Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 35: Omashu (1)

"Yeah, ya know, I let 'em take 'way the kids," Tamashi picked his nose. His voice was boorish, loud, and simply unpleasant to hear due to the thick accent that the chieftain of the village had developed over the years. Surrounding him were the furious Earthbenders while Sokka and Haru stood just a little away from the old man with a greying beard and tanned skin. Despite the wrinkled body covered by earthen and patched tunics, the man had a powerful body.

Tamashi looked 'uneven.' This was the man who had choked Sokka yesterday so Katara clearly didn't find the man pleasing and his bent stature due to the tortures from the villagers didn't help either. His skin was scarred from various locations, too.


The man opposite to Tamashi was Tyro. The powerful earthbender with great leadership qualities who quickly took the lead in capturing the firebenders in the prison rig. He also happened to be Haru's father.

"Why? Did ya fucking ask me why?" Tamashi began to chuckle. No, he hollered.

"That's mighty 'ne eh? Look around ya rock bastards!" Tamashi shouted.

His fierce expression stunned the other recently freed prisoners.

"I ain't the only one to give up! Every fucking village did cause we have nothin! Nothin!"

Tamashi gripped Tyro's collar, "Yeah? We have roof? Do we got some food? And how are we supposed to let 'em grow if your own fucking wife couldn't survive!"

Tyro's face was now covered with spit while Haru clenched his fist. With a look of mockery, Tamashi glared towards Katara's and others' locations. Nik and Aang had just arrived as he shouted.

"You all fucking kicked me! Broke me! Tore me to shreds!" His voice hoarse, "Whaddaya think woulda happened, eh? Every fucking child dead. That's what!"

His words making the villagers quiver. Not in anger but sheer sadness.

"And here they come! Earthbenders. Move rock, move pebbles, get fucking caught, and leave your families behind, eh?" Tamashi chuckled, "What ya gonna do? Stone me? Then just do it but don't ya fucking dare all come self-righteous! Cause guess what?! You all fuckers are not a shred better than me!

Ya hear that, Haru! You fucking kicked me! But yer the earthbender from the moment these firebenders came kicking in! You didn't do anything! If you didn't then fuck off and let me take care of the young'uns!

Cause they got food now, yeah! Shelter. Some fucking decent clothes!"

Tamashi's sharp screams silenced everyone. Even Tyro's expression couldn't help but change and fall crestfallen while Suki and Aang had their shoulders hanging low.

"That's why we broke out these guys," Sokka scratched his chin. His carefree words stunned Tamashi as Sokka continued, "The only problem here's got to be that you felt weak... I get it. I really do. I don't have any sob story to share but no matter food or shelter... no child should be separated from parents who are willing to work and support them. So, one way or the other, I promise that every village will have their children returned...

As for who kicked you and whatnot, that's not my concern."

Sokka's expression turned a bit gloomy as he walked towards the surrounding men and stated sharply, "Give way!"

"You can't!" Tamashi suddenly spoke up... "Kid, y'all never gonna win... please don't drag children in, too!"

His voice was surprisingly soft.

"You said that your kids have food and shelter... I'd reckon that if asked, they would want their parents more," Sokka chuckled, "And I know where they are. So sit back, let your injured bones rest a bit, yeah?"

Sokka walked out while Haru bowed deeply, "Sorry... for everything, Uncle Tamashi... I was scared back then. Too scared. But I'm gonna help out... you know. Let my actions speak louder."

Meanwhile, Tyro grasped Tamashi's shoulder before pulling the man into a bear hug. His actions made Tamashi quiver as old Tyro grumbled, "We're gonna get your kid back, Kiddo. We all lost while promising victory... and you had to bear the brunt."

Tamashi clenched his jaws. He was younger than Tyro by a lot. Haru's mother was like his sister since everyone was simply like a sibling to him. His body felt weightless and Tamashi finally felt dizzy before falling unconscious in Tyro's arms due to the intense emotions that filled his mind.


