Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 136: Another tour of the world

Chapter 136: Another tour of the world


After a short stay at the Twins Cape for Brook and Laboon. The crew left directly for Alabasta. Crocus had congratulated Luffy for reaching Laugh Tale and becoming the Pirate King. They had celebrated all day and all night.

Igaram, Pell and Chaka were delighted to see Vivi back again and welcome for the third time the crew in the palace. The official story that any Alabastan would say to an outsider was that the crew ransomed Vivi and the kingdom simply paid. All to avoid linking Vivi and the crew together in the eyes of the World Government. Just before leaving, Vivi had privately slapped Rick and vented her grievances. He would have taken it all in stride were it not for the cut he received on his cheek made by the engagement ring he had gifted Vivi when he had kidnapped her more than a year ago during the Reverie. The princess has come to terms with her feelings and the situation the man she loved was in, after long talks with the other women in his life. Taking her time she had made her decision and chose to remove the ring from the chain she was wearing around her neck under her clothes to put it on the appropriate finger. She gave him a loving and longing kiss then turned him around and literally kicked his ass out of her room. Nami, Robin and Reiju, were not aware of Vivi’s decision but immediately knew what it was when they saw Rick’s stupid smile on his face.

Surprisingly, Mihawk didn’t take the opportunity to leave, refusing to put an end to teaching Eri. She was so happy about it that she gave him a heartfelt hug that made him uncomfortable. He began sweating in fear when he first felt then saw Rick’s murderous aura around looking at him. The protective father signed with his hands that he was keeping an eye on him for any funny business with his daughter. It was fine with Mihawk, he had no feelings beyond those of a teacher to a student.

After weeks of sailing they arrived on O’hara where to their surprise they found Shakky and Rayleigh.

“What are you doing here?” asked Usopp.
“The world is about to change like never before and we wanted to be part of it. One last time.” replied the former Kuja empress. “Congratulations on reaching your dream.” she smiled at Luffy who thanked her.

Sabo had made a spectacular entrance by blowing up the bar’s doors, and was kicked aside by both Hancock and Kaza, who ran for Rick and tackled him down to the ground.

“DAD!” Eri exclaimed.
“I’m alright.” her father said as she pushed away his wife and fiancee and made them float in the air. “Do you have to tackle me everytime I’m back?”
““YES”” they yelled, making him sigh.

He put them down and Hancock glued herself to him, drowning his arm in her voluptuous cleavage and kissing his face for everything she was worth. Kaza on the other hand took Eri in a bear hug.

“Mom, I’m alright.”
“Nuh-huh. Let me have a good look at you.” said the older redhead and put her daughter at arms length to check on her. When she saw the scar on her brow she frowned and rubbed her thumb gently on it.
“I got that during a storm. The floor was wet and I slipped.” She told the lie she agreed on with her father.
“Hmm. If the two of you are here, who’s watching over Lynda and Cora?”
“Ace is here?!” Luffy exclaimed.
“Yeah. He arrived a couple days ago to celebrate you becoming the Pirate King.” explained Sabo who stood up and dust himself.
“That’s not what I meant! He shouldn’t be in the care of our nieces!” the Pirate king shouted and ran out of the bar.
“Hmm. Why?” inquired Sabo looking at the other as Rick had followed Luffy.
“Ace is very irresponsible with young children or rather was, he really got better. I wouldn’t have left my daughters in his care otherwise.” answered Hancock.

Five minutes later Rick came back with his daughters in his arms, Luffy and Ace in tow were fighting.

“I can’t believe you started a fire!”
“It was an accident! The girls were safe!”
“Okay, maybe he has to get better a bit more.” said Hancock.

From there the party began. Not something very loud because of the children but there was lots of drinking, laughing, singing and bragging. Robin and Rick were at the counter talking with Shakky and Rayleigh.

