Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 42: The Twilight Dungeon (1)

"You're being unfair, father-in-law!" Kai gasped, his cheeks flushed as his voice echoed in the dead of the night from Ukano's office.

"Heh! Not enough. You need to get pumped more if you're going to be a man!" Ukano's voice echoed through the metal doors, testifying to how loud they must be conversing in the first place.

Within the mayor's office, only the grey-haired Ukano and the relatively youthful Kai could be seen sitting across the round desk set in the corner of the office with a small relic of the fire nation in the center and a thick glass bottle filled with viscous amber-like liquid with its mouth uncorked that let out a pungent scent. Within the bottle, distorted by the carving of the glass bottle, could be seen some form of strange... thing set in the bottom of the bottle. A very slight amount was quickly poured by Ukano into Kai's empty porcelain cup as Kai couldn't help but exhale a fiery breath.

"This is a special 30-year-old Dotted Snake Wine gifted to me by the Phoenix King himself for my service during the war!" Ukano carefully poured himself some of the wine, too. His gaze was extremely bright.

"Isn't it a waste to drink so much of it?" Kai couldn't help but cry reluctantly as Ukano's expression turned solemn unknowingly.

"Nonsense! Kai, you are a brilliant young man who passed the Official exams set by Avatar Szeto himself! Although you lost your family in the war, I consider you my own," Ukano stated deeply as he suddenly snapped his fingers. However, this act seemed to have been unregistered by Kai.

{A/n: More info on Avatar Szeto below at the end.}

"I'm extremely thankful," Kai drank the wine in a gulp, his vision turning blurry from the wine or tears, it was hard to tell.

"But... I really can't continue to pursue Mai, father-in-law... isn't it better to let Mai find someone else she likes? She cannot even eat in the same room as me and I have to sniff around some immigrants just to relax..." he groaned. Although he was happy to be considered as the successor of the mayor of Omashu because of its importance in the trade of the Earthen Kingdom, Kai also happened to know his value. There was a reason why even Ukano wanted him and that is because of his entrepreneurial skills.

Ukano was simply the one who offered the best conditions: going as far as to make Kai his son-in-law. But after being engaged for over a year, Kai could do nothing and Mai was extremely strong, in will and body. The general practices and rights allowed Kai to do as he wished and yet, he couldn't even sleep in the same room as her.

Kai was seemingly at the end of his patience, too, and wanted to move on.


Ukano snapped his fingers quite openly. The sound was crisp and attention inducing yet it went unnoticed again.

"Don't be like that," Ukano smiled, "Mai is just shy. I'm sure that with a little more persistence she will come around."

Kai revealed a hesitant expression and Ukano snapped his fingers again.

"Not to mention the fact... you are enjoying yourself, aren't you? That's what truly matters. You are young, you need to be bolder. You and Mai are destined to marry so you can have your ease of mind and find some maids for yourself. See?"

Ukano snapped his fingers and with a loud sound, the large wooden shelf began to move sideways. The floor trembled momentarily and from the secret entrance walked out the waitresses Nik was familiarized with in the morning. Instead of somber and dark robes filtered by grey stripes over crimson, currently, the women wore gauze-like robes that tastefully exposed them. However, their eyes held no charm and attractiveness as they had tried to pursue Nik due to their similar status only to back off after knowing that Nik was 'married.'

Their pupils were dull, and their expression was in a daze.

"Let them take care of you," Ukano smiled and snapped his fingers for the final time. Kai's expression faltered. A dull streak covered his eyes and he gently set the cup on the table.

"Yes, Father-in-law."

Kai's voice was soft but his tone was somewhat mechanical.

"And don't give up on Mai yet. She just needs to accept your place in our family. Give her some time," Ukano's expression was cold but his voice was still gentle and caring.

"Yes, father-in-law."

As Kai walked towards the secret entrance, Ukano looked slightly thoughtful and smiled, "You can stay here."

He pointed at one of the waitresses.

"I'm sure Michi must already be sleeping... and after finding out... sigh, it's just not acceptable... not acceptable," Ukano sighed and shook his head in remorse while the waitress began to take his robes off.


"You must not continue--" Michi's voice was trailed with a longing and enticing gasp as she felt Nik's skilled hands running up through her waist and onto her stomach. Although he didn't disrobe her, feeling his slightly colder fingers against her warm abdomen peeking through the light night robes, Michi's face flushed. Her mind was occupied with equal portions of lust, guilt, and fear.

"Alright, I won't," Nik nodded but his hands didn't seem to agree with his words. Neither his playful breath against the back of Michi's ear, making her shiver.

"Think of your wife..." Michi's voice faltered and strangely, Nik's actions grew bolder. And it only delighted Michi strangely as Nik whispered, "Alright. I thought of her. What next, Ma'am?"

His coo was slightly coarse and gruff. Although his tone was subservient, his actions were anything but that and it truly made her wonder since Nik's act as a servant was impeccable. Although Katara and Suki would need some time to grow used to it and it was likely that they might leave even before they got used to the act but Nik had no such problems. He could fit into multiple roles.

His underlying inquiry as to the next thing he should play with made Michi shiver. Once again, the woman felt her lips dry up, a location she tried to moisten deliberately while making sure to keep her head lowered.

"I... I..." Michi could never speak out her thoughts boldly. It wasn't in her heritage and it was specifically not taught to her either. Yet, her body subconsciously leaned against Nik's and she called out, "This... cannot happen... more than once." She mustered her courage and bit her lower lip.

"Michi," Nik lowered his head and hugged the woman. His raging erection now completely pushed against the woman's buns as he inquired again, "What next?"

"I cannot speak these things..." Michi's voice grew as soft as an insect's buzz and she felt the guilt rise in her once again.

Michi was against the window. Although she couldn't look back, she imagined Nik sporting a short smirk, enjoying himself by eliciting more reactions from her.

"It's easily past midnight," Nik added and Michi's heart grew depressed. Her relationship with Ukano had grown worse than she wanted to admit. Especially these last couple of months. Ukano hardly came back and when he did, the sheer lack of initiative made Michi falter. Female scions are often taught to maintain a graceful appearance that lacked initiative and Michi was somewhat relieved that her daughter's elective in the Royal Academy wasn't something as simple and 'elegant' as painting that Michi had opted for during her youth.

Not minding the lack of initiative despite trying to hand the reigns to the 'mistress so that she could wield her 'full' authority, Nik decided to take the position of command himself. After all, the partners could either take initiation simultaneously often seen with couples who have lasted a long time in their relationship or any one of them could rise to the occasion. Of course, whether their partner would like what they have in mind is a different thing altogether and often based on experience.

Holding Michi tighter, making sure that she knows how 'big' of a problem she invited, Nik continued, "I should you tuck you in, right?" His question was added with his hands trailing up her warm neck before getting a hold of the woman's chin as he tilted her head. Her eyes barely met his gaze. A look of confusion clear in her eyes as she gulped and finally whispered, "Tuck in... I thought that we... is it because of my husband? If so... he probably won't come."

Comprehension dawned on Nik as he realized that Michi took his words literally.

'That's... kinda cute. Are you sure that you're the mature adult and your daughter is the young one?' he thought internally. After all, with how Mai presented herself, Nik felt that she wasn't the kind to be easily persuaded. But then again, why would he care? He was helping the lonely mother sleep through the night happily, not the daughter.

"So, you did want it?" Nik played off the misunderstanding with a grin as he turned Michi around. The moment she turned, her face was grazed by the lingering warmth that was collected in the space between the two bodies, and seeing Nik easily tower over her by a head, his neck captivated her gaze.

She glanced up, seeing a sincere expression instead of a smirk that she had imagined. His gaze was scorching for her body and yet he held her tenderly.

"I... did," Michi admitted as she found Nik waiting for a reply.

'Right, the first and final step... consent, achieved.' Well, there was all that was needed during the acts when you aren't hired fully knowing what the client expects.

Nik smiled gently, his appearance making Michi's chest tighten. Hurriedly dodging his ensnaring gaze, she looked down only to find the great bone pitching a tent in his robes and her face heated up. Not knowing where to look, Michi turned her attention to the floor.

"Do tell me if it's uncomfortable," Nik once again tilted Michi's face up and leaned down. Her eyes widened slightly and her hands suddenly on Nik's chest in the final formality of protest with barely any strength in them. If nothing else, her fingers were slowly clenching his robes.

As their lips met, Nik couldn't help but bring one of his hands onto Michi's hips. His erection now pressed against her stomach, Michi felt the sheer heat hiding under Nik's robes.

Their lips remained locked for a few moments but Nik didn't just go all forceful on her lips. He would have the time to do so later and Michi didn't seem like Mitsuko who was eager to get ravaged. But his speculations can only be confirmed on the true stage of the act. Who knows, the obediently and shyly smiling Michi might even be wilder than Mitsuko. After all, this world was hardly a peaceful one.

"So?" Nik inquired, a teasing grin over his lips as Michi cleared her throat slightly, just to speak.

"G-good..." Her clutches on his robes remained. A hint of possessiveness was clear through her actions as Nik smiled brightly and pulled her close to the bed. Helping her sit on the edge, Nik climbed the bed from behind and sat on his knees. Once again seeing Nik sneakily use her back against her, a hint of dismay flashed through Michi's eyes and she stuttered.

"What... s-should we do now?" It was clearly different. With Ukano, the candles and lamps are usually blown off and they simply climb lay under the blanket. Michi was already used to servicing her husband to some extent but even she had her own limits.

"Please, let me do the work," Nik smiled behind her. His hands firmly grasped her shoulders. Instead of slipping the veil over her body, Nik pressed his thumb on her back and continued, "If it isn't inappropriate, will you tell me about the things you used to do before your marriage?"

Michi exhaled hotly as she felt Nik's hands a little too tough but once he pressed the spots on her backs, she only felt a new wave of relaxation. It was an endearing change of pace for once, something Michi innately feared getting addicted to: dreading the day Ukano finds out about her affair. They still hadn't done 'incriminating' but just staying in a room with another man this late in the night was taboo.

"I... used to like playing with my friends. We did simple and silly things..." Michi began with a reminiscing look. Unknowingly, Nik's hands had reached for her arms and as she talked, he began to massage her waist. Soon, Michi came to be with a shocked gasp as her body trembled at Nik's pinch. The act seemed to be done on purpose as she found her breasts completely caught up in Nik's firm squeeze. His thumb and the curl of index inappropriately pinched her longing nubbins through the thin robes.

With flushed cheeks and a rare look of disapproval, Michi looked back and stated with an indignant tone, "How naughty of you!"

It was more of a gasp as Nik playfully rubbed her nipples during her rebuke.

Her face only grew more dazzling under her flush as Nik finally pushed her down on the bed.


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