Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 32: Set Sight

"Before we begin the stretching exercises, I want to try something," Katara spoke up. Her and Nik's knuckles and ankles were all roughed up. The group had specifically brought a few medicinal leaves chosen by Suki before leaving and its use was to ground a medicinal paste and cover the affected regions for a considerably quick recovery. But this would only come after the completion of the basic body strengthening exercises that Suki and other Kyoshi Warriors had gone through.

"What is it?" Suki inquired as Katara sat down with her feet stretched out. Her eyes observed the reddish surface of her brown skin on her ankles.

"I just want to try something," Katara replied and looked sideways before she smiled wryly at Nik, not willing to move now that she finally settled her butt over the cozy spot of grass.

"Could you remove the lid from the pot?" Katara requested and leaning against the tree, even Nik sighed and grumbled internally. Once he removed the lid, Katara began to move her hands in a gentle manner. She had her palms bob front and back, and in response to her action the water in the lid slowly rose up.

Katara now felt that she had more talent in moving snow or ice than water. She just felt so nervous when the water would wobble and make her feel a little out of the place, too. But under Suki's and Nik's curious eyes, Katara tried to achieve what she saw Avatar Kyoshi achieve yesterday after she settled the conflict of the villagers with the Unagi.

'Cover the injured spot and... heal?' Katara questioned herself. She only knew how to waterbend using the little experimentations of her own within the village. She first turned the ice into scalding water, ruining his watchtower the first time because she was furious at her brother. So Katara herself didn't know the triggers for other accomplishments achieved by waterbending.

The moment the small blob of wobbling water under her control rested over her left ankle, Katara closed her eyes. Not knowing what to do, she focused on the image of Kyoshi using her waterbending. The energy within her body stopped escaping. She had known from the very beginning that bending elements exhaust the benders, at least, she would end up being exhausted and the only reason for it would be being low on energy and needing rest.

Right now things seemed strange, however. The cool water began to warm up slightly and a soothing current of energy spread through the entire region covered by the water. Opening up her eyes slightly, confusion and hope flickering through her gaze equally, Katara found the portion of water glowing softly. As it glowed, the current of water within revealed that she had yet to completely control everything about this blob but at this moment, the refraction from the glow only looked captivating.

The duo spectators attentively gazed at this marvel as Nik, too, recalled how the water glowed on Unagi's tail fin, healing its long gash inflicted by Aang.

"It's working," Katara gasped yet she didn't let her concentrate break now. It was an instinctive moment that she realized her ankle was 'ok.' She once again waterbended and covered her other ankle and Suki mumbled, "No... way." Her gaze was stunned at the sight of healed skin that didn't leave any marks whatsoever.

It was harder to heal hands by using waterbending with only a single hand but Katara stuck her hand in the pot and filled it to the brim.


"That... felt good," Nik looked at the back of his hands and spoke up while Katara smiled.

"Did you just learn it?" Suki inquired, "That's an amazing skill!"

Not giving Katara any time to reply, the injured warrior inquired quickly, "Can you try and heal my thigh?"

"I can give it a try," Katara nodded, still feeling giddy within. Bending came hard for her with less practical use due to her lack of control but this... made her feel part of things around her.

"I should give you two some privacy," Nik stated as he looked around. The question now emerged where he should go? Aang, Appa, and Momo weren't here and Sokka was in the village.

"Where would you even go?" Suki caught on to this fact and rolled her eyes, "Just face the tree."

Nik shrugged. Even if the two women were still a little cautious of Nik suddenly turning back, he himself didn't have such a thought. At this point, Nik found himself solely focused on the changes he had, and possibly will experience in this world until he decides to return. And truthfully, compared to Mitsuko who excelled in sensual actions and suggestive actions... Katara and Suki fell short. They were young and beautiful but Nik was rigged to always opt for existence that aged well.

"Can you feel it?" Katara inquired. Not being able to look, Nik only listened curiously. He was within the earshot and thus, it was his right to hear everything they speak.

"Hmm, it hurts just a little above," Suki groaned softly, leading Katara to the sore spot and then both of them quietened suddenly. But keeping to his words, his mind matured after the many instances of the curious cat that represented his heart getting killed, Nik found his interest in the softer barks of the tree. Had this species of tree sported a more uneven or jagged surface then the duo would not have gotten away with reddened skin and minor scrapes.

Katara's prolonged sigh emerged and the sound of Suki wearing her trousers indicated the end of whatever happened behind his back.

"Can I turn?" Nik inquired.

"Yes," Suki called out, her tone a little chirpy. Turning around, Nik saw Suki standing on her own with a huge smile while Katara huffed slightly and stood up without any evident exhaustion.

"It still aches a little but I can move just fine. Maybe you can help me tomorrow, too?" Suki looked at Katara and excited, the brown-skinned woman stated quickly, "I can do it now."

