, it's bad enough that she doesn't have her original memory and she'll need to rely on everything she knows about the game instead.

"Come on, isn't there anything that the Heroine might have packed that's useful?" she mutters cursing at the Heroine for being so unprepared she also found out that the original Analissa doesn't have much money!

And she can't exactly go and add money to the deal with Lord Einsel.

He'll probably make fun of her or something like that. Analissa holds her almost empty wallet that won't last her for long. The game's currency are just the classic gold and silver coins.

"Oh oof." (Analissa) opens her pouch and almost kneeled to the ground in bitterness.

She's dead ass broke y'all and she's in a fancy private elite school. "And this world doesn't have instant ramen. My savior throughout college- and basically my whole life."

The Heroine clocks her head toward a cabinet where finally she found a sewing kit in a small wooden circle container and tried fixing her uniform. She knew how to take care of herself, due to being an only child in her past life with the stereotypical busy parents that had no time for her.

She basically has to raise herself, it wasn't that bad and there were just some cases where she was lonely but that's okay.

"There we go..." Analissa takes the needle gently, putting the thread in and cutting it with her teeth. She finds the many torn cuts on her uniform and frowns. Clearly the uniform wasn't that damaged but still... Who would do this to her when she just started the game?

The magic stone shone, feeling like the light was accompanying her sew. She'll miss earth, being a streamer and a big hot shot but...

Deep inside she knew everything is not right and there's this feeling of emptiness inside that she can't ignore. The only time it felt full was when she played the game and met the Villainess.

"Hmm... Hmm~" The other rooms besides her were fast asleep yet she hummed a pop song that she used to listen to often when she was still on earth.

Almost an hour went by and finally- "It looks good as new!" (Analissa) exclaimed looking happy for herself now that she has something decent to wear tomorrow. Even if it's a little visible, beggars can't be choosers.


Speaking of which, she needs to hide all the important things she has somewhere safe just in case they pull the same stunt again.

And that she did, under the bed. Where anything that looked valuable or felt valuable to her. Analissa looked around the room for anything of value- hmm...

"Huh." (Analissa)

Our Heroine has found something that interests her! She bends down to pick up a photo that she must've missed from the cleaning before. "The Heroine's family?" she mutters to herself in question wondering if they are still in contact with one another because in the game-

The Heroine's background was never explored. Maybe... they still do keep in touch... in any case Analissa felt the strong urge to take the photo and place it inside a book to be kept in a drawer. Other than that she couldn't exactly find anything else of value.

She decided to sleep hoping tomorrow will be a decent day for school.

She turns the magic stone lamp that provided the lamp off, sighing in tiredness she takes her blanket and covers herself with it.

It's very cold but this was the only thing that can keep her warm. Who knew the dorms for commoners in this school were not well kept. The only thing she can do now is adapt to her new life and get stronger.

For now she has Lord Einsel by her side. She still needed to help him with his lost heirloom without needing to open up a love route. Analissa was sure they could stay as friends and hopefully give him some perspective on things.

“Whatever… I’ll worry about it some other time.”


Tweet! Tweet!

Analissa groaned hearing some weird bird singing and pecking at her window as if to wake her up. She's definitely not a morning person so this is unusual for her, "Ugh... stupid bird leave me alone... stop..."

Why must it be a bird? What is she, Cinderella? Well now that you think about it- nah. The story doesn't say that she has an evil step-mother and sisters so she's safe.

Tweet! Tweet!

The bird still didn't stop making noise so Analissa rolled out of bed with a grumpy face and opened the window. "What do you want? You annoying flying thing." she asks, wiping the morning stars out of her eyes and the bird pointed towards the sun.

The sun? Hmm... I guess it's morning now.

"Wait- it's already morning?! Class is starting soon!" (Analissa) scampers out of the window feeling thankful that a silly little bird pestered her to wake up like an alarm clock- oh darn it! Alarm clocks don't exist in this world so she'll most likely have to make her body get used to waking up early without the use of it!

"I need to get dressed- I need to take a quick bath- I need to brush my teeth- I need to organize my things- I still don't know how to do the spell to get your things inside of the personal inventory thingy-" she panicked and kept muttering the things she needed to do in some sort of humming.

