Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 133: Number one

 Chapter 133: Number one



“I guess I’ll have to give everything back.”
“That would be appreciated, yes.” Shanks said with a deadpanned voice and face to a very uncomfortable Rick.
“To my defense, until a few moments ago, you were our rivals. And It was payback for taking my wife away.” He tried to justify himself and left to put everything back where it belonged.

While he left to do what he said, both crews dismantled the stands and recycled the wood to make a huge bonfire to celebrate. Everyone drank, ate and laughed to their heart’s contentment way into the night. Even gArp got into it, despite his feelings and opinions about pirates most notably Shanks and his crew.
To the side were the people watchers. The introvert that enjoyed a party in their corner, silently and watching others move around.

“To think that the crown of the pirate king was bet in a Davy Back fight.” said Mihawk to no one in particular. “He didn’t disappoint.” he added, looking at Luffy.
“I can’t say I’m happy at the news of a new Pirate King seeing the light of day but at least he’s someone that I can respect.” replied Kuzan.
“The World Government and the world nobles won’t stay quiet about this. Neither do nothing.”
“The same for the Revolutionary Army. The chaos that will be brought by Luffy’s coronation is an opportunity that they won’t miss.” Robin added to her husband’s words.
“War.” was the single word Mihawk spoke.
“War.” repeated Rick in agreement. “The world is entering a new era like no other seen before.
“Will you fight in it?” inquired Aokiji.
“You know I will. I want a very big family uncle and they will never be safe with the celestial dragons and a corrupt government in place. They need to go, you know that.”
“... I do.” answered the iceman. Then after a few moments made a confession. “I wasn't working undercover for the World Government.”
“You weren’t?” Rick exclaimed in surprise.
“No. I lost faith in it the moment Akainu was promoted to Fleet Admiral.”
“I didn’t think of you as a sore loser.” noted Mihawk.
“I’m not. You all know what kind of person that man is. He’ll burn the whole world to catch one single criminal. What is the point if there is no one left? That’s not justice, that's tyranny. The navy was created to bring order and protect the people who can’t protect themselves. What Sakazuki is doing is the opposite of that and yet the five elders supported him. I couldn’t serve under such a monstrous ideology.”
“You almost sound like me a decade ago”
“Or like a member of the R.A.” interjected Garp who had taken a break from dancing.
“That’s because I am.”
““You’re what now?”” Grandfather and grandson answered in sync.
“A member of the Revolutionary Army. I was indeed undercover among the Blackbeard pirates but for them, not the World Government.”
“I’ve never heard about this.” said Robin.
“Only Dragon knows. He’s the one that recruited me two years and a half ago. To a very few others, like Sabo or Koala, I’m agent Coolio. To much of everyone else I’m just a Blackbeard pirate.”
“It was you! You were the one who put a bouquet of Bellflower on my mother’s and Saul’s graves when I was living on the island!” exclaimed the archaeologist.
“How do you know that?” the iceman asked in surprise of being found out.
“Rayleigh and I were the only ones visiting and we brought Casablancas.”
“What I don’t understand is why you feel the need to confess everything now.” inquired Mihawk who had been listening.
“Blackbeard and his crew are gone, my mission is over. As you said, war is upon us, there is no need for secrecy anymore.”

The talk ended right then just when Nami came to take Robin away for a dance. Rick couldn’t help himself but smile kindly at the sight. It was his turn afterward and he ended dancing with every lady around. When it was Baby-5 turn, Franky joked to keep his womanizing hands away because she was spoken for. That made everyone laugh. Eri got a turn too.

“You did so well. I’m super proud.” he told her.
“Thank you but it was Reiju that thought of the plan. The only thing I had to do was dodge the first hit.” she answered a bit embarrassed.
“And you did it perfectly. More than that, you immediately counter attacked your opponent’s blindspot and got him. Again, I’m super proud.”

