Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 36: 10 000 feet above the sea.


The Merry landed on a white sea made of clouds. Her ascension through the sky was difficult and the air pressure destroyed her newly added wings; the sail had a hole in it but its position didn’t make it unusable. In the end she was fine, the crew wasn’t.

The speed and air resistance nearly knocked off some of them. Rick used his gravity to stick everyone against the cabin’s wall or the floor and it went without any problem until they reached the white sea. Apparently no matter what the sea is made of, devil fruit users were affected regardless, and crossing it until the surface didn’t do any good to Luffy, Chopper, Robin and Rick. 


Soon everyone was coughing, trying to breathe some air. Zorro was the first one to get his breath under control.


“What happened? Is everyone alright?”

“We went through a sea, that’s what happened.” answered Rick

“Hey guys look!”


They turned towards Luffy who had called out to them. Amazement was on each one of them ‘s face. They were surrounded by white clouds. There was nothing else.


“You were right Rick. It is a sea; a sea made of clouds.” said Nami.


While Luffy and Chopper were panicking because Usopp was not breathing, Robin, Nami and Rick were discussing their situation.


“The log pose is still pointing up.” announced Nami.

“Maybe this is only the middle part of the millennium cumulonimbus.” wondered Robin

“Or the lowest part. Anyway, we need to find a way to go up. There is nothing here that looks like an island so no synchronisation with the log po… Usopp Stop!” said Rick as Usopp was about to dive into the sky sea.


“What’s wrong?” asked the latter.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“Diving to see what’s in there? Why?”

“Usopp we flew ten thousand feet up and crossed from the bottom of this sky sea to the surface. What do you think you’ll find at the bottom if you dive too deep?”


Usopp immediately jumped back to Merry’s floor, understanding what might have happened. Luffy on the other hand didn’t.


“New kind of fish?”


Nami slapped the back of his head.

“He’s going to fall ten thousand feet you idiot!”

“Besides we know what kind of fish this sea has, the journals we find with the Galleon that almost fell on us were quite detailed.” said Rick.


Seeing Luffy getting all depressed Rick added:

“It said nothing about their taste though. So fishing time?”

“Hell Yeah!”


Without missing a beat Luffy’s cheerfulness was back at his maximum. Rick already went back inside to get the fishing rods.


“I don’t think so! First we have to get out of here and find the sky island!” said Nami

Before her captain could say anything Chopper interrupted them. He saw a ship sailing not far with binoculars. Everyone looked the way Chopper was. They saw a silhouette rushing towards the ship which suddenly blew up. Still looking with the binoculars Chopper warned the crew.


“Guys, the guy that blew up that ship is going straight for us!”


Luffy, Zorro and Sanji readied themselves for the imminent fight. Their opponent was gliding on the sea of clouds and was approaching fast. Reaching the Merry he jumped in the air. He was wearing a tribal mask and holding a shield on his left arm. He tried to attack Sanji first but he dodge. The next target was Zorro who blocked then Luffy who dodged too. He was too fast for them to counter-attack effectively but they managed him well. However their breath quickly became heavy and soon they were panting and slower. Luckily for them Rick got outside with the fishing rods and propelled the enemy in the air with a kick.


‘I thought with the gravity training I gave them they wouldn’t have any problem with the lack of oxygen here; it seems I was wrong. They did better than in the manga though, so it was not a waste.’


As Rick was doing a status report on his mates, the masked enemy still in the air was attacked by someone in armor riding a bird and armes with a jousting lance. The newcomer was relentless in his assault and the mask man decided to run away. With his adversary gone the knight landed on the ship. He removed his helmet showing his aged face and long beard.


“Is everyone alright?”

“Yes sir, we’re fine. Those three just need to catch their breath.” said Rick pointing to Luffy, Zorro and Sanji with his chin.


“I couldn’t move my body well.” stated Sanji.

“And breathing became hard very quickly.” addes Zorro.


Robin immediately understood the reason why.

“That’s because of the lack of Oxygen.”

“You’re lucky you trained under a greater gravity than normal. Your lungs and all your organs got tougher and stronger along your muscles. Without the training I don’t think you would have been able to even dodge a single hit. Now take some time and regulate your breathing, you’ll adapt shortly.” explained Rick.


The knight was surprised by this conversation and asked the question that came to him.


“Are you citizens from the blue sea?”

“The citizens from the blue sea?” asked Nami

“That’s what is called people living under the white sea. Considering your friend's predicament I thought you came from there.”


The trio of fighters was done adapting and stood up.

“Okay, I think we’re good,” said Luffy.

“I don’t think that’s how it works.” answered the knight.

“Don’t worry, as I said, their lungs are tough and used to different levels of oxygen. It’s nothing new for them.” clarified Rick.

