Overpowered Idiots

Chapter Ten: Exploring

This arc is about to be wrapped up. Tomorrow I will be releasing the final chapter of this arc and from there there will a be a tone shift from a more survival standpoint to a more comedic, two bumbling buffoons attempt to figure out the customs of another world while being completely over powered standpoint

“What else is new about my skills…” Star wondered aloud after she’d calmed down from the shock of having sudden, strange markings appear on her skin. She sat with Salem at the dinning table, munching on a few of her favorite foods in celebration of their success. The atmosphere between them remained a peaceful contentment. Star hummed before pulling up the gacha gathering system first.

Current points: 30

Points generated per day: 105



Magic tier:

  • F tier: 5

  • D tier: 10

  • C tier: 30

  • B tier: 120

  • A tier: 600

  • S tier: 3600

World tier:

  • Mortal tier: 500

  • Earth tier: 2500

  • Heaven tier: 25000

Current points: 30


“The fuck is a world class?” Star asked aloud.

“World? Show me.”

Star showed the screen.

“Oh, I’m like 80% sure that's a type of magic like system, kinda. Maybe it just means there are things you can pull in other worlds or something?”

Star blinked dumbly.

“Just… scan the skill.” Salem sighed, turning back to her food.

Star shrugged and did so, mentally picking the in depth scan

Gacha gathering system level 70

A system with two levels. The magic level has six tier levels: F, D, C, B, A, S. The second has three: mortal, earth, heaven

Magic level:

Plants and animal parts that are sourced from the world the user resides in.

F tier – the most common plants with barely any alchemy uses.

D tier – common plants and the most common animal parts with alchemy uses

C tier – rare plants with no special traits and common mundane animal parts with alchemy uses

B – common plants with magical traits and mundane animal parts with alchemy uses; random chance of a book on alchemy.

A tier – magical plants and magical animal parts with alchemy uses

S tier – rare magical plants and rare magical animal parts with alchemy uses

World level:

Magical items, plants, or animals parts that are sourced from any world across the universe.

Mortal tier – both mundane and low level magical items, plants, and animals parts

Earth tier – low level to mid level magical items, plants, and animals parts

Heaven tier – high mid level to high level magical items, plants and animals parts

“That’s such a big wall of text.” Star groaned, bonking her head on the desk before lifting it back up and reading over the new information, “What’s the difference? They seem the same except the World level offers items, with tier levels.”

Salem shrugged, sipping some hot tea.

“Ugh.” Star bonked her head again, “Na, I’m not dealing with this right now.” She scanned her next skill.

Synthesis level 100

One of the required skills for any alchemist, at this level the user is able to create object with up to seven [7] unique properties or seven [7] unique skill. The user can use plant and animal parts up to S tier quality materials with a 1% success rate. The user can use a item, plant, or animal part up to a earth tier quality material with a 5% success rate.

Lucky boost: 1% success – 75% success, 5% success – 80% success

“Ick.” Star stared blankly at the screen. “I’m to tired for this.” She dismissed the screen, “I’ll deal with it in the morning.”

“Good night.”

“Good night.”

Star passed out on her bed in moments.

Star awoke to a loud bang from outside, startling her awake. “What was that?” She wondered, pulling herself out of bed. She pulled her coat on and made her way out side, only to see a massive fallen tree. “Uh, Salem?” She called.

“Oh, hey Star!”

“What happened here?”

“Oh you know, I was just testing out my magic and my have gone a little overboard.”

“What do you mean by that? You’re acting weird.”


Star stumbled backwards as a dragon’s head peeked out from behind the fallen tree. It wasn’t as big as she always imagined a dragon would be, but it still towered over her. “Salem, what the fuck!”

“… her names Opal.”


“She’s a sweet heart.”


“It’s to late I’m already attached, you can’t stop me.”

“I-- Salem!”


“Rar?” The dumb fluffy little dragon popped over the log, inspecting Star.

