Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 33: Friends (forever) (V2)


The group travelled quickly to Rainbase.

The town seems prosperous. A stark contrast to Erumalu and Yuba.

A lot of people were around, making the town full of life.


“Let’s kick Crocodile’s ass!” started Luffy.

“Luffy, I propose we take a short break, we’re all tired and thirsty.”

“I’ll buy some supplies, we’ve only been eating lizard’s meat recently, it would be good to have something else.”

“Let’s all gather here in one hour?”


Luffy and Ussop went to a pub.


Sanji went to buy food and water as he said.

The rest of the group stayed together.


Rick had an uneasy face.

‘I had the feeling I forgot something’


Zoro saw his look and asked.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know why, but I got a bad feeling.”

“What kind of bad feeling?”

“The really bad kind. Like I should not have let something happen”


“Don’t start raising flags!” said Nami.


Just as she said that.

Ussop and luffy came running to them pursued by marines and Smoker.

‘I knew I forgot something!’


Nami yelled “ RIIIIIIIICK!”


“Let’s get out of here.”


They all started to run.

“Since it’s come to this let’s go to Crocodile! Hiding will waste too much time. Vivi, do you know where he is?”

“The casino!”

“We should split and try to lose the marines. We can’t fight crocodile and the marines at the same time”


“I’ll bait smokey! Everyone let’s meet back at the croc’s house!”


Vivi and Zoro went together, Rick was with Nami. Ussopn and Sanji formed their own group.


“Go on ahead! I’ll slow them down!” said Sanji.

“Be careful!”


Rick could have taken care of the marines but he wanted to save his strength against Crocodile. He never fought a logia before, and he wasn’t sure his gravity would have any effect on the sand.

‘And I can’t use the water of the room where Crocodile is, since it’s underwater we could be doomed.’


The marines were gaining ground. Even though Nami has trained a bit under his gravity it was too short a time to have any significance. She had a bit more stamina but that was it.


He picked her up.

“Rick what are you doing ?” she yelled in protest.

“We’re too slow, we’re going to get caught.”


He sped up enough to lose the marines and soon they were at the entrance of the casino.

Ussop was arriving too.

“You lost them too?”

“Yes, it wasn’t easy though.

Nami started hitting Rick.  

“ Will you let me down already?”

“ Oh? Yes, yes, sorry, I was kinda caught up in the moment, and you’re so light, I forgot I was carrying you.”


“Fine, I forgive you this time.”

‘Did I get some affection points from her? I really need to look for something like that in the system’s store.’


Just then Zoro arrived.

“Zoro? Wasn’t Vivi with you?”

“Yeah! But I don’t understand she was the one that went ahead, she should be here”.




Luffy was coming, followed by Smoker.

Everyone went inside.


“CROCODILE!” Yelled Luffy


“You think he showed himself to the first guy that yell his name?” said Rick

“Do you have another way? We don’t know his face, only Vivi does!”

“That doesn’t mean we can’t find him. Since he’s the boss around here, he should be in the boss’ room. Let’s search for a place where people are not allowed to go.”

“That’s smart, Rick!” said an impressed Luffy.

“I’ve got you now strawhat!”

“Smoker’s here!”

“Let’s move!”

Security was approaching the crew, but they were quickly sent flying away by Luffy, Zoro and Rick.


The chief of security received orders

“Bring them to the VIP room”


“Understood, Manager”


He went to the group and invited them.

“Lady, and sirs, you’ve been invited to the VIP room, please come this way.”


“VIP? What’s that?”  asked Luffy.

“Kinda the boss’ room. It’s probably a trap though.”


“Fond you strawhat!”


“Let’s go!”


They went through the door and  the corridor behind it.


‘Soon, we’ll be at the corridor’s plit way. Should I let the story follow his course or .... No, if we defeat Crocodile here, Robin will never join the crew…’


“The way splits in two! To the left VIP and to the right pirates!” said Ussop.

“To the right!”

““Luffy I think it’s a…”” said Nami. Too late.


Luffy went straight right and everyone followed him, Smoker included.




Meanwhile, Vivi was surrounded by Crocodile’s men.