“So you found the missing history, was it everything you expected?” he asked the brunette.
“Mostly no. I suspected it was about the World Government covering up something bad they did but I never thought it would be about a war, the D clan, a goddess, Joy Boy, the Lost kingdom and Imu herself.”
“What are you talking about?” the old man asked, confused.
“What I’m…You never saw Joy Boy’s grave?”
“If you mean the inside of it, then no. Only your mother, Roger and Oden went inside.”
“Oh, boy… you’re in for a long story.” said Rick.

While Shakky's face didn’t move an inch, her eyes noticeably got bigger after each revelation at best, Rayleigh’s mouth lowered and lowered so much you could have fit a barrel in it.

“To think that such a thing happened.” wondered aloud the former empress.
“It’s… hard to believe.”
“Old man, we have the goddess’ body stored on the ship if you want proof.”
“No, no. I believe you guys but it’s so… fantastical of a tale.”
“What are you going to do, now?” the Dark king’s wife asked.
“Well, Luffy is…”
“Blow up Reverse Mountain.” answered bluntly Robin cutting her husband's speech and making Rayleigh spit his beer.
“You what?!”
“Luffy found the One Piece but he isn’t technically the freest man on the sea yet. Only with Reverse Mountain gone can he claim to be.”
“By the way, the One Piece is probably the goddess and not the treasure Roger left on Laugh Tale.” added Rick.

Rayleigh laughed at the revelations and shook his head. His student reminded him too much of his late best friend with how outrageous they were. Perhaps it was why one succeeded the other.

After spending the night in the bar. Robin, Rick, Sabo and Aokiji went to the main building of the R.A. and greeted Koala who had been delighted to see Robin and Rick and shocked to learn who was agent Coolio. After sharing the missing history for a third time, especially the part about Imu, Sabo confirmed that she existed.

“She’s the one that ordered King Cobra’s death. He got an audience with the five elders in the empty throne room and asked a question about what happened to Queen Nefertari Lili. That’s when Imu showed herself and sat on the throne. Because of the low light, I couldn't see what she looked like but I understood that the elders were subservient to her. After revealing that Queen Lili was a traitor and was guilty of the crime of spreading the poneglyphs all over the world she ordered him killed. I tried to save him but I was too late.” the blond man confessed.
“She needs to be taken down.” Rick stated.
“Yes. Her and the celestial dragons but we’re not ready yet.” replied Koala.
“Luffy has to do something first before our journey ends. After that…”
“War then going back home and start a family.” Rick finished Robin’s sentence and gave her a hopeful smile that she returned.
“So you’re really in the fight?” asked Sabo.
“Yes, it’s time I properly join the Revolutionary Army.”
“Good to hear!” declared Sabo with a smile.
“YAY!” Koala shouted, hugging Robin’s neck.


Eri failed to convince her mother to allow her to keep sailing with the crew and her mood plummeted. It was only lifted up when Mihawk said he would stay on the island for a while to keep teaching her. Kaza had been dumbfounded to hear that she had a gift with the sword. She knew her daughter was good, despite chidding her skills many times but good enough to catch the eye of Mihawk of all people? The idea never crossed her mind.

Garp was delighted to see Kaza again after so long. She was too and invited her into her home. He shared with her about how Eri did during her stay on the Sunny and kept praising her.

“What about you? For a prisoner you look rather good.” she noticed.
“I’m alright. I aged twenty year when the children discovered the truth of the void century but otherwise I was treated as a member of the crew.”
“And what?”
“How did it feel to be a pirate?”
“I wasn’t a pirate!” he contested with a frown.
“Don’t take that tone with me! Now, you sailed with your pirates grandsons and reached the end of the world. Are you telling me you didn’t enjoy that time? That you didn’t enjoy the freedom without any responsibilities or men and women to command?”
“... It felt refreshing. There I said it! Happy?”
“It’s not about me. It’s about you. Are you happy? How long will you serve the World Government?”
“What are you saying exactly?”
“You know the Truth. You can’t hide behind your ignorance anymore. Are you alright serving such people?”
“The world is changing, Garp. And I believe it’s going to be for the better. Will you oppose that change or fight for it?”
“Look at me preaching like an old hag. I’m barely in my thirties.”
“You’re for…”
“Whatever you choose to do. You better not hurt my daughter, understand? And incidentally, don’t regret your choice.”

