Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 38: Hair's Breadth (1)

"Huff, today was surely tiring! I already miss patrolling around the Kyoshi Island," Suki lay on the ground. She had her own bedding. Nik and Katara used their beddings, too. Old Ren had returned but even she didn't seem fazed about how her husband has been acting which allowed the group to realize that it really was a kindness on their part. Other lodgings demanded as high as five copper pieces per person for the stay.

Before returning, Nik had gone down the Cabbage Storages and tried finding Sokka to hand him his stuff but he was nowhere to be found. A short inquiry netted him that Sokka didn't return after his afternoon break.

"Let's just sleep... I'm spent," Nik mumbled. He had to lift a lot of loads today. After all, a new guy like him could only get basic labor and since they weren't planning to stay long, Nik didn't go out of his way to find something better. He was already quite compromising so just taxing labor wasn't anywhere near his breaking point.

The trio soon fell asleep.

The next morning, as usual, Nik was pulled into the basic routine that Suki had devised to train him but since there wasn't a tree to punch and kick and they also couldn't ruin the walls, Suki and Nik had to leave their stay temporarily.

"Ehm, and where are the two of you sneaking out to?" Katara sat up.

"Did the training disturb you? Sorry about that," Nik shrugged.

"You two weren't as silent as you thought... so?"

"We're going to find a good spot to train. The first thing that he needs to get a hang of is the discipline of being consistent," Suki replied.

Katara looked thoughtful before slumping back, "Just find something tasty for breakfast. My body's aching because of yesterday."

"Well, get better soon because you have to continue working," Nik smiled.

"Do I really have to? You two were doing just fine," Katara rolled to her sides and groaned.

"Hey, there's no problem. You can just stay here and listen to Ren's husband talking all day about how immigrants, including you, should be exiled," Nik smiled and Katara sat up once again. Her glare now sharp as she tied her hair up. The sheer heat in the city didn't let long-haired women keep wearing their hair over their shoulders. Their necks would simply melt. Making a bun out of her hair, Katara wiped her face and got up from her bedding. Rolling it up, she tossed it towards Nik as he caught it and stored it away.

"You really don't have to exert yourself," Nik persuaded and she scoffed.

"You're the worst!"

"You mean that Ren's husband is the worst," Nik shrugged.

"No, I mean, mine is the worst," Katara yawned and walked out while a blush adorned Suki. Her gaze silently trailed Katara as she walked down with disgruntled huffs.

"Come on, let's go," Nik snapped his fingers in front of Suki who cleared her throat and nodded.

It was barely the break of dawn and the old couple below had yet to wake up. But they kept their doors locked... meanwhile, the doors of the upper floor did not have any lock.

Wandering during the night wasn't allowed but the curfew didn't extend to early morning.

'Aside from the ability to bend elements... this world is kind of predictable,' Nik observed everything while exploring the city. Sure, the city built on mountains and giant eels were interesting even if deadly and there were individuals who commanded elements, Nik found himself more interested in the quality of life that was represented by an A.C. unit. But... it was the lack of stringent technical means that gave him a chance of increasing his AP so it was balanced off.

His increasingly waning interest in taking a dump in nature against his desire to increase his AP, that is.

"I don't think there's going to be a tree just growing within the city," Katara sighed.

"It can be anything erect," Suki spoke up, "A pole, works, too. Wooden boards nailed in, too."

'Or a dick, kicking was a major kink there, too,' Nik shivered for a moment.

Their search came to a startling end when they ran into a small entourage of the fire nation.

A surprise, certainly, but they gave way still.

The entourage consisted of a sedan chair held up by four men with red masks over their faces and two fire nation guards flanked the chair front and back. Giving the trio a glare for reasons yet beyond their comprehension, they moved when a calm voice interrupted from the curtained sedan chair.


The entourage came to a stop.

Glancing at each other, the trio stayed put. It didn't take a genius to understand that whoever was inside the vehicle stopped the silent and private procession for them. After all, this early in the day, only the trio and the entourage seemed to be moving with a clear purpose aside from going to the sewerage point and freshening up.

The curtains of the side facing the trio were slightly slid open, revealing a dark-haired young man with his hair pulled up and tied using a red formal band. The phoenix insignia was striking as his yellowish pupils observed them.

Smiling gently, he spoke up but from the looks of it, there was another individual within the sedan chair that had their body leaned back completely.

"You must be immigrants, right?" The man inquired.

Nik kept his quiet. He learned it early on that men, most of them, didn't find him pleasing. Exceptions to this clause might consist of kind Genta, or Sokka, who only began to accept Nik after numerous 'I don't trust outsiders!'

Following Suki's bow, they let her speak, "Yes, lord. Our family has just arrived in the city."

"Hmm, the life of immigrants is quite hard around here. You. Yes, you. You're the man of the household, right?" The youth looked at Nik, gesturing him to step out.

"What's your name?" The man inquired.

