Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 314: The Twins

A/N: I intend to start seriously editing the previous chapters and add several images with character introductions (possibly smexy ai and more) and even hopefully smut pics as I continue to fail in learning art. I hope to cut down the first arc of 17 chaps to 10 or less but won't force it if it gets in the way of quality. Not only that, I will be forming all the pdf and eventually posting ebook in discord for all the uncensored pics since sites like these naturally don't support that. I'll keep you guys posted about it all and maybe even detailed changelogs. (Let me know if you want the last one.)


'I'm the end of the darkness. I'm the light that shines on the broken and tortured. My presence will make others smile!- uh, that's cringe! No. Don't let that be my monologue!' Ray admits she's trying hard to work on her monologues ever since she found a 'poorly' written fiction about Nik. Maybe someone in the vast multiverse is typing shit about her with his crusty little eye crinkled in delight about how she's getting pinned by the worst monsters of the world or someone as swole as Nik.

Not that she's into him. Well, he is hot. So is Gojo. Can she snag them both? No. Conflicting personalities and all. So, she would have to prioritize. Hmm.

Ray cocks her head sideways while sitting on the edge of a building's roof, overseeing the small settlement in darkness.

'Ah! I can always get lucky and meet a different Gojo.' She gulps. 'Or a less fucked-up Toji. His body~ Wait, he's just as swole as Nik. Nah, let's forget about him. Hmm. Maybe someone like Jojo? Not the edgy one. Joseph is the best~! No wonder Nik likes a harem. But meh. I can't deal with all the other bullshit about it.'

She sighs. Besides, she can't be chugging on cocks every living moment of her life, right? It's just different about a man being in several affairs and a woman doing the same. Her throat would go sore very quickly.

'I could always become a man,' Ray narrows her eyes. 'But then I'll have to deal with women. It would be too much!'

She wears one of her blue tactile hoodies to prevent any unforeseen shots. It won't matter, but the hoody gives her a good cover to hide her abilities.

'But I'll have to use a release ring for five seconds of a limiter release. Nik is lucky that way,' She sighs, recalling how she almost died the second she entered the world and fell into the sea. 'Ugh. He is also damn unlucky!'

Her grousing stops when she observes a pair of white-haired twins in black Victorian clothes enter a run-down structure.

'There they are,' Ray thins her lips. 'Hansel and Gretel.'

From what 'little' Ray knows, the twins suffered to the point they loved putting others through the same. She wishes she could say she understood them, but just that meeting with Balalaika opened her eyes to the truth. Ray ain't hot shit just because of her power. She doesn't understand the pain the twins suffered, but she also cannot stand aside and do nothing when she wants to.

It's all that is, a selfish motive.

'The previous worlds were easy because she elected me as a host,' Ray recalls the dim figure in her life, the one who changed it all. 'I didn't have to go through the grinder from paradise, and I didn't have to die to enter this society. It's always been smooth sailing for me. Even killing a host back then was easy. I've accumulated a lot. And my 'entrance' gift from 'her' sets me apart alongside my bloodline.'

Ray clenches her fists. 'Chances are none of that would matter to the twins. I can't just drop on them and promise them the world.'

She works her jaw. Hesitation grips her heart. Her current action is no frivolity. Sure, the moon is destroyed, and the chances of them completing their main objective are very low, knowing the monster they need to kill. She should be planning ways to conquer that slime ball. But she's here, wanting to help the twins.

Licking her dry lips, ignoring her hesitations and fears, Ray jumps down the building and lands at the run-down structure's doorstep with ease.

'So?' she walks into the building, 'What is my opening line? How would Nik do it?' she wonders. He must have experience, given he's got Azula on his side, right? That woman is one ball of issues.

'Or he let his cock do the talking,' she pouts. Lust-based bloodlines are feared when one truly puts them to use. Ray glances around with her hazy pink pupils, unfazed by the darkness. 'I should just do what feels right.'

She affirms and continues on the creaking stairs.

'The twins love to kill for the sake of it. But that's their past doing the talk for them. They clearly wanted something else before they died.'

The girl hears odd giggles from the upper floor. A source of dim light slips from the end of the staircase. Ray can already listen to them.

"—kill those two targets first, and then we'll tell you the name of the primary target. She's going to be hard to kill. That woman has a personal army of sorts."

"It's so exciting~! Isn't that right, Sister?"

"Yes, Brother~!"

Two sweet and innocent voices trill, but Ray saw them before. The twins are slightly older than she remembers.