"So... we are going to Omashu after all, huh," Katara mumbled while Nik and Suki looked at Sokka. Since the man promised and took responsibility, they were willing to hear what he had to say. With the earthbenders returning, Tyro had everyone return to their surrounding villages and construct houses and other stuff and also let them meet whoever survived these years of weakness.

Currently, Nik and others were in one such structure. Haru and Tyro, meanwhile, were catching up.

"They're kids, Katara... I know I said that others' problems shouldn't affect us."

"Yep, you're one big hypocrite," Katara grinned and Sokka forced out a smile.

"Suki, what do you know about Omashu? Tamashi still hasn't woken up," Sokka inquired. All of them sat in a circle at the moment while the afternoon sun was a bit uncomfortable, making Suki change into her regular clothing again. But she kept her face paint on for the moment.

"I think some noble lord took charge but overall, the Kyoshi Warriors did not hear of any citizen being cast out of their homes."

Sokka nodded and he looked at Nik.

"I have a few fire soldier uniforms." He nodded.

"Before acting, we should find out Omashu's present situation. If what Tamashi said is true, then the act of nurturing the villagers' children is already suspicious. Sure, they are provided food, shelter, and clothes but from a point of view of benefits... why would the Fire Nation or Phoenix King for this matter incur such costs?" Sokka frowned.

"Maybe they really did it to help?" Aang inquired.

"If they did it to help then there are better ways than just snatching children," Nik replied with a dark expression. He was actually invested in this task for personal reasons and knew a few things regarding this matter.

Aang nodded. He himself felt a little disgusted at the moment.

"Anyway, these are just speculations. We should approach Omashu with a calm intent and observe as much as possible," Suki spoke up as she perceived the surroundings turning tense.

The group nodded at her words. With Appa, Omashu wouldn't be that far and the news of the Prison Rig disappearing wouldn't have spread out yet. Tyro and other earthbenders also took the task of keeping a close eye on the fire nation guards, too. What to do with these guards? Well, everyone knew it deep down that keeping them here would only invite trouble in due time and that's why it was a necessity to resolve the issue of children being taken into Omashu.

Right now Sokka knew that in his need of fulfilling the basic responsibility that burdened any tribe chieftain, he had not only pulled himself but also others onto a tiger. They couldn't step down and the ride itself is not expected to be pleasant.

"Alright, I doubt that Tamashi will actually help us. That outburst was clearly due to the return of the other prisoners but as he said, he willingly gave up. A man who has remained silent after years of torture... is not expected to co-operate easily. Time is of the essence—"

"Why don't we interrogate the guards?" Nik suddenly proposed. It's as Sokka said. The chance of Tamashi cooperating after cooling down was low so it was better to inquire Fire Nation soldiers. And they would also happen to know a lot of updated information.

"I... don't know how," Sokka revealed an embarrassed expression while Suki coughed, "I know a few techniques. A little bit of pain ought to get it done..."

"And I know in which situation pain should be applied. We should partner up," Nik smiled and Suki's expression brightened somewhat.

"Of course!"


"Oh! He was great!" Suki exclaimed as wind phased past the group on Appa. "He made the guards separate and asked them the same things! We soon compared the information and found a few things about Omashu."

Nik shrugged. He learned a few things from the wardens he serviced. In fact, he knew torture in theory and experience so it all worked well. With a smile, Nik offered praise, too, "Don't lower your contribution," he chuckled, "If it wasn't for your locks and techniques, they wouldn't have admitted it so easily."

"You're just saying that," Suki rolled her eyes but glanced at Nik with an expectant expression and rather well-versed with hints, he shook his head, not minding to feed Suki with a few more words of praise. Seeing the duo, Katara stuck her tongue out with a soft 'ugh' while elbowing Sokka with a 'can you believe them' look. Meanwhile, Sokka, who wasn't well-versed in the art of gaining hints ignored his sister and remained thoughtful, constantly mumbling the information he received about Omashu.


"Ow! What?!" Sokka snorted and glared at Katara while she scoffed and crossed her arms, "Nothing!"