She smiled dumbly at her father’s praise and quickly changed her partner for Chopper to hide her embarrassment that had reached its peak. Rick simply walked back to his seat next to Robin and let his mind wander as he looked into the hot flames of the bonfire. He never noticed the party dying down or people going to sleep out of fatigue or drunkenness. Instead he enjoyed the warmth of his wife and let his head rest on her shoulder.

When morning came both Reiju and Chopper were quick to hand out some hangover cure to anyone needing it. Rick was already up and about with his Grandfather and the both of them were, as silently as possible, cleaning up the mess the party created. As more and more people became able, they naturally joined the cleaning party without even being invited to do it.
They were done mid morning and to repair the loss of vegetation that the Davy Back Fight incurred, Garp used his new found power to create new trees, grass and because he felt like it, a flower field.
Robin and Nami came back from the Sunny with news. The former had deciphered all the poneglyph writings and with the latter’s help located Laugh Tale. A bit more than a week of travel if Nami’s estimation were correct. That brought a round of cheers from everyone present.


“Sir! I have news!” Brannew shouted as he entered Sengoku’s office without even knocking on the door. The commodore, still loyal to the former Fleet admiral, at least more than to the current, held in his hands a newpaper and tossed it quite unceremoniously to his superior who caught it on the spot. Tsuru, who was sitting facing Sengoku, stood up to have a look at the news when she saw her friend’s eyes pop out of their orbit and his face pale.
“He did it. I can’t believe that simpleton actually did it, Tsuru.”

She didn’t need to ask, Sengoku showed her the head line.

“                                    A new Pirate King is born!

A few days ago, as this article is reaching your hands, a confrontation between the last two emperors of the seas happened on Lodestar, the penultimate island before the end of Grand line. The two greatest pirates of this era fought for a metaphorical ownerless crown in a Davy Back Fight, a traditional fight between pirates where after three contests the winner takes it all. The victory went to the strawhat crew after an ultimate clash between captains. That makes the fifth Emperor defeated by this pirate crew in less than half a year. Without any one to challenge him, Strawhat Luffy is considered at the moment the most powerful pirate of this era. Who could blame him if he called himself the king of the pirates? But that’s not the only reason Morgan News is giving him the title. After all, it is well known that to become Gold Roger's successor one has to find his famous treasure, the One Piece. Confirmed to exist by Dark King Rayleigh, Roger’s first mate; it has long been speculated that the One Piece was located on the very last island of Grand Line. An island named Laugh Tale by Roger himself who was, with his crew, the only ones who ever reached it. From reliable sources, after acknowledging red-haired Shanks’ subordination, Strawhat Luffy left Lodestar for Laugh Tale, having secured all the hints the pirate king had left behind for one to find the island.
What is the One Piece? Will Strawhat Luffy share what it is to the world? Is it really on Laugh Tale? What will be the navy and the World Government’s answer to the birth of a new Pirate King? What about Portgas D Ace, Roger’s son? ”

“...” Tsuru had no comment to make.
“That’s not all, sir. Vice-Admiral Garp was the one referring their fights and Kuzan, Dracule Mihawk and princess Nefertari Vivi were the judges.” Brannew added.

“Both pirate crews wanted impartiality, so the strawhats proposed their prisoners.”
“GaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAARRRRRRPPPPP! You fool!” yelled Sengoku. He was about to pop an aneurysm because of his best friend's antics.
“What is Sakazuki’s, no… What is the five elders’ answer to that?”
“Well, ma’am…” he began but stopped and instead showed her a few new wanted posters.



“Sabo! Sabo! Sabo! Sabo!” quickly called out Koala as she ran up the stairs towards the main room. She completely exploded the door with a kick and was upon her friend and superior in a blink of an eye. “LOOK!” she yelled in his ear as she tossed on his desk a newspaper and new wanted posters.
Picking them up, his face showed disbelief at first then his mouth widened from ear to ear and he began to laugh.

“Everyone! Tonight we’re partying like no tomorrow! My little brother realized his dream!”


Foosha Village - East Blue

“Noooooooooooooo!” lamented the old mayor, his head resting sideways on the counter.
“I can’t believe he did it.” Makino smiled.