“Quite the fight you put there princess, but your resistance ends here.”

Before they could approach her closer, they were attacked from the sky.


“What? What’s that giant bird?!”



He landed in front of her, in a position to block any attacks coming Vivi’s way.

“It has been a long time princess. Please wait here a moment while I take care of them.”


He then proceeded to quickly do what he said.


“Thank you Pell! Now I have to hurry and join the others.


“I can help you with that, princess.”



Vivi looked up and saw Miss All-Sundays.

“You’ve been invited, princess.”



The crew, minus Sanji and with, along with Rick and Smoker were trapped inside a cage made of seastone.


“What a cunning trap” said luffy


“CUNNING MY ASS!” yelled Nami

“The only way it could have been more obvious would have been to write “trap” instead of “pirate” on the sign.” said Rick face palming.


Luffy grabbed the bars trying to break them but lost his strength.

“It feels like all my strength  is being sucked out.”


Smoker took his seastone sword and rushed Luffy.

Rick intervened and blocked him.

“That’s because it’s made of seastone, it’s a metal with the same properties as the sea. Devil fruit users are weakened when they touch it. And their power diminished. Otherwise smokey here would already be out.”  he said while looking him in the eye.


“Who are you?”

“No one you should know.”

Smoker stayed silent for a moment then spoke.


“He’s right though, if the bars were not made of seastone I'd be out, and all of you arrested.”


“Seeing how incompetent you are, I highly doubt that.”


“What did you say?” answered an gered Smoker.

“I said you were incompetent. This whole country is about to go to hell, because the marines gave this guy privileges, and are not even aware of what he’s doing here.” said Rick pointing to Crocodile.


Crocodile that was eating, stopped and started talking:

“That beard man is right. I’ve been planning and acting in the shadow for years, right under the nose of the marines.”


At that moment Vivi was brought in by Miss All-sundays.


“Ha! The star of the show. Take a good look Smoker! Despite being so young princess Vivi here did a better job than the marines!”


He turned to Vivi.

“I would love to entertain you, Miss Wednesday, but the rebellion will start their offensive in about 8 hours, and it’s quite the distance from Rainbase to Alubarna. I don’t want to be late for the beginning of the show.”


He took a key from one of his pocket.

“This is the key to the cage your friends are in.”


He dropped it into the hole in front of Vivi. Under it was a big room where giant crocodiles with a banana shaped protrusion on their head, were.


‘Time to get that key’.

While Vivi was looking at Crocodile and not the key, he made the key float.


“I’m giving you a choice princess. In about four minutes this room will be flooded and your friend will die drowning. So you can either leave now and try to get to Alubarna before the fight starts, or take the time to help your friends.”


Vivi looked down and saw a bananadile where the key used to be.

“Vivi get the key!” said Luffy.

“I can’t! A Bananadile ate it!”

“Then kick his ass and take it!”


“Luffy that’s a bananadile! Sometimes they even prey on sea kings!”


Crocodile and Miss All-Sundays were living. He turned around and addressed Vivi.


“Hurry princess, and make your choice.Your friends or the son of that stubborn old man in Yuba and all his men in the rebellion.”


“You know Toto?” asked Luffy, surprised.

“Oh yes! I took great pleasure sending sandstorm his way all those years. “ he laughed



“Did you really think that those sandstorms were natural?”

He raised his hand and a mini sand tornado appeared in it.


“That was just me. Hahahaha.”

He left while laughing.

““I’m gonna kill that guy.”” Said Luffy and Rick.


Water was rising. The devil users lost their strength.


“Zoro, support me!”

Rick climbed onto Zoro’s back to not be affected.


“What are you…”

“I need to stay out of the water! When Crocodile dropped the key I made it float. If I touch the water the key will just fall.”

“Nicely done!” said Nami.

“The problem is, I know the key is floating but I don’t know where exactly, so I can’t bring it up through the hole in the floor.”


The water was rising dangerously fast. The room below was already full and a bananadile broke the floor.

He was threatening Vivi.

“Vivi run!”

At that moment Sanji appeared and knocked him out!



