Overlord: The Origin

Chapter 49

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[ Halla's Dark Tribute ]


- [ Halla's dark Tribute ] is not the staff itself, but what the staff can do. The staff itself is usable for combat, but it won't do any better than a regular normal staff. But If the User stabs the Staff on the ground, it will trigger a unique effect called [ Ceremony ]. Once the effect is triggered, any Player within the radius of 1km around the place where the staff got stabbed on, will be dragged into a different dimension, the User included.

That Dimension, is the main ground of the staff's effect. [ Halla's Dark Tribute ] is not an instant event, but a whole process. What will happen after this whole ordeal is a part of it.

- [ Halla's Dark Tribute ] can only be used once. It will disappear from the staff completely once the usage of the staff ends.


- All the Players that have been dragged inside the dimension will have an 𝗜𝗻𝗱𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗱𝘂𝗮𝗹 status. That means, inside the dimension, in everyone's sight, everyone is an enemy. Official alliance is not possible.

- The usage of Artifacts inside the dimension is not allowed.

- At the very end of the event, everyone will be able to get out of the Dimension safely.

- Once all the Players leave the Dimension, the usage of the staff will end.


- All the trapped Players inside the Dimension will escape the Dimension at the same exact time.

- Inside the Dimension, all Players who had their HP, lowered down to 1, will immediately receive a [ Spectator ] mark.

- Players who have the [ Spectator ] mark will be invisible and intangible immediately upon receiving it. [ Spectator ] Players can freely go anywhere they want and can watch the other surviving Players without being noticed. But, communicating and interacting with anyone is not possible by any means.

- Before getting out of the Dimension, all Players will be marked first. There are two types of Markings that a certain Player might get, The [ Loser ] mark and the [ Winner ] mark. All the Players that received the [ Spectator ] mark whilst inside the Dimension will get the [ Loser ] mark and the Player that managed to survive till the very end and be the last Player standing will get the [ Winner ] mark.

- All Players who decided to quit YGGDRASIL while inside the Dimension will be marked [ Loser ]  Immediately

- After getting out of the dimension, every Player who was Marked [ Losers ] will have their whole Inventory, be taken. Every single item, equipment, or consumables, as long as they are in that Player's system, will be devoured by the staff (Halla's Dark Tribute). None will be spared. After that, they will be given a [ Tribute ] status.

- All the devoured items will be kept inside the staff, or in its [ Stash ] function to be exact. The Stash Function is only accessible by the Player who has the [ Winner ] mark

- All Players that have the [ Tribute ] status will immediately die upon receiving the status. Their death will be counted as the [ Winner ]'s kill.

- All Players that died with a [ Tribute ] status will have their overall Character status, halved. The half will remain to that Player and the other will be devoured by the (Halla's Dark Tribute) effect.

- After getting out of the dimension, the Player with the [ Winner ] mark, will receive a [ Greatly Favored by the Frozen Queen ] title.

- The Player with the [ Favored ] status will receive a unique Job title.


Right now, Yuki is playing YGGDRASIL... just like what he always does every single day. What a surprise.

Well, he sometimes takes a break, so technically, it's not every "single" day, but looking at his overall playtime score, he really deserves that title more than anyone.

Not that he's going for that title though.

Anyway, going back to the topic of Yuki being inside the YGGDRASIL.

He is currently, in an unknown location.

Well, he knows where he is, just not where exactly.

He's in a different Dimension. Or the [ Halla's Dark Tribute ]'s dimension to be exact.

Yes, he just used that World Item. A minute hasn't even passed since that happened.

From an outsider's point of view, the current place he's in can be described as... Has a Dark sky, Many trees that amplify the darkness even more, very barren, very dark, very gloomy, and hills. Lots of Hills. And even more dark aspects.

"This" place is basically like, a picture if you decided to lower the brightness of it by 10x, and put a strong noise effect at the top of it. That's how dark this place is. The only natural source of light here is the Giant moon in the sky, which didn't help that much.

If you describe the description of the place to a casual YGGDRASIL Player, then he or she will surely say that this must be a certain area in Helheim. But no. Just no.


