Overlord: The Origin

Chapter 33


"... Alright everyone, here we go!"

Touch Me, who's standing in front, shouted to his whole Guildmates as they all march towards the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

Upon going deeper into the tomb, their presence initiates the dungeon's defenses, which is the indicator that their raid has begun.

As they move closer towards the Tomb, they've been welcomed by a lot of Undead immediately. Skeleton, zombies, lesser vampires, ghouls, etc.

Though greatly outnumbered, such a thing can hardly be a problem for all of them. Actually, a single Player's work is already enough to sort the obstacle they're facing on.

So, with all that, they all managed to pass through it with little to no effort and finally enter inside Dungeon.

Since the Tomb has six floors, it also means that it has Six Levels. Just like they planned, Yuki will take on the first floor alone, and the rest of the floors will be handled by the rest of them.

As they all step in on the first floor, a bunch of enthusiastic undead had welcomed their presence. They all run madly towards them, wanting to do nothing but rip their lives out. Though just like the situation before, this can hardly be a problem for them given by their overall strength as a Guild.

Actually, having them all to sort these kinds of situations is pretty much an overkill already.

But just as they thought, this raid is not going to be an easy one. That what they just experienced so far is nothing but a taste of what's about to come, because it hasn't been that long since they had gone inside, and yet, they're starting to notice the difficulty spiking up already.

Like, the wave of undead they have faced earlier, can't be compared to what they faced just now. The sudden spike of difficulty that this place has is just too absurd even for a high-tiered dungeon.

Multiple waves of Undead kept coming towards them in every direction. At first, dealing with them is not a problem, but as time goes by, it starts to annoy them.

Sometimes, for a straight couple of minutes, they're doing nothing but be stuck in a certain place while fending off against a large number of Undead that keeps pouring out of God knows where. The Undead is not a problem, but their numbers are just too great that it's starting to become one.

It always takes them some time before they can finally manage to clear out the whole waves of Undead and finally have some breather for themselves.

"... Alright, we can't waste any more time since another wave might come again. Just as we planned, we'll leave this floor now to you Raizel-san, please be careful." Momonga said as he pulls something out from his inventory.

"... Yeah sure." Yuki said nonchalantly.

"... Alright everyone. Here we go!" Momonga said as he raises the item he just brought out above him.

"... [ Use item ]." The item that Momonga holds suddenly cracked and immediately shattered like a glass after that.

All of them except for Yuki, have their bodies engulfed in white light, outlining their shapes, after the item in Momonga's hand disappeared.

"... Good luck." Said by Peroroncino towards Yuki before he and the rest of the Guild, except for Yuki obviously, vanished in thin air, leaving only some light particles where they previously stood.

So, Yuki was now left alone.

What just transpired is a work of a certain item. A Cash Item to be exact. With the help of it, the Guild managed to scatter themselves in different floors of the Tomb without the need to clear each floor one by one.

"... Heh~ what are they even worried about?" Yuki said laughingly as he gazed from a far distance, seeing another batch of Undead had spawned, and just when that happened, all of it started running in Yuki's direction.


"... Hmm?" While looking towards the incoming horde in a far distance, Yuki also heard some sort of commotion coming from behind, grabbing his attention.

Yuki turns around just to see another horde, running madly towards him.

Just like his previous scenarios with his Guildmates, he was again surrounded by a bunch of Undead, but this time, he's alone.

"... Alright. Now that they're gone. I can finally go wild." Yuki said in a sharp tone while reaching out for his Inventory.

Simultaneously, he threw the current spear he's using back to his inventory while pulling out a new one.

"... This one is pretty new, so be glad that you guys can do the first drive." Pulling out the new Spear, Yuki said as he brandished it while looking at the incoming horde.

(The spear)

"... Now, let's start the fun." Suddenly, Yuki raised the spear above him. Though the way he holds his spear, compare to how he usually does it, is very strange.

He's holding the spear with no proper stance at all, a proper spearman stance that is. He's holding it with just one hand (right arm) and his stance is that of a guy that's not holding a spear, it's more like, he's holding some sort of blunt weapon.