“You seem well versed in this subject, young man.”

“I trained under different levels of gravity for the past 22 years. I learned a thing or two.”


The conversation continued. The crew learned that the knight's name was Gan fall and his bird was called Pierre. They questioned him a bit about where they were and where to go before Gan Fall cut it short.


“Let’s talk business. I’m a mercenary knight. I help people in distress, for a fee. Now my helping from earlier is a freebie. But from now on if you need my help, you can use this whistle and I will come to you. Each saving cost 5 million extol.”


Everyone was quiet and looked at the knight in silence. 

“It’s quite cheap, you know.”

“We wouldn’t know, we don’t know what extol is. Though I bet it's the currency here.” said Rick.”

“You don’t … You came here through the Top of High West right?”


“Then how do you not…” Gan fall stopped talking when he got an epiphany.

“You came  from the montruous stream?”


“I can’t believe there are people still brave enough to reach here that way.”


Hearing that Nami grabbed Luffy and shook him violently, berating him that they should have gathered more information to go through the safe route instead or almost dying with the upward stream. Fan fall was really dumbfounded. He hadn't seen such courageous or perhaps foolish people in many years. He found that group quite interesting. He took a whistle from his pouch and tossed it on the ground.


“Here, take it. A reward for your bravery. The first whistle is free, after that it’s 5 million. Now if you excuse me, I have somewhere to go.”

“Two last questions before you leave! In the blue sea the currency is the Berry. Do you know how much Berry an Extol is worth? Where do we go from here?” asked Rick.

“I’m sorry I never heard of Berry before. As for a way to Skypiea, go towards the waterfall there.” answered the knight pointing on the left of the Merry.


He bit the crew goodbye and left on his bird. Except for his name and the way to Skypiea he didn’t give them any useful information. Luffy tried to use the whistle to call him back but was shot down by Nami before he could. The crew sailed and reached the waterfall, where Luffy, Chopper and Usopp tried to climb its side only to discover that like the sea it was made of clouds, those ones though were mellow. To Nami’s relief they found a passage under the waterfall while climbing. Big enough for the Merry to go through. After sailing a bit, they arrived before a huge door whose name, if the board above it was any indication, was “Heaven’s Gate”. It was more a big tunnel than anything, leading to another waterfall. This one was huge however and it was impossible to see where it started. As the Merry was about to go into the tunnel, they were stopped by a very short and old Lady with little wings behind her back.


“If you want to go up it’s 1 Billion extol per person.”


‘Oh, I remember that hag. She’s the one that snitched on the crew, causing them to be wanted. She even was charging the people fleeing the destruction of Angel Island and photographing everyone not paying.’


While Luffy was more interested in seeing his first “angel’ and Usopp shocked at the price, Nami stated to the woman that they don’t have any money.


“It’s fine you can still go up if you want. I’m not the guardian or anything, I just wanted to know what your intentions were.”

“Well, we’re going up then, Bye!” said Luffy.

“Wait Luffy, it’s a bad idea.” cut in the vice-captain.

“What? Why?”

“This old lady is fishy, she was taking pictures of us as we were approaching. My guess is, we’re going to be in a lot of trouble if we don’t pay.”

“So what?”

“Luffy, do you prefer eating in peace in a restaurant, all new kinds of food or with the law enforcement constantly trying to arrest you and ruin your meal?”

“Eating in peace!”

“See! “

“But how do we pay ? Nami said we don’t have any money.”

“Don’t worry Captain, I got an idea.”


Rick turned to the rest of the crew and gave his directive.

“Nami and Chopper try to get from her how much Extol is worth one Berry. Sanji and Zoro start a dispute on the side of the ship for diversion, and no fighting! Robin get my wanted poster. Usopp get a rope.”

“What’s the plan?” asked Luffy.

“I don’t believe that one billion Extol is that expensive, no one would pass otherwise. So the plan is to see how much it costs in Berry, once we know; Zorro and Sanji restrain me, Usopp ties my hand behind my back with the rope. Then you negotiate me for the entrance fee, that’s why my wanted poster is important. With a bit of luck I’m worth more than the entrance fee and we can get some Extol to cover the difference from her. You go up the waterfall, I escape her, float up and join you,without being seen.”


Everyone looked at Rick in silence, as if he had grown a second head.


“That could work.” said Usopp.

“Are you sure you can escape?” asked Zorro.

“I doubt she has seastone cuffs, and even if she had it wouldn’t be a problem for me.” answered Rick.

“Alright let’s do it then.” said Luffy.