With that she stood up, gave him a hug, and went outside, leaving her former superior alone with his thoughts. Eri was playing with her sisters or rather Lynda who was now on her way to be four years old and could move around while Cora was being held by Rick sitting on the grass. She saw Luffy, Ace and Sabo fighting like children on the other side. Wrestling for whatever reasons concerning their nieces. Finally she saw Hancock having a conversation and tea with the other women in Rick’s life. It’s been a bit more than half a year and Kaza’s attitude has improved for the best regarding that particular aspect of the life of the man she loved. Not because of a want but because of a need. The letter that Eri had left her contained more than just farewell words and her intent to sail with her father. Being told by your child that you were making her miserable because you’ve changed and not for the better, is not something any parents want to hear or read or know in general. Part of her broke that day. She had rage, of course. She was a redhead with a temper after all. Proud of it too, so when she got a call from Eri and that Rick made her a deal, the rage and anger were replaced by worry and most importantly introspection.
She realized that ever since they arrived on O’hara, her daughter only smiled when she was with her sisters or when Koala and once in blue moon, Sabo visited. Not with her. Never with her, not anymore. Their training session was devoid of life. There was no banter, no more jokes, no more bonding between mother and daughter. Eri focused on training and that’s all. She wasn’t a recluse, she spoke to her like she always did but the warmth wasn’t there. She thought at first that it was because of Eri hitting puberty a bit early and so many changes in her life. Knowing who her father was, meeting him, moving to O’hara, after meeting one of his father’s wives and her half sisters. But the truth was she was responsible.

She had been bitter. Knowing about other women and children was one thing, meeting them was another entirely. More than that, she felt intimidated by Hancock. The Pirate empress was fifteen years younger and more beautiful than she ever was. She had offered the woman and her children a roof over their heads because it was the right thing to do and because she couldn’t really say no as the house belonged to her too but she didn’t accept her, nor the girls. It wasn’t until that morning when they woke in each other arms that she began to be nicer to her rival and not down right nasty. For Eri, and because Rick had asked it of her. When she saw him taking care of the children and making breakfast as if he had done that his whole life, she got a glimpse of what she could have. A family life. It was just a glimpse, a tiny teeny one but she realized she craved it once he left. More than she ever imagined. Then with Eri gone, Hancock had troubles with taking care of two children alone. Of course she helped and she found out no matter who the parents of the girls were, they were just innocent girls who needed attention and care. There and then, she realized that the part that broke was the part she didn’t need. A part that she was glad to be rid of. The bitter part. Her relationship with Hancock improved bit by bit after that until you could almost call them friends. Or perhaps rivals or frenemies.

Now that her daughter was home, she noticed the difference. Both in Eri and herself. Her daughter smiled and laughed with everyone. Even that Zoro guy whose face was made of granite and never moved an inch. More importantly, Eri smiled at her. Her own mother. It took everything she had to not cry everytime she did it. Sighing to herself in contentment, Kaza walked towards the other women to join whatever conversation she had. It was time to integrate herself properly in the big family that Rick was making.


With Rayleigh on the island they didn’t have to go to Sabaody to do the coating again and could leave for fishman island directly after saying goodbye to everyone. That included Aokiji who had decided to stay on O’hara. Garp was technically still a prisoner so still on the ship. Luffy had told him he could leave but for some reason that he didn’t share the old man stayed.

The royal family of fishman island was surprised to see them back so soon but welcoming nonetheless. When the crew shared their intent, king Neptune grew quiet. He promised to think about it since it was a huge and important decision to take for his people.