"Come on, spill it! You just twisted a lot of flesh! What is it?" Sokka groaned and feeling Suki's and Nik's stare landing on her, Katara blushed, "I said nothing!"

Glaring at Sokka fiercely, she quietened down.


Aang slowly sat up on Appa's head and looked back with an exhausted expression, "Guys, can you keep it down? I'm trying to sleep..."

"Yeah, sorry about that," Suki grinned, "Anyway, how far till Omashu?"

"I don't know, I was asleep," Aang rubbed his eyes.

"I wasn't paying attention... where are we?" Sokka inquired.

Katara and Suki looked equally clueless as they, too, didn't keep eye on the road as much as they did on others.

"Tall? Mountainous? With a red flag resembling a Phoenix?" Nik inquired and others nodded.

"Yeah, we crossed it half-an-hour ago," Nik smiled.

"What?" Sokka exclaimed.

"What to do?" Nik shrugged, "Aang was sleeping. I don't like waking people up once they are tired. You were busy, and I didn't want to disturb you. Suki was talking, better not to interrupt her and Katara..." Nik looked at her while the brown-skinned woman hurriedly dodged his gaze, "She looked deep in thought, too," Nik smiled as Katara blushed a bit and couldn't help but finally gaze at Nik with a wronged expression.

"So..." Aang narrowed his gaze with a dazed expression, still not completely woken up.

"Sigh, it means we turn around. Come on, dude, not cool!" Sokka mumbled and leaned back with a huff while Nik snickered. The more time he spent here, the more he began to feel pleasant. The practical pranks were a clear indication of that matter.

"I wasn't talking that much," Suki grumbled.


Appa let out a growl while turning.

"Appa think you did," Aang called out and Suki closed her eyes in frustration.

"Don't worry," Nik spoke up, "At least, I was enjoying it."

Suki opened her eyes and observed his expression and finally sighed in relief internally once she confirmed his sincere expression.

The only reason that they even missed out on Omashu was that Aang never planned to move by the location closely. They had to pass from a distance of a few kilometers to keep themselves from being located and Nik happened to have seen the city with a large flag clear even from such a distance. Well... it was more of a red dot but he had heard the description of the flag already.

Appa finally landed on a deserted location away from Omashu and the group looked at each other.

"Alright, time to change clothes people!" Sokka shrugged and Nik extended his left hand. Instantly, four sets of fire nation guard's armors fell on the ground alongside a set of earthen tunic and trousers with a light green hat and a bandana.

"We will be on the other side," Katara spoke up while picking her set of armor and Suki followed while waving at Nik playfully. Meanwhile, Sokka and Nik looked at each other. Aang, meanwhile, was already out of his clothes.

"Say, do you know why Katara is acting like a crazy gal?" Sokka whispered while removing his tunic. Aang's ears perked up and he reasoned, "Maybe she is affected by a personal trouble?"

"Maybe she's just hungry," Nik, too, added. Sometimes problems are best solved using the simplest solutions.

"Oh, that's possible," Sokka nodded, agreeing with Nik, "But we just ate before leaving."

"Clearly not enough," Nik donned the red tunic before wearing the set of crimson and dark-red body armor. Grey trousers and similarly colored boots. The helmet of the guards had a flame-like carving and had a skull-white mask to cover the face.

Sokka wore a similar armor and soon, wearing the same set of armor, Katara and Suki walked out. Though, they had selected the uniforms of men with shorter and more compact stature. Aang donned on the traditional earth Kingdom clothing and had his arrow on his forehead covered by the bandana and the remaining round hat to cover his head.

"Let's go! I did want to enter the city using different circumstances but there are a lot of fun things to do in Omashu, too. Once we get inside, I'll be your personal guide to fun!" Aang gave an elegant bow before quickly rushing out.

The remaining group looked at each other before following.


As everyone left, Momo's ears perked up and he finally woke up. But seeing nobody present, he once against slumbered on Appa while the ten-tonne Sky Bison slumped down with its three pairs of legs stretched outwards.

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