Pamper Eighties

Chapter 247

In this game, Mengmeng is not only thinking about her classmates at school, but also her relatives and friends. Everyone doesn’t say it, but they all think that there may be no hope. A message, certainly not winning.

They were afraid of hitting Mengmeng, so they didn’t dare to mention it in front of her. The accident happened at this time.

This morning, Mengmeng still went to school as usual. Before the morning self-study was over, her head teacher rushed into the classroom and said, “Stop for a while, students, I have good news to announce.”

“What is it? Look, the old class is in a hurry.” The students at the bottom were very curious.

The head teacher flushed with excitement, and said in a trembling voice, “Feng Yumeng, a student in our class, participated in the United Nations Children’s Painting Competition last semester. This morning, the province sent a notice that Feng Yumeng’s painting, Rated first by the United Nations!”

The head teacher was still talking endlessly behind him, venting his excitement, but the classmates no longer had the heart to listen.

They were like a pot of hot water that was about to boil, suddenly exploded, and began to churn. I don’t know who was the first to applaud, followed by the second and third… The applause sounded one after another. Now, with the excited shouts of the classmates, it almost scared the birds in the school into flying.

“Yumeng, you can, this is the first place in the United Nations competition.”

Although the classmates and Mengmeng were in the same class every day, they never realized how big the gap was between them and Feng Yumeng.

United Nations, that is United Nations!

How many countries have participated in the competition, and Feng Yumeng from their class was able to beat people from so many countries and won the first place. What an honor it is not easy.

“Yumeng, you’re amazing!” “That’s amazing! Tsk tsk tsk!” “You are number one in the world!”

Mengmeng blushed after being praised by everyone, and she was also very excited. She never thought that a painting she had just painted at the beginning could get such a big honor.

The sound of their class was really too loud, and the two classes next door were so noisy that they came to see it one after another.

“What’s going on here? Why are you so loud?”

The classmates in the next class were still puzzled. They found that everyone in the first class was blushing and screaming like a madman, and they were immediately very curious.

The classmates in the class immediately opened their mouths and said:

This one said: “Feng Yumeng from our class won the first place.”

The one said, “It’s still a United Nations game.”

The person on the side added: “Yes, yes, the United Nations, first place, first place!”

The power of this news is powerful. Those in the next class were also shocked and dizzy. They looked at Mengmeng sitting in the classroom, as if they were watching a fairy come down to earth. Why is it so powerful?

The excited students, regardless of the discipline of early self-study, rushed into the classroom one after another, and asked at random, “Student Yumeng, where’s your certificate of award? Take it out and show it to us.”

The surrounding students immediately answered, “Yes, the first place in the United Nations. Haven’t you heard of this in our province?”

The person standing at the back retorted: “Don’t say we’re saving, there isn’t one in the whole country, classmate Yumeng, can we take a look at your award certificate?”

The students all have one thought, they don’t have Feng Yumeng’s ability, but it’s good to look at the award certificate and feel happy by the way.

Mengmeng doesn’t have a certificate, she just found out about the news, and immediately looked at her head teacher.

Her head teacher was already laughing from ear to ear, leaving the class to be in a mess.

It wasn’t until Mengmeng looked at him that he knocked on the table and said, “The certificate is there, I have to wait for classmate Yumeng to go to Beijing to get it, and there will be news at that time, and when she gets all the certificates, first Show it in the school, Yumeng classmate, do you have any opinions?”

Mengmeng stood up obediently and said, “No, I listen to the school.”

The head teacher quickly let her sit down, and couldn’t help but like her even more.

Look at Feng Yumeng, not only does he study well, but also develops his extracurricular interests. He is also very polite. Even if he has won a great award, he is still so humble. Such a good student is a perfect example.

The news of Mengmeng winning the award had spread all over the campus and the whole village before she got out of school, and even some people in the town heard about it well-informed.

The girl in Taoyuan Village who is very good at painting has won the first place in the United Nations again!

It was as if people were hit by a tsunami, and it was very sensational. When it was time for get out of class, many people in the town came to watch it.

They surrounded the school with three floors and three floors. They stretched their necks to look at the school gate. They kept shouting, “Feng Yumeng, where is Feng Yumeng? Which one is Feng Yumeng?”

Mengmeng sees such a scene, how dare to go out.

She hid in the corridor outside the classroom, surrounded by many classmates, and people followed wherever she went, she was worried and didn’t know what to do when she heard the voices of her brothers: “Sister, we’re here to pick you up. “

This group of strong boys is like wolves entering the flock, pushing away the students outside and walking to the core encirclement.

Brother Rui pulled Mengmeng out, looked at her several times, and was assured that she was not in danger.

Erwa turned to her classmates and said, “What are you doing all around here? Walk around, don’t surround my sister, let me see again, I have to beat you to death, hurry up and get out of the way!”

His vicious appearance really frightened many classmates, and they all said unjustly: “her brother Yumeng, we are protecting Yumeng, what are you doing to kill us?”

This was something Erwa didn’t expect. He looked at Mengmeng suspiciously, and after hearing her affirmative answer, he still said with a cold face: “Since it’s a misunderstanding, I’ll say sorry to you first, it’s all out of school, and I’m sorry. What are you doing around here, Mengmeng has our protection, you can go eat.”

He pushed the group of students away, and walked away without looking back, leaving only a cool back for everyone.

The students were silent for a while, before someone said enviously, “Feng Yumeng is so lucky, her brother loves her so much, worried that she will be surrounded by people in the school, and came to take her home for dinner, why didn’t we do that? What about your good brother?”