Leaving the island and getting to the surface was now trivial even Usopp wasn’t nervous about it anymore. They went straight to Wano. Their friends too welcomed them warmly. One more party happened when they shared the news of the outside world. The day after that, the crew shared the truth of history and their objective. Of course once again their audience was shocked but receptive to the idea. Especially when they learned of the reason Oden wanted to open the borders in the first place.

“I can’t believe that you found Lady Tsukuyomi.” said Kozuki Sukiyaki, Oden’s father and Momo and Hiyori’s grandfather.
“That’s how the people of Wano call me. It was Toki that started the trend when I told her the meaning of the name my subjects called me.” Diana said, having taken control of Rick’s body.

At the sight of the horns and the blood red eyes, the former Shogun nearly had a stroke. His saucer, full of alcohol, slipped through his fingers and fell to the tatami he was sitting on.

“You… you…” he began by pointing at her with his finger then quickly moved and prostrated in front of her. “This old one is not worthy to be in your presence my Lady. Pardon me for being so rude.”
““Grandfather?”” asked Momo and Hiyori, completely dumbfounded by the scene. Their retainers and the crew had the same big eyes and shocked faces.
“I’m glad I’m still remembered by my friends’ descendants, Kozuki Sukiyaki. You’re forgiven and may raise yourself.”
“Hmmm.. Sir Luffy what is happening? Why is sir Rick… different?” asked Kin’Emon.
“I’m.. my apologies my Lady, your existence is a well kept secret to many but the Kozuki. My grandchildren…”
“I know the hardships that had befallen those children and your family Kozuki Sukiyaki. I am not offended.” she replied to the old man whose body relaxed. Then turning to his grandchildren she began her tale. “My name is Diana. My worshippers called me Selene the goddess of the moon. Your mother called me Tsukuyomi.”
“You.. knew our mother?” asked Hiyori.
“More than that, she was my closest friend. She was there by my side when I died. That was before she used the power I gave her to travel 800 years into the future. At the time, to the world she was Amatsuki Toki, priestess of the moon goddess.”
“My good daughter was THE moon priestess?! Why didn’t she say anything?”
“I do not know.”
“Eh, no offense my Lady but you don’t look like a goddess. You look like Sir Rick.” said Kin’Emon.
“That’s because he’s my vessel. More by happenstance than choice but fate couldn’t have chosen better.”
“Grandfather, perhaps you could shed some light on certain things?” asked Momo.
“Of course! Of course! I’m sure you’ve heard of Joy Boy and the Lost kingdom?”
“Yes Grandfather. Zunesha keeps talking about him.”
“Well… The lost kingdom was governed by the Goddess of the moon. Lady Tsukuyomi. One day, Joy Boy arrived in our country and made fast friends with our ancestor at the time, Kozuki Yamamoto. Curious about the moon Goddess that Joy Boy kept talking about and to see the outside world. Yamamoto asked for volunteers to sail with the man. Among them were Amatsuki Toki. A year after their departure a ship came back with a message from her. She had confirmed that the moon Goddess was indeed real and that she had become her priestess out of friendship and to further the relation between our countries. Lady Tsukuyomi was described with black horns and blood red eyes, with a black circle in the middle or her pupils as if she had two layers of them, and finally white wings like a dove.”

At that, Diana removed the overcoat she was wearing and sprouted angel wings for a moment before retracting them, some feathers floating around as she did so.