Shaking her head, Suki calmly refused a treatment, "We are taught that any artificial method of quickening the body's natural pace of healing should not be overused. I don't know the reason myself but this comes directly from Avatar Kyoshi and it does include the medicinal pastes, too."

"Anyway," Setting her palms on her waist, Suki stretched slightly, "If it doesn't hurt longer, I wouldn't really understand my lesson to not act recklessly against the Unagi again."

"Now, what is it you had in mind?" Suki looked at Nik.

"I... know a stretching routine that works most parts of the body," Nik replied, "And I would like to share it."

"Alright," Suki shrugged and gestured to Nik to begin.

Nik soon bent his waist while simultaneously stretching his legs. This was the first thing he was taught and forcefully pushed into the complete position without any care for his painful shouts at the time. But seeing his awkward position, Nik stood straight up and coughed, "I know the routine. My body just hasn't gone through it yet."

Arms crossed and an amused smile on her lips, Suki followed, "Of course, whatever you say."

Katara chuckled beside Suki, "Don't listen to her Nik. I thought you were really about to do some serious stretching there."

"You did," Nik narrowed his eyes suspiciously and Katara continued, "Oh, my. Did my sarcasm passed through your parted legs, too?"

"Heh!" Suki snorted a giggle herself and Nik just shrugged. It's their loss anyway, he figured. He excelled in 'bending' in his own way, too.

Deciding to practice his methods privately daily from now on and only reveal it once he had mastered his body in a better way, Nik followed Suki's generalized stretching methods which still managed to strain Nik revealing how much he lacked when compared to his old body even if he was considerably stronger now.


"Hmmm," with his thumb and index framing the front of his jaws, Sokka looked at the barren state of the village with quite a bit of confusion. First and foremost...

'How are they even surviving?' Sokka thought. A little relieved he didn't just bring half his supplies into the village openly to allow himself to be robbed or worse, Sokka tightened his grip around the duffel packed on his back.

'Do they have a chief?'

Sokka took the first step when—

"Hey, what are you doing here?" A palm caught his other shoulder not having the rope of the duffel bag passing through.



Sokka screeched and jumped and looked back with a terrified look only to find an equally scared Haru gazing at him. Both of them continued to stare at each other dumbly and heaved deeply, recollecting their thoughts.

"What's wrong with you?!" Sokka screamed, his heart quickly trying to suppress the embarrassment and Haru replied with an equally fierce scowl, "No, the hell is wrong with you?!"

"I was clearly not aware of my surroundings!" Sokka growled and slowly calmed down as he felt many gazes roam in their direction. Gripping the handle of his club, Sokka spoke up, "It's good to see a familiar face. Point me to your chief."

"We don't have one," Haru still had a sharp glare but replied nonetheless.

"No chief..." Sokka mumbled and looked around.

"Why aren't you one, then. Clearly, with your earth— aaghh!" Haru hurriedly covered Sokka's mouth while forcing a smile at one passerby with a smell so outstanding that both the men grew pale.

"Shh, they don't know. Anyway, come with me if you have things to ask. I'll be glad to help."

While keeping his hands close to the belted club, Sokka cautiously observed his surroundings and followed Haru's lead until he brought him to the outskirts to the village's side. This area lacked the vegetation of its surrounding to a certain extent and Haru found a good boulder to sit on.

"This is the area where the mine," Haru pointed out and looked at Sokka, "I hope you guys considered my request. Although I may not be as useful offshore I do know how to fight."

"It's not my decision. But... I came here to understand the situation more. We will check the prison later tonight," Sokka lied, still not fully trusting Haru.

Scratching his brows, Haru questioned, "What's in the bag?"

"What is it to you?" Sokka remarked and the duo turned silent again.

"Fine, but I've grown here and even I don't know where the children were taken away."

Frowning, Sokka grew thoughtful, "Can you describe what happened exactly? How many men came? Who fought against them... what happened to them and if younglings are born again, what happens then? Do they come often?"

Haru spoke with a dull expression.

"They come every two years... make a sweep across the surrounding villages. It's a lost cause now. Around here if you haven't lost a father then your brother or son it is. And this occurs even after the war and everyone... everything feels so lonely. If the Fire Nation wanted our wills broken then they did it well. As for those who opposed, all of them were non-benders but were taken to the same prison where my father is being kept."

"You didn't try to stop them?" Sokka questioned and Hary shook his head, "I couldn't bear the thought of my mom feeling more pain. That's why I hid from her that I would practice my blessings but with nobody to share it with, my skills just feel like a burden."

"And you will help us now..." Sokka muttered.

"Right, nobody left to care enough to stop me," Haru chuckled, "But as I said, I don't know where the young ones are taken. I do, however, know who might know."

"Who?" Sokka snapped, "And if the villagers knew about it, why didn't they do anything?"

"He's... the chief's son. We tried everything. We begged him, cursed him, and beat him but the man never spoke anything. He never would and we all were left helpless." Haru sighed deeply.