The moment when Yuki raised his Spear, the wave of Undead is actually near already. Like 10 meters close and still closing at a fast pace as moments go by.

Yuki stomped hard on the ground as he put more force on his upper body while leaning backward.

*... GRAAAA!!*

The Undead are already close, too close, both in front and behind. Some of it that are already close to Yuki by a short distance, pounced towards him, readying to tackle him towards the ground.

But before all of it could happen...

"... [ Sudden Impact ]"

Yuki, before any of the Undead could reach him, suddenly swings his now glowing Spear down towards the ground.

When the Spear made contact with the ground, it was buried deeply due to how hard Yuki swung it. But what comes after that is an eerie silence.

Everything around Yuki became standstill. Like all stopped moving, including the rowdy horde of Undead.

Everything became quiet for a second before...


On the Second Floor of Nazarick, Momonga's party that is consisted of Ulbert Alain Odle, Warrior takemikazuchi, Bukubukuchagama, 

Yamaiko, and Nishikienrai have arrived.

"... Wow, this floor looks massive. Look at this big lake." Ulbert said as he stares at the massive lake in front of them.

Due to the construct of this Floor, the whole second floor seems to be a Giant Lake.

".. The vibes that this floor has are completely different to the First Floor." Yamaiko said a she walks forward towards the Lake.

"... Yeah. I even thought that we got transported in a different place for a second." Nishikienrai said as he agreed with Yamaiko's remarks since the difference between the first floor, which looks like a Graveyard, to the current floor they're in, a giant Lake, is massive.

"... But still, something migh—" Momonga was about to say something, but he was suddenly interrupted by a loud sound of an explosion, from somewhere above them.


A small and short earthquake that seemed to have shaken the whole floor they're in, no, not just the floor but the whole place, followed.

They're all confused as to what is that explosion. It's not that loud, in their perspective, but they know that it was a strong one since they still heard it even though it's pretty obvious that it happened from a far distance.

They all looked towards the Sky like ceiling where the explosion seemed to have originated.

They're all thinking what is the cause of that, all of them except for a certain one.

".. Heh~ Someone's having fun." Bukubukuchagama said while having a smirk on her virtual face, which was expressed by using an emoji.

"... Huh? What do you mean? Who's having fun?" Momonga asked Bukubuku about her remarks? Actually, the rest of the party had the same question. Chagama seems to be the only one that managed to understand the situation.

To which she replied by pointing towards the sky by using her blob of a hand and say...

"... That's the First Floor, did you forget?"

With a multiple "... Oh." coming from them, they all seemed to finally get it.

".. Hey, watch out!" But their moment of realization was cut short when Warrior Takemikazuchi shouted towards them.

Looking towards where Takemikazuchi's gaze is, they all saw some Spawned Creatures from a not-so-far distance that already running in their direction.

"... Alright guys. Talk later, let's finish this first. Just like the usual. C formation!" Ulbert shouted to which all of them agree.

They all changed positioned without flaw, like all of it has been done in one swift motion.

Their supposed to be "Formation C" is a formation that places Momonga and Ulbert in the center of the group, while the others are surrounding them. They always do this kind of formation whenever they are fighting some aggressive enemies.

".. Alright, let's do this!" Bukubukuchagama released her supposed to be Battle Cry before, the group of Spawned Creatures pounced towards their direction.


A half of an hour after that.

On the first floor of Nazarick, Yuki can be seen running around the whole catacombs.

He's been roaming around the first floor every since. He's just running around, killing everything that gets in his way. For the Undead, he's like a moving disaster. There's no spawned Undead on this floor that has yet to halt Yuki from his speed-running massacre.

Every swing of his Spear, a loud screech, and scattered body parts, flying in mid-air, followed.

Be it a strong, weak, or even a Boss level Undead, they all met the same fate.

If someone were to look at this, they might think that Yuki was just Speedrunning the whole floor. He is even ignoring the drop loots of the Undead he had killed so far. He never stopped and pick some of it, he's just literally running around, slashing everything and everyone on his way. Other than the walls of course.