She took a bath first, enduring the cold waters and feeling envious of the hot water system that her old world has. "Brrr... I will never take things for granted ever again." she complains, taking a clean towel and drying herself.

She quickly brushes her soft blonde hair over the mirror, not bothering to tie it very neatly. What a failure of a Heroine- she also brushed her teeth and just grabbed a hold of her books since she can't store it properly for now.

She locked the door and waved at the open window seeing that the same bird was watching her. What an odd bird? Now she really feels like a real cinderella except now she's just missing the mouse as singing sidekicks.

While our Heroine was running towards the classroom.


Someone was impatiently tapping their feet in the ground looking around with her arms crossed. "What's got your feathers all ruffled?" a red haired beauty walks towards the grumpy figure.

The dark haired girl scoffs looking at an open window before the same bird that was flapping its wings to get inside. "Isn't that your familiar?" she points at the colorful little fella who lands on the Villainess's open palm.

Tweet! Tweet!

It began talking only the familiar and master can understand. A communication between in one's mind. "I see." It seems that his work was done, the girl she's supposed to be keeping an eye on is running late but just in time before the next professor would come in.

"Good work, you may rest in your lair." she orders the little bird who poofs with some smoke and then he was gone. She tries to focus into the class ears perking up for any heavy footsteps that might come.

"Hey you haven't answered me. Why is your familiar out and about?" The girl continues holding some books in her hand before sitting beside her. "Jeez quit being an ice queen. I'm going to find out sooner or later, you know?"

Lady Evelyn rolled her eyes and answered. "I am keeping Miss Blanchet in check. I need to monitor her every movement and see to it that she won't get close to my fiancé nor spread rumors or make some sudden scandals."

Serene nods feeling amused by all of this. She doesn't really like to partake in any interest that the commoner might do but to think that her ladyship is wary of such a pitiful little girl who only got into the private academy just because of some primly light magic- "How rare of you to care. You could've just let the bird take watch over and such you need not to take such little things into your own hands. It would be a waste of your time, Evelyn."

She gave a good point, such a sharp mind and Lady Evelyn have thought of it before but something... inside of her is telling her to keep a clear watch over Miss Blanchet.

"There's something not sitting right with me... with Miss Blanchet I mean." (Lady Evelyn) hesitates to say what it was. Could she trust a friend with this information?

The fact of such peculiar words of a commoner that told her with such genuine eyes. It felt nothing but honestly and there were no lies. Either that or Miss Blanchet was just that good at lying that it fooled her.

That she'll save her?

From what?

Does she know something that she doesn't?

"You've gone completely silent again. Jeez, are you taking her that seriously?" (Serene) looks at her fingers to check on her neatly polished nails. Disappointed at her dearest friend who just became silent perhaps from thinking too much, it's a little habit she's certainly picked up from her father.

Serene laughs a little, giving the Villainess a good reassuring look. "I've heard some of the other noble ladies that've been envious of her have been taking care of her, if you know what I mean." She stretches her fingers happily knowing that the commoner is being dealt with people lower than dirt too.

Now she doesn't have to dirty her own nails to deal with herself. "Don't you think it's neat- Evelyn?" (Serene) stops talking once she noticed her friend wasn't taking in with the joke that she made- her friend looked... So mad?

But why?! This was only a commoner who doesn't even belong here! She even said it herself! She's something of a problem between their marriage with the crown prince!

"Is this true?" she asks voice ever so serious, and her eyes could even cut someone in half. Metaphorically... but it was rather fearsome.

Serene who stops goofing around with her hands looks at her friend in the same level of danger. "What if it is? Evelyn, I know how your savior complex is. Don't even think about it, remember. She's someone who's giving your fiancé a candy eye. I say this is a good thing." she gave a good point and it made Lady Evelyn back down.

However, is this alright? Knowing that someone is in trouble yet she can't do anything about it? No... she can do something about it. She's a daughter of a Duke for goodness' sake! "Do you really think so?" (Lady Evelyn) glances at Serene who shrugs.

"Of course it is. Weird how our professor is late for some reason..." the red-haired girl complains, tending to her nails again, not bothering to continue arguing with her childhood friend who's clearly anxious as to where Analissa is.

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