“Sorry I’m late.”

“Doesn’t matter! Guys I’m pulling up the key watch where it is.


With a big part of the floor destroyed, Rick hoped the key would rise above the water.


“There!” said Ussop while he was grabbing Luffy


“Sanji quick !”


Sanji rushed to the key and grabbed it. He threw it to Vivi who was closer, as a second bananadile was approaching.


Now that they were free and Rick didn’t have to focus on the key, he made everyone float. Including Smoker.


“Let’s get out of here!”




Once outside, everyone was panting. Rick climbed down off Zoro's back.

“Sorry, I was in a hurry.”

“That’s fine, it allowed us to survive.”


Luffy and Smoker were regaining their strength and were looking at each other.


“You’re all under arrest.”


“Really?” said Rick.

“We just saved your life, and you’re arresting us? You’re fitting well into the marines. Bastards to the core. Now let me tell you what’s about to happen. We are going after Crocodile, and save this country and there is nothing that you can do about it.”


Without adding anything more, the group went their way.


Smoker didn’t do anything. He had recognized Rick when he made them float.

‘He’s right. About everything. The marines failed this country, they saved my life and I was about to let it all go to hell.’


One of his men approached him.

“Sir, we’re ready to pursue them.”



“I’ll explain later, right now I need you to call HQ. Tell them to send every available marines ship in the area to make a blockade around the coast.”

“Sir, they will never..”

“I don’t care, just do it!”


The marine was about to execute his order when Smoker added:

“Tell them too, that Rick Wald has resurfaced and is with the strawhats.”

“The world’s worst traitor? He disappeared over 10 years ago!”

“Well he’s back! And that’s worrying me!”



‘Rick Wald… why are you back after all this time? And with the strawhats at that.’




“Nami-swaaaan do you still have some of the perfume you used in Nanohana?” asked Sanji?


“Yes, why?”

“Put some on! Chopper went to search for a … vehicle. He would be able to find us with the perfume.”

They went out of Rainbase through the East.

“Hey! Guys!”


Chopper arrived on top of a giant crab.

“That’s amazing! It’s an itinerant crab, they lived under the sand. Most people, never seen one before.”


“And it’s fast too! We’ll be in Alubarna in no time.”


As they were just departing, Vivi was grabbed by Crocodile that came from nowhere.

Luffy reacted fast, he grabbed Vivi himself and threw her back onto the crab and got caught by Crocodile instead.


“Go ahead, I’ll take care of him!”


“Luffy!” Yelled Vivi.

“Chopper don’t stop.” said Zoro.


“Listen Vivi, Luffy is strong, he'll hold Crocodile down. We can’t waste time.”

“Vivi, you’re the only hope to stop everything. No matter what happened, no matter who falls down, you must continue without looking back.” Said Sanji.

“You left your country years ago without knowing anything to stand where you are now. You’re not fighting alone anymore, trust us.” Said Rick


She looked at luffy from afar, thinking.


“Luffy! We’ll be waiting for you at Alubarna!”




They arrived at Sandora’s river.

The giant crab could cross it.


“What are we going to do?”  asked Vivi.

“I don’t see what’s the problem.” said Rick.

“We can’t cross…”


Before she finished her sentence she was already floating in the air.


“What were you saying?”



The group safely went to the other side.


“Why didn’t you bring the crab our way?” asked Sanji.

“It was too heavy. I couldn’t have made it float over here.”


“We have to walk now.”


Ussop was looking into the distance, he spotted a sand cloud.

“Something is coming!”


Ussop used his Telescope to get a better look.

“No that’s… Karoo! And he’s not alone!”


“Who’s Karoo?” asked Rick.

“Karoo is my pet. He’s a member of the super spot-billed duck. They are the fastest mounts in Alabasta.”


Karoo and the other members reached them.

Sadly there were not enough as Rick ended on foot.

“That’s fine, I can float.”


Everyone prepared themselves.

“Crocodile had probably posted his agents ahead to stop you Vivi.” said Rick.

“We’ll deal with them.” said Zoro.

“Actually, I don’t think we should.”

“What do you mean Rick?” asked Vivi.