Everyone at the bar had their own newspaper and wanted posters. Luffy's last feat was the talk of the whole island and most people that knew him were happy for him. Even the mayor, despite his attitude and condemning words, had a smile on his face. He was just hiding it by facing his head away from the other customers.

“Makino! This one, you need to frame it!” said a customer holding the latest wanted poster of their island’s celebrity.
“Yeah! Put it next to little Eri!”
“I will!”
“You think he would sign it if we ask?”


Alubarna, Capital of Alabasta Kingdom - Grand Line


“Pwincess Viviiiiii!” cried a very emotional Igaram, holding the newspaper.
“They found her, it’s such a relief.” Pell commented.
“Yes. However I do worry that with their new bounties the strawhat had painted a bigger target on their backs.” said Chaka, his tone solemn.
“From what the paper says, the princess is considered their prisoner. Of course we and every Alabastan know better but I don’t think the World Government will openly arm the princess.”

Chaka had doubts as he believed that his king’s murder was ordered by the world nobles but he kept them to himself. Today was a day for celebration. The kingdom had found their missing princess and their heroes had reached the top of the world. He didn’t want to rain on anyone’s parade though he wondered if the people would stop partying even if he spoke up.

‘Probably not.’

One thing for sure, the last time barmen and barmaids served that many Cobra Kais and Vivid Dreams was two years ago when Crocodile was defeated.


Water Seven - Grand Line


“Sir, you told me to pass you any information on the strawhat crew and most notably Franky the Cyborg, so here it is.” said the young secretary of the Galley-la as she got on the tip of her feet and put both newspaper and wanted posters on his desk.
“Thank you, Alice.” replied the mayor of Water Seven. Picking up the paper, he began to read the latest news about the crew that did so much for him and his friend. “So you finally realize your dream, Franky. Good for you.” he spoke out loud with a small happy smile and picked up the den den mushi at the corner of his desk. He had an old mermaid to call and an evening of drinking to plan.


Shakky's Rip-off Bar, Sabaody island - Grand Line


The former Kuja empress had a pleased smile splattered on her face as she looked at her husband, drinking and crying his happiness away.

“He did it, Shakky! He bloody did it! I knew he would but so soon?! And he even made Shanks his subordinate! Gosh, he’s almost Roger come again!”
“I’m glad they reached Laugh Tale but it’s not the end. Now with all the other emperors defeated or dead, the World Government only has only one target to eliminate in priority. The balance changed, war is coming.”
“Yeah… You think it’s time for us to go back for a while?”
“I think so.”
“We don’t have to, you know.”
“I’m aware but… It’s different this time. The board is different, more explosive. I don’t want to watch something so big on the sideline. It’s more than a new era that is coming, Ray. It’s a new age.”


Sphinx, Whitebeard’s home island - Grand Line


“You saw the news.” Marco said as he landed at the center of the village and saw a very excited Ace, partying with the villagers.
“You damn right I did! My brother is finally the pirate king! Gosh! I used to make so much fun of him about it when we were kids! And now look at him! We're going to celebrate all week!” the captain of the Whitebeard pirates said as he put his arm around Marco and dragged him towards the bonfire for some food.


Unknown island - Grand Line

“Maaaaaaaaan! Mista Luffy finally did it!” slurred a happily, crying and drunk Bartolomeo as he looked at the wanted poster of his idol. “He even got an emperor to join him as his subordinate.’
“Let’s not forget Wald, captain!”
“Of course not! That makes Mistah Luffy even cooler to have that monster under him!”
“Do I change the answer to the rest of the fleet about a reunion on Elbaf then, captain?”
“YES! We all need to celebrate this!”


