Pamper Eighties

Chapter 231

Old man Feng started the car again, and this time he finally got it right. Three kilometers away, a dense forest appeared, and the air could still smell the salty smell of seawater.

They drove the car and circled around, but they searched and searched, but couldn’t find a suitable location. There was no way, there was no road ahead.

Old man Feng simply stopped the car on the side of the road and said, “Get off the car, let’s walk over.”

Mengmeng picked up Yuanzai, and several male dolls walked into the mangrove forest step by step with their luggage on their backs.

This kind of mangrove should be regarded as a feature of Shenzhen, and a large area has grown by the sea.

When I first walked in, the ground was still hard, and the trees were not much different from the outside.

Slowly, the sand in the soil became more and more, and even the plants became strange. They were all low trees with intertwined roots. The leaves grew extraordinarily lush, and their roots were exposed from the soil. It can even grow a handful of whiskers directly from the branches and root deeply in the soil.

Going further back, the mud is all wet, and when you step on it, the mud creaks and seeps into the shoes with all your might, making it sticky and uncomfortable.

Not only that, but the mangroves were extremely hot, and there was nowhere to rest.

The two families looked at each other and couldn’t help but stop to wipe their sweat.

Old Man Feng wiped his face and said angrily, “No wonder the police officer just looked at me so strangely, I guess he thought we were sick.”

Madam Feng also complained, “Where can I set up a tent in this ghost place? You see, Yuan Zai is hot.”

It’s true, like this wet and soft mangrove forest, it is very hot and humid all year round. Normal people can’t stay in it at all. Fortunately, they are not here to travel. write.

“Xiaojin, take us to another place.” Mengmeng couldn’t bear to see her grandparents suffer, so she quickly summoned Xiaojin in her heart, she knew there was a place, but she couldn’t say it.

After a while, Xiao Jin appeared in the sky, and it chirped, signaling everyone to follow it.

“Good job, Xiao Jin must have found a place.” Madam Feng and the others were overjoyed, and hurriedly followed the direction Xiao Jin pointed.

About twenty minutes later, the light ahead suddenly became clear, and a small crescent-shaped beach appeared before everyone’s eyes.

They were like thirsty people who suddenly found spring water, instantly rejoiced, and rushed towards the beach with quick steps.

Although the sand here is very rough and hard, it is still much better than the woods, at least it is not so hot, and it can blow the sea breeze.

Old Man Feng insisted: “Everyone, hurry up, put up the tent first, and then take a look around here.”

Everyone started working together, and quickly set up the tent to look like it. They took out the ice cubes from the foam box, and then put Yuanzai into the tent and let it sleep. Everyone else went to the beach.

When they saw a large stone beside them, they climbed up on the ground with their hands and feet, stood on the top of the stone, put their hands on a pergola, and looked towards the sea.

Brother Rui’s eyes were good. He was observing with the binoculars, and suddenly nodded and said, “It’s right across from Hong Kong. I wonder if Master will come from there.”

The two places are very close. Standing in this mangrove forest, they can easily see the land on the other side, which is similar to this side. They are all covered with green, and they can’t see people or buildings.

Mengmeng said wisely: “The coast is so long, what if your master is somewhere else?”

This is a problem. Since Ling Xuzi chose to stay in the middle of the night, there must be a reason, either to avoid the enemy, or to avoid the military and police, after all, this is the border, and anything can happen.

Brother Rui pondered for a while, then turned to his good brother and said, “Big brother and second brother, you and I will go to the neighborhood to have a look and find out more about it.”

“Okay,” Dawa agreed immediately. He walked directly in front and said, “How about we go in three ways, so it’s faster.”

Old Man Feng hurriedly chased after them, stopped them and said, “Bring a whistle. If you have a problem, just whistle. Don’t be nervous when you meet someone. Just say what I taught you, and be careful.”

“You don’t have to worry about us when you know Grandpa.”

Dawa and the others have grown up by the sea since they were young. For them, this mangrove forest is at most the root system of plants, which is more difficult to deal with. As for those seawater, small animals by the water, etc., they do not put them at all. eyes.

The boys were all gone, and old man Feng returned to the camp with his family, took out the medicines he brought, put them away one by one, and prepared food.

For the sake of convenience, what they brought today were all easily roasted meat and vegetables, and the rest was mostly water and bread, enough for them to handle a few meals.

Taking advantage of this time, the two old men also picked some bush branches, weaved it into a temporary support, and hid it in a separate tent.

This tent was specially prepared for Ling Xuzi, thinking that if he was seriously injured, he could go in and lie down for a while.

After doing this, they went to the beach to put fishing rods, and they had to do a full set for the show. In case someone came to check, there are some sayings that it is not.

