Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 604 - [Sentry Ultron] 3 more

This huge robot is undoubtedly the new center of Ultron. At this moment, the energy he masters has reached the ninth level.

The ninth level of Sentinel Ultron is a real ninth level, and it is definitely not a half-hearted one that was temporarily inspired like the previous Mephisto clone.

Hundreds of other sentinel robots have also reached the level of four, which is also a bit scary.

Compared with the energy level seen by the Eye of Reckoning, the actual combat effectiveness of the Sentinels will definitely be high. A large number of variants have been slaughtered to spare them, and many different superpowers must be preserved.

When fighting, they can flexibly respond to various situations by constantly switching superpowers.

Moreover, these sentinel machines are all the same person, and they are an absolutely united fighting group. At the same time, except for the center, any sentinel is not afraid of death.

The only good news is that the Light judged Ultron for his sins.

In the Eyes of Reckoning, all the Sentinels were the exact same dark red—they were the same criminal.

This result was not entirely what Luo Wei expected. After all, Ultron was a robot, not a creature in the standard sense.

But the almighty holy light can still judge him, and in the sight of holy light, the sins of Ultron can be seen at a glance.

“Heimdall, open the Rainbow Bridge and send the Silver Hand over.” Rowe said immediately.

Since the Holy Light can judge Ultron, it is natural for the Knights to participate in the battle. Otherwise, this battle may not be possible with only him and the Avengers.

Soon, the Rainbow Bridge descended, and hundreds of Paladins were sent to Xavier School, standing with Rowe and the Avengers, looking at the surrounding sentry Ultron.

“Paladin!” As a super artificial intelligence, Ultron is almost omniscient. In fact, he could even call out quite a few paladins by name if he wanted to.

“Very well, there are so many people, let me send you to see God all at once!” he said coldly.

Before the words fell, the circular device on Ultron’s chest began to excite a fiery light, and a circle of light blue light lit up at the edge.

The terrifying aura of destruction quickly filled the air, making everyone tremble.

Luo Wei’s expression changed greatly, and he quickly shouted: “Defense!”

Luo Wei and all the defensive knights released holy light in their hands, and together they supported a huge holy light barrier, covering everyone.

Immediately, Ultron shouted, and the beam of destruction blasted out from his chest, with a light enough to cover the sun, sweeping towards the crowd.

“Boom boom-“

This terrifying beam of light lasted for several seconds, slamming on the Holy Light barrier, and then even breaking through a few weak points, the energy of destruction vented in.

Anyone who is hit by this beam of light will be wiped out, and there will be no bones left.

Fortunately, most of the Holy Light barrier is strong enough to protect most of the people inside the barrier.

Ultron obviously couldn’t maintain such a terrifying energy output for a long time. The circular device on the chest quickly stopped outputting the beam of light, and instead stimulated a bright blue light, a bit like a gas stove.

For a few seconds after the beam of light stopped, he looked a little weak and sluggish, and he did not move except for the blue light throbbing in his chest.

“What is this?” Everyone was terrified.

“It’s a nuclear strike.” Tony’s words shocked people.

“Nuclear Strike!”

Tony continued: “Have you seen the thing on his chest, it’s a super fusion reactor, if I guess correctly, once this thing is fully released, the power should be tens of millions of tons of TNT equivalent, a super-large hydrogen bomb. “

Spider-Man couldn’t help but said: “With such terrifying energy, how can he ensure his own safety? Isn’t he afraid of blowing up or roasting himself?”

Vision at this time: “He has a strong freezing ability, and the blue light around the nuclear device is the effect of his ability to mobilize the freezing ability, which can effectively suppress the influence of the overflowing heat on him.”

Ultron smiled: “It seems that you know me quite well, yes, I installed a Tsar bomb on my body, and at the same time used the mutant Rao freezing ability to suppress its overflowing heat. In fact, my freezing efficiency ratio allows me to get Mutants with this ability are stronger.”

“So the worst-case scenario is that I just detonate myself, so I can wipe you out, and I don’t die from it.”

When everyone heard the words, their expressions could not help but become more dignified.

Rowe took out the sword of Querceira: “I and Vision will deal with Ultron, and you will deal with the other sentries.”

“Yes!” The Paladins responded, and the Avengers knew that this arrangement had to be done.

The sentinel Ultron is so terrifying, except for Rowe and Vision, it is difficult for anyone else to compete, including Thor.

The battle broke out in full swing, Rowe unfolded his wings of holy light on all sides, and at the same time integrated the Sulfuron warhammer into his arm, and then went straight to Ultron with Vision.

Ultron met head-on, but the speed of the huge body was not slow at all, and he was in close contact with the two in a blink of an eye.

Sword of Justice!

Rowe’s Sulfuron hand suddenly fell, the huge Querceira slashed towards Ultron, and the air was swept away by the blade of the surging waves.

This slashing like a mountain, Rao Shi Ao Chuang couldn’t help but feel a little shocked when he saw it. He didn’t dare to touch it hard, and a flash appeared a few meters away.

Immediately, fiery beams shot out of his eyes, sweeping across Rowe and Vision.

Luo Wei’s sword failed, and he ate Ultron’s Cyclops instead.

This sentry Ultron obviously absorbed some kind of teleportation ability, and it was not slippery, but fortunately it seemed to be only a short-distance teleportation.

Vision flew to Ultron, and Ultron raised his hand to create a red energy cage, opened in mid-air, and quickly covered it, and immediately imprisoned Vision.

The vision, however, went straight through the cage, as if through the air.

Seeing this scene, Ultron couldn’t help but be angry and regretful: “This illusion should belong to me!”

The carefully crafted body of vision was taken away, and every time he thought about it, it was difficult for him to suppress his inner emotions.

Vision has a clear goal, going straight to Ultron from the beginning, trying to get in touch with him, thereby completely detaching his consciousness from the Internet.

It only makes sense to kick Ultron out of the Internet and kill him.

Sentinel Ultron obviously knew his intentions, and did not let him get close, and could easily avoid it with a teleport.

In this way, he frequently teleported to avoid being close to the hallucination, while launching attacks in various ways. Lightning, flames, rays, freezing… He can use almost all the abilities he can think of, and there are endless means to suppress them in an all-round way.

In the face of Ultron, who could flicker and teleport frequently, it was not until the battle lasted about half a minute that Luo Wei finally had a chance to mount him.

I saw a flash of holy light, and a sword of justice stabbed out of the ground in an instant, destroying the structure of Ultron’s legs.

But at this moment, the nuclear device on Sentinel Ultron’s chest was cooled enough to once again stimulate the aura of destruction.

A terrifying glow quickly brewed and aimed at Rowe!

Paladins of Asgard

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