"Nik, lord," he replied with a pleasant smile that only seemed to irk the youth before he coughed, "Ehm, right. Nik... an unusual name but immigrants-- Hmm, never mind. I don't like badmouthing immigrants. Under the regime of Phoenix King, all are equal in his eyes.

I'm sure you would have a hard time settling. But it is your lucky day. Under the mayor's declaration, the palace is accepting more servants. You three may join us behind. We will find adequate jobs for the three of you."

"It would be an honor, lord," Nik gave another bow.

Giving a satisfied nod, he closed the curtains but not before glancing at Suki and Katara once again.

Once the trio began following the entourage, Katara couldn't help but remark softly, "That old man's ranting would have been better."

"Yeah?" Nik glanced at her, "From the looks that guy gave you, he seems to have something better in mind."

"Oh, my god. You're filthy," Suki rolled her eyes and Katara glanced at Nik coldly, "I don't like this type of a joke."

"It wasn't a joke but more like a warning," Nik gave the two a sidelong glance. It takes one to be an expert to hide their intentions and the youth inside the sedan chair wasn't one.

"You mean..." Suki's expression turned hesitant.

"Come on, cheer up. It's not like he's actually doing anything at the moment. We can consider our choices inside the palace. Maybe I would get to make the entire palace disappear."

"You're pretty carefree about it. It's not like someone's aiming after you out of a sudden," Katara crossed her arms, dissatisfied by her husband's nature.

"It takes practice," Nik spoke seriously, "To not get spooked by mates."

"This conversation has long transcended the realm of normalcy, may Kyoshi watch over us," Suki closed her eyes before snapping them open, "What about our training?"

"Maybe there is a spot within the palace? And we can even get more information inside of it."

Suki nodded slowly.

Inside the sedan, a woman sat next to the youth.

Her forehead was covered by her dark bangs and two buns tied over her forehead.

Slowly opening her eyes, the woman looked at the youth beside her and spoke up, "Who were they?"

As if scared, the man instantly let out a weird squeak before he coughed and forced a smile, "Ah, honey. When did you wake up?"

As if not taking note of his words, and with a calm expression, the woman looked away and closed her eyes again. A sense of anxiousness appeared in the man's eyes but as he watched Mai simply unmoved, physically, he heaved a sigh of relief internally.

The entourage reached the earthen gates of the castle finally. Omashu's palace was similar to the other households in general presentation but bigger. Towers around the main structure of the palace tipped with conical green tiled roofs. But the carving of the phoenix king's emblem on its front gave a clear impression that despite the lack of external changes, this city firmly belonged to the Phoenix King.

Stopping in front of the gates, the curtain to the sedan chair finally slid open completely as the man within stepped out and waited while stretching his hand out. His back bent with a gentlemanly demeanor prominent on him right now.

The entire security of the palace was manned by individuals from the Fire Nation itself. All of them wore red plated armors that already made Nik feel a little suffocated as he recalled the terrible experience of wearing the outfit in such a dire condition.

Finally, after a few long minutes, a hand stretched out to fall onto the man's and a woman stepped out. The first impression the woman gave to those around her was as simple as— Stoic.

It was like she simply hated emotions.

Her light earthen-shaded pupils gazed around before settling on the trio that the youth had picked up for filling the ranks of employees.

"I hope you had a pleasant ride, honey. It is said that the dawn's break from Omashu's entrance is one of the best sights of the Earthen Kingdom."

"I know. I live here," the woman finally shifted her gaze from Nik. Her voice seemed naturally coarse. But it was charming, to say the least. At this moment, the woman glanced at Suki and Katara, "You two... come with me."

The youth's expression stiffened for a moment before he smiled, "Honey, you shouldn't burden yourself with such meager responsibilities."

"Officer Ken, please keep quiet," the woman stated and then turned around, "I need someone to clean Tom-Tom's room. These two should suffice."

'Tom-Tom?' The trio instantly blinked as they recalled the cheerful boy from before.

"Haha, well, if you think so," the man titled Officer and named Ken forced out a chuckle and then nodded. But before he could speak, the woman had already begun walking as the other guards gave a deep bow.

Glancing at Nik, Suki and Katara nodded and followed the woman into the palace. Meanwhile, Ken looked in Nik's direction and pursed his lips.

"Lead him to the mew Assistant Butler we hired. Have him find a suitable job for this fellow."

Saying this, Ken entered the palace with large strides.

"Huff... what a guy, right? If only we thought of studying to be an official instead of being a firebender," one of the men finally clicked their tongues and looked at Nik, "And where are you from?"

"The southern islands, sir," Nik replied, making things up without giving a clear answer.

"Hmm, come on. Don't worry. We all are from the Fire Nation but our families stay in the colonies so we understand what you immigrants must be going through," one of the men beckoned Nik and began walking into the palace.

After the initial words of consolation, the man stayed quiet entirely and he led Nik towards one of the larger rooms. But... Nik's expression turned strange.