Sixi was also in the crowd. She proudly said, “When you have Mengmeng’s talents, you will have such a good brother, and I will go back to eat.”

Sixi put on her schoolbag and left. Since she and Mengmeng became good friends, and Mengmeng has become more and more powerful, her mother doesn’t know why, but she treats her better than before.

When she returned home, her mother welcomed her in, lifted the lid on the dining table and said, “Eat, this is reserved for you. Why are you coming back so late today?”

Si Xi put something in her mouth and said casually, “There are people around Mengmeng in the school, and some of our classmates stayed with her.”

That’s what her mother wanted to say, and she asked curiously, “I just heard that she won the first prize, right? Or the United Nations award?”

Sixi put down her chopsticks and corrected her: “What is the first prize? They are number one, do you understand the number one? It’s the number one in the world, and only she is number one.”

“Tsk tsk tsk, that’s amazing.”

Her mother sighed in admiration, seeing her daughter still eating there, and said sourly: “You and others are good friends with Mengmeng, she has already won the first place, why don’t you learn from others, but also take Come back in first place, so that I can have a long face for your mother?”

Sixi was almost amused by her words, she pursed her lips and said, “What are the conditions of Mengmeng’s family? What are the conditions of our family? The paper, pens, and tools that Mengmeng used to learn to draw, They are all very valuable and valuable old antiques, if you buy me such old antiques, and then invite me a master like the old principal, I can also show you the first place.”

Her mother was bored and muttered, “What are you talking about? What kind of family is the old Feng family? Where can we afford the things he uses?”

“So,” Sixi said rudely, banging on the table, “Everyone says that a dragon gives birth to a dragon, a phoenix gives birth to a phoenix, and a doll born to a mouse burrows holes. Mengmeng has good parents, and she learns to paint. All used are antiques, and all imitations are real paintings, you are also parents, why don’t you learn from other parents?”

Si Xi made her mother speechless, and deliberately sighed and said, “If you are like Mengmeng’s parents, I might be even more successful than Mengmeng.”

Her mother’s throat hurt from choking, and she no longer dared to choke with her daughter. When her daughter finished her meal and went to study in the hall with a book, her mother cleared the table and muttered to herself, “It’s my daughter’s fault. , it’s really hard to grow the wings, it’s all my parents’ fault.”

Such conversations were staged in every household in Taoyuan Village, and even some parents in the town urged their children to learn from Mengmeng.

But what can those dolls do? In terms of smartness, they can’t compare to other people’s cuteness, and they don’t have the talent or family background like her. Even their looks are worse than her. People are more mad than people.

Fortunately, Mengmeng was not arrogant in school, otherwise it would have drawn a lot of hatred.

As soon as she followed her brothers into the courtyard, as soon as her grandmother saw her, she pulled her up and said, “My cute, really prosperous, this is all blessed by the ancestors, the gods of the mountains, the goddess Mazu, Lord Sea Dragon Bless you, come and come, give the ancestors and the gods a reverent incense.”

She took Mengmeng to the front of the table, and Mengmeng saw it clearly. It turned out that her grandmother had set up an offering table in the middle of the yard. There were many offerings on it, and the stove was already offering incense.

Madam Feng handed Mengmeng a stick of incense. Seeing her kneeling on the futon and praying quietly, she said with emotion, “My Mengmeng has finally grown up.”

She took the road back home from the grocery store today. She had heard the flattery from many people, and she was overjoyed. There is nothing more comfortable than this.

Her family is very promising, and even with her grandmother, she is also respected by others.

Seeing Mengmeng put the incense in the incense burner, she quickly pulled up her granddaughter and said, “Have the teachers in your school said when they will go to Beijing to receive the award?”

Mengmeng nodded and said, “I said, I’ll go the day after tomorrow, and I’ll be on TV. There will be people over there in Beijing, and the school will send someone to take me there. Grandma, do you want to go?”

“What you want, such a glorious thing, your grandfather and I are going.”

Mrs. Feng is very happy, and her Mengmeng’s winning this award is 10,000 times happier than how many pots of orchids she sells and how many dollars she earns.

Old man Feng also thinks so, the future is promising, which is more important than anything else. His family Mengmeng has a great future, he is a grandfather, he is proud, he is proud, he can’t wait to meet the whole world, hahahaha laughed three times.

Feng Yimin and Su Wan are also very happy. Anyone who has a baby like Mengmeng at home will wake up with a smile even from a dream. They are in such a state now. Both of them are very proud of seeing Mengmeng. Well, this is the daughter they gave birth to.

The excitement of the brothers, not to mention the excitement. Now they can go out and blow it. They even think about the rhetoric. When they are about to meet someone, they ask: Have you heard of Feng Yumeng from Taoyuan Village? That is Their sisters, are you envious? Jealous? Not for you!

Everyone is beaming, and they can’t wait to go out and show off immediately.

Only Brother Rui noticed that Mengmeng hadn’t eaten yet, and quickly reminded them: “Don’t stand still, my sister hasn’t eaten yet, let her go in and eat quickly, what to say, I’ll talk about it later .”

“Yes, yes, let Mengmeng eat first, but don’t pass out of hunger, Brother Rui, come in and eat too.”

On this day, the old Feng family’s dining table was full of laughter and laughter. People in Taoyuan Village are also telling the legend of Feng Yumeng, and in Beijing, there are even bigger awards waiting for her to win.

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