Well, no one can be blamed for thinking like that, but actually, that's not really the case here. How can Yuki, the guy that values everything, from the trashiest item to the Godly ones, leaves a certain drop behind, that's very unlikely to happen.

So whatever he's doing right now, he surely has a reason for it.

So after all that madness, Yuki was currently spinning his weapon, turning all the undead around him into a streak of light that was immediately absorbed by his body for some reason.

The undead creatures here might be strong, but it's not that strong for Yuki.

Although they landed a couple of hits and spells towards Yuki, it's way too weak. Not even worthy of his attention. Didn't even make his HP or his Armor's durability tingle.

Though if a normal Player heard these remarks, they'll surely cry out of envy.

The level of Undead that Yuki's facing right now is no joke for a normal Player.

Just imagine the faces of every Player when they find out that Yuki is just tanking every attack that every Undead here throws at him while if they were in his position, they'll surely die in no time.

Yeah. At this point, just like how the community likes to describe him, Yuki is like a cockroach.

Well, a cockroach that has Armor and can Regenerate that is. And can also blow you up into smithereens.

So going back to Yuki at the Catacombs of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. The first floor in other words.

Yuki finally stopped his rampage. Though not because he's tired already or something like that. It's just that, he finally reached the goal.

Throughout this time that Yuki's here on the 1st floor, Yuki's doing nothing but a running marathon. The massacre is just a part of that.

And since it's a Marathon, there is a goal obviously. That very thing is now in front of Yuki.

".. Looks like I finally found the final boss room." Yuki said as he stare at the Huge and Menacing door in front of him.


But while appreciating the door, Yuki suddenly heard something or someone behind him.

He looks behind to see the one that caused the rustling sound. Though unlike the usual, Yuki's guard was not up. It's as if he already knows who's making a fuss behind him, and whoever that is, it's harmless.

Yuki saw a humanoid silhouette, running along the dark hallways of the Catacombs, going in his direction.

But it is stopping momentarily to pick something on the ground and run towards Yuki again... and stop again to pick something on the ground... and run again... Repeat.

Yuki knows who this is, or more like, what it is. This "someone" that is currently on its way towards Yuki, but keeps getting distracted by something on the ground, is not an Undead, nor a Player, it's actually an NPC. A custom NPC to be exact.

A void might question. How did he have a Custom NPC even though Custom NPCs are only obtainable if you have your own castle already?

Well, to answer that. Obviously, through an item of course. Not just any normal item, but a World Item actually.

This item is called, the THESIS.

Yuki managed to get this one through a certain event a year ago.

And actually, throughout the World Items that Yuki has, this is his most favorite. No matter how OP, Destructive, or Game changer his other World items are, this Item is placed in Yuki's top 1.

Why's that? Well, simply because... This World Item will let Yuki create an NPC of his own. The NPC that's currently running towards him is one of that.

But the creation is not for free of course. It will just let him create an NPC since creating an NPC without a castle or a guild base is impossible. The only way to have an NPC outside without a Guild is by hiring or buying a Mercenary NPC.

But Custom NPC and Mercenary NPC are completely different.

Custom NPC will let you create your own NPC freely. It means you can do whatever the hell you want with it.

But Mercenary NPC is fixed. You can't do anything about it other than commanding it.

That's why Yuki liked this item the most. But the sad part of this item is, it has a limit.

It will only let him create a certain number of NPCs since this item only had a 2000 level to be distributed.

Meaning, he can either create 2000 of level 1 NPCs, or Twenty Level 100 NPCs. It is also a bit costly to create some NPCs since all the pieces of equipment and finances of it will be Yuki's responsibility. Which is not a problem for him actually.

Though the amount of 2000 is actually a lot already, that is if someone were to compare it in some Guild Bases that offered its Players less.

But the thing is, this is not a World item if it doesn't have any Game-Breaking effect.

This effect is the thing that makes Yuki happy the most. It's that, the NPCs that are created by this World item, cannot die.