“They are after you. But what if they don’t know who you are? We cover our face, and once we meet with them we scatter.”

“They’ll have to split no knowing which one of us is Vivi” continued Nami

“Yep, meanwhile Vivi, you’ll be far behind us and once we baited them all you’ll be free to go.” finished Rick.


Everyone agreed to the plan.

The problem was that Rick couldn’t be used as a bait, as he would be floating.


“What do you want me to do Vivi? Go with you?”


She nodded.

“I need to speak to Koza but he’s charging here with the army. If you could stop them please.”

“Stopping two million men?”

“I know it’s impossible, just stop as many as you can.”


She had a look of determination and plea in her eyes. Rick also saw hope, born from her faith in him.

He drew a long sigh.

“I can’t say no to you when you look at me like that. You cheater.”

They were ready and moved towards Alubarna.




Everything went according to the plan.

The strawhats baited the agents of Baroque Works, allowing Vivi and Rick free passage towards the south gate to intercept the rebel army.


‘Why didn’t I just kick Crocodile’s ass when I could?’ thought Rick when he saw them coming their way.


“Vivi, stand behind me. I wouldn’t be surprised if some Baroque Works agents had infiltrated the rebellion. I don’t want you to be an easy target for them.”


When the rebellion was within reach, Rick used the opportunity of the sand cloud they were making to use his Me Me no mi and create sprouts on them. Thanks to the sprouts, he could use his gravity farther than he could normally.


He used everything he had and more. The last time he drew so much power was against Shiki 21 years ago.

He couldn’t stop them all but he didn’t have too. The soldiers leading all fell, and the ones behind them had to either slow down or trample them.

A heavy nosebleed began. 

‘I won’t last long.’

“ Vivi go find Koza now! ”


She started running, but before she could cross over half the distance,a cannonball was shot towards the ground, raising sand and smoke in the air.


Rick could not keep up with the gravity.

The rebels downed started to stand up while the ones from the back were still advancing.


Vivi was yelling for them to stop, but her voice couldn’t be heard with the surrounding noise.


The royal army began firing at the rebellion. Since there were so many rebels they didn’t really need to aim.


‘How could I forget that Baroque Works had infiltrated the royal army too. The first shot that made the smoke just when Vivi was reaching the rebels was on purpose. Damnit!’


The rebels finally invaded the city. Some had fallen during the fire barrage of the canons but most survived.

Vivi has been protected by Karoo, who took a hit for her.


She was approached by Ussop.


‘No that’s Bon Kurei! Run!’


Rick’s stamina was really at rock bottom and fainted.



Rick woke up. A sandstorm was on the capital.

‘So Crocodile is still here and Luffy hasn’t defeated him yet. I need to hurry and deal with the bomb.’


Helping with the bomb and saving Pell would grant Rick a lot of Karma. Even after living frugally for the past 10 years, he used the few points he had left to acquire Alabasta’ eternal pose to come here. And he needed to get a lot of them, it was his mission after all.

‘Thanks the goddess, the karma points are a reward for the karma earned by my good deeds. I’d be totally screwed if the two were one and the same.’


He picked himself up and started running towards the clock tower .


‘I hope I’m not too late.’


On his way he saw Pell flying ahead!



“Rick ?”


Pell was surprised, he never thought he would meet him again after all this time, especially right now.

Despite what the marines had said about Rick, Pell never believed it.

Knowing how strong he was, Pell didn’t hesitate twice and grabbed him with his talons.


“Good to see you again Rick.”


“What are you doing here in those times?”

“I heard Vivi disappeared so I crawled from under the rock I was hiding to come here and help. I met her at sea near the delta of the Sandora rivern we just got separated. I passed out after trying to stop the army.”

“You tried to stop two million men alone?” asked Pell dumbfounded.

“ More like I failed. It was Vivi’s order. Anyway we need to go to the clock tower, I heard some Baroque Works agents talking about a giant bomb there ready to explode!”

“I know! I was on my way there.”

“Then let’s hurry!”


In a couple of minutes they landed at the top of the clock tower.

Vivi was there, desperate.

