Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 45: Crime




Mai's expression was that of indifference, however, as she stepped into the dining room, a pleasantly surprised voice sought her attention, "Oh? You're rarely this happy, Mai. Did something good happen?"

Mai looked towards her mother. Michi sat next to Tom-Tom as her younger brother already had his cheeks filled with rice. But seeing the rather... invigorating look on Michi's face, Mai couldn't help but feel confused.

'I'm happy because I wasn't forced to wake up early and made to see some sunrise... why are you so happy?' Yet she wasn't bothered enough to voice her doubts. Her mother was happy, and Mai herself was happy enough to leave it at that.

Well, she could guess some of it. If she's happy that there isn't a Kai to bother her in the morning then her mother will only be this happy because her morning had begun without getting bothered either. Glancing at the main seat and the one next to it, opposite of Michi's seat still empty, Mai's mood rose a bit further. On a scale of 1-10, she felt this morning was a perfect 3.

"Ma'am, would you like some fruit juice?"

Nik leaned forward while holding a silver jug in his hand. Mai could see her mother's new maid— Katara and Suki— standing behind dutifully. As Mai sat, Michi smiled even when she didn't get a reply and nodded at Nik. The look on her face was subtle but it made Mai feel a little strange.

'Must be my imagination... well, they aren't here. I can eat a bit right here,' Mai exhaled softly.

"Do I need to raise my voice to get some food?" Mai shot one of the three maids a glance and they quivered instantly. Katara and Suki gazed at one of them with an odd expression. After all, just last night, they saw her walk out with Kai. Still, she looked more expressive now than during the night.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Tom-Tom gasped before coughing loudly. Michi hurriedly patted his back with an exasperated expression.

"I have to go early today! They said we can finally test for our combat practices! So? Which one should I opt?" He glanced at Mai with a fervent expression, making her roll her eyes while a waitress served her food.

"Why are you bothering me with that?" She mumbled before starting her breakfast.

"So unfair..." Tom-Tom grumbled in return.

"Come now, do you need to opt for such dangerous sports?" Michi voiced her concerns, "When I was your age, I knew many men who opted for painting. They all are now accomplished officials."

"Smelly officials like Kai!" Tom-Tom huffed. Without Ukano as a deterrent, he was unhinged.

"That's right," Mai unexpectedly agreed.

Once Tom-Tom left, the dining room descended into the simple noise of cutlery being used, and Nik couldn't help but look at Katara and Suki.

Memories of last night flooded in.

After the act, of course, Michi had to hide the sheets. Since there wasn't any problem until now, Nik wondered what she did. After all, he wouldn't go out of his way to reveal the devouring ability for a simple act of changing sheets and it would have caused Michi to feel suspicious, something Nik wanted to avoid after the act itself.

"Mai, dud you know that your father and Kai left the palace in the morning with a small searching party?" Michi smiled. Her words caught Nik's, Katara's, and Suki's attention.

"Oh..." Mai shrugged.

Once again failing to properly hold a conversation with her daughter, Michi couldn't help but feel disheartened. She glanced in Nik's direction. But as if remembering something, she hurriedly looked away.

'What am I thinking? He's... married. And I'm the one who said that it will be a one-time deal... although... I wouldn't be able to push him away if he...' Michi's ears began to feel warm once again. Quickly shaking herself out of these base thoughts, Michi's mind wandered to the 'Twilight Dungeon.'

Something had happened in the past and not too long ago, either. What Nik said was truly effective. By experiencing greater stimulation, Michi had recovered quite a bit of her memory. Not to the finest details, but she did recall that the problem arose after she objected to something related to the orphans and from then on... Ukano began to avoid her.

'Orphans... Orphans... there's something strange. I didn't call them orphans before. No... they're children... somebody's—'

"Ugh," Michi's pained grunt instantly made Mai stop in her tracks. Seeing her mother clutch her head with the look of anguish, Mai's stomach felt a bit churned and she inquired quickly.

"Moth- mom, are you alright?" Mai stood up.