At the top of all that darkness, a sudden gust of wind chimed, probably from someone or something that is causing a strong movement then suddenly stopped out of nowhere. It came from one of the Hills in the area where the trees are the densest.

There, a figure that is most likely the origin of that noise is to be seen.

Of course, this figure is no other than Yuki himself.

At the top of that hill, Yuki is now just standing, very menacingly, while silently looking from a far distance. God knows what he's looking at exactly.

He's currently wearing a very dark armor, making him blend nicely in the dark surroundings. The Armor he's wearing is also producing some black smoke continuously from the insides, making him look like a living shadow or a specter of some sort.

Meanwhile near him, sits a humongous Axe that's quite a contrast to his current nature. The Axe is so big that it's even bigger than him by a couple of cms. It's that big. It also has a fiery feeling to it.

Someone might argue that a sword or any bladed weapon suits him the most at the moment, cause a giant Axe like this is just so crude and simply ruins the Aesthetic. And weirdly enough, Yuki can agree. Normally, he actually does that because he dresses up for the looks. He is the type of guy that will spends a bunch of valuable data crystals just to change the appearance of a certain item so it can fit to his liking.

But now, he kinda chooses to forget that side of him for the meantime. Even the Armor he is wearing, although on a slimmer side, is definitely much bulkier than what he normally wears. This alone just shows the seriousness of Yuki's nature at the moment.

Anyone who knows him can surely tell that Yuki right now, means business.

Right now, things such as aesthetics don't bother him anymore, as long as it gives his desired effect, he will have it.

He wants destructiveness more than style. Right now, he wants to have the feeling of crushing someone with just a single swing. He wants to make the enemy feel like they're catching a falling building the moment they block his attack.

It's all for the sake of upping his winning percentage in the war he's about to face.

That's right. Right now, he's about to fight in a war. Or at least, "his" war. And his army consists of only one Player, and that's him.

Yeah, if someone were to look at it more, it doesn't look like a war but more of a bunch of gangsters, ganging up on someone.

Well, it's not like Yuki is at a disadvantage here. As long as Yuki plays his cards well, he would be able to win without a doubt. Or at least that's what he likes to tell himself.

Yeah it might look like a dose of Hopium for others when they hear it, but the outcome is never clear yet so it kinda isn't.

He can't escape. He has no backup. He is limited by the Dimension so his fighting style needs to be changed. He has to fight many opponents. Not to mention that all of his opponents are not easy to deal with. He will fight real-time maxed level Players, and every one of them is specialized and the best at what they do. Some of them are even on the top 100 ranking in the YGGDRASIL player leaderboards. There's also a "special" individual among his opponents. A much harder opponent to deal with compared to all of them. Like a diamond mixed with rocks.

Yeah, in this dimension, everyone is enemies of each other, but aside from him, all the Players inside the dimension currently, are all Guild Members of the Trigon Guild. So it's still him vs them even with the Dimension's settings.

But. Even with all those facts, did he feel scared?

Well, he didn't. He's nervous, but not scared.

Because why would he?

He is prepared for what is about to happen. Everything about this is part of his plan. He wanted all of this to happen.


Yep... Including the beam of light that is going wild from afar distance.

The beam is being fired towards the sky, making it look like a beacon.

"... About time," Yuki muttered under his breath as if to prove that this is really a part of his plan while grabbing the giant Axe beside him.

"Alright, let's not make them wait shall we?" Yuki said with a big sigh as he arranged all of his thoughts for one last time before raising one of his hands towards the beam's direction, and saying...

"... [ Super tier Magic: Starfall ]"

After that, nothing major happened, except for a few glowing circles that appeared from the sky, forming a strange line, making the whole thing look like a picture of a star constellation.

By this time, the beacon of light from afar is already gone. It was extinguished to be exact by an unknown force.

What follows after this is an eerie silence.


But, after exactly 1 minute, the darkened surroundings brightened up as the glowing circles in the sky finally made a reaction.

Blinding lights suddenly appeared from the sky, illuminating the whole area where Yuki stands.

Then immediately after that...


AN: The chapter might be a bit confusing but trust me, it'll clear up in the next chapter. This is more like a prologue.


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