“Rick! Pell!” she said hopeful at the sight of both of them.

“I hope I have time to disarm it.” said the former.


He walked to it unsteady and began working on the bomb.


““What now?””

“I don’t have time to disarm it.”

“Then there is only one thing left to do.” said Pell

With his claws he grabbed the bomb handle.

“You’re going to need my help. Once high enough, I’ll use everything I have left to push it towards the sky. You’ll have to catch me as I don’t think I’ll have the strength to float safely to the ground.” he said as he climbed onto Pell’s back. They both turned to Vivi.




““See you soon.””

And departed.


“Let go when I tell you to and I’ll take care of the rest.”


They rose higher and higher and when only 5 second were left Rick yelled



Pell dropped the bomb and Rick pushed her away with everything he had!


The bomb exploded.

However Rick miscalculated something. The power of the blast.

Both him and Pell were pushed towards the ground with violence.


Pell was projected through multiple buildings.

Rick towards the ground.

It took a great toll on him but managed to stop his fall just before crashing.

‘ Good, now that the bomb’s been taken care of, I need to earn some affection points with Robin and Luffy.’


He raised himself on his feet and started moving towards the temple where they were.


When he was about to enter the temple he felt the ground and the walls tremble. Crocodile’s body suddenly broke through the ground towards the sky.

‘Hehe, Nice job Luffy but that means the temple will collapse soon, I need to reach them before he gets Robin and the king out.’


When he arrived there luffy was about to blast a big boulder away.

He once again used his gravity and stopped the falling debris.

He didn’t have enough strength anymore to push them away, but had enough to stop the fall, barely.

“Hurry!” he said as he walked to them.

Cobra looked at the bearded man that had just appeared.

‘That power, is that Rick? What is he doing here?’


Luffy was carrying Cobra and Robin.

“Give her to me, we’ll be faster.”


Luffy handed Robin to him and he took her in his arms like he did Vivi.

Rick winked at her and said:

“Don’t worry we’re all getting out of here”


They walked as fast as they could, Rick still using his power. Far beyond his limit.

His nose and eyes were bleeding.

“Hang on Rick! We’re almost out” said Luffy.


They finally reached the exit, and were out of danger.

Luffy collapsed bringing the king with him while Rick fell on his knees, still carrying Robin in his arms and passing out in this position.


Rain has started pouring.



It’s been three days, and it was still raining a light rain.

With the exception of Luffy and Rick everyone had woken up already.

Vivi was looking after them.

The two men that saved her, her kingdom and her people.


Cobra has given permission to Nami to take as many books as she wanted from the royal library, he had already read them all.

Sanji and Ussop were in town, buying supplies.


Chopper was helping the royal physicists or more like impressing them.

And Zoro against Chopper’s order was back to training.


Rick woke up before Luffy. The last time he pushed himself this much was against Shiki. However he wasn’t seven anymore, and the damages of the overuse of this Zushi Zushi no mi were not as severe, his body was well trained after all.


When she saw him awake Vivi rushed to his bedside and hugged him tight making him wince.


She was crying and got patted on the head.

“Vivi, don’t you think it’s about time to graduate from being a cry baby?”

She almost hit him with a reflex.

“I’m the princess of Alabast and a grown woman! I do what I want, and If I want to cry then I cry!”


Rick started laughing but stopped as the pain was too much.


Then Luffy woke up, energetic as ever.

‘The Monkey D. are really a bunch of monsters regarding vitality, I’m almost jealous.’


A great feast was prepared in the honor of the heroes.

Rick was in a wheelchair, he was too weak to stand on his feet.

Chopper had said that it was a miracle that it was still alive.

‘I already survived once with a lesser body, I wasn't going to die this time either’


When he tried to use his gravity to make the food float to his mouth Vivi went nuts.


In the end she fed him. Rick has never been so embarrassed in this life and everyone smirked except the king who had a deep frown.


It was time for a bath.


Rick was sitting into the hot water when Sanji asked Cobra where the girl’s bath was.

“It’s behind this wall!” said the king.


Except Zoro and Rick who couldn’t move, all try to peek.