“That’s your doing isn’t it?” Nami said holding the newspaper.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Rick denied as he was scribbling some new devil fruits in his book.
“Don’t play coy with me!” she shouted from her seat in the garden. She was having a relaxing ladies time with the other women of the crew.
“I may or may not have contacted through den den mushi Morgan News and shared some sensitive information regarding what happened on Lodestar to stir shit up with the World Government.”
“Of course!” she said, raising her hand in the air in surrender.
“Did you expect anything else from our husband?”
“No! But now he went and did it! He stirred too much! I don’t dare look at the new wanted posters!”
“Hm, shouldn’t we call the others before doing that?” asked Eri as Nami was passing to Robin the new bounties.
“Yes, we should.”

Raising her hand in a cross, Robin bloomed a clone on the deck and told everyone to go to the garden to look at the new bounties. They all ran inside at the news. Once everyone was there. Nami gives each one their own poster.

“Youhou! I broke the billion bar! I’m worth 1.1 Billion Berry!”
“That’s great, Usopp!”
“What about you, Chopper?”
“My bounty doubled! It’s 600 Million now!”
“Damn! They really opened their eyes on what you can do. About time!”
“... Wouldn’t it be better if everyone put their wanted poster on the wall?”
“That’s a great idea, Vivi!” Luffy said, and with a swipe of his arms, grabbed everyone’s bounty minus Rick who was way far back in the garden.

“Robin, a bit of help, please.” The captain asked and fingers bloomed at the corners of every bounty to hold them against the wall.

Pirate King’, Monkey D Luffy: 6.5B “I can’t believe you beat Roger.’ mumbled Garp but no one heard him.
‘Pirate Hunter’, Rononoa Zoro: 3.9B
‘Wheather Queen’, Nami: 1.3B “Oh, I got a new nickname.”
‘God’ Usopp: 1.1B
‘Black Leg’, Vinsmoke Sanji: 1.550B
‘Beast Doctor’ Tony-Tony Chopper: 600M “Beast doctor?! Seriously?!” complained the reindeer.
‘Devil’s child’, Nico Robin: 6B “Holy crap, Robin! You’re worth nearly as much as me!” “They still didn’t get my name-change right.” muttered the archaeologist clearly annoyed.
Franky the cyborg: 936M “You’re almost there.” “Thanks, Sanji but I’m just glad they finally used a picture of me and not Sunny.”
‘Soul King’, Brook: 878 M
‘Arsenal’, Baby-5: 780M “Oh I got an epitaph too!” “It’s quite super and badass!” ‘Thank you, darling!”
‘Knight of the sea’, Jimbei: 1.6B
‘Poison Dragon’, Vinsmoke Reiku: 900M “Makes sense, you’re all blue in your dragon form.” commented Nami.
‘The Traitor’s daughter’, Wal D Eri: 3.3B

“It seems, with the exception of Luffy and Robin, everyone got a 300M increase.”
“Now, Luffy I get it, but why Robin? Your bounty went up 4.5B.” wondered Usopp.
“I don’t know. There are many criterias taken into account for a bounty.”
“That’s because of your knowledge about the poneglyphs. The farther into the New World you go, the closer you get to Laugh Tale, the more dangerous you become to the World Government. The belief in the high spheres is that the truth about the void century is there or the locations of the ancient weapons.” Garp explained and Kuzan did it further.
“There are also your ties to the R.A. and your husband to take into account which would have increased your bounty significantly.”
“Speaking of Rick, where is his bounty?” asked Chopper.

Everyone looked back to see Rick standing up near his desk, his wanted poster in hand. Completely frozen.

“Hey! Rick! Mind sharing?” Asked Luffy but got no answer. His Vice-Captain didn’t even move a muscle. Usopp walked to him and snapped his fingers right in front of his face but didn’t get a reaction either. When he looked down, he too, froze on the spot.
“Usopp?” inquired Nami.
“He bugged too, apparently.” Sanji realized.

It was Luffy that reached for the poster by elongating his arm and put it on the wall next to the other, Robin diligently blooming finger to hold it. Everyone looked at it and had their jaw’s drop. Even Mihawk, who had been curious and joined the crew, had his mouth wide open in shock.

‘The world’s worst traitor’, Wal D Rick: 8.9B


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