“Oh, heeeYYYY little guy.” Star stiffened, “It’s nice to meet you?” It was at this point Star finally noticed the smaller details about the dragon, like how its white fear shimmered blue in the sun and how long its body was. The dragon resymbolized that of a eastern style dragon rather then the western style she was more familiar with.

“Ror!” The dragon nestled up to Star, licking her cheek.

“Hey!” Star began pushing the dragons snout away, “Don’t lick me.”

The dragon pulled away, purring as it stared at her with deep purple eyes.

Star took this chance to gather a little bit more information about the dragon. Previously she couldn’t scan living animals, but she had a feeling she would now with her new upgrades. Star squinted activating her ability.

Female juvenile wyvern “Opal”

A wyvren around ten years of age, recently left its infant stage of life. This is signaled by the gain of an affinity and the young wyvern leaving the nest. This type of dragon prefers a diet of red meat.

Affinity: frost

“Oh, your just a little baby, huh.” Star pulled her book from her satchel, placing her hand on the front. The book glowed as it copied the information onto the pages.

The wyvren chirped in response. Despite it being a juvenile, and a young one at that, it was still massive, its full length half of a fully mature pine tree.

Star sighed, “We’re going to need a bigger island for you.” She muttered.

“What was that?” Salem asked, popping up by Star side.

Star jumped, “Dammit Salem, the wyvren’s a juvenile, a baby one at that, if it stays we’re going to have to make this island bigger some how, also its eats red meats.”

“Well that wont be to hard to solve.”

“Do you have a way to make the island bigger?”

“I have a space affinity, I should be able to figure it out.”

Star stared at Salem for a few long moments, “Whatever, knock yourself out.” Star turned on her heel and walked back inside, passing out on her bed moments later.

Star awoke again a few hours later. She pulled herself out of bed and wondered to the kitchen for breakfast munching on a few fruits that they’d preserved. Once satisfied with breakfast she made her way back outside to her greenhouse. There she did all her usual activities, namely taking care of the plants and weeding the garden.

Star completed her work for the day and decided to wonder the island in search of Salem. As she did so she couldn’t help but noticed the walk from one side of the island to another was… longer. What had previously taken Star 20 minutes to walk had suddenly doubled. It seemed Salem did make the island larger. This is most notable effect of this would be the stretches of barren land at every end of the island. Star would need to plant trees and other vegetation there.

Star gave up on her search for Salem an hour in, decided to head back to the house for lunch. She ended up eating alone that afternoon, something not especially uncommon. It was, at this point, when she was simply relaxing at home Star remember the thing she’d been putting off all day now. Sighing to herself she stood, grabbed her book from where it lay and got to work.

First she pulled up her skills scanning each. She to note of each, quickly coping the information on the skills down, doing the ones she did yesterday first.

Lucky level 100

The user has extremely luck able to win chances of 1 in 10000 with 68% consistency. This ability effects day to day life as well as skills such as synthesis.

Scan level 100

Highly in depth scan, able to tell the user about unique facts, traits, and skill about what ever the user scans. The second feature of this skill tells how unique aspects of an object may effect other objects.

Deconstruct level 100

One of the required skills for any alchemist, at this level the user is able to take apart any object made with alchemy with a .04% degradation of materials. At this level this skill can be used to deconstruct raw materials into desired parts.

It seemed each ability had gained a new sub ability. As Star mused about her findings, adding them into her little book the door slammed open. Star startled spinning around, only to see Salem standing there with an agitated look on her face.

“You alright there?”

Salem stomped forward taking a seat with a huff, “I’ve been flying around with Opal for hours, and you know what I’ve found?”


“Nothing, I’ve found nothings. Aside from our little island, it looks like there is nothing here.”

Star took a breath before answering, “Well, its still only the first day of being able to leave the island right? Maybe what out there is just really far away.”

Salem took a deep breath, and deflated, slouching in her seat, “Your probably right.”

“We have all the time in the world, lets just focus on getting Opal settled in for now.”

“… alright.”

The following weeks passed slowly as Salem and Star expanding their living area once more, having to build an entire new room for Opal to stay in. And as winter turned to spring Salem and Opal prepared to leave the island in search of new horizons.



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