Oversized And Loving It

Ch2 – Baby Troubles

Coming to this world was a surprise y’know? There I was sitting at home, masturbating, and all of a sudden I was in a lavishly decorated room with 2 of the most beautiful girls I’d ever seen. These were of course goddesses who wanted dick that could actually satisfy them and I was that solution. After talking for a bit about my and their circumstances, I asked them to almost completely remove my sense of gender and replace it with  that of a futa’s since according to one of my friends in my old life, ‘dysphoria’s a bitch’ and I don’t blame them. Even just the thought of being a different gender in the future fucked my mind up for a bit. 

I also asked for a few upgrades to my mind since I was kinda stupid. I mean, at least I was aware of my own stupidity so I could limit the damage from it which is much better than the majority of other dumbasses out there though, so that was good.. Apparently though, the goddesses have no direct control over how smart people are apart from mental illness so they could only instil a curiosity in me from a young age so my brain would develop more on its own or something. I dunno I was still stupid at the time and don’t remember many of the specifics so I can’t figure it out now. Wait, if they couldn’t affect people directly, why were they able to make me so tall and have such a massive cock? Bastards cheated me… well, at least this way, I feel like all my inventions were made through my own efforts so maybe it was for my own good? I dunno again so Imma stop thinking about it.

After talking for so long, I was finally ready to be sent into my mothers womb. Thanks to my now photographic memory, I remember all of it, but since just about every second was the same in there my perception of time got all fucky so it all blended together. After an eternity spent in that womb, bored out of my mind, it was finally time for birth! I was hoping to be head first since I missed the feeling of breathing, but I felt a hand gently grip… something. I didn’t know what it was since I couldn’t really feel which limb was which but maybe it was a leg since I could feel most of my body was out but not my head. And once I was out too… All those Isekai anime lied to me! They showed the protagonist looking up at their parents as soon as they were born but I couldn’t! I tried and tried to open my eyes and I was successful for a split second, but it was like a flashbang went off and the air felt like acid to my newly formed eyes. That's not even mentioning the sound! Everything was so loud that the continuous gasps and unintelligible words from the people around me felt like an assault directly to my brain. I just couldn’t handle it anymore and I passed out, whether from sheer exhaustion or my overwhelmed senses, I don’t know.

I woke up and went to sleep again and again, each time the sensory overload getting easier and easier to handle until I was sucking on some tiddy as a baby does, and I tried opening my eyes. Before me was a huge mound of fat, looking like it was made for supplying an entire dairy. The skin was so smooth and blemish free that I thought I was looking at another goddess. Eyes travelling up, I liked what I saw more and more until I saw her face. Again, the skin was clear there too, framed with luscious blonde hair, her face was beautiful, with green eyes and cute dainty features. Our eyes locked. 

The woman, who I assumed to be my mother let out a high pitched squeal (which still hurt a bit at higher frequencies) and started hugging me against her chest. She was saying a lot of things to me and occasionally yelling out names I think? Those names obviously had to belong to someone and the door to the lavishly decorated room we were in slammed open.

In came a fucking huge lady. She was definitely at least double or maybe even triple my mothers height and towered over us, looking almost like a bodybuilder except she still had all the right curves in all the right places. Scars adorned her bare midriff and I was sure there were more under her cloth chest wraps and her loose pants. Wait… one of those pant legs isn’t completely loose! There is a long phallic length running down it, stretching the fabric taut, all the way down past her fucking knee! Now that I think about it, the goddess said I’d have a huge dick and be a futanari too. Is that my father(/mother?)? WOULD I GROW UP TO BE LIKE THAT? THATS SO FUCKING COOL! 

The buff lady, despite her wild red hair and scars all over, somehow still managed to look like a refined noble lady. At making eye contact with her all that noble air left her and she also let out a squeal, slightly less ladylike and sounding more like a roar before she rushed towards us. The ground shook with each step, like the floor itself was afraid of her weight and she jumped, landing on the bed my other mother was sitting on and tackled us. I was suddenly laying between two pairs of very soft tits. I could now move my arms around freely as the cloth that covered my previously came loose and I started squirming, searching for air. Sure I love tig ol biddies but when they deprive your frail body of oxygen, it becomes a bit scary. Sensing my panic, one of them finally thinks to unmake this baby sandwich and I fall out from between them onto the soft silk bed. I sit up. Are babies meant to be able to sit up after being alive for a few days? Probably not. I look at myself, at my body and is that a tail? No it’s… holy fuck my dick is  massive! As a baby, It’s got to at least be the length of a ruler, going past my legs! Sure it looks a bit thin but I guess I can’t really get hard yet. THIS IS MY LENGTH NOT HARD?. My balls are pretty big too. They pretty much fill up my entire lap. I grab the head, full of wonder, and bring it up closer to my face. My eyesight’s still a bit bad, okay?

As I study my dick, I hear a snap coming from one of my parents. I look over to see a ball of darkness, with a piece of paper positioned behind it, slowly changing colour to match my surroundings like a fantasy polaroid. My short-mom had her hands held up, as if she was conjuring that ball and paper and when she put them down, the ball vanished, leaving the paper there. I guess she was kinda conjuring it… WAS THAT MAGIC? WILL I BE ABLE TO DO THAT WHILE ALSO LOOKING LIKE A MUSCULAR AMAZONIAN GODDESS? SHIT, I CAN DIE HAPPILY NOW! WAIT! NO! IF I DIE I'LL NEVER BECOME THAT AMAZING!

I made my way over to my mothers, both laying there, short-mom being spooned by tall-mom, looking happily at me. I tried stumbling over to them on my hands and knees but the bed was too good! It kept engulfing me and trying to make me sleep with its probably magically induced warmth. Before I could make it to my mothers(/mom and dad, still not sure what to call the one with a dick) I found myself too fatigued from fighting the mattress and succumbed to sleep as my short-mom grabbed me and brought me to her chest in a hug. 

So. This chapter is a bit short but seeing the amount of traction and views this got made me want to get a chapter out as soon as I could. And of course I chose to release this right as I'm going through a perhaps one of the busiest weeks I've ever gone through which is why there wasn't a release earlier but shit should be good now. I didn't stay up to an unreasonable time either so I'm at least in the right mind to choose a cover that isn't way too revealing unlike last time... So, I generated a bunch of covers and selected the best ones for you all to vote for! This time they shouldn't show as much ass as the last one and should stay within TOS (stupid past but really tired self for using a cover that was like 50% bare ass!) but they aren't futa since the site I used, 'Unstable diffusion', as well as every other free alternative I could find didn't support girls with huge cocks! How could such a travesty occur! Thats also the reason I made most of them turn away, to hide the lack of cock for our futa mc.

Anyway, here are the covers:


Hopefully there isn't too much ass in these. Would there be any consequences for too much ass in the cover repeatedly? I dunno, but I guess I'll find out either through the comments or by facing said consequences if there are any. Now that I'm looking at these again, I really think they might be too much... fuck it I'll post it anyway.

I'll probably close the poll when I post a new chapter or the chapter after that since I want as many people to vote and have an opinion as possible. Speaking of posting new chapters, after the last week of hell, I'll have a fair bit more time off. Of course, some of that time will go to games (especially cyberpunk with its 2.0 update) but some of that newfound time will also go into this book so look forward to that.

Thanks for reading!

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