"Damn it. You two are some creepy motherfuckers!"

"Don't be afraid, Mister," one of the twins giggles. "Just tell us the name. Ah. Sister, I'm already thirsty for some blood."

That should be all the hints Ray needed to back off. It's weird to her. She's killed a few psychopaths before, but she never truly understood them despite thinking she did.

'I guess it's for good,' Ray bites her lips, 'I don't need to understand crazy. I simply want to give the twins something better because I CAN offer it.'

She discreetly nears the half-closed door, finding a blonde man in a grey suit guarding the entrance.

"Tch," the coarse voice continues. "I don't know what Boss is thinking about hiring you guys now. It's not like we don't have enough shit on our plates with Moon gone!"

"But it looks so pretty now," one of the twins chortles. "And there can't be any werewolves if there aren't any full moons!"

"Sister," the other one giggles. "That man was just extra hairy."

"O-oh. Still, it was fun 'cleaning' that werewolf's hide~!"

Ray's senses screech hail Mary as she bursts through the door, knocking the tall man on the floor while instantly locating the white-haired twins.

"Get down!" Ray shouts, slamming the twins on the ground as disgusting sounds fill the room.



The men, other than the one Ray knocked down, found their top halves sliding down from their bottom ones, neatly sliced apart, while the golden-haired Italian on the chair had his neck cut open.

Cold sweat breaks over Ray as she hurriedly sits up and glares at the entrance.

"Well, that was a waste of my limiter ring," a callous snicker and the hazy form distorting the light allows Ray to locate the assaulter.

"Then how about you fuck off," Ray hisses. "The surprise attack failed, and you lost your camouflage item, too. Or is that your bloodline. Anyway, you can't kill me anymore."

"Hmm," the distortion fades, allowing Ray to observe the blue-skinned, red-eyed humanoid 'creature.'

"Woah," one of the Twins gasps. "Sister! He has a tail!"

"I do," the aggressor smiles, his heart-tipped dark-blue tail curling behind him as he glances at Ray, "It's true. I can't kill you without a proper setup. So be a dear and leave us."

"Us? Where's your partner?" Ray stands her ground.

"Girlie," he narrows his eyes. "Let's not pretend you didn't notice my intentions the second I came here. Those newbies, ah, our partners, I mean, don't yet know about it."

Ray thins her lips as he continues, "Or do you want to share the reward? Send me a friend request. I'll pay you a commission for finding the twins. But that's all you're going to get."

"Sister, I don't like that man."

"You're right, Brother," the girl reaches for the package not far from them when Ray mutters softly, "Don't make any sudden movements. He just wants you alive. How he takes you isn't his concern."

"Astute," the Blue-skinned, red-haired devil grins, revealing jagged teeth. "So? Are you going to fight for the reward?"

"I'm nothing like you or other mercs working for the Auction!" Ray hisses, her eyes glimmering with threat as the unnamed opponent leans against the door frame.

"Nothing like me? I caught sight of you while you stalked the twins. My compass pointed at them, too. They must have some importance. The Auction will compensate me fairly. That's it."

Ray grits her teeth, feeling movement from behind as the devil grins broadly. "Oh? Do you know about the verse? Care to exchange for some information?"

"Miss," the twin sister speaks softly, "What language is that? I've never heard someone speak like that."

Ray ignores the duo, speaking in the language the twin will understand as Paradise will translate the rest for the opposing host.

"You leave us after getting the information."

"Depends on how important it is," the Devil sneers.

Ray frowns. If possible, she would like to keep the 'Super' Teacher's existence a secret. She is sure others are as spooked as her about the Rank 6 mission. It's the stuff of Executives, after all! So, she had a choice—spilling the beans or acting corny.

"You two are Hansel and Gretel, right?" No matter what Ray says, it will be translated for the other Host as long as he is in the earshot. But she takes her chances. Unlike what the devil wants her to believe, Ray is in a superior position. If she could react to a sneak attack after the Devil used his limiter ring, she could stall him, if not decimate him without one. But the general rule of thumb amongst their kind is to avoid fights. Their tools are deception and bluffs.

"We are. Miss, do you require a service, too?" The 'boy' smiles. Ray giggles softly at that. "Not a service, no. You see that bad guy?"

"Um," the girl pouts, "Just because someone has a different skin color and a tail does not make them bad."

Ray deadpans. The twins are something entirely different. She keeps a stern stare on the host as she continues, "Well, the not-so-bad man wants to capture and sell you. Do you want that?"