Vivi caught them spying and Nami dropped her towel a little.

“It’s 100K belly for each one of you!”


Done with their antics Cobra spoke.

“I would like to thank all of you. For protecting my daughter, bringing her back home and saving this country.


Everyone smiled.

Except Luffy who laughed and Rick who voiced his thoughts.

“It’s fine, your majesty, at this point it’s almost a habit” he said laughing.


Meanwhile on the girls side…

“We’re planning on leaving today.”

“What? Why?!”

“Well Luffy woke up so we don’t have any reason to stay here anymore, besides, the marines are guarding the coast, our ship is in danger.”

Seeing her sad face, Nami changed the subject.


“So Vivi, what are you going to do?”

“About what?”

“About Rick.”


Vivi slipped and almost fell.

“Wh.. What do you mean? What about Rick?”

“Come on Vivi, a handsome young marine saving a young princess and 10 years later,  went through a gigantic storm just to save her again with her country? You think I didn’t notice?”

“He created the Vivid dream for me too, but I don’t know what you’re talking about Nami.”


 Vivi was in complete denial.


“Wait! What?  Back up a little, he created the Vivid dream ? Alabasta’s national drink? One of the most popular drinks around the globe?” Nami was dumbfounded.


“And  you dare tell me that you don’t have feelings for him?Les! I remember when you freak out when you believed he was married, and let’s not forget how you fed him during the feast like a good little wife. Come on spill it girl, tell me how you feel about him!


“I… I…”




“Leaving here… I think it's about time.”


Luffy turned to Rick.

“What about you?”



‘Yes! Finally’


“Want to come with us?”


‘Let’s play hard to get for a bit.’

Rick turned to the rest of the crew.

“Is he serious?”


““““100 %””””


“Luffy I’m an ex-marine, I’m one of the most wanted men, I’ll just put a bigger target on you than you already have.”


“So what? You’re a good guy, and you’re strong. Besides, don’t you have to find a dream? We’ll help you find one.”

“I’ll put you all in danger.”


“Is it a yes or a no?” saidLuffy completely ignoring him.


“What good can I bring to your crew? I only know how to track people and be second in command.”

“Well, the vice-captain seat is vacant so if you want it, it’s yours.”



He turned to the crew again.

“I have absolutely no chance, have I ?”




Rick sighed


“I, Rick Wald, ex-marine, best tracker on Grand Line, and the world’s worst traitor accept to join the pirate Strawhat Luffy and his crew.”


““““““Welcome on board!””””””






‘No matter what happens Rick, don’t cry.’


The crew had just escaped from the marines thanks to Bon Kurei sacrifice and was now waiting for Vivi near the coast.


She arrived with Karoo and started the speech that she should have done two years ago when she was 14.


“Everyone! I am here to say goodbye.”


“What did she say?” asked Luffy


“I.. can’t go with you all! Thank you all for what you have done for me!

Even though I still want to go with you but right now I really love this country! So I can’t come along!”

‘Come on Vivi, don’t cry or I’m going to cry!’

And Vivi started crying, followed by Rick.


“Even though I want to stay here, if there is a day where we meet each other again, will you all take me as a friend?!”


Luffy tried to yell yes, but was stopped by Nami as the marines were nearby.


‘God damn it you fluffy princess, Yes I will!You know I will!’

He was showing her his back, because he didn’t want to show her his tears.

He looked at his wrist where the bracelet she made for him all those years ago was.


And raised his fist into the air displaying it.


Each member of the crew did the same thing, and even though they didn’t have a bracelet like Rick did, they had their “X” mark they used to counter Bon Kurei power that mimicked faces.

Mark that Vivi bears too.

The mark of a friendship that will last forever.


“And I wanted to thank one special marine! I wanted to thank him for creating and naming the Vivid Dream for and after me. It’s my favorite drink! And one day, I’ll make you kneel before me!”


The guys wondered what she was talking about while Nami smirked looking at an embarrassed Rick.


I hope you like the new version of this chapter. I almost rewrite everything.

The only parts that were kept are from the Moment Rick failed to disarm the bomb to the end of the chapter.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.