"Can I talk to him?"

Haru nodded. They didn't waste time since they had nothing more to talk about among themselves. The chief's son rested in a hut a little disconnected from the village close to the mines. Haru didn't knock and entered the residence revealing earthen ground instead of any wooden flooring with a man lying on a mat. Sleeping.

From a moment's observation, Sokka already saw many unhealed scars on the man's arms and as they walked in, he was stunned to see that Haru had said the truth. The man's thumbs were deformed.

"Uncle--" Haru softly shook the man's shoulder until the middle-aged man with short brown hair and greying sideburns woke up.


The man groaned, Turning around, seeing Haru and Sokka, the man slowly sat up with Haru helping the man up. Sokka took the time to observe the man's belongings strewn across the small space. It was clear by a single glance that the man did not take care of himself even on a more basic level.

"Who're ye?" The man asked in a grunt before his lips involuntarily parted in a dragging yawn.

"He's a traveler," Haru replied for Sokka and continued, "He... had some questions about the surrounding village."

"Fuck off," the man scowled, "I know e paup when I see'ne."

"I brought food," Sokka smiled as he brought he set his duffel bag down and pulled out a small loaf of bread. Haru's gaze was instantly attracted to the item in Sokka's hand. However, the man looked at the bread in Sokka's hand with a furious expression and smacked his hand away, also flinging the bread away.

"Hey!" Sokka grunted, "Don't you fucking take that tone with me again! If you've got a Chieftain's blood in you, then so do I!" Grabbing the man's collar, Sokka glowered, "And don't you waste more food fully knowing its importance around here."

Haru blinked in surprise while the man frowned.

"Fine! But yer no traveler," the man responded with an equally aggressive tone, "And I've nothin ta say!"

"You knew what I was going to ask, right? I want to help. I promise the surrounding villages won't be implicated and the children will return safely. Just tell me the location."

"Get out!" The man barked.

"Uncle Tamashi," Haru quickly held the man's shoulder again which Tamashi brushed away and glared at Sokka, "Leave, ya deaf?"

"Give me the answers. Or are you deaf?" Sokka insulted in return.

"I. dunno." The man spat and Sokka frowned.

He hoped that at least someone would know about the situation. All Sokka thought was to take the day and find the individual and then bribe him with food for answers.

"Don't you care about the mothers out there? Huh? Fathers, too? They lost their son, not to a war but just because you won't answer!" Sokka shouted, "I get that a lousy guy like you wouldn't give a—"

Tamashi lunged at Sokka, grabbing him by the throat. The middle-aged man's expression twisted by rage but Sokka, for just a moment, saw agony that far surpassed anything before his attention was attracted away from the decreasing supply of air and that pained look on Tamashi's face.

"Stop already!" Haru roared, shoving Tamashi away while Sokka instantly began to gasp and cough but his left fist had already lost the duffel bag.

"Fuck you old bastard!" Sokka stood up, hurriedly rushing out of the hut with Haru quickly following. The man gave a longing look to the duffel bag of food with quite a bit of delicacy already peeking out. Ultimately, Haru chose to follow Sokka out. The Avatar's teammate was already a little far and waving at Haru to quickly follow him.

Chasing him, Haru sighed, "I told you it'd be difficult. And it's not like Tamashi doesn't care. Even his own son was taken—"

"I know where the children may be," Sokka surprisingly grinned, cutting Haru off while rubbing his neck. Scowling, the youth grumbled, "This will leave a mark."

"What do you mean? Where?" Haru inquired with a surprised expression.

Unclenching his left fist, Sokka revealed a small piece of sheepskin in the form of a ticket in his hand and waved it calmly with a grin. Pointing at the words written on the ticket that clearly stated a single word in bold letters— Omashu, the water tribe youth remarked with a meaningful look.

"Now, why would a dirt poor, uncultured swine of a man that lives in that hut ever go to Omashu. I've come to understand that Omashu is one of the greater centers of the Earth Kingdom where the Phoenix King's men stay and control the surrounding provinces."

Haru took the ticket from Sokka and slowly read it. He then read it again and then once more.

"What could they be doing in Omashu?" Haru mumbled with a frown while Sokka pumped his fist, "Detective Sokka gets things done! Whoo!"

His cheerful mood surprising Haru. Sokka seemed to be acting as the previous conflict simply did not occur.

"Oh, please," Sokka rolled his eyes as if understanding Haru's thoughts, "I never expect things to go easy... that's why they often do go easy."

"Will you help us?" Haru inquired once again, stopping Sokka in his tracks.

"I promised that the children will be safe. I've been a chieftain... and I can only imagine the pain that has scarred the villages around."

"And the prison?" Haru continued.

"Not my decision to make," Sokka shook his head before looking at Haru, "You're an Earthbender, right... can you take time out of whatever schedule you have and show me the things you can accomplish currently?"

Haru thought for a moment and then nodded.


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