"We will shoot him," the boy giggles. "Isn't that right, my sister?"


"Are you three done talking?" The devil inquires in English as Ray snaps, "Not yet."

The fact that he doesn't attack supports Ray's intuition.

"Look, I was trying to find you two because I have something important I need to tell you," Ray suppresses the cringe blooming in her heart. "I- I want to help you enjoy the sky and the seas. I know. It doesn't make much sense, and everything feels off." The blood of the Devil's victims stains the floor, dribbling down the small gaps between the run-down wooden floor. The other host narrows his eyes, stepping on the only unconscious survivor until he snaps the man's neck.

Ray frowns. Maybe it was the wrong move to wear her heart on her sleeves. Yet she feels a short tug from behind.

Instead of turning away, Ray carefully steps back and around the twins, keeping her gaze trained on the other host.

"Yes?" She questions softly as the twins look back at her with wide, expressive grey eyes.

"You will?" The 'boy,' Hansel questions in a daze.

For some, it would be the wrong move to blatantly exploit meta-knowledge, but Ray should have known the twins aren't 'normal' by any standards.

"Will you take us away?" Gretel clings on Ray's hoody with a smile. "Do you want something in return?"

Ray momentarily stares at them.

Can I come with you, Carla?—


Ray's head unconsciously dips as a wave of tremendous wind passes through the position her neck was previously in, generating ungodly slices of wind lacerating the wooden walls around them as the succubus glances up with harshly glowing pink eyes. A glimmering copper ring appears on her left pinky finger before breaking with a soft twinkling noise as the odd strands of Ray's hair cut from the previous attack blow apart with a sudden burst of shock from her being.

"Oops~!" The opponent host grins before disappearing from their view as the entire door frame explodes with a loud bang.

"Shit," Ray hisses, a thin line of blood flowing down from her neck as she cusses. "A second too slow!"


A second too slow, and she would have been dead.

A second too slow, and he would have been dead, too.

"My Sister, that's almost fantastical. Like the fairy tales!"

"Indeed," the girl trills. "It must also mean that man from before was a werewolf!"

"Nope. That target was just hairy, is all."

Ray glances at the twins, sighing to herself.

It's her first time dealing with a 'character' on such a personal level. So—

'Is that how Nik feels? It's rather strange. Maybe he was onto something about not knowing other characters before meeting them to have a sincere first impression.'

She glances at the spot the other host disappeared in, scoffing.

'I wasted a limiter ring, too.' She grumbles. That's why she doesn't like engaging in conflicts with other hosts. It's almost always a miss unless the conditions are exceptionally favorable.

[Smexy-succu-succu: I found the twins!]

[Nut-Cracking-Messiah: Congratulations. At least one of us is being productive tonight.]

'Wow, someone's saucy tonight.'

She closes the chat screen before smiling at the twins. "Are you ready to go with me?"

They glance at each other before shrugging and nodding.

"As long as we're together," smiles Hansel.

"And fed with lots of blood~!" coos Gretel.

Ray sends them to her personal space after their affirmation while sighing, 'All I can offer is cranberry juice. It should work, I hope.'


Alternate Title: Ray's Semi-Fourth Wall Breaking; Ray: I Wonder If I Can Have The Steamiest Smut; Ray Firing Shots At The Poor Author; Ray Signs Off On The Most Disturbing Arcs In a Matter of Words! *Jk, or am I?*; Ray Possesses The Cringiest Monologue; Sometimes Corny Is The Right Way; Sincerity Begets Trust; Hansel and Gretel; Poor Werewolf-Kun; Gretel Is Right, No More Werewolves Without a Full Moon; The Gobsmacked Italian; Lurking Auction; Ray's Conflict With a Host; Troublesome Opponents; Unfazed By Bluffs; Ray Has Dat Experience; So, Ray Can't Swim And Can Make Things Explode; An Explosive Succubus; Carla; Almost Dead; You Hesitate, You Die; Releasing Limits; A Stressful Encounter; A Bad Night?; Wearing One's Heart On Sleeves


A/N: So, we got Ray's special side. I don't think it was prevailing in EHG. I felt like doing Ray some justice since she felt incredibly sidelined in EHG and the entire reasoning for having one partner instead of two (i.e. Brian) was to flesh out one partner as best as I could. So, even if her own character is confused, because why wouldn't she be when she's putting her on the frontlines for once emotionally, she will get enough chances to unravel her potential, I hope. Still am iffy about giving her a smut scene tho.


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