Walking to her mother's side as Nik hurriedly pulled a chair for her, Mai sat down in Tom-Tom's seat and felt a bit anxious.

"I- I'm fine, Mai," Michi forced a smile, "Katara, Suki... please help me back to my room."

'There goes... my good mood,' Mai sighed internally.

Once Michi left and Mai was done with her breakfast, the rest of the morning was the same as yesterday for Nik. After collecting dishes, they also began serving other guards during their break time. Only after all the task for the morning was completed and there was a bit of time left before the preparations of lunch signifying Nik's break, he fell into deep thought.

'Katara and Suki are busy... the butlers have their own tasks and don't even get any breaks so Sokka isn't off the hook either. This leaves me and Aang... he must be in the school, too.

If any of them had to make sense of the situation, would they try and find the catacombs acting as the prison for the recently released earthbenders or make use of the fact that Ukano isn't present and infiltrate his office?'

Nik lied on the grass. The garden of the palace wasn't even noteworthy due to the terrain so aside from the gardeners, it wasn't visited by many. The corners of the garden, thus, became a popular resting spot for the servants in the palace.

'Ukano said that some Admiral should be arriving today using a ship as a means of travel... and the guards on the rig also mentioned additional prisoners which should arrive today... I hope the villagers aren't found. It wasn't too easy to break them out,' Nik sighed deeply. It would be a lie if he said that he wasn't interested in the hypnosis technique.

After all... it might just help him in his homeworld. Despite the chances of it being low, Nik wanted to try it. Maybe he will have the fortune of being pleasantly surprised.

'To search for the catacombs... likely to be riddled with guards and whatnot if it really is the location where the hypnosis takes place isn't up my alley given that I can be taken out by any moderately skilled fighter. But I can roam the palace and try to sneak into the office.

The risk is lower compared to finding the dungeons... speaking of dungeons, Michi named it the 'Twilight Dungeon.' But why? I could try and ask her instead but all it would take is one rumor to have my life hang on a thin rope... the fact is that the supposed rumor might just be the truth.'

Nik fell into a dilemma.

As he sat up, he found the garden void of any servant or guards. Given that the garden wasn't on the perimeters, guards weren't needed that much either and the work of gardeners wasn't too taxing due to the smaller size of their duty.

'The Chief Butler is said to have left with Ukano and Kai... the chances of the head bodyguard... that dangerous firebender leaving is high, too. Any wise ruler would leave a major chunk of security detail with his family and that might be true ordinarily but Ukano placed his wife into mental suggestion so he doesn't seem too wise... or trusting. So... there is also a possibility that I might not find anything in the office.'

Nik carefully considered the three choices.

Searching for the catacombs might provide results the quickest but the level of strength needed to repel risks was out of Nik's reach.

Searching the office had comparatively lower risk but the chances of this option being a dud were considerable enough, too.

Then came trying to fork out information from Michi. Of course, Nik, who ordinarily didn't even consider the concept of honor... felt that it would be a dishonorable act to take advantage of a woman given his previous line of profession. He did use to fork out sensitive information at times, but he would rather never mix these acts. He wasn't making any money. He wanted the pleasure to remain pleasure and nothing more.

Not to mention, if he really isn't left with any options, he can explain things to Michi at any point during nightfall.

But the chance of scouring Ukano's office might not come again.


It's not like he actually needed to stay inside and risk getting caught given the fact that he can even carry away the giant palace itself.

Nik's gaze brightened and he stepped out of the garden with a simple objective.


"Oh, truly magnificent. The Phoenix King's insight is worthy of our reverence," A middle-aged man with greying hair and beard sporting a stern expression gazed at the dazed look on Kai's face. They were currently inside a carriage pulled by Komodo Rhino.

In front of the man sat Ukano and Kai.

"Yes, yes, Admiral," Ukano nodded with a pleased smile.

"Who would have known that the Dai Li held such knowledge. But... I fear that the citizens are turning more aggressive in questioning the orphans. We silently take away a few troublemakers every night but the population of Omashu is breathtaking and our staff is nothing compared to it."