Well, actually, they still die if their HP bar reaches down the very bottom, but whenever they die, their data will be sent back in the World Item and once that happens, Yuki can just re-summon them again or customize them to make them stronger.

Yeah, it's OP. It's Super OP.

And on this very day, is the first day that Yuki used it and summon one of his "Already designed" NPC that he had long created.

Yuki created a lot of NPC already, he just saved it inside that item. He was just waiting for the right time to summon them all since he doesn't have any moment where he feels the need of it, other than now.

Yuki only summoned one, and it is just so someone can pick up the drop item and Materials for him while he can focus on his rampage. But even though this NPC is just doing nothing but picking up some drops, this NPC, is a strong NPC. A Level 100. A Guardian Level.

Plus to that is the pieces of equipment it had right now are Items that came from Yuki, meaning, it's all overpowered.

Other than Touch Me, when it comes to raw status, this NPC is much stronger than any of his Guildmates. But all of those stats are not important right now since Yuki is just using "Her" to pick up some drops.

The NPC finally arrives in front of Yuki. It did nothing but stare at Yuki's face.

".. Hmm, good work. [ Stay ]"

Yuki ordered the NPC to stay still as he brought out his console to check all the items that his NPC managed to collect.

Since Yuki is doing nothing but Hit and Run, she, the NPC, did the picking for him.

".. Hmm, considering that this is the first floor, some of the drops are not good. But at least there's decent enough. Oh well, at least there is something good." Yuki said as he closes his console and looks towards the Huge Door ahead of him.

".. Alright we're going in. [ Follow ]." He ordered the NPC to follow him as they both walk towards the Huge door.


Yuki pushed it open and it produced a loud creaking sound. Inside it is a dark room. Even Yuki that has a Night Vision can't see what's inside.

"... Looks like it was not programmed to see what's inside."

But as he said that, the torches at the corners of the massive room had suddenly lit up, illuminating the whole room in the process.

Yuki can now see the whole room, and what he saw was a room full of skulls. The ceiling was made of skulls, and the walls too, even some of the pillars are the same, but luckily the floor isn't. it was made of some black marbles.

Yuki, not caring about all of this, walks inside the room, the NPC did so.


The door behind them closed itself as both of them walk deeper inside the room.

But Yuki didn't even bother looking at it as he saw this happen a hundred times already throughout the Dungeons he had been.

All of a sudden, immediately after the door closes, a big black magic circle appears on the other side of the room. These caught Yuki's attention as he knows that the true boss of the first floor is about to show up already.

Slowly, something is surfacing from the big black magic circle.

"... Hmm, so that's the Asura huh?" Yuki said as he scans the ascending Boss in a not-so-far distance from them.

What appears from the Magic circle is the final boss of this Floor. The Asura.

The boss resembled a wrathful Nio. It stood five meters tall, it has six arms, and its body is covered by an exquisite armor. Three of its arms hold a different kind of weapon. A spear, an ax, and a club. The rest are empty.

Seeing the number of weapons that the Asura has in hand, Yuki smiled as he pondered to himself.

"... I guess they already cleared three of the floors huh."

But while Yuki is in the middle of his thoughts, a voice had suddenly erupted that echoed throughout the whole room.

"... Oh foolish one who challenged us, know the might of those who become stronger with every layer of binding removed from us."

It was the Asura that's talking to Yuki, but obviously, it's just a dialogue that was programmed for it to say.


Suddenly after that, the signal for the fight to start had rung.

"... Hmm. This is going to be a hard fight. Nethel, what do you think?" Yuki said as he look towards his NPC, which only looked towards him upon hearing her supposed to be name.

"... Yeah. I also thought the same thing." Yuki said as he look back at the Asura who's already preparing to launch an attack towards them.

"... Alright. Nethel. [ Activate Battle Mode ]" Yuki said towards the NPC, to which, the NPC responded by bringing out a large and heavy gun-like weapon. The moment Yuki said those commands, the innocence on her face disappeared and was instantly replaced by a battle-hardened expression.

"... Alright, let's start this sh*t. [ Engage ]."

And with that, the battle between the two and the Asura, began.

( The NPC )


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