Stationed on the door was a dark-skinned youth with his hair pulled into a wolf-tail and he wore beige robes that signified his servitude to the ruling family of the palace.

"New guy, meet a new guy."

The man laughed at his own joke but Nik's and Sokka's expressions were wonderful to see.

"Get this fellow a job. Probably a cleaning one. Young Lord Ken brought him here... er, who were the women with you?" He looked at Nik.

"Wife and sister, sir."

"Yes, them. Have their entries lodged with the butler here."

With that, the guard left and it was only after he was out of the earshot did Sokka whisper, "What are you doing here? And wife and sister? Are Katara and Suki, here, too?"

"We were stopped midway in the city and this Young Lord offered us jobs. We took it... although, he seems a little sleazy."

"A little?" Sokka growled, "The dude's a maniac! I heard more things about him than the children brought here and none of it were good."

"And the lady?" Nik questioned.

"What lady?"

"I don't know? Some emotionless freak with him. Probably his wife," Nik traced his chin.

"Ah, you mean the mayor's daughter. Not wife. Only engaged... although, I haven't heard much about her. Anyway, you three to get out now. If Ken wants you here, I doubt it's out of kind intentions."

"They aren't with me. The Mayor's Daughter took them away saying that she needs someone to clean Tom-Tom's room... anyway, where is Aang?"

"In Tom-Tom's room..." Sokka mumbled and then he frowned.

"Since you're here... what did you say about yourself and Aang?"

"He's my nephew and I'm from the Southern Tribe. What else?" Sokka replied and then patted Nik's shoulder, "Take Katara and Suki. Then get out of this place."

"Have you seen Suki? She could take anyone on without any problem. Except... maybe the Unagi."

Sokka frowned, a little unconvinced. Seeing this, Nik thought of something and spoke up, "How about you give me a job close to them? You could also give me a job close to some source of information. The quicker we find what we need, the quicker we leave, right?"

Nik suggestion made Sokka mumble something underneath his breath before he nodded, "Alright. Tom-Tom's room is close to the dining area. I can get you the task of serving at the table. Be mindful of what you speak in front of others and don't let anything happen to Katara."

"What about Suki?"

"You said it yourself, she can take care of anyone. It's Katara that worries me... she doesn't like Firebenders that much. Me either. But as you can see, I'm the very picture of calm."

"Yeah... right," Nik nodded with a dubious expression and cleared his throat, "Tell me the directions and I suppose there's something to be learned from the dinner table?"

Sokka nodded.

"Using Aang, I got a job as the Assistant Butler and got Aang the task of one of the many kids under the care of the foundation of the Phoenix King... it's the same stuff that has been providing for other children of the village. All of them are here, Nik. But they live in the basement and their routine and movement don't coincide with the main palace.

Aang will stay with them and I pray that he doesn't expose himself. I will stay by the butler's side and try to get into the office of the mayor to find anything noteworthy. A few waitresses spoke amongst themselves that the mayor's family talk about many things over the dining table so that's your job and try to get in contact with Katara and Suki. Tell them to be careful of Ken... I don't trust that punk."

"You said the same thing about me," Nik pointed out.

"If Ken jumps in front of a giant eel and gets himself protected by a previous Avatar... yeah, I would trust him, too. Sadly, he's only tried to stick it into the immigrants."

Sokka groaned.

"Now go. There, straight and then left. The third right is the entrance to the kitchen. Give them this coin and tell them you got the job of waiting in the dining room for 10 copper a day. I will register you guys myself," Sokka fished out a silver coin from under his robe and passed it to Nik.

"Alright. Thanks," Nik nodded and turned around.

"Oh, is there someplace with poles or stuff like that?" Nik inquired.

"Basement has a training room. I don't know why since no one uses it," Sokka rolled his eyes and waved his hands, "Now, go."

Nik walked away. Throughout the journey into the large palace, Nik was stopped once, and only when he fished out the silver coin did the guard's doubt dissipate. Finally, Nik entered the kitchen... and again, he realized how unsophisticated this world was. But in every other aspect, it was quite grand. There were many men and women in the kitchen. All of them wore red, smudged tunics as they had a set-up of large pots and utensils with chopped wood being fed into the fire.

Nik's appointment was a quick one and he was granted a set of honorable smudged tunic himself. However, he was made to wear a more formal robe on top of him only during waiting on the Mayor and his family.

He wasn't the only waiter and aside from him, there were only women who acted as a waiter.

Beautiful women.

So men stayed clear of Nik... after all, they understood the underlying meaning of having beautiful waitresses, and if someone appointed Nik as a waiter...

They only cast slightly pitying glances in Nik's direction and he was led by one of the cooks who took a break to familiarize with the servant's quarters farther off in the corner of the palace.

Finally, he was called upon and it was official, Nik skipped a day of training as he wore his uniform and walked behind the other girls and brought along a large tray in his hands, too.

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