“They’re beautiful my, Lady.” the old man looked at her with awe and reverence.
“Thank you.” she said with an amused smile. “You may continue.”
“*Ahem* Yes. With time the bond between our countries grew strong and on the order of Lady Tsukuyomi, we learned of a calamity that the world was facing. She asked of us to begin building a fearsome weapon that was named Pluto. We achieved it but the Lost kingdom became… well… lost. A few years after that, Joy Boy visited the island with a princess from a foreign kingdom. His life had all but burned up and quickly gave Yamamoto instructions. To hide Pluto at any cost and close the borders of Wano until the day came from Lady Tsukuyomi to present herself again to us using a vessel. Until then she was to be forgotten by the masses and her existence and story transmitted orally from generation to generation.”
“I do not know about the truth of the last part. I was already gone at the time but I think Toki had a vision and shared it with Joy Boy. Why she didn’t tell Yamamoto herself when she came back to Wano is a mystery. Perhaps she saw it that way in the future. Perhaps not.”
“I’m not sure I understand everything.” said Momonosuke. “But you want Wano to open its borders?”
“That is correct Kozuki Momonosuke. Pluto can only be accessible once  Wano’s borders are opened.”
“I… can not do that right now, my Lady. Wano suffered…”
“I am aware. I’m not asking you to do it now. I already witnessed the good work you did to restore this land to its former glory. Undoing Kurozumi Orochi and Kaido’s evil, I know it hasn’t been easy. What I’m asking is for you to prepare yourself and Wano for that happening. The world is still threatened by the calamity but we have time. Though the sooner the better.”
“What is that calamity exactly my Lady?” inquired Hiyori.
“It was never stated but I believe it is related to the sea rising?”
“You’re correct Kozuki Sukiyaki. Eternal snow on the highest mountains is melting and will one day drown the world. Pluto was created to help stop it. Partially at least.”

Rick couldn’t help himself and voice his opinion on what his roommate just said.

‘That’s such bullshit!’
‘They don’t need to know.’
“And when they asked questions?’
‘I’ll think of something. Honestly, I can’t believe you’re reprimanding me for lying or twisting the truth. You! Of all people!’

After a moment of thinking Momonosuke spoke up.

“A year, my Lady. We’re almost done with the reconstruction of Wano but the country still needs more time to fortify itself from outside threats and for the people to prosper. We’re not weak but not strong enough yet. A year and Wano will be ready to open its borders.”
“That’s more than enough, child.”

And with that she gave back control to Rick under the amazed eyes of everyone but the crew.

“Sometimes, I regret having eaten a second devil fruit. I feel like a meat suit now.”
‘Oh, we both know that’s not true!’
‘I know but the way they all looked at me… That was the first thing that came to mind.’
“Sir Rick, to be the vessel of a Goddess…”
“Is not as great as one might think but she’s a good conversationalist so I don’t have anything to complain much about, Kin’Emon.”
“Why didn’t she participate during the raid on Onigashima?” asked Yamato.
“And why didn’t Lady Tsukuyomi manifest afterwards?” asked Sukiyaki.
“She did indirectly participate by removing the limits on my powers. As for why she didn’t show herself afterwards… I think it’s because of her connection to Wano and Lady Toki. She would have had to reveal the truth of the void century and she didn’t think wise at the time. ‘You owe me for covering for you.’
‘You owe me twenty years in darkness!’
‘Not my fault!’

After that meeting, Rick thought that Luffy would be unhappy with the results but he shrugged it off and said that there were plenty of islands to explore and for Nami to map so everything was alright in his opinion.
When it was time to leave they were stopped by a request from Momonosuke.

“Despite my refusal, my sister asked of me the permission to join your crew in your travels to serve Lady Tsukuyomi just like our mother did. In truth my refusal matters little, my sister is a grown woman and can do as she pleases. However, it is up to you, Luffy.”
“Sure, I have no problem with it. We’re the most wanted people in the world though, it might be dangerous.”
“I know, that's why I request of you to bring Yamato too as my sister's bodyguard.”
“Yes. You already visited the whole country, Yamato. Just like my father did. I know you want to take to the sea and follow his footsteps further but stay to protect the country. It’s a good opportunity that may not come again.”
“Yama-bro can come too.”

And just like that Sunny got two new passengers. The first day Princess Hiyori followed Rick everywhere. Since he was Diana’s vessel she decided that serving him was serving her. That quickly put Rick in a bad mood and put the goddess in a hilarious one. Finally, Rick brought Hiyori to the infirmary to see Diana’s body and gave her the task to take care of her and successfully got her off his back.

The crew's next destination was decided by their Log Pose this time, like it should have been the first time they left the island. 


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