The plan went without an hitch. It turned out that 10 000 Extol was worth 1 Berry. That meant that Rick’s bounty was worth a whooping 790 billion Extol. Surprisingly the old lady accepted the trade, and even though she didn’t have enough Extol, the crew ended up with a 100 billion. Rick was put in a cell, chained to the wall by his mates. The existence of cells was proof that it wasn’t an uncommon deal. Leaving Rick behind the crew went further down the tunnel. After fifteen minutes the old woman came to visit Rick; she was gloating. He could see the look of sadism in her eyes.


‘Yeah, I had planned to just escape but I changed my mind.’


By sprouting skin around his wrist, Rick was not directly affected by the seastone.The supplement skin was but not his body. He used his gravity to break the cuffs and grabbed the old lady.


“Yeah, you’re definitely a piece of trash.”


While holding the hag by her neck, choking her, he exited the place and threw her into the white sea before using his gravity on her.


“Enjoy a 10 thousand feet fall bitch.”


Without looking back he started floating, following the way the Merry went. Soon he saw the board with “Skypiea” written on it and reached the upper level of the sea. He flew towards the ship which was near the beach. On board were only Robin and Zoro, everyone else was playing either in the water or the sand. Landing on the deck Rick let the others know he was back.


“I’m back~~~”

“Welcome back. Any problem with the escape?” said Zoro.



Zoro answered with a simple and short “good” when he was called by Luffy. The latter had found a fruit he couldn’t eat because it was hard as rock and hoped the swordsman could cut it. The former disembarked  and went on to his task leaving Robin and Rick alone on the Merry.


“I never thought, navigating and landing could be adventurous too.” said Robin looking at the rest of the crew having fun.

“Neither did I. I spent all my life doing it in the marines; people to save, bad guys to arrest, yet I never really had the chance to think about it that way. It always was about the mission or the next one.”

“It’s quite refreshing and exciting.”

“And relaxing too. Never thought I could enjoy something like that one day.”


While he was observing the crew too, Robin looked at him from the corner of her eyes. After a few moments of silence she spoke.


“You got rid of her, didn’t you?”

“I did. She came to gloat. Apparently she’s paid to sell out pirates. We never would have been safe. Right now she’s probably about to hit the blue sea.”

“That’s not all true.

He was leaning against the ship rail when she said that. He controlled his instinct to straighten up and just turned his head to look her in the eyes without saying anything.


“You’re really good at acting Rick but you can’t fool me.”

“I should have known. You’ve been at it twice as long as I’ve been.”

“Sadly I am. Learning to act and to read people is the basics for survival when the whole world is after you.”

“Indeed. “



“You can’t fool me either, you know.”

“Oh really? And what am I hiding?”

“Your desire.”

“My desire?”

“Yes. You like to be with them and want to stay with them, yet you distance yourself, ready to leave at any moment. That’s why you call everyone by what they do. You call Nami, miss navigator, Zoro, mister swordsman and so on. The only one you’re calling by their name is me. Probably because of some kinship; we both lost everything because of the marines, who wish nothing more than to erase our existence ,and have been on the run for years. Trusting no one, betraying everyone, stealing and murdering just so we could live.”


‘You never failed me before, don’t start now acting skill!’


Robin didn’t say anything, she just looked at him. After a few moments of heavy silence she finally gave him an answer.



“Perhaps my ass!”

“I do note you said ‘them’ and not ‘us’”.

“Even though I’m the Vice-captain, it’s only temporary. I can’t stay with them, I can’t be a part of them. I’m the greatest stain on the marines public image. If they caught you, you’ll be executed or locked up in impel down in the greatest secrecy. Me? They would parade me like they did the pirate king, showing my execution to the world. Sending some bullshit message about justice or whatnot. If they had to choose between getting you or me, they’ll go after me. You may be more dangerous with your knowledge of the poneglyphs but I’m more useful to them.”

“That’s a long little speech to dodge the question.”


Rick sighed.


“I guess we can’t hide anything from each other.”

“It seems so.”

“Every single one of them has a dream. Being the pirate king, the greatest swordsman of the sea, being the first one to draw a map of the whole world, finding the missing history. I’m the only one who doesn’t have one. At least not anymore and that’s why I said them, because I don’t belong. Because they train and fight hard for their dreams...”


He didn’t finish his sentence, it was quite obvious what he was going to say and words weren’t necessary.


‘I hope I threw her off a bit.’


Once again silence prevailed. Robin didn’t know what to say, Rick was right about her and she didn’t want to pursue that subject deeper than it already is, as for his situation she was at a loss of words. Her dream is what kept her going for twenty years, she couldn’t even fathom not having it. She couldn’t put herself in his shoes.


The silence was broken by Luffy calling out to them.


“Hey guys! We made a friend! Come meet Conis.”


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