Zhao nodded but his expression was strange.

"Mayor Ukano, I would like to ask your assistance in the sudden disappearance of the villagers around..." Even now, Admiral Zhao didn't let on the information of the Prison Rig. It was clear that Ukano himself wasn't privy to a lot of things.

"Of course, but I find it the most pleasing," Ukano smiled, "Who knew that the villagers would truly disappear. Even now, I feel like I accidentally used the Twilight Dungeon to make myself believe that they existed in the first place."

Zhao kept a plain expression. He was barely amused by these concepts and instead felt the situation of the disappearance of the Prison Rig and then the disappearance of the villagers biting on him.

'Well... aside from the events revolving around the prison rig, it is clear that our men are being kept prisoners by the Earthbenders... but, who could have broken them out? Where are they? Given that the situation revolves around earthbending, the search party will definitely find tracks... the most obvious location is makeshift bunks underground.'

Zhao's thoughts tried to pry apart the fog of confusion to find the truth. But they didn't have enough evidence. Just the cost of supporting the additional prisoners on the battleship is bound to make them pay quite a bit. But that was of no concern. There was a giant provider such as Omashu in such a close proximity.

"Anyway, I need to know who else within your territory has gone through these disciplinary routines and how many times," Zhao added.

"Of course, of course. Aside from a few maids and my son-in-law who goes through these techniques annually, there are a few who are disciplined only once.

Following the Phoenix King's regime, I have remained impartial. The truth is, my wife chanced upon the orders of the king and her memories have been tampered with. The complete list and the related information is well-guarded by the earthen dogs," Ukano chuckled.

"The Dai Li..." Zhao muttered softly. The thought of these men made Zhao uncomfortable. Secretive and efficient. Be it their bending abilities or their ruthlessness... everything was praised by the one true king and this had created a great rivalry between the Dai Li and the war detail of the Fire Nation.

However, their moods collapsed once the entourage reached the peak of Omashu, inside the palace.

"What?" Kai gaped. His expression now normal.

"The contents of the Mayor's office have disappeared?" Zhao raised his brow at the news and then he looked at the firebender completely in red armor. He was different from other soldiers who were in the ensemble of black and red.

This was none other than the head guard of the palace.

At this moment, Ukano's face had paled.

The three men, under the protection of their guards, reached the office in the palace.



From the thick metal doors to the interiors...

Everything was gone!

"Oh, lords!" Ukano cried out in fright as he gazed at the smaller portion of the wall now emptied out.

His treasury!

"What happened here?" Ukano looked back. His piercing gaze landed on Mai and Michi.

"I don't know," Mai shrugged before turning around.

"Mai, could you not act so childishly with important guests around?" Kai sighed and grumbled.

Mai stopped for a moment and then turned to look at Zhao. The sheer look of bother seemed to have made the man's lips twitch as Mai calmly turned around again and left.

"Honey, I had a—"

"Sigh, whatever. My apologies, Admiral Zhao. Let Kai show you around while I get to the bottom of this. Michi, go back. This doesn't concern you." Ukano patted his forehead when he heard Zhao speak up.

"Actually, I would like to be part of the investigation team."

Although his tone was humble, Ukano's position was certainly lower than the Admiral despite owning a kingdom.

Seeing that she was pushed away... although, for right reasons since not a single sane individual would have amorous thoughts after his treasury being looted and his office disappear into thin air, Michi still felt a little bothered. After all, she had many things to ask this time. But there was fear, too.

She remembered confronting Ukano about the children.

'If I... question him again... will he send me to that location again?' Michi's expression grew worse as she returned to her room, not bothering to stop by the lunch. But as if recalling something, her steps changed direction and she entered the dining room alone. It was already the time for lunch and...

"Ah, here, please, have a seat."

The three waitresses gave a depressed sigh. Everyone had their specific members to deal with and Nik's easygoing nature was fully monopolized by Michi. Seeing him welcome her with such a bright smile, Michi's mood couldn't help but improve.

"It looks like Ukano and others won't have the time to accompany me to lunch. Juhi, go and check up with Mai if she wants to eat. The rest can just take this moment as a break... we have an important guest with us today and the tragedy has stricken the palace. Get your minds straightened out."

Michi was quick to send others off.

While she spoke, Nik continued to place food on her plate and by the time others left, Michi glanced at the spread of delicious food.

"Um... Ma'am, after this, can I get a short break, too?" Nik voiced out with a concerned expression as Michi's lips twitched.

"A break... what interesting things would you do during this free period?" Michi sighed, a little crestfallen by the addition of such formalities. After last night's events, she didn't even have a chance to get a proper closure.

'And he was so kind and comforting when I cried... should I just...' Being alone with Nik, now she realized, was dangerous in more ways than one.

The real criminal of the day's incident smiled as he poured in a cup of juice... it was actually alcohol. He got a chance to sneak in a taste yesterday— waiter's privileges.

"What interesting things do I plan to do during my free time?" Nik mimicked the question, his gaze glimmering with a mischievous glint. He decided to take a shot.

"Well, if I'm not being too bold, Ma'am, I was planning on doing you."

Nik replied with a sincere expression.

Michi, meanwhile, ate a spoonful of food and then nodded with a blank expression, still lost in her dreams.

"I see... you're going to do me."

She then frowned, having trouble understanding for a moment.

'Do me? Wait, remember the entire statement. He is planning to do me... wait, I heard that right?"

Her lips parted in surprise.

"Nik," she looked back. She was surprised because of many reasons.

The fact that he would want to still continue their affair was shocking in itself since Katara, in her mind, was already quite the catch.

Not to mention the bold statement... and initiative.

"Yes, Ma'am?" Nik inquired curiously.

"I... think I misheard your words."

"Oh, I see. I do apologize for acting so eagerly. It is almost unbecoming."

Michi couldn't help but sigh softly. A look of indignance flashed through her gaze and a pout quite unlike her age marked her cheek.

"Would you be so kind to repeat yourself?"

"Ma'am, please, you can simply command me. I cannot burden requests of a woman of such high standing," Nik gave a short bow.

Biting her lower lip, as exasperated as she would be while facing Tom-Tom with the addition of the itch in her heart as she recalled last night's events, Michi gave a rough huff, almost a pant, "Then, Nik. Repeat what you said..."

"I said," lowering himself slightly as he pressed his hand against the table with his body leaning to the side, his face closed in against Michi's and he whispered, "Once you eat, I'm going to try and find us a secluded spot where I want to kiss you as I see fit and plunge that lusting hole just like last night while keeping you against a wall and strip you off of your dignity of being a noble. To have you filled to the brim with content. After all, my job is to fill you with delicacies~!"

Michi's expression turned blank while Nik pulled back. Stoically, Michi began to consume her meal with still the dazed look while Nik couldn't help but rub the bridge of his lips.

'Did I... overdo it? Then again, wouldn't be the first thing I overdid today.'

With that, he looked at his status screen.

[Name: Nik Faran

Age: 20 (80)

Code: GC—EHG—98034

Authority Rank: 0 (74.6667/100)

Paradise: Transmigration

Bloodline: Adonis' Ember (Common)]

The increase of almost five points was the result of Ukano's treasury that he chanced upon behind the large painting of some dark-haired man wearing a large golden crown.

'But... there is also a strange hidden path inside his office. However, forgetting my place and prying too many secrets... that's how you die early. Been there, done that. Not interested in dying too early again,' Nik shook his head internally and smiled to himself, 'And there is that thing... Katara would probably like that.'

Nik had kept a large portion of Ukano's office in his personal space but the remaining things were devoured without a doubt. And nobody could track the crime back to him, too. After all, where could one even hide so many things without being seen by at least one person?

'Yeeeeeeeeee—' Michi's thoughts, on the other hand, had stopped working.


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