As it turns out, their worries were superfluous.

Two hours later, the three boys returned one after another, and the big boy took off his T-shirt and said, sweating, “There is no one around, except for mangroves or mangroves, and the sea nearby is similar. , I don’t know where the old Taoist priest will appear.”

Brother Rui drank several sips of water in a row before feeling a little better. He pursed his lips and said, “Xiaojin’s eyes are better at night than ours, let him fly up to the sky to help him. As soon as my master appears, we will go over to pick him up. .”

Old Man Feng looked at the vast sea and couldn’t help but sigh: “That’s the only way to do it. I hope your master is okay.”

The waiting time is always very long, and the boring day passes quietly, no one finds them, and of course no one bothers.

They all slept during the day, and at night, the Big Dipper lit up the sky like a spoon, and these people lying in the tent suddenly opened their eyes.

“Get up, don’t turn on the lights, come outside.” Old Man Feng’s voice rang outside the tent, and everyone got out of the tent one after another.

At night by the sea, the air is extraordinarily fresh and even a little cold. The cold wind blowing from the sea made the big guy shrink his neck.

Only the little guy, Yuan Zai, is not afraid of the cold at all. It was covered in thick wool and had just woken up. It was just when it was lively and moving. When everyone was not paying attention, it sneaked out from the legs and ran on the beach like a joy.

The adults don’t care about it, and treat animals, they all let it go wild, and they didn’t spoil it because of Yuanzai’s special identity.

People who have lived in the countryside for a long time have good eyesight. Even if Mrs. Feng is old, she can still see things clearly.

She followed the group to the beach, and while moving around, she observed the other side, and said more and more puzzled: “There is no light on the other side, doesn’t it mean that Hong Kong is very rich?”

The old man Feng answered her very knowledgeably: “No matter how rich you are, you can’t waste it. Who doesn’t sleep at night and lights up the lights blindly? Landlords can’t be so lavish.”

Madam Feng thinks about it and thinks it is. For example, her family is ready. Although she is already very rich, the place where they live is still in the old house. The lights must be turned off at night. As frugal as she is.

Brother Rui felt that this was not the case. He explained: “Grandma Feng, it should not be the urban area of ​​Hong Kong. It may be the same as here, and it is also a mangrove forest. There are no people in that kind of place.”

Speaking of this, Mrs. Feng has something to say. She said in a puzzled way: “Why did your master go to such a place where birds don’t poop? It’s really incomprehensible. You said he was injured, he should be the first Going to the doctor for a while, how did you end up smuggling at sea? Can’t you come in through customs?”

Can’t figure it out, she really can’t figure it out.

Brother Rui touched his nose in disguise, and said a little embarrassedly, “My master didn’t apply for a certificate. Didn’t he send me back? I didn’t apply for a certificate. So, if you don’t have a certificate, you can’t go back to China. .”

It was the first time that Mrs. Feng heard about it, and she couldn’t help but sighed in admiration: “It turns out that he smuggled in, no wonder.”

She pouted and said, “Ling Xuzi is already old, and doing things is so unreliable. Fortunately, you didn’t go with him at the time, otherwise you wouldn’t come back.”

What Mrs. Feng didn’t know was that Ling Xuzi was not as young as he looked, and he couldn’t even remember his own age.

At such an old age, yet so young, speaking out, it shouldn’t shock the world.

In the past, he used his identity as a monk to cover up, saying that he was only seventy years old wherever he went, and that’s it, many people still didn’t believe it.

Therefore, it is impossible to obtain a certificate, and it is impossible for him to obtain a certificate in his life.

Time slipped away quietly, and the night was getting darker and darker.

Brother Rui and Dawa stood by themselves, both holding binoculars to observe, and the old men and the old ladies were also waiting quietly.

Erwa was very bored, so he grabbed the small stones on the ground and stood on the shore floating in the water.

Mengmeng simply lay on the beach, looking at the sky and counting the stars.

At such a quiet moment, he was suddenly awakened by a low shout from Brother Rui.

“Don’t make a sound, there are people at sea.”

Everyone stopped for a moment, and immediately squatted, almost sticking to the beach, and their eyes were fixed on the direction of the sea.

I saw the sea in the distance, I don’t know when, a few boats appeared. They were speeding very fast. While galloping on the sea, they also shot searchlights from the boats and shot them towards the shore.

With the bright light, everyone finally saw the words on the boat clearly. It turned out that the coast guard came to patrol.

After the ships were all gone, Madam Feng patted her chest and whispered, “I’ll be darling, it turns out that someone is really patrolling.”

Fortunately, the beach they were staying on was in a concave place in the bay, and there were dense mangroves growing on the left and right sides, covering the beach almost completely, so no one could see it.

Next, every once in a while, there will be military police patrolling the sea.

Old Man Feng and the others also observed that every time there is a shift change, there is a gap period, which should be the time when Ling Xuzi chooses to take risks.

Once you figure out the rules, things will be much easier to handle.

Old Man Feng greeted everyone and said, “All go back and wait. We’ll come back at 2:30.”

The night is getting deeper and deeper. The small animals in the mangroves heard cries, sometimes mixed with a few tender “ping bang bang” sounds, but there was no other sound.

When the rustling sound sounded again, it was when Old Man Feng and the others moved.

“Xiaojin, be careful, come back and tell us when you see Brother Rui and his master.”

Mengmeng let Xiao Jin fly, and stood beside him watching his grandfather put on his diving suit. The three brothers also put on life jackets. There were also many emergency medicines in their pockets.

She’s a girl, and the adults won’t let her go.

Mengmeng couldn’t help worrying and said, “Grandpa, you must be careful.”

Although the two old ladies did not speak, their eyes were clearly filled with worry.

With a smile on Old Man Feng’s face, he comforted them and said, “Don’t worry, we are here to save people. If God knows, he will bless us. Let’s all go back and wait for us to pick up Ling Xuzi.”

At this moment, the hearts of the five men were filled with heroism, and their bodies standing by the sea also seemed so stalwart.

Looking at the sky, it was almost the appointed time. Old Man Feng and the others were extremely nervous, for fear of missing a little clue.

Their eyes widened and they stared at the sea for a long time, allowing time to pass second by second.

At 3:14, a small motor sound suddenly came from the sea.

This voice, mixed with the whistling wind and waves, was so inconspicuous, but it was still noticed by the people on the shore.

“Come on, right there.”

I saw that the sea was still dark just now, and a light blue boat floated over. From their point of view, it is not clear whether there is anyone inside, but they all know that it is it.

“That’s great, we don’t need to look for it. Hurry up and get into the water. There are only a few minutes left.”

The old man Feng waved his hand, and the big guy followed him, quietly dived into the sea, and swam in the direction of the boat.

Like fish, they pierced the waves, and the cold taste of the sea did not affect their determination to save people at all.

Closer, closer.

Seeing that they were about to reach the boat, when they were taking a breath, they suddenly discovered that there was another boat not far away.

There was only one person sitting on the boat. He was wearing a blue-gray monk robe, with a bare head, long white eyebrows and a beard, fluttering along the sea breeze, like a fairy descending to earth.

“Who is this?” Everyone stared at the old monk strangely.

The other party didn’t speak, just looked at them so quietly, neither sad nor happy.

They couldn’t spend more time with him, time was running out, and they couldn’t care to look at the old monk any more. They quickly stepped up and swam to the side of the boat. At a glance, Ling Xuzi was lying well inside, as if he was asleep.

Brother Rui called him tentatively: “Master, Master, can you hear me?”

no respond.

The old monk spoke at this time, and his voice was clear and clear: “Alas, I can’t let go of my obsession, and in the end, I will harm myself. Zhang Sirui, take care of your master, the poor monk is leaving.”

Before everyone could react, he pulled up the motor and disappeared into the sea in the distance.

It doesn’t sound like a good word.

The big guy looked at Ling Xuzi in the boat again, and found that he had a blue and white face. If it weren’t for his chest, which was still slightly heaving, they would have thought that this person was dead.

At this time, there is no time to think about it anymore, and the old man Zhang gave an order: “Don’t delay here, move quickly, hurry up!”

Five people surrounded the boat, exerted their milk-like strength, and tried their best to swim back, and finally returned to the mangrove before the coast guard was dispatched again.

“What’s the matter, Ling Xuzi…” The two old ladies had been waiting on the shore for a long time, and they all hurriedly surrounded them at this time.

“I don’t know, he’s in a coma, take him back first.”

They didn’t have time to rest, so the three young men lifted Ling Xuzi to the stand and carried him back to the camp. Old Man Feng and Old Man Zhang pulled the boat and abandoned it in the mangrove forest.

Inside the tent, they carefully checked Ling Xuzi’s body temperature, which was similar to that of normal people, and there was no sign of fever. Even his body, after Brother Rui’s examination, showed no injuries.

“Then why doesn’t he wake up? He shouldn’t even be called. His face is still frightening. Could it be internal injuries?” Madam Feng guessed.

Just now Brother Rui gave Ling Xuzi water, and he could still drink it, but if they were injured internally, they would have nothing to do.

The old man Feng made a decision and said, “Go back immediately after dawn, take him to the city first, and find a hospital to show him.”

This night was destined to be a sleepless night. Although Ling Xuzi was rescued, he was still in a coma